Idea for Miz - Riley Feud


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think the Miz and Riley feud going on Raw is one of the better programs going on in the WWE right now, my thought is looking towards the future with the Miz. He could be alright by himself but I just think something is missing with him when he doesn't have that sidekick or apprentice with him. So onto my idea....

They have their match at Capital Punishment, Riley controls the match most of the time, late in the match the ref goes down. Luke from TE runs out with the briefcase and hits Riley with it much like he would do to anyone the Miz would face when he was with him. This causes the Miz to win, next night on Raw, Miz says he sees a younger version of himself in Luke and has signed him to a personal services contract so he can learn from the best. This will also give Luke a chance to go to FCW during the week and get better with is in ring ability and also be on Raw to capitalize the exposure he got from TE.

Down the road it could set up a tag match with Miz and Luke vs Riley and Big Andy and numerous other options, while also creating new stars with Luke and Andy.

So what do you guys think? Is this something you would want to see or if its not how would you improve upon it? Even if my idea sounded like crap fire away I don't mind hearing about it.
while this idea isnt horrible i gotta say i dont like it! first of all i think a-ry should go over miz on sunday to help him get credit on his own and as far as luke goes...making him the new alex reily for the miz just doesnt work for him in the long run IMO i think luke is good enough on his own he doesnt need to be the miz's bitch
Wouldnt that just be a complete rehash of Miz/Riley against Cena -____- Id rather have Riley and Miz stay where they are at at the moment, and if anything have Luke attack both of them in the match, and then during the WWE Championship match have him also attack Cena and Truth, to "make and impact". Personally I think thats a better option, but to have him join forces with the miz would just be dumb
while this idea isnt horrible i gotta say i dont like it! first of all i think a-ry should go over miz on sunday to help him get credit on his own and as far as luke goes...making him the new alex reily for the miz just doesnt work for him in the long run IMO i think luke is good enough on his own he doesnt need to be the miz's bitch

Couldn't agree more, Andy was useless i think the only reason he won is he looks remotely like Edge and is big.

Luke shoulda clearly won TE.

But i digress. No no more sidekicks, Miz should be on his own as should A-Ry
If they seriously want people to consider Miz a threat he needs to do things on his own, he can still cheat etc. but on his own, not another sidekick who gets no rub off of being a silent partner.

A-Ry was nothing more then the guy helping Miz win and lose, he was nothing til they split. Going back, he was the best choice to win for the NXT season he was in and what happened, nothing until now. He splits from Miz and he is getting over.
The problem with this concept is that the Miz shouldn't be putting over other young guys. He's young, hot, and talented. He should be in a top program on the brand. Putting over Riley is an exception to this, given their long time association. Involving the Tough Enough guys just is not right for Miz. In my opinion, this feud should go through Money in the Bank, with Miz scoring a sneaky win over Riley at Capitol Punishment followed by a Riley win at Money in the Bank (a singles match at MITB also neatly takes Miz out of the Raw MITB match). Miz should go on to feud with Mysterio, while Riley ought to chase the US Title from, presumably, Ziggler. Andy is already set up to be a flop and I'd rather just see Luke on NXT.
I love this feud but have to disagree. We need this feud to make Riley a star not other people and plus it will give Miz something to do while Super Cena has his little title reign.
This idea isn't nearly as bad as my first instinct screamed it was. This would work and even make sene. And it would bring back Luke, which I suppose many people expect to happen anyway.

Two things about this don't work for me, though, one minor, one major.
The minor thing is the Tough Enough winner Andy is reduced to a 10 second appearance on Raw (where he didn't even speak a word). If that's how the TE winner gets treated, but the runner up gets to hang on to the coattails of one of the company's top superstars and appear on PPVs and all that, doesn't that defeat the purpose of having Tough Enough winner? (On the other hand I agre, Luke should have won TE in the first place...)

The major problem I have with this idea is that I'm ready for te Miz to be without a sidekick. We've already seen that. And you know what? While the Miz still is a cowardly weasel, people have finally begun taking him seriously as a threat.
As Roddy Piper put it (I'm paraphrasing) on RAW: "You want me to go one on one with the guy who won Wrestlemania? Oh boy, I'm going to get my butt kicked." Just like it happened with Kurt Angle after his first championship run (during which he could only hang on to the belt through luck and cowardice), the Miz is slowly transforming into someone the fans perceive can beat most anyone, with or without help or dirty tactics.
So a new sidekick for the Miz would be a step sideways in his career. Let him evolve.
This idea would lead to a rehash of the Miz/ Riley alliance that just got broken with Luke playing the role of Riley. Having Riley as his protege and enforcer in a way was a phase in Miz' career and he is ready to move beyond that. Also he should not require much help beating Riley as Riley as Riley is just starting out on his career while Miz is a bonafide main eventer at this point.

I think that this feud should start off with Riley pining Miz with a roll-up after Miz kicks out of Riley's finisher. Miz and Riley could fight the next night in an MITB qualifer which ends in a double countout or even a double disqualification. Then they could end up having a gimmick match at MITB with Miz coming out on top after going through a hellacious beating.
Simple response to your idea... NO!

For one, Luke won't be coming back to WWE for a while. Sure, WWE will give him an FCW developmental contract but even then, he'll have a while to go. As for Andy, his best move is to start off on Smackdown. He's won Tough Enough and has picked up on his big guy image so in that light, he should go to Smackdown and work with someone like Khali or Kane so he can get used to being the big guy. And after that, he can move on to people like Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Henry, and maybe even Sin Cara... for a nice David vs. Goliath storyline.

And then there's the fact that Miz has been put with the dishonor of carrying people his entire career. From Morrison to Big Show from Daniel Bryan to Alex Riley, The Miz has always been in a union and this is finally Miz's chance to break out on his own. Give The Miz a chance to be a heel by himself for a while before sticking him with another rookie or more dead weight.
I think the Miz and Riley feud going on Raw is one of the better programs going on in the WWE right now, my thought is looking towards the future with the Miz. He could be alright by himself but I just think something is missing with him when he doesn't have that sidekick or apprentice with him. So onto my idea....

They have their match at Capital Punishment, Riley controls the match most of the time, late in the match the ref goes down. Luke from TE runs out with the briefcase and hits Riley with it much like he would do to anyone the Miz would face when he was with him. This causes the Miz to win, next night on Raw, Miz says he sees a younger version of himself in Luke and has signed him to a personal services contract so he can learn from the best. This will also give Luke a chance to go to FCW during the week and get better with is in ring ability and also be on Raw to capitalize the exposure he got from TE.

Down the road it could set up a tag match with Miz and Luke vs Riley and Big Andy and numerous other options, while also creating new stars with Luke and Andy.

So what do you guys think? Is this something you would want to see or if its not how would you improve upon it? Even if my idea sounded like crap fire away I don't mind hearing about it.

I like your creativity, I do, but there's a couple of things wrong with that.
1. A lot of people wants to see Alex Riley branch out from Miz and see what he can do as a face. He's still trying to get everthing together.
2. I don't think that people want to see Miz with another apprentice. I find it super annoying when people have lackeys. Well other than the Nexus, they were pretty cool.
3. I think that it's going to be a wasted effort because a lot of fans would get upset with Luke getting a contract anyway when he lost. I would find that unfair in my mind.

I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, it just might not go well with the fans.
Luke is nowhere NEAR ready to be on television, let alone as the Miz's next protege. Both Andy and Luke got a crash course on wrestling during Tough Enough and are not at a main event level by any means. It would make literally little to no sense for the WWE to pair him up with the Miz.
Unlike others I do think this is a horrible idea.

Miz needs to shine on his own and not be involved with anyone for the time being. He needs to show he can go on his own and does not always need someone there with him.

Miz is a great talent but I think some people are sour on him because he always had Riley in his corner and it was easy for him to take the easy way out. I have no doubt he'll try to take the easy way out but it would be different if he was by himself and would consist of the usual heel tactics.

There is no doubt that this would help Luke but in the long run it would hurt Miz a lot more. IF he joins with Luke this soon after breaking away from Riley then not only would it be rehashing a storyline that just ended Miz's credibility (especially with the people that don't really like him) would take a massive hit and he may even lose some fans.

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