(ICW) Insane Championship Wrestling

Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
ICW will continue but in a couple of weeks.The new show wil be up or I may just skip right to Victory.Have some stuff to do in the real world.Check out some other great Book This, ICW is inactive as of TODAY!

Insane Championship Wrestling

credit Digital Night

We are a Wrestling Federation that has made it big in the United Kingdom,Australia,New Zealand and Europe.But now we have moved to the United States.We have a great bunch of guys who are willing to leave their blood,heart,tears in the middle of the ring for the most fought after title in the Wrestling business today.It's the ICW World Championship,it has been held by many greats such as,Jeff Hardy(2001),Bastista(2000),Primo(2004) and many more.

Please Note:Champions will be change whenever a new one is crowd.

ICW Champion​

World Heavyweight Champion​
Randy Orton

European Champion​

Hardcore Champion​
The Miz

X-Division Champion​

ICW World Tag Team Champions​
Kane and CM Punk

Austins Roster(Monday Night Insanity)

CM Punk
Dr Stevie
Ted DiBiase
Cody Rhodes
Evan Bourne
Randy Orton
Triple H
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kevin Nash
Samoa Joe
Brock Lesnar
Shawn Michaels
Kurt Angle
Mr Anderson
Rey J.R
Drew Gallows
Matt Hardy

Heels in Red and Faces in Blue


Evolution;Randy Orton,Triple H and Batista
Priceless;Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes
Holy Saviour;CM Punk and Kane

Our weekly show is on the USA Network.
It is called Monday night Insanity.From 8-10

We have PPV's which are as followed:

Mad House(Jan)
Cover Up(Feb)
Total Domination(Main PPV)(May)
Title Time(June)
Chamber of Horror(August)
Souled Out(Dec)

GM'S="Stone Cold"Steve Austin and Paul Heyman
Anounce Team=Matt Striker,Jerry the King Lawler and Michael Cole
Ring Anouncer=Jim Ross
Owner of ICW=Vince McMachon​

It start's after Total Domination Ted has just won the World title and is getting ready to address the crowd at Insanity,(Here we go.)

Ted DiBiase/Debut of Chris Jercho

Pryo goes off at the being of the showTed DiBiase's music hit's and he come's down to the ring with the ICW World Championship around is waist with a huge smile on his face,getting massive heat from the crowd.He ask for the mic(while htis is happening a video package is shown of how he won the title last night.

Last night I beat 5 other guy's in a Battle Royal.Nobody could believe that I had a chance in hell of winning this title or even the match.But here I stand your World Champion,which make's me better than all of you put together.This title make's me the best in the world today and nobody can take that away from me.But on to bigger and better things,with Shane McMachon now in control he has told all of us in the back that 4 big name's would be returning to the ring,between now and the next PPV.The fact that Shane McMacho thinks he can tell me Ted DiBiase,The World Champion what to do is stupid.I'm the best in the world today.If anyone in the back thinks they can beat me,I'm putting out an open challenge,to anyone that has faced me before.

Chris Jericho's Music Hit's
Ted,See the difference between me and you is that you say your the best in the world I am.Don't speak,just listen now were going to out these mic's down and fight.Cause right now my heart is pounding and I have a rage that is about to expolded.[/COLOR]
Turn around and take a look at yourself,you are nothing.A nobody that has done nothing in this Federation.I'm going to give you one chance to get out of my ring and leave.
That's not what you should have said,cause now I'm gonna hurt you.

Chris Jericho take's down Ted and pound's his head and goes for the walls of Jericho,but Batista comes down and attacks Jericho and lay's him out with a Batista Bomb.Followed up by Dream Streets by Ted.Jericho is left in the middle of the ring as we go to commercial.


Punk and Tiffany
PunkTiffany we need to talk about me not having a match tonight.
TiffanyYou don't have a match cause you did a no show last week,when you were in the Main Event.That's why you weren't on the PPV on Sunday.
PunkListen these,losers in the crowd paid to see CM Punk,me.I'm the guy who made the Undertaker tap out at Vengence last year.If I'm healthy and ready to go,you damn well will put me on the card tonight.
TiffanyPunk get out of my office and get in a car,drive to the next town.Get a room at a motal,and stay there cause your suspened!
PunkSuspened,what the hell are you on about,you can't do that.I'm Cm Punk.

Punk is forced out of the building be Austin and Sericuty.

Main Event

Randy Orton vs Kurt Angle
Number 1 Contendership for the ICW World Title.

JRThis match is for one fall and the winner will be crownd the number one contender for the ICW Title,and will face Ted DiBiase at Title Time

Randy walks down to the ring.
Kurt makes his way to the ring with Lita

Thing's start slow with Orton getting the early advantage over Kurt.But a quick take down by Kurt get's Randy on the ground a Angle get's an arm bar on Orton,then he slam's he into the ring post.Angle now start's focusing on the arm.Orton counter's with a suplex,and then a cover.But Kurt kicks out at 2.Strong forearm shot's to the face by Orton to Angle, and Kurt fall's to the ground.Randy cover's but only a 2 count.Kurt fight's up and hit's a belly to belly suplex that hurt's Orton's arm as well.Angle pick's him up and kick's his gut, and start's to stomp him.Orton rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Where back and Orton has the advantage with Kurt on the top rope.He try's for the superplex but Angle counters and shove's him off the top rope with his head hitting the mat hard.Orton appears to be knocked out cold.Ref checks and Orton is non-responsive.Ref calls for help but Kurt grabs Randy's Ankle and applies the Ankle Lock.Orton taps.Ref ring the bell and Kurt wins.

Angles Music Hits

Match's for Title Time
Kurt Angle vs Ted DiBiase(c)ICW World Championship

Debut's Chris Jericho
Next week match's are:
Christian vs Mr Anderson
Batista vs Chris Jericho
Kurt Angle vs John Cena(If Cena wins he is added to the Title match at the next PPV)
Two weeks before Title Time

Pryo goes off for the beginning of the show and a video package is shown of last week and Angle becoming the number 1 contender.

Promo(Austin Starts a War)
Steve comes down to the ring with his music playing as he does.Austin gets on the mic and speaks to the crowd about tonight.

Last week Tiffany suspened one of the main guys in this Federation.Cm Punk will no longer be banded as he now works for me.

Tiffany makes her way to the ring.

Austin,I'm the Gm just as much as you.These superstars have to respect me and Punk didn't

Tiffany all I heard then was blah blah blah....SHUT UP.Listen Stone Cold is the man so I gonna tell ya how we going to do this.

Man all I see is a washed up wrestler who mad a couple of bad movie's.

Well aren't you a funny one.If you think Stone Cold should give miss sunshine a stunner give me a hell yeah!

Crowd: Hell Yeah

Austin nails a Stunner on Tiffany and leave's,a bunch of wrestlers come to check on Tiff.

Punks Music​

Punk climbs in the ring,and all the superstars have left cause his bodygaurd Kane is with him.He picks up Tiffany and puts her on his shoulders.Sets her up for the GTS and BAM.Hits it perfectly and walks away with Kane.

Match 1
Christain vs Mr Anderson


Back and this match as start,for the first couple of minutes Christen and Anderson are preforming lock up's and just warming up.Anderson hit a suplex which he then covers for but only gets a 2 count.He continues to pound on Captain C for well over 3 minutes.The crowd is chanting we want wrestling and Anderson is just ignoring them.Christian is able to counter a neckbreaker into a back suplex and he goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count.Christian climbs the top rope and is waiting to hit a dropkick.But from behind comes The Miz.He hits Christian with the ring bell and Anderson has the ref attention.Anderson picks up an knock-out Christian and hit the Mic Check.1,2,3 your winner isMR ANDERSON!!!

Winner By Pinfall
Mr Anderson​

Batista is wal to the ring for his match with Y2J and then he is attacked by Chris who has a steel pipe.He hits him with it over and over again until Austin's gaurds grab him and hold him down.Austin arrives and is pissed that one of his match's is now not going to happen.The Main Event is next.

Main Event

Kurt Angle vs John Cena
(If Cena wins he is added to the World title match at Title Time

Both men are in the ring and are ready,Cena starts with early offensive moves like suplexs and takedown's.But Angle get's the advantage not to long after.Kurt get's Cena in the corner and is hitting him with forearm shots to the skull and Cena is trying to fight but is not really doing anything to Kurt.Kurt hits a belly to belly suplex on Cena as we go to Commercial.


Were back and Kurt and Cena are on the outside of the ring with Cena slamming Kurts head in the steel steps.He then moves to the announce table and throws all the stuff on the ground.He puts Angle on it and lifts him up on his shoulders for an F-U,Kurt counters and nail a DDT which breaks the table.Ref is looking at Kurt thinking of DQ him.Kurt slides in the ring and is yelling at the rf not to do it.Cena crawls in and hits the throwback.He does a fishermans suplex and sets up for the five knuckle shuffle.And hits it perfectly,Cena is ready and looking for an F-U for the secong time and nails it.1,2 and Kurt just kicks out.He tries again,but still Kurt is fighting.Cena locks in the STF-U,and is pulling as hard as he can.Kurt is fighting but is not doing to well.Ref is checking on Kurt and lifts his hand for 1,does it for a second time and if it hits again Cena wins.

For the third time and,no Kurt is still in it.Kurt gets to the rope and Cena is ready for a F-U,but Angle counters to an Angle Slam.1,2, and Cena gut his shoulder up,He is looking for it but....

Hey Orton from behind hits an RKO,revenge for last week.Cena was down so the ref was checking him out.Cena covers 1,2,3.
Winner and now in the ICW World Championship Match at Title Time.....John Cena

Match's at Title Time:
ICW World Championship
Kurt Angle vs John Cena vs Ted DiBiase(c)

Winner will face ICW Champion at Chamber of Horror
Chris Jericho vs Batista

No Holds Bared
Christain vs The Miz

Matchs for next week:

"Stone Cold"Steve Austin vs a superstar of Tiffany's choice

Thankyou for watching!

Title Time in 6 days

No pryo tonight as J.R announces the first match which is for the tag team tiltes.

Tag Team Title Match
Both John Cena and Evan Bourne make their way to the ring.Each have the tag title on their shoulder.

The contenders are making their way to the ring,Raven and Dr Stevie.

This match is under way and everyone is in the ring and it is crazy.Stevie is hammering on Evan and Raven on Cena,big right hands to the face of Bourne and Cena is fighting back.Cena takes down Raven and is beating him down.Stevie comes in and grabs Cena while Bourne is on the ground.The double team is now happening and Raven and the Doctor hit a double suplex on John.Evan jumps off the top rope onto Raven and nails a spin kick on Stevie.Bourne goes for a cover, but Syevie kicks out at 2.He tries again this time on Raven but still only 2.Cena and Bourne have control and are beating on Raven and Stevie.Cena sets up for a F-U and nails it on Raven.1,2 but no,Raven kicks out and has rolled out of the ring.Stevie tries for a double clothesline but is countered by a spear from Cena.Cena goes for a five-knuckle-shuffle.And goes for the pin but Stevie kicks out.Bourne climbs the top rope and is looking for air bourne,but is pushed down to the floor by Raven.Raven has a huge smile on his face,but is knocked down to the floor by Cena.Stevie rolls him up,but can't get him all the way for about 10-15 seconds.We head to Commercail as Cena kicks out.


Bourne is still down and so is Raven.Doctors are checking on Evan as Raven makes his way into the ring.Cena runs at Stevie and Raven and hits a clothlesline on both of them.Cena is fired up and picks Raven for an F-U,but Stevie hits a low blow.Stevie picks Cena up and hits the Stevie-T on him.Raven is settting up for his new finisher called Angels Calling,he hits it with great force.As he goes for the cover,Bourne grabs Stevie and hits a right hand,he jumps onto Raven but it is to late.
Winner's and New Tag Team Champion's
"The Dark Angel" Raven and "Doctor" Andrew Stevie​

Austin is talking to Punk and Kane,who are discussing what has just hapened in the tag match.He is talking about an Austin Alliance.

Christian vs Mr Anderson II

The Rematch from last week is under way and both guys and going strong.Match has gone for about 2 minutes when The Miz comes out.

The Miz:
Captain Charisma,Christian.The never been a Main Eventer,the lazy ass punk who thinks that he can compete with The Miz.Well Christian this Sunday on PPV,we have a No Holds Bared ,match where me The Miz will leave you knocked out cold as I walk away with a win for the Austin Alliance.That's right The Miz is in the Austin Alliance,Christian this Sunday you will not walk out of the building the same as you walked in.This Sunday Christian........

Mr Anderson:
After 5 boring minutes of listen to Miz talk a whole lot of crap,I couldn't stand it any longer.Miz you talk about how you are going to win against Christain this Sunday,well kid I have beaten Christian.And unlike you I actually have talent cause I am Mr ANDERSON!!!!!!!!

Let my just say sorry for this bunch of total horse shit coming out of this guys mouth.Now for actually stuff that really matters,Miz this Sunday you will not beat me.Mike listen, This Sunday we are going to have a No Holds Bared match.......but it will be for my HARDCORE TITLE.

Christian Musice Hits

Austin is talking to CM Punk,Kane and the new tag team Champion's Raven and Stevie.Punk is saying did they do the right thing and let Miz into the Alliance.Austin says he made the right chioce and after Sunday Miz will be the Hardcore Champion and they will have nearly all the gold.

Enter Tiffany:
Tiffany comes in and tells Austian that he has a match that is up next and she has got one hell of a superstar for him to face.

Austin tells her that he is ready.

Main Event
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Triple H
Both guys are in the ring and Austian is scared shitless.Triple H has a massive grin and the fans are screaming.Both guys are not backing down but you can the fear in Austin's eyes,they lock up and Hunter has the advantage and has gone cazy with right hands.Austin rolls out of the ring and is trying to run to the back,but is stopped by Hunter.He throws him back into the ring and continues to drop elblow and right hands.He goes for a cover but only get 2.HHH is on fire but gets attacked by all the members of the Alliance.They all beat him down,and bust him open with a shot with a steel chair.Steve gets up and yells in the face of Hunter.Austin calls for the mic.

Austin:Hunter,tonight you chose your path.Tonight is your last stand.And that the bottom line cause.......

Austin,Stop.Now early tonight you revealed that you had an Alliance of wrestlers,well Austian meet my army.

Wrestlers run down into the ring and save Hunter before Austin could hurt him more.Tiffany enters the ring and,says:

Austin you want war then we going to go to WAR.Then my army and I will.The Legend Killer Randy Orton,The Game Triple H,Y2J Chris Jericho,Jeff Hardy,Christian.Oh yeah,Austin we got one more,John Cena.
Title Time Final Card:
ICW World Championship
Kurt Angle vs John Cena vs Ted DiBiase Jr(c)

No Holds Bared for the Hardcore Title
The Miz vs Christian(c)

Number 1 contendership for the ICW World Championship
Chris Jericho vs Batista

Austin Alliance vs Tiffany Army
Raven vs Triple H

(PPV will be up by Friday)
Breaking News:
As off next week, the ICW roster will be split and a draft will be held to pick who will be on Monday Night Insanity and who will be on Thursday Night Madness.The only superstar's that will not be drafted to a brand will be Cm Punk,Kane and all members of the Austin Alliance as he has made the decision to keep them on the same show.This will hapen for the Tiffany Army.

Don't forget that, Title Time will be posted up by Friday!!!
Title Time PPV

Huge amount of pryo for this PPV,and All Summer Long is played in the back ground.Matt Striker runs down the card for tonight.He can't wait for the Main Event.

No Holds Bared Match
Hardcore Title on the Line

Miz walks down to the ring and gets on the mic to address to crowd.

The Miz:
These people here tonight think that Christian, is the next be thing.Well he's not.I'm the next Hardcore Champion and a member of the Austoan Alliance.(crowd is chanting you suck)Christian is a washed up loser who will be put down by me The Miz.Cause I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME

Christian walks to the ring with a kendo stick.The match is on and Christian has the advantage and is hitting Miz with the stick in the back.Miz trys to roll out of the ring but is stopped by Christian.Christian drops the cane and beats on him with his fist.Miz pokes Christian in the eye,he now has the advantage.He hits a back suplex and trys a pin combination but only gets 1. Miz stands and kicks Christian in the gut multiple times.Miz looks under the ring and finds a table and a garbage can.He picks Christian up and places him on the table.Miz climbs the top rope and is setting up Christian for a splash.Christian moves before Miz jumps and a smile comes to the face of Mike.He looks up at the entrance and yells "3:16".At that moment.....

Austin's Music

Austin runs down to the ring with rope and they tie Christian to a table.Austin hits him in the face and spits on him to.He gets on the mic and and says....

Christian,Stone Cold is the real General Manager and you made a big mistake.Now you gonna pay with your title.Tiffany is in the back and will probably come out here and yell in that stupid little blonde haired vioce"Austin you can't do this".Well you little bitch I'm Steve Austin,so I can do whatever I want.Serciuty get out here and stop anyone coming to this ring.
(They stand at the top of the entrance way.)

Now Mike,get the ladder under the ring.

He does

Climb that son of a bitch.(Miz get to the top and Christian is tied down to the table.)Christian how about we light this baby on FIRE!!!!!!!!!Austin gets the lighter and is about to light it when....

Shane McMachon makes his way to ring side.

Shane McMachon:
Austin when you are in this company,I want you to get things down.So now I have o make an example out of you.

Shane gets to lighter and lights the the ring where the table is on,on fire.Christian can nearly feel the flames on his back.Shane gives Miz the Order to Jump.

Bamn,Christain goes into a table on fire.Miz is still on top of him and the ref counts to 3.

Winner and New Hardcore Champion
The Miz


Tiffany is talking to her army about what just happened.She says that now Shane is with Austin that they must fight even harder to win this War.She talks about Monday Night and how they are going to Thursdays to rage War on Austin.Orton says that he should be in th Main Event and help Cena in the Match.Cena say that they have missed on important bit of info in tonights match.Kurt Angle isn't in the Alliance or the Army.Tiffany says that she needs Y2J and Orton to go and see Kurt.

Alliance vs Army Match
"The Dark Angel" Raven vs "The Game" Triple H
Special Ref for this match is EDGE

Both guys are ready and Raven is holding his tag title he won on Monday.Hunter runs at him and is pound on him as hard as he can.Edge pulls him off and Hunter is pissed.Raven takes advantage and rolls him up for a 2 count.Hunter hits a clothesline on him and Raven is down.HHH looks at Edge and yells "Who are you with".Edge tells him to turn around,Raven hits him with a steel Chair.

(This is not a No DQ Match)

Raven is laughing,and is so happy that things are going to the plan.The crowd is booing very heavily to Edge with many You Suck Chants.He covers Hunter but only gets a 2 count.He gets a Sledge Hammer from under the ring and is screaming at Hunter and telling him to get up.Hunter raises and gets hit in the face and is now busted open by Raven.He covers and only gets 2.Raven is now getting angry that he has not won yet.Edge tell him to pick Hunter up.Edge sets up the Spear and nails it perfectly on Hunter.He is cheering for himself and hugging Raven.

They start talking and Raven gets a table from the ring and gets ready for a Death Drop.Raven gets Hunter on his shoulders and Edge walks to corner.But he then turns around and spears the hell out of Raven.Hunter gets up with blood rushing down his face and gets hit with a slegder Hammer to the face as Edge stands on top of him.Edge laughs and raises his arm in victory.He walks to the back and both men are left laying down on the mat.

Match end's in No Contest


Austin is going off at how Edge screwed them and he hopes that Edge dosen't end up on his Brand.

Batista walks in and says that tonight he will become the number one contender for the ICW Championship and go to Chamber of Horror and win.

Yeah well,thats if Ted loses.If he wins and you win,then you don't need to beat Ted cause the title will still be in the Alliance.

Batista looks pissed,his match is up next.

Number 1 Contender's Match for the ICW World Championship at Chamber of Horror.

Jericho makes his way to the ring with Tiffany.Batista is out next and is ready to go.

Both men start strong with Batista getting the advantage in the early going.Jericho fights back and hits a spin kick to the face.He goes for the cover, but only gets 2.Batista hits a big elblow to the face of Chris which knocks him down.Batista dosen't cover but picks him up and nails a suplex.Again he dosen't cover but just kicks Jericho in the face.He puts on a head-lock and starts to twist his neck back and forth.The ref is checking on Chris and his face is turning a light purple.Jericho counters with a jaw-breaker.He then runs but is knocked down be a big shoulder.Batista picks him up into a powerslam position walks around the ring and puts Jericho down on the ground.

Jericho looks confused as Batista climbs out of the ring, and walks to the back.The ref starts to count,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.........10.

Winner and number 1 contender for the ICW World Championship
"Y2J" Chris Jericho


Cena,tonight you face not one but 2 men who have had weeks to train and prepare for this match.But you have had just 6 days to get ready,what are your thoughts on this?

Todd, tonight I walk in as a underdog.Yeah me John Cena an under-dog.Todd I'm built for the Main Event.Kurt and Ted have better of had some type of super ass training.

Well Cena, Kurt has been waiting for this for since last year.How long have you wanted to be champion?

What type of stupid arse question is that?This is my life and I don't have time to talk to you.Bye.

Main Event-ICW World Championship Triple Threat Match
Kurt Angle vs John Cena vs Ted DiBiase(c)

This Match is for one fall, and will be for the Insane Championship Wrestling World Title.
Introducing first making his way to the ring from West Newbury, Massachusetts...he is the challenger John Cena.

And his opponent from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania he is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in Wrestling History.......Kurt Angle.

Now he is the ICW World Champion he is from West Palm Beach,Florida.His Father is a Hall of Famer,Ted DiBiase J.R.

All three men are in the ring,and here we go.Cena starts hammering on Ted and gets attacked by Kurt who locks in the Ankle lock.Ted breaks it up and starts to beat down on Kurt.He picks him up and hits a back suplex.Ted then puts Cena on the top turnbuckle,and trys to deliver a super-plex.He is cut off by Kurt who lifts him on his shoulder and Cena then hits a drop kick to the face of Angle.Cena goes for a cover but Ted kicks out at 2.Cena sets up for the five knuckle shuffle but is stopped by Kurt who hits a neck breaker.Kurt is looking around and climbs the top turn buckle.He turns and jumps preforming a moonsault onto Ted.Cover 1,2 and a cut out.Cena runs up to Kurt and hits te throwback.Cena sets Kurt up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle,he hits it prefectly on Kurt.Cena is setting Ted up for the F-U but Ted counters with a elbow to the face which bust Cena open.Kurt throws Cena out od the ring who gets checked on by the doctors.Kurt hits a spinebuster on Ted and covers but only gets 2.Cena is taken to the back and the crowd is booing at this.Ted gets up and delivers a low-blow to Kurt.He rolls up Kurt but only gets a 2 count.Kurt gets up and is still feeling the pain and his balls hurt.Ted is setting up for Dream Streets but Kurt counters into a German suplex.And the crowd is on thier feet.Ted is in pain and when he turns around Kurt nails him with a Trash Can.Kurt picks up a chair and hits him in the back over and over again.Ted is hurt and Kurt is fired up.

Kurt covers but only gets 2.He nails an Angle Slam but still only gets 2.Ted is up and gets nailed again.Angle has snapped and is going crazy.Ted is now bleeding and blood is flowing down his face.Angle locks in the Ankle lock and raps the leg with his legs,Ted is knocked out and the ref and checking on him.Cena is crawling down the entrance way but Ted taps out.[/I

Winner and new ICW Champion
Kurt Angle

End of Show:lol:

ICWwrestling.com is reporting the Steve Austin has just released a ICW Main Eventer this morning.Who it is has not been revealed but we will stay with this story until we find out who it is.

2 Hours later:
ICW has released a superstar as we reported early today.We now have information behind this huge news.After Title Time Kurt Angle was being shown respected with some superstars saying "good job" stuff like that.Well even the Tiffany Army members were doing it.But one who was not was John Cena.Cena had a brief moment with Angle when Cena called him a "Cock Head".This resulted in Angle punching Cena and Cena fighting back.Both men were soon taken to opposite sides of the building with Cena leaving soon afterwards.Both Kurt and Cena were called to Austins office were he went over the incident and told them this was not what his superstars should be doing back stage.Kurt said that what he did was wrong and he was given a $20,000 fine, and a week suspension.Cena on the other hand stood up and spat in Austins face cause he "felt disrespected by the company and that he should be the face of this Federation not Kurt" Austin called for security, and told Cena that he would be released from his contract effective right away.This has come as a shock for many as John Cena was a big name in the Wrestling Buisness,but has gone down hill since his fight in an New York night club last year.Cena was asked why he did that to Austin and replied "Austin came,he drank and Fu**ed up the company"

We will stay with this story as Austin is ment to address the media at a press confrence on Monday.
Press Confrence​

Austin walks up to the mic and says:

Last Night after Title Time, John Cena and Kurt Angle had an incident where Kurt struck John which resulted in Cena hitting back.Both men were taken to opposite ends of the building with gaurds with them at all times.Kurt Angle settled down quick and relised what he had done was wrong but that can't change the fact that he struck John Cena.Because of this happening John Cena is pressing charges and Kurt will be unable to work/wrestle in the near future.This is a problem because Kurt is the current ICW World Champion.So as of right now I'm sorry to announce that Kurt Angle has been striped of the World Championship, and will be suspened without pay for 4 months.It may have been reported early on ICW.com.au that he was getting a $20,000 fine and only a one week suspension.That is not the case.As for John Cena,he is no longer working for this company anymore.

Any question's?

Steve,what made you release John Cena so early?

When you spit in the face of your boss then you can't come back for work,its that simple.He crossed the line and we are not in TNA.

Kurt Angle is one of your big people.Do you think that him not being on your show will hurt your ratings?

Of course it will hurt but we have a great bunch of guys who will sell PPV and sell out building across the country.

Last Qusetion Austin,what is going to happen to the World Title?

Tonight on Insanity is when I'll address that issue.Don't forget that it's a 3 hour special on the USA Network.Thankyou for being here today,bye.

No pryo this time as Austin's music hits straight away.

Austin is in the ring and calls for the mic.

As most people know John Cena is no longer wrestling for this company.He crossed the line and is never coming back.When you spit in the face of a Legend, a former World Champion that is the most disrepectful thing you can do.John was on the top of this company,He was in the title picture and chucked that all away.For what,30 seconds of me have spit on my face.Cena is gone, never to come back.I din't care what Tiffany say's he is not to step in this ring as long as I'm the GM.

Tiffany walks to the ring

Austin, I have to agree that John crossed the line and he can't come back.You made the right chioce in releasing him.But this whole your the ruler and if you mess with the rattle snke your gone is stupid.

Listen here he is a loser.You are a loser, every person that isn't in the Austin Alliance is a loser.Tiffany you should be cleaning a house,posing for playboy doing something your good at......wait your not good at anything.

Steve thats it,I'm sick of this and it has to stop.If you can't treat me like a equal then I will quit!

Thats the story of your life Tiff,when the going gets tough Tiffany gets going.Tiffany walk out that door and leave,go home.I will give you $30,000 to walk out the door and never come back.

....Ok,you give me $30,000 and I will walk.I won't ever come to the ICW wrestling Federation again.



Raven,Stevie get me a check from Shane and we will get rid of this piece of shit.

Chris Jericho Music

Tiffany are you really going?What about us, this guy has got no spot on the card for people like me Orton evn Cena got the boot.You can't leave us.

Chris I not going anywhere.Austin how stupid are you?My guys need me to get them a spot on the card and now we have a very important chioce to make.Kurt Angle is suspened and we have no World Champion.Who are we going to have as champion?

Well I think that we should have Batista as Champion,he's big and will be a great Champion.

Wait,I'm the number one contender for the title.I should be crowd Champion right now.

They fight over who should be Champion until Austin comes up with the idea of having a Battle Royal at Chamber of Horror.

Jericho is pissed as he has just lost his one on one match at Chamber of Horror.

The Allaince is backstage and they are talking about what has happened with John Cena over the last two days.Batista walks in and Raven asks him about what he did last night.Batista puts his bag down and leaves.

The Draft:Both Tiffany and Austin are in the ring and start with the draft.A picture of a superstar appears when Tiffany has her pick and same for Austin.

Tiffanys Roster(Thursday Night Madness)

Big Show(European Champion) (Heel)
Christian (Face)
Jack Swagger (Heel)
Randy Orton (Face)
Triple H (Face)
Chris Jericho (Face)
Jeff Hardy (Face)
Edge (Face)
Undertaker (Heel)
Eric Young (Heel)
Kevin Nash (Heel)

Austins Roster(Monday Night Insanity)

Batista (Heel)
Kane (Heel)
Cm Punk (Heel)
Raven (Tag Team Champion) (Heel)
Dr Stevie(Tag Team Champion) (Heel)
Ted DiBiase (Heel)
Cody Rhodes (Face)
Evan Bourne (Face)
Miz(Hardcore Champion) (Heel)
Shawn Michaels (Face)
Sheamus (Heel)
Aj Styles (Face)
Kurt Angle (Face)
R-Truth (Face)
Daniels (Face)
Mr Anderson (Heel)

Match 1
The Miz vs Sheamus

Both men start this match strong but Sheamus hits a superplex which ends with Miz landing on his head.He covers but only gets two.Sheamus starts kciking into Miz and is stomping on him to.He locks in the camel clucth and he pulls and pulls and looks like he is going to break Mikes back.Miz gets his hand on the rope and Sheamus breaks.

Matt striker tells us that Sheamus will be one of the 6 men in the Battle Royal at the PPV.

This match is still going on when we take a Commercial break.


Were back and Miz is in big trouble on the top rope.Sheamus is trying to give him a supersplex again but Miz fights back a jumps and hits a cross body.Cover and 1,2, oh and kick out.Sheamus is down and Miz sets up a knee to the head and it connects, its should be over here.1,2, and another kick out by the Celtic Warrior.Miz is getting angry now and is taking the cover off the turn buckle.He grabs Sheamus by the hair and tries to slam his head into it but Sheamus counters.He rams his shoulder into Mikes gut and his back into the exposed turnbuckle.He hits the Big Boot and covers but only gets a 2 count.Miz is doing well since he had a Hardcore match last night.Miz now has control but Sheamus rolls to the outside.Miz follows but Sheamus sends him over the gaurd rail and into the fans.Sheamus grabs the steel chair next to the ring and swings but Miz ducks.Miz hits him with a cructh that a fan had.Ref never saw it.He then throws Sheamus back into the ring and goes for the cover.1,2, oh and a kick out.Miz is ready for the Reality Check and goes for it but Sheamus spears him in half.He picks hi up and delivers Razors Edge.Sheamus hooks the leg and 1,2,3.

Winner Sheamus

Austin is talking to the Alliance about the Battle Royal and how Raven and Stevie will be in it.He says thats all he knows about it.Batista has not been seen since he arrived.Austin is worried.

The show has 1 hour left and it is time for the Main Event.

Main Event
Undertaker vs Kevin Nash
Winner is in the Battle Royal at the PPV

Undertaker makes his way to the ring, but is attacked by the Nash-o-Lation.Eric Young is pounding on the Undertaker with Daniels.They put Taker in the ring and kick him.They are like a pack of dogs,Taker fights to his feet.But is knocked right back down by them.Young hits the PileDriver on Taker and is followed up by the BME by Daniels.Then fire burst from the ring post and the arean goes red.Then it happens....

Kane's music hits and he makes his way to ring side.He chases E-Y and Daniels out of the ring and the crowd is cheering like never before.Taker stands up and is bleedis like a stuffed pig.Kane gives him a sign and Taker does his knee thing to him.But while he is doing that Punk enters the ring and hits him with a steel chair.Cm Punk continues to do this over and over again.He puts hi on his shoulders and hits a GTS.Punk smilies as Austins music hits.

Austin has a trash can and hits taker in the head with it while Punk holds him.Kane is standing in the corner watching,the crowd is chanting,Help Him Kane.Austin hits a Stunner on Taker and is in the face of Kane.He is screaming at hi to chokeslam him.Austin gets a table and sets it up for Kane.He yells and yells and at one point slaps him in the face.Kane lifts his hand and grabs Austin by the throat an Punk is begging him not to do it.Undertaker stands up and Kane.....grabs taker by the throat and he let go of Austin.Kane screams at Taker and delivers a chokeslam onto the table which breaks.All three men leave the ring and Kevin Nash makes his way to the ring.Nash picks up the beaten Undertaker and sets hi up for the Jack Knife Powerbomb.The bell rings now,he hits the Jack Knife perfectly and covers 1,2,3.

Winner Kevin Nash
Nash is now in the Battle Royal at the PPV

End of Show!

Chamber of Horror Match's:
Battle Royal for the Vacant ICW Championship
Kevin Nash vs Raven vs Dr Stevie vs Sheamus and 2 more????

Hardcore Title:
The Miz(c) vs Aj Styles

Singles Match:
Undertaker vs Eric Young

Breaking news:

;Triple H has been put into the Battle Royal at Chamber of Horror.

;Also Ecir young vs Undertaker will be inside a steel cage.

;Main Event for Madness on Thursday is Big Show vs Chris Jericho for the European Championship.

;Chris Jericho will not be in the Battle Royal at Chamber of Horror.
Breaking News!!!

As of right now, Brock Lesnar has signed a 1 year deal with ICW Wrestling.ICW has been trying to get Lesnar on contract for sometime.Brock will be put on a brand after the PPV.He will have a free advantage to chose his show and appear on both Madness and Insanity until the PPV in 3 weeks.In his contract it has a Championship match at any PPV this year.It can be for the World Title,Hardcore Title or the tag or European Title.It has not been releaved where or which Title he will challenge for.We will report more at a later date.

source; ICW Wrestling
The following is a news announcement by Steve Austin;

Austin has just hired 5 new talents with those talents going to Madness and Insanity.
Those five are;

Samoa Joe
Booker T
Alex Shelly
Jay lethal

Tiffany comes out and asks for a mic to address the crowd.

Two days ago Brock Lesnar signed a deal with ICW and is going to debut at or after the PPV.Brock has not yet stated which show he will be on but said that he can't wait to wrestle again.But on to news that I can tell you more about, yesterday Steve Austin signed 5 new talents to this company.Those five have been put on a show and will debut next week on both Madness and Insanity.One of the talents is Samoa Joe, he will debut here next week in the Go For Glory Tournament.This Tounament is to crown the new World Heavywieght Champion.Yes both Madness and Insanity will have a World Champion.If a member of my roster wins the ICW Championship at Chamber of Horrors than they will be moved to Insanity and compete there.

Nash walks out....

Tiffany, on Monday night I won my match to get into the Battle Royal, and now your tell me that the people who ain't good enough to get into the Royal at the PPV get a chance to become a World Champion.This is bull shit.

Kevin if you think that you can speak to me like that than you better get off my show now.

Put me in a match tonight, make it for the World Heavyweight Championship.Lets crown it tonight.

No...but tonight you do have a Tournament match against.........EDGE.

And it's now!

Edge makes his way to the ring...

Go For Gold Tournament Match

This match is on and both men are hitting right hands on each other.Nash runs at Edge but he moves and Nash hits the deck hard.Edge his hitting Nash with all he's got.Edge hits a Leg drop on Nash and covers..1,2 and a kick out but it was so close.

Matt Striker;Edge is on top and looks to be getting into a groove and once the Rated R Superstar gets on a roll it's hard to stop him.

Jerry;Matt, Nash is big bad and strong.Edge has no hope in this match and should give up now.

Matt;Oh but king look at Edge 14 time tag Champion a former World Champion he is a fighter and if anyone can beat Nash it's Edge.

Nash is on top,and slings him into the corner.He picks him up and delivers a powerslam.nash kicks him over and over again but dosen't cover.Kevin sets him up for the Jackknife but Edge counters and hits a neckbreaker.Edge covers... 1,2 and a kick out.Nash stands and hits a big boot to the head which bust Edge open.Nash starts with big right hands to the head of Edge busting him open more.Nash elbows Edge in the head and the ref is checking Edge out.Nash is walking around the ring with his arm raised.Nash sets Edge up for the Jackknife....

Matt; And here we go, Edge is busted opened and Nash has got him up for the Jackknife.

Jerry;I told you Matt Kevin is going to advance,go Nash hit it now.

Nash hits the Jacknife with extreme force.Nash covers... 1,2,3.

Winner and Advance's in the Tournament
Kevin Nash


Todd Grisham:
Eric, at the upcoming PPV you step inside a steel cage with Undertaker.What are your thoughts.

Eric Young:
Todd, at the PPV Undertaker said that he would take my soul.Undertaker at the PPV I will take your career.That's right Eric Young is going to end the career of the Undertaker.

Thats a big promise Eric.

Big no it's huge...

Are we still talking about the match Eric?

Eric Young:
Your not funny and if you ever do that again I will knock your head off.

Go For Gold Tournament Match
Randy Orton vs Christian

Orton starts this match with the advantage and Christian rolls out of the ring.orton follows him but Christian hits a dropkick on Orton.Christian slams Orton head into th steel steps,Orton is trying to fight back and punchs Christian in the gut.This winds Christian and Orton hits an Upper-Cut on Christian.He continues to slam and kick Christain as they move into the ring.Orton hits a jumping knee on Christain.Randy covers but only gets 2.

King who is going to win this match, both men have put everything into this match and this match has just started 10 minutes ago.

Matt you idiot, I was right about Kevin Nash and I'll be right about this one.Randy orton is going to win and beat Christian with the RKO.

Big call Jerry, but you did call the last match.

Orton and Christian have both been knocked down as we have come but from Commercial.Orton is setting up for the RKO and the fans are standing, Orton tries but is counter by a backslide by Christian 1,2,3.

Winner and advancing in the Tournament
After the match;

Orton get up and when he gets that he lost goes crazy.He hits Christian in the back and nails an RKO.He gets a steel Chair and hits him in the head and back multiple times.Orton walks back to the corner and stes up for the kick to the head.

The Viper is ready to strike and no.......what a kick.He got him right in the temple.

Orton walks to the back as doctors rush to the ring to help Christian.

Main Event
European Championship
Chris Jericho vs Big Show(c)

Jericho walks to the ring the and is getting a huge cheer from the crowd.Big Show is walking to the ring when.....

Oh shit it's him, it's Big Bad Brock.Lesnar is here, Brock is back and is attacking The Big Show.brock is in the ring.He got him up and.....F-5 by Brock,F-5.Lesnar has come back and taken down the Big Show.The ref just rang the bell....

Jericho into the cover 1,2,3.

Chris Jericho has won the European Title, Y2J is Champion.Brock has returned and Jericho is Champion, what a night on the debut of Madness.

Brock and Jericho celebrate in the ring.

End of Show!

Kevin Nash beat Edge in a Tournament Match
Christian beat Randy Orton in a Tournament Match
Chris Jericho beat Big Show for the European Championship
Brock Lesnar returned

Show starts with a black arean and a spot light hits the ring.Standing in the ring is non other than Brock lesnar.

Brock Lesnar;
On Thursday, I showed up on Madness and had a talk with Tiffany.If I go to Thursday nights than I Main Event the next PPV.No not the Chamber but Vengeance.But onto bigger news, Big Show is here tonight cause I saw your fat arse in the back.Get out here now and feel the pain!

Austin walks out and gets in the ring with Lesnar.

Lesnar, hows it going.Everything good.

Yeah its all good, just want the Big Show out here so I can kick his arse again.

you see thats not going to happen.But I going to do this.For 1 night only Brock Lesnar will be the Gernal Manger of Insanity.Have fun Brock.

Matt Striker;
Oh my god, Brock is in charge for tonight.What the hell os going to happen here tonight.

Brock walks to the back and the camera follows him t the locker room.There he finds the Big Show and tells him he got a match tonight.

Big Show;
With who?

Shawn Michaels.

Crowd goes crazy for the return of the showstopper, thats the Main Event.

Kane vs R-Truth

Kane is in the ring when Truth makes his way down the entrance.

Both men start with right hands but Kane gets the advantage on Truth.He picks him up in a military press position and throws him out of the ring to the floor.Truth hits hard and may of broken his arm.truth gets in the ring and beats the ten count by 2.Kane starts to attack the arm, kick it and twist it.Kane goes to the top rope and jumps delivering a leg drop to the arm of R-Truth.Kane covers but only gets 2.Kane is getting angry and Punk who is at ring side is screaming at him to finish him.At the moment Truth hits a superkick to the mouth of Kane.He covers 1,2 and a kick out again.Truth climbs to the top rope and hits a cross body on Kane, cover 1,2......he get the shoulder up what a match.Punk is going crazy and is hitting to ring as hard as he can.Truth picks can up and goes for the suplex which he hits perfectly.Truth sets him up for the moonsault and nails it in the middle of the ring, cover 1,2...........Kane kicked out.Truth is tell Kane to get up and is setting him up for the corkscrew double leg twist.He goes for it but Kane moves out of the way and nails a big boot.Kane lifts his arm up for the chockslam and he is ready.He grabs Truth by the throat and lifts him high and drops him to the mat below with great force.Cover 1,2,3 its over.

Winner is Kane

Brock is in the GM's office when Triple H walks in and they talk for about 5 minutes but we can't here them.Brock has a smile on his face when Hunter leaves.

Triple H vs Miz

After the entrances are done,Miz attacks Hunter and the match is on.Miz is punching Hunter and is getting the advantage when......

Lesnar comes out with a mic....

Miz just to let you know, this match is now for your Hardcore title.And if anyone comes out during this match then they will be fired on the spot.Please continue.

Brock joins Matt and Jerry at the table.Miz runs at Hunter and hits a knee to the face which he covers and.....only gets 2.Miz slides out of the ring and gets a steel chair.He swings at Hunters head a nails it.Miz goes crazy on Hunter and Brock looks pleased at what he's done.Then on the big screen we can see the Austin Alliance watching their young guy.Miz covers..1,2 but again Hunter kicks out.Miz climbs the top rope but Hunter hits the rope which gives Miz a low blow.Hunter starts to punch Miz in the face and sets him up for a superplex.Hunter tries and nails it.Hunter goes under the ring and finds a table, he sets it up and Miz rolls to the outside and tries to run away.Hunter stops him in the fans and slams his head into everything thats nailed down.Miz looks stuffed.Hunter lifts him up and delivers a spine buster on the floor.He covers...1,2 but Miz kick out.Hunter grabs his arm and has him in postion for the pedigree but Miz hits a low blow which takes down Hunter.Miz grabs the ring bell and tells Hunter to get up and runs but trips over.Miz looks and can see Lesnar foot.Miz starts to yell at Brock and Lesnar get in his face.But Hunter is standing and has a chair.Miz turns around and is nailed with a shot to the face which bust him open.Hunter cover..1,2 but a kick out again.Hunter can't believe this.he rolls Miz in the ring and gets ready for the pedigree and nails it.Cover......1,2...........Miz kicked out.Triple H is going crazy at Miz and gets the sledgehammer.He runs at Miz but he ducks and kicks him in the gut, he drops the hammer and Miz picks it up and hits him.Miz sets up for the Check, big knee to the face and a pitur perfect neckbreaker.Cover 1,2,3.Its done!

Winner and still the Hardcore Champion
The Miz

Miz get up with blood rushing down his face and Lesnar climbs into the ring and lifts Mikes hand up in victory.Lesnar then lifts him into an F-5 postion and walks around the ring with the crowd going crazy.He nails it on the steel chair from before.Lesnar leaves a bloody and knocked out Miz on the ground.

Main Event
Big Show vs Shawn Michaels

Both men are in the ring as we come back from commercail.Show has the advantage and is punch Shawn in the gut with his massive right hand.He starts to elbow him in the corner and runs at him and delivers a splash.Shawn is still trapped in the corner and the ref dosen't seem to care.Show starts to kick HBK and puch him.He finally lets him out of the corner and delivers a leg drop.Big Show walks around the ring with his arm raised and yells "Jericho I'm coming for ya".Show kicks Michaels in the face over and over again.He picks him up when Michaels pokes him in the eye.Shawn starts to fight back.Big chops to the gut of the Big Show.Hbk hits a drop kick but dosen't knocked Show of his feet.Micheals hits right hands to the face of the Big Show but still he is on his feet.Shawn climbs the top rope and nails a dropkick which knocks down th Big Show.Shawn starts going crazy with right hands and covers.....1,2 but a kick out Big Show is on one knee and HBK nails a DDT.He climbs to the top rope and delivers the elbow.The band is tunning up here tonight......Bamn right on the kisser.Cover.........1........2.......another kick OMG.Shawn is getting fired up and goes for it again but Show nails an elbow to the face.He lifts him high and hits a chokeslam.Cover...1....2 but Shawn kick out of a huge chokeslam.Show set up for the right hand when...............Lesnar runs out.

OMG its Brock, he's in the ring.The Big Show hasn't seen him Lesnar got him up.....F-5,F-5.For the secong time Lesnar hits the F-5 on the 500 pounder.

Lesnar pulls Shawn over the top of Show, cover...1,2,3.

Winner Shawn Michaels

Oh yeah. Show that match was for the last spot in the Battle Royal at Chamber of Horrors.Now since you don't have a match there, I think you should face Me in a Chamber of Horrors match.

Your on!

End of Show!

Match's this week;

Kane beat R-Truth
Miz retained his Hardcore Championship against Triple H
Shawn Michaels beat The Big Show
Shawn Michaels is now in the Battle Royal for the Vacant ICW Championship

Chamber of Horrors PPV;

Chamber of Horror Match
Brock Lesnar vs The Big Show

Hardcore Championship Match
Miz vs Aj Styes

Steel Cage Match
Undertaker vs Eric Young

6 men Battle Royal for the Vacant ICW Championship
Raven vs Dr Stevie vs Kevin Nash vs Sheamus vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

We get a video package of Lesnar and how he has attacked The Big Show in past weeks.

Big Show makes his way to the ring and calls for the mic and a spotlight.

Brock Lesnar, the former WWE Champion.A former UFC Champion and he is still around today.Brock after Chamber of Horror's you will wish that you never came back.Cause at the PPV I will leave your beaten and bloody body in the middle of the ring as I walk out and go onto become a Champion.As for the Champion part, i have spoken to Tiffany and she has put me in the Tournament to crown a World Heavyweight Champion.My Tournament match is now!

Tournament Match
Big Show vs Samoa Joe

Joe walks down to the ring with a briefcase, Joe speaks to the ref and gets on the mic.

As most people understand, I have a Championship match in my contract.That Championship match is going to take place right now.So Jericho get out here and face me for the European Championship.

Jericho makes his way to the ring and says;

Joe, you think you can beat me for my Title.I beat this fat slug standing in the corner.I will beat you and when I do It will show that Y2J is the best in the world.

Tiffany comes out and stands on the entrance ramp.

Guys, right now we have some confusion.Show your Tournament match is going to take place now and same for your Title match Joe.It will now be Chris Jericho vs Big Show vs Samoa Joe in the Go For Gole Tournament match and whoever wins advances in the Tournament and is the European Champion!

Triple Threat for the European Championship
Tournament Match
Jericho vs Joe vs Show

All three guys are hitting right hands on each other and Joe get's the better of both Jericho and Show.Joe kicks Show out of the ring and goes to work on Jericho.Joe picks Chris up and delivers a back suplex and covers...1,2 but he kicked out.Joe starts to kick Jericho and drops elbow to his spine.Show gets up on the outside of the ring but Joe runs and delivers a shoulder block which knocks him off the apron of the ring into the gaurd rail.Jericho rolls Joe up but Joe shifts his body weight and gets him in a powerbomb postition.Jericho counters and sends Joe's head into the turnbuckle.Chris jumps off the middle rope and hits a back elbow.Show climbs in the ring and hits a big boot on Jericho.Show jumps on Joe and nails a splash.Cover....1,2, Jericho breaks up the count.Jericho climbs the top rope and jumps.Show moves but Jericho lands on Joe.Show lifts him high and delivers a chokeslam on Chris.Jericho rolls out of the ring, and Joe hits Show with his briefcase.Joe locks in the choke and Show is fading.Jericho climbs in the ring and Joe hits a kick to the head on him.Joe places him on the top rope and nails a mussle buster.Cover by Joe...1,2,3.

Winner and New European Champion and Advance's in the Tournament
Samoa Joe

Tiffnay is in the hallway when...Orton walks up and tells her something.

Ok, I'll tell them tonight.

I'm in, and it's over no more.

Yeah, I'll tell them right away.

Fans are confused???

Tournament Match
Jeff Hardy vs Alex Shelly

Hardy come's out to huge pop, followed by Alex Shelly.

Before the match can start tiffany music hits.

As of right now there are no more spot's in the Tournament.I have offically added a superstar to the Finals.That superstar is......

Randy Orton walks out, the crowd is booing heavily.

You must be very upset boys?But you have to think would you have won it.No,but I will win this Tournament go on to become the World Heavyweight Champion.Thankyou for making this wise decision Tiffany.

Both Hardy and Shelly are pissed at this and Tiffany is getting a "You Suck" chant from the crowd.

Main Event
Randy Orton vs Undertaker

Orton is in the ring and Undertakers music hits, but Taker dosen't come out.It happen's for a second time and he still hasn't come out.Orton is yelling at the ref to call him the winner when.....He appears in the ring.

Taker starts to hit Orton with multiple right hands and has Orton backing up.Orton slides out of the ring and Taker follows, Orton pokes Taker in the eye and nails a DDT on the floor.He continues to hit Taker in the back and just goes crazy.The count is on 6 and both men are back in the ring.Orton hits a suplex and covers....1,2 but the dead man kicks out.Undertaker fights back and hits snake eyes.He runs and slings off the ropes and nails a big boot.Taker grabs Orton by the throat and delivers a chokeslam.He covers....1,2 but the Viper kicks out.Taker calls for the Last Ride and gets Orton up by he counters into a neckbreaker.Orton nails a backbreaker and cover's....1,2 but again Undertaker kicks out.Orton is going crazy and sets up for the RKO.He jumps up and nails it perfectly.Randy covers...1...2.....3

Orton wins, Orton has beaten The Undertaker.Hey the ref is waving it off, Taker's foot way on the bottom rope.Taker is up, Orton dosen't know.Takers got him up and Tombstone Piledriver on Orton.Cover..1...2..3

Winner is Undertaker

End of Show!

Samoa Joe Debut
Samoa Joe beat Jericho and The Big Show
Joe won the European Championship
Joe advance's in the Tournament
Alex Shelly Debut
Randy Orton was give a place in the Tournament
Undertaker beat Randy Orton

Samoa Jow walks out and gets a huge pop from the crowd.Joe gets on the mic and lets the people settle down.

On Thursday I beat 2 other guy's for this European Championship.Now as most of you know, I will be staying on Madness.I will become the first and only multiple Champion.I'm going to win the World Heavyweight Championship.But on to tonight, I have spoken to Austin and I will be in the Main Event.The match will be.....Me vs The Miz.And if I pin the Miz than I become the number one contender for the Hardcore title.By Madness next week I will hold every singles title other than the ICW title.

Miz walks out and speaks to Joe;

Joe, the fact that you think that you can beat me.Is just stupid.So Joe I will not be wrestling you tonight.But I have got a replacement for you.

Austin music hits.

Miz,Joe, both of you will wrestle tonight.But it will not be each other.Joe your match is up next and Miz, your's is now.

Miz vs Batista

Batista comes down to the ring and look pissed.Miz runs at Batista and Batista delivers a scoop slam.Batista hts a shoulder block.He knee's him in the face over and over again.Batista delivers right hands.Batista nails a spine-buster.Then he sets up for the Batista Bomb.Batista nails it and Miz is out cold.Cover by Batista....1,2.........3

Winner is Batista

Austin is backstage with the Alliance and they are all talking.

Batista, got the job done.

Yeah, looks like everything is going to plan.

All we have to done is make sure that after the PPV, one of us has the ICW Championship.

Dr Stevie;
Austin, we have 1 Insanity and 2 show's of Madness left.As long as nothing goes wrong between now and then were alright.

Stevie, nothing is going to happen on Insanity cause I'm in charge.I'm going to address the locker room after the Main Event.

Samoa Joe vs Daniels

Both guys are fighting back and forth, but Joe gets the advantage and nails a piledriver on Daniels.Joe stands up and scream's at the top of his lungs.Joe starts to kick and stomp on Daniels.Joe walks around the ring kicking him over and over agian.Joe climbs out of the ring and grabs the European Championship and holds it over his head.Daniels jumps off the top rope and both him and Joe crash into the gaurd rail.Joe and Daniels are both down and the count starts..1..2..3...4, Daniels get's in the ring.....5...6....7...8...9...Joe makes it in and Daniels hits a leg drop.Daniels climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a drop kick.He covers..1...2 but Joe kicked out.Daniels grabs Joe by the head and hits a cutter on Joe.Joe recovers and nails a huge clothesline on Daniels.Joe kicks Daniels in the head and he appears to be knocked out.Joe moves Daniels near the turnbuckle and he climbs.Joe is playing to the crowd when....Daniels nips up.He leaps up the turnbuckle and delivers a German suplex on Joe.Daniels then jumps and delivers a moonsault.Daniels covers....1,2 but a kick out again.Joe rises and Daniels tries for the pele kick,but Joe gets his arms up.Joe grabs Daniels and locks in the choke.Daniels is fighting and trying to get out,but he is unable to.Joe is sqeezing and Daniels goes purple.Daniels in froffing at the mouth.The ref calls the match.Daniels never tapped out!

Samoa Joe

Joe lets go and medical staff rush into the ring and check on Daniels.As Joe is walking to the back, Nash hits him from behind and Eric Young also comes out.Nash hits Joe with a chair and so does Eric.Kevin lifts him up into a Jackknife postition and sends him falling into the floor below the stage.

Main Event
Kane and CM Punk vs Mr Anderson and Sheamus

Anderson and Punk start this match and Punk gets the advantage and kicks him in the head.Punk climbs the top rope and hits a diving clothesline.Punk covers..1,2 and Sheamus breaks it up.Kane runs in the ring and knocks out Sheamus.Anderson push's Kane over the top rope.Punk rolls him up but only gets 2.Punk hits a suplex and hits an elbow to the face of Anderson.Punk puts Anderson on the top rope and delivers a superplex.He tags in Kane and the crowd goes crazy.Kane hits right hands which knocks down Anderson multiple times.Anderson trie's to tag but Kane stops him and nails a powerslam.Kane climbs to the top rope and hits a diving leg drop.Kane covers .......1.....2 but Anderson kicks out.

Anderson rakes the eye's of Kane and makes the tag to Sheamus.He hits a shoulder bolck and starts to hit rights and lefts on Kane.Sheamus knocks down Kane and delivers a suplex.Sheamus covers...1,2.......Kane kicks out.Kane gets up and gets kicked in the head.Sheamus walks around Kane and is playing to the crowd.Kane sits up and grabs Sheamus by the throat and nails a chokeslam.Anderson runs in and nails a DDT on Kane and runs back to the corner.Punk is going off his nut and is screaming at the ref.Punk is yelling at the ref and he is telling Punk to get back in his corner.While this is happening Anderson hits Kane with the ring bell.Sheamus tags in Anderson who covers.......1......2........

Kane kicked out.Kane is bleeding and finnaly makes the tag.Punk comes in and starts with the kicks and judo moves.Punk hits the GTS and covers.......1......2.....Sheamus breaks it up.Kane comes in and hits the chokeslam on Sheamus.Anderson hits the mic check on Kane and Punk locks in the Anacodia Vise.Anderson is in trouble and taps out early.

Winners Kane and CM Punk
Austin walks to the ring and gets on the mic.

As of right now,none of the superstars on a Insanity contract will appear on Madness until after the PPV.Thank you and goodnight!

End of Show!

Batista beat Miz
Samoa Joe beat Daniels
Kane and CM Punk beat Mr Anderson and Sheamus
No Insanity superstar can appear on Madness until after th PPV.

All nightmare long is played, in the background as Matt Striker hypes up the card for the PPV which is just 11 days away.

Samoa Joe, walks out with no music.Joe is wearing the European Championship on his shoulder and gets on the mic.

Last week I won the European Championship and this week I will advance to the final of the Go for Gold Tournament and face either Christian or Kevin Nash.Cause there is no chance in hell that Orton will be me.He didn't even win his first match to get in the Tournament.

Randy Orton comes out and calls for the mic.

Joe you think that you can come in from a lackluster company and just takeover.You call yourself the European Champion.After one more week I will call myself the World Heavyweight Champion.

But you gotta beat me, and we all know that you can't do that.

Tournament Match
Samoa Joe vs Randy Orton

Joe gets the advantage and starts to hit Orton with forearm shots to the back.Joe kicks Orton in the back and Orton goes down.Joe lifts him up and nails a spinebuster.orton rolls out of the ring and Joe follows but Randy pokes him in the eye.Orton then hits a neck breaker.Orton starts to stomp on Joe outside the ring and the ref is tellign him to stop.Orton breaks the count and hits a DDT on the outside.Orton goes for a suplex but Joe counters into a suplex of his own.Joe gets in the ring and Orton climbs onto the apron when Joe nails a kick to the head.Orton falls down and Joe gets out of the ring and slams him into the gaurd rail.Joe throws Orton into the steel steps and breaks the count.Joe picks Orton up and walks around with him on his shoulder,Orton slides off and shoves Joe into the ring post.Randy delivers a dropkick and breaks the count.

Joe gets in the ring and Orton grabs him and nails a backbreaker.Orton covers....1.....2.....Joe kicked out.Orton is setting up for the RKO and is going crazy.Joe gets up and........counters Orton and hits a german suplex.Joe covers...1....2....Orton gets the shoulder up and Joe climbs to the top rope and.....Orton nips up and hits a right hand on Joe.Orton sets up for a super RKO.Orton jumps but Joe holds onto his neck and they fall with Joe landing on top of Orton.Joe locks in the choke and Orton is fighting......Joe rolls to the middle of the ring and Randy is out cold.

The ref is checking on Orton,...his hand falls once.....again it drops.....but not a third time.Orton is fighting and rakes the eyes of Joe.He then strikes with the RKO.Randy is hurt and dosen't cover.Joe and Orton get up and Joe swings with the right hand but Orton ducks, he hits another RKO and covers...1,2 but Joe again kicked out.Orton has recovered as much as he can, and sets up for the kick.

Orton is hunting is prey and runs at Joe.Joe moves and kicks Orton,Orton goes down and Joe goes for the musslebuster.Orton counters into a roll up..1.......2.....3

Winner and is in the Final of the Tournament
Randy Orton

Orton walks to the back and Joe gets attacked by Chris Jericho.Jericho is hitting Joe with a steel chair and nails a codebreaker.Jericho locks in the walls of Jericho.Joe taps out and Jericho lets go.Chris climbs the turnbuckle and and gets on a mic.

Next week it will be Samoa Joe vs Chris Jericho for the European Champion.So Joe get ready cause I taking back my Title.

Booker T comes out and has a breifcase with him.Booker hits the ring and the crowd is going crazy.Booker gets on the mic.

Booker T;
Yo playa, as of right now.The Book man is on Madness and is having a match for the European Championship.

The ref rings the bell and Joe gets up and gets hit with the Book End.Cover by Booker...1....2......3

New European Champion
Booker T

Tiffany is backstage and has Nash in her office.He says that he wants Joe off Madness for what he did to Daniels.Tiffany tells him that he powerbomb Joe off the Insanity stage on Monday.So he should be kicked of the show!

Listen, I got a Tournament match tonight and I will win the Championship next week.

Thats if you can beat Christian.

I will!

Main Event
Tournament Match
Christian vs Kevin Nash
Ten Minute Time Limit

Nash walks out with Eric Young and Nash is taunting the crowd.

Christian walks to the ring and has sercuity gaurds with him.They all walk around the ring and stand next to it.Nash hits Christian in the back and shoves him in the corner.He starts to kick him and Christan is trapped.Nash starts to delivers back elbows to the face of Christian and the ref is screaming at Nash to stop.Nash shoves the ref and he falls over.Nash and the ref have words and Christian goes for a roll up but only gets 2.Christian nails a dropkick and hits a leg drop.Christian is waiting for Nash to get up when Eric grabs his foot.Then all of the gaurds around the ring attack Young and take him back to the lockerroom.

They get half way up the ramp when Nash runs up and starts to hit them.Nash takes down maost of them and while Christian distracts the ref.A gaurd hits Nash in the head with a knight stick.Nash is busted open and, Eric rolls him back into the ring.

Christian covers...1....2 and Nash kicked out.Nash gets to his feet and Christian runs but gets hit with a big boot to the face.Nash hits a right hand and lifts him up and nails a powerslam.He covers..1.....2 Christian kicked out.Nash is feeling it with blood rushing down his face when,Christian eblows him.Christain nails the KillSwitch.Before he covers, Orton runs to the ring and hits him with a chair.The ref rings the bell and Orton RKO's Christian on the chair.Nash gets up and can't believe what has happened.He grabs Orton and nails a Jackknife on Orton.Nash walks out and is pissed.

This is the end of the show!

Randy Orton beat Somoa Joe
Orton adavnces in the Tournament and is in the Final's!
Booker T beat Samoa Joe for the European Championship
Christian beat Kevin Nash
Christian advances in the Tournament and is in the Final's!

Next week;
Final of the Tournament
World Heavyweight Championship
Christain vs Randy Orton

Show starts with Austin in the ring with,Rave,Stevie,Punk,Kane and Miz.Everyone has a mic and Austin speaks to the crowd.

In 6 nights Triple H,Sheamus and Shawn Michaels will try to win the ICW Championship.But in that match The Alliance has Raven,Stevie and Kevin Nash.Just to reminded you that when Nash wins he will be put on this brand and finally the Alliance will have what was taken from it and that is the ICW Championship.

What if he dosen't win and me or Stevie win.

What did you say?

What if Kevin gets thrown over the top rope and I win?

That wont happen cause your in the match to protect Nash and thats all.


But nothing,you walk in and help Nash.You walk out with Nash and his Championship.Got it!

Got it!

Everyone walks to the back and Austin looks worried.

Batista vs Evan Bourne

Batista music hits and he walks to the ring and a replay of his last match is shown.

Matt Striker;
It took Batista 5 minutes to beat Miz and this week he said that it would take him 4.

Batista is the man and the fact he dosen't have a match at the PPV is stupid.

Stop sucking up to him!!!

Batista hits Bourne and throws him into the ring post.Batista walks around like he's in the park.Batitsa kicks Bourne in the head and then starts to hit him with right hands in the corner.Bourne is getting smashed and Batitsa isn't even trying.He sligns him into the ropes and nails a spinebuster.He picks up Bourne and goes for the Batista Bomb.Batista has him up and nails it perfectly.Batista covers...1...2...3


Randy Orton has shown up and is in a suit.He is talking to Triple H.

Hunter, is it set

Yeah it is all going to plan,your safe don't worry.

If this stuffs up then I'm screwed,It's over we might as well go home.

Randy settle down,he dosen't have a clue and Austin can't do anything about it as soon as she sign's it.

She better do it!

It's me, of course she sign it!

Aj Styles vs Shawn Michaels

Shawn and Aj shake hands and walk to opposite corners.Many you sold out chants as this is Styles last match in ICW.Shawn and Aj lock up and Aj takes down Shawn.Shawn gets out of the ring and Styles jumps over the ring rope onto Shawn.The crowd dosen't care as most people have gone to the toilet and to get food.Styles hits Shawn with forearms and hits a flapjack on the outside.Shawn gets in the ring and while Styles is on the apron he superkicks him.Aj falls to the ground and Shawn is posing to the crowd.

Aj gets up and gets in the ring and delivers a flying elbow to Shawn.Aj tells Shawn to get up, Aj hits a suplex and bounces off the ropes and nails a lionsault.Aj covers...1...2 but Shawn kicked out.Styles hits a backsuplex and grabs the legs of Shawn and applies the sharpshooter.Styles is pulling as hard as he can and Shawn is in trouble.He starts to get near the rope when Styles pulls him closer ot the middle of the ring.Shanw grabs Styles foot and rolls under and get a sharpshooter of his own.Aj tries to get to the ropes but Shawn stands still and Aj is in incredable pain.

Shawn moves to the far ropes so Aj has to crawl from one end to the other.Shawn grabs the rope and gets an unfair advantage on Aj.The ref spots this and make Shawn break the hold.Shawn nails a scoop slam and hits big right hands on Aj and knocks him down.Shawn climbs to the top rope and delivers a diving elbow.Shawn is fired up and is going crazy.Shawn starts to tune up the band and sets up for Sweet Chin Music.Aj ducks and hits the pele kick.Styles covers....

...1.....2...but Shawn kicked out.Styles climbs to the top rope and is setting up for a cross body.As Aj is climbing Shawn nips up and grabs Aj and delivers a DDT off the top rope.Shawn covers...1.....2....Aj is still in this as he just kicked out.Shawn is setting up for a superkick and nails it right on the kisser.Cover by Shawn....1.....2.....Styles kick out again.Shawn is going crazy and tries for Sweet Chin Music again.Styles duck and pokes Shawn in the eye, and gets him in position for the Styles clash.Aj gets him up and Styles Clash connected.Cover by Aj...1......2.....3

Aj Styles

Austin is in his office and Hunter walks in.

Austin, here you go.

Whats this?

Its my contract.In it it states that I can change brands once and I have chosen to do that tonight.As of right now I'm a member of Madness.

What do you think your doing, your in the Main Event of Chamber of Horros's for this brands World Championship.You can't leave!

Oh,I'm still in the Championship match.But when I win I will take the Championship to Thursday Nights.

We'll see about that!

I gotta speak to Shane!

Austin walks out and Hunter hopes on his computer and print out something but we can't see.

Main Event
Tag Team Championship Match
Raven and Stevie(c) vs Kane and CM Punk​

All four men come out together to Austins music.The match starts and Punk looks at Raven and pokes him.Raven hits the ground and Punk covers..1......2......3

Winners and New Tag Team Champions
Kane and CM Punk

Punk gets on the mic.

Oh yeah, that was such a hard match and I'm really hurt.Just like in WCW Hogan and Nash screwed you.Well tonight CM Punk screwed you.Cause I'm better than you.Kane is better than you, Raven and Stevie is better than you.Cause straight-edge is for real and I'm CM Punk your Tag Team Champion.

Punk and Kane walk to the back and Raven looks confused about what he did.Stevie shoves Raven and Raven looks at him.Stevie yells at him and Raven kicks him in the gut and nails a DDT.

The show ends with Raven standing over Stevie!

End of Show!!!

Batista beat Evan Bourne
Aj Styles beat Shawn Michaels
Aj Styles retired
Punk and Kane beat Raven and Stevie
Punk screwed the crowd out of a Main Event
Chamber of Horror

The PPV starts with Tiffany in the ring and has a mic in her hand:

Because of Madness being kicked off T.V this week.We didn't get to finish the Tournament,so Orton and Christian that match is going to happen tonight.

Steel Cage Match
Eric Young vs The Undertaker

Young walks to the ring and Nash follows him and they both enter the cage.Nash is giving Eric a last minute pep talk when Takers music hits.Undertaker comes out and is getting a huge pop.Takers enters the cage and Nash leaves.Taker looks at Nash and Kevin slams to door on Takers head.Young goes on the attack as Nash is outside.Eric hits a knee to the skull and covers...1.....2.....Undertaker kicks out and Eric mounts him and starts to swing right hands.Eric is in control when Takers grabs his throat.Takers get up and throws Young into the turn buckle.He delivers right and left to the head and gut of Eric and finish with 2 big elbows.Undertaker kicks Eric over and over again while he is down in the corner.Takers lets him up and punchs him in the face which knocks him down.

Taker grabs Erci and throws him into the steel and Young bounces off.Undertaker trys again but Eric counters and does it himself.Eric delivers elbow and kicks to the face of Taker and covers....1....2...Taker kicked out.Young grates Takers face on the steel and it cuts him open.Eric starts to pound on Taker and opens the cut more.Eric nails a DDT and covers...1.....2.....Taker kick out again.Nash yells out to Eric and throws him a steel chair.Eric is setting for a big shot to the head and swings........

Taker ducks and Eric hits the rope and the chair hits him in the face.Taker lifts him on his shoulder and nails snake eyes.He runs and delivers a big boot.Taker starts to climb the cage and gets half way when Eric grabs his foot and hits him in the nuts.Takers falls and Eric climbs.Young is half over when Taker grabs his hair and Nash is screaming at him to fall.Erci lets go but Taker grabs his arms.Taker pulls Eric back into the ring and hits a shoulder block.Taker is calling for the chokeslam and grabs Young by the throat and lifts him high and sends himback to the mat.

Taker covers...1....2....Eric kicked out.Taker goes for the Tombstone but Eric counters and nails a reverse DDT.Eric climbs the cage slowly and Taker sits up.Young is over and Taker grabs his arms.Eric is close but gets pulled ack again.Taker throws him into the cage and nails a leg drop.Taker covers...1.....2.......Eric gets the shoulder up.Nash is going crazy and Austin us shown on the big tron and is shitting himself.Taker does the death sign and gets him up for the Tombstone.Young is in trouble when.....Bamn Taker nails the Tombstone on the chair.Cover......1.....2.....Nash breaks up the count.Nash broke down the door and is hitting Taker with get force.Nash gets him up and nails a Jackknife Powerbomb on Taker.Nash puts Eric arm over Taker and the ref conuts......1.......2.....3

Winner is Eric Young

Austin is shown talking to his troops;

Raven and Stevie, that is how we are going to work tonight.It's not about the tag Championships.It's about the ICW World Champion.You both know your job.Nash walks in a contender he walks out a Champion.No buts thats it and if this goes right.Then you both will get a high pay check at the end of the night.

No probelm, It all going to plan!

Chamber of Horror Match
Brock Lesnar vs The Big Show​

Show walks to the ring and grabs a few weapons that are in the Chamber.Brock comes out and has a bag.It is like a gym traing bag and he pulls out a kendo stick.Brock puts his bag in the Chamber and the match begins.....

Brock and Show walks around the ring with Brock making the first move.He hits Show with the kendo stick.Lesnar continues to hit Show with it and Show grabs it and breaks it in half.Show hits Lesnar in the face and he goes down.Matt Striker reminds us that you can win this match by pinfall,submission or making the other man bleed.Lesnar gets up and Show kicks him in the gut.Lesnar falls to the floor and grabs something out of the bag.Show gets closer and gets nailed with a pair of brass nuckles.Brock delivers a suplex on Show and covers...1.....2....Show kicked out.Lesnar hits him again but this time in the back.Lesnar then gets a chair and its Shows ankle.Lesnar hits it mulitple times and then stomps on it.Lesnar grabs the ankle and starts to hit it with his fist.Show rolls over and kicks Lesnar off him.

Show gets up and appears to have a ankle issue after the attack.Lesnar runs at Show and gets hit with a scoop-slam.Show nails a splash on Lesnar and covers.....1......2......Lesnar kicked out.Show throws Lesnar to the metal part of the Chamber and slams him into it.Show drops an elbow on Lesnar and grabs him by the throat.Show throws him up against the steel chains and hits him in the gut.Lesnar counters and sends Show over his shoulder and into the ring.Lesnar climbs to the top rope and jumps preforming a shooting star press.Show moves out of the way and Lesnar hits the mat hard.Show hits Lesnar in the back and covers.....1.....2.....Lesnar kicked out.Show grabs a table and sets in up in the middle of the ring.He is going for the chokeslam and has Lesnar by the throat.Befire he lifts him Lesnar hits him in the balls.

And Lesnar delivers a spinebuster on Show.Lesnar spots the table and gets him up for an F-5 but Show nails a elbow to the face of Lesnar.Show picks him up and delivers an extreme chokeslam.Cover.....1.....2.....Lesnar fights out and gets a shoulder up.Show can't believe it and goes for the right hand hook.Lesnar moves out of the way and nails an F-5 on the 500 pounder.Lesnar hooks the leg....1.....2......3...No Show got the shoulder up the bell rang early its not over.Lesnar tries again but Show hits a left hand.Lesnar fall down and grabs something out of his bag.Lesnar has something behind his back.Lesnar kicks Show in the balls and.....

Shoots him with a taser!Lesnar throws it out of the ring and grabs Show ankle and has the ankle lock on him.Show taps out straight away and it over.

Brock Lesnar

Final Tournament Match
World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton vs Christian

A split screen is shown of Orton and Christian.Both men look ready and Christian makes his way to the ring.Orton is next and has Triple H with him.Christan hits Orton before he gets in the ring and nails a DDT.Christian covers....1....2...Orton kicked out.Orton gets up and is sent back down by right hands from Christian.Christan hits a drop kick and covers...1...kick out by Orton.Christian goes for a cross body and orton ducks.He nails a suplex and covers...1....kick out by Christian.Orton slams Christian to the mat and nails a jumping knee to the face.Orton then stomps on Christian and climbs to the top rope.Christain runs up and thorws Orton off and delivers a fog splash.

Cover by Christian...1....2....Orton got his foot on the bottem rope.Christian picks Orton up and hits a drop kick and run of the rope and delivers a rolling thunder.Christian slings Orton into the rope and flips Orton over the top rope and onto Triple H.Christian runs and jumps over the ropes and delivers a corkscrew front flip.He gets up and slams Orton head into the gaurd rail.Christian goes for the irish whip but Orton counters into a flip and sends him back first into the gaurd rail.Orton gets in the ring and so does Christian at a count of 9.Both men are stuffed.

Orton grabs Christian a nails a DDT.He covers...1.....2....Christian kicked out.Orton is setting up for the RKO when.....Samoa Joe hits to the and pulls Orton out.Orton counters and hits Joe with a right hand.Hunter hooks him for the Pedigree and nails it.Orton gets on the apron and Christian runs but Orton sends him over his shoulder and to the floor.Orton distracts the ref while Hunter kicks Christian.Orton goes out to get him when Christian hits a pele kick on him and rolls into the ring.The count gets to 8 when Orton gets in the ring.Christian calls for the killswitch and nails it.Cover....1....2....Hunter pulls Christian out and Christian nails a right hand on Hunter.He grabs him and throws Hunter over the gaurd railing.Christian gets in the ring and is nailed by an RKO.Cover......1.....2.....3

Winner of the Tournament Final
and World Heavyweight Champion
"The Viper" Randy Orton

Austin is backstage and giving last minute instructions to his men as we get ready for the Main Event!

Main Event
Six Man Battle Royal
ICW Championship on the line
Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Sheamus vs Raven vs Stevie T vs Kevin Nash!

Triple H is in the ring and the others make their way to the ring.

Matt Striker;
This match is for the ICW Championship.The only way to win is to throw the other guys over the top rope with both feet hitting to floor.The last man in the ring will be the ICW Champion.

Everyone is standing their ground and Sheamus goes after Stevie.Hunter and Shawn attack Nash and Raven.Sheamus is hitting Stevie in the corner and he is stuck.Stevie is fight back and big superkick to the face of Sheamus.Stevie goes to help Raven and Nash who are getting smashed.But before he can help Hunter hits a right hand and then a DDT.Hunter goes back to fight Raven a Raven counters and nails a neckbreaker.Nash then lifts Shawn high in the air and drops him on Hunter.Sheamus runs at Kevin and Nash hits a big Boot to the face of Sheamus.All three Alliance menbers grab Sheamus and throw him over the rop rope!

Sheamus is elimated

Hunter and Shawn have got steel chair and hit Raven and Stevie with them.Nash kicks both guys in the gut and delivers a double suplex.Nash grabs a chair and swings at Hunter ans hits him in the back.He swings at Shawn but he ducks and Nash hits Stevie.Raven hits a DDT on Shawn.Raven walks up to Nash and yells at him."What the hell you do that for"Nash tries to explain but Raven just walks to the back and up the entrance way.Nash can't believe what has just happened.He then gets his focus on the match.Hunter and Shawn both attack Nash and Shawn starts with the big chps on him.Hunter takes him down and they starts to kick him.Shawn goes to the top rope and hits a diving elbow on Nash.Hunter slings Nash into the ropes and delivers a spinebuster.Then try to get him over but Stevie makes the save.Stevie nails the Stevie T on Shawn and then gets hit with the Pedigree by Hunter.Hunter throws Stevie over the top rope!

Stevie is elimated

Hunter can see that it is just him,Nash and Shawn left.Hunter starts to nails right hands on Nash in the corner and tries to lift him up and get him out of the match.Nash counters and throws Hunter over the top rope but he hangs on.Nash delivers a huge Jackknife to Shawn and goes back to work on Hunter.Hunter who is still on the apron tries to get in the ring but Nash stops him.Nash tries to knock him off but Huneter is still holding on.Nash runs and nails a shoulder block on Hunter who falls but lands on the table that was moved to the outside of the ring from the Lesnar Show match.Hunter is still in this match.Nash turns around and gets nailed with Sweet Chin Music.Nash leans on the rope and Shawn falls to the ground and Batista runs in.Batista nails a spinebuster on Nash and then a Batista Bomb.He throws Nash out of the ring and Nash is out of this match!

Nash is elimated

Batista helps Hunter get back in the ring and when he dose he get nailed with a suoerkick.Shawn grabs Hunter but get nailed with an RKO.Randy throws Shawn over the top rope and he is out of the match.It's over!

Shawn Michaels has been elimated

Hunters music plays and he is given the ICW Championship when.....Raven hits the ring and nock down everyone with a chair.He throw Hunter over the top rope and his feet hit the floor.Raven was never elimated.

Triple H is elimated
Raven wins and is ICW Champion

Raven dosen't celebrate as he runs out of the ring and into the crowd.The fans are going nuts!

End of Show!

Show starts with Raven in the ring and the arean is black with a spotlight on him.

Last night I beat 5 other guys to win this ICW Championship.But it wasn't just 5 normal mid-card guys.....no, it was 5 of the best in the world today.I walked into the match with no hope of winning.Nobody believed that I could win.Not Austin,Nash,Stevie not even you.The fans didn't think I could do it.But here I stand the ICW Champion.As for Kevin Nash, I was with you last night.Up until the point where you hit Stevie with a chair.I could see you wanted to win and would stop at nothing.So I made the decision, not Austin ME!I grab the bull and gave it a fine beating.I not going to let Austin tell me what to do.

CM Punk walks out with Kane....

So you won a match, good for you.Raven you cheated to win that title.And when Nash beats you tonight and takes it,then you can go back to the hole in the ground that you came from.

It's the goodie,goodie CM Punk.After yet again not being on a PPV he comes out and tells us that I cheated.Punk when was the last time you put those championships on the line?

I don't have to put them on the line!

So never?

If I remember I pinned you Raven.

No I laid down, cause I was forced and have wished I didn't.

But you did and thats the facts.The champion is a coward, a loser and later on tonight we will have a new one.

Nash runs in the ring from behind and nails Raven with a chair.Punk and Kane climb in the ring and Punk nails the GTS.Nash sets up for the Jackknife but Raven counters and escapes the ring.Raven may have a broken nose.

Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs Billy Kidman and Drew Gallows

All the men are in the ring and Rey and Drew start.Drew get the advantage and applies a headlock and takes him down to the mat.Drew slams him and covers....1....kick out by Rey and Drew nails a kick to the gut.Dew picks him up and delivers a suplex.Drew throws him into his corner and Drew makes the tag.Kidman kicks Rey and he is trapped in the corner.Bily hits Rey with big rights and lefts.Billy puts him on the top rope and tries for a super plex.Rey counters and nails a DDT from the top rope.Rey gets to the corner and Matt runs in.Hardy nails a DDT.He climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a leg drop.Mat starts to pose and fire up the crowd.Matt hooks him for the Twist of Fate but Kidman counters and nails a neckbreaker.Kidman tags in Drew and they deliver a double suplex followed by and a double leg drop.

Drew is calling for the Future Shock, he grabs Matt but he counters ito a backslide.....1....2.....Drew just kicked out.Matt grabs him but Drew nails a cutter.Drew puts Hardy on the top rope and tries for a super Future Shock.Matt fights and throws Drew off down to the mat.Before Hardy can d anything Kidman push's him off and he falls outside the ring.Rey checks on him and thinks he knocked out.Rey is telling the ref but Drew rolls him in the ring.Drew hooks his arms and goes for a piledriver,Matt counters and switchs into a Jackknife cover....1.....2.....Drew kicked out.Drew goes for a tag but Matt grabs him and tags Rey.Rey kicks him and Drew falls onto the second rope.Rey runs and nails a 619, Rey goes to the top rope and goes for the frog splash.

Drew moves and Rey hits the mat.Drew nails the Future Shock and covers....1......2......Rey kicked out.Drew tags in Kidman.Billy runs but Rey kicks his leg and he falls into the second rope.Matt runs and knocks Drew off the apron and Matt jumps onto him.Rey goes for the 619 but Kidman moves and nails a brainbuster.He climbs to the top rope and sets up for the Shooting Star Press(SSP).Billy jumps but Rey gets the knees up.Matt tries to get in the ring but the ref grabs him and.......Brock runs in the ring and delivers a F-5 on Kidman.Rey covers.....1.....2.....3

World Tag Championship
Kane and Punk vs Ted DiBiase vs Cody Rhodes

All the guys are in the ring when Eric Bishoff walks out,

Guys, as most people know, I now work for ICW.I used to run WCW and manage RAW.But onto bigger and better things, this match will be a triple threat tag team match....the new teams is.........BEER MONEY.

Beer money walk to the ring and Syorm has a beer in his hand which he puts on the steps.

Also, the man that gets the pinfall in this match will be the X-Division champion.Thankyou!

Punk starts to hammer on Storm and Cody helps(3 men are in the ring and when someone pins a member of another team then it becomes a normal tag match).Punk delivers a suplex and covers Storm....1....2...he kicks out.Punk tags in Kane.Kane starts to clean house and knocks down everuone even the guys outside the ring.Kane runs and nails a clothesline on Cody and a big boot on Storm.Kane gets on the top rope but Ted grabs him and Cody nails a superplex.Storm tags in Robert and he covers....1....2.....Kane kicked out.Roberts nails a back suplex and kicks Kane.Cody and Robert kick Kane and go crazy on him.Cody delivers a DDT on Kane.He covers....1...2.....Robert broke up the count.Cody gets up and yells at him.

What the hell, we could have got rid of him!

Storm walks up behind him and sets up for the Last Call superkick.Robert tells Cody to turn around and Cody gets nailed with the kick.Robert covers.......1.....2......3

Ted and Cody are out

Punk runs in and nails a diving cross body on Robert.Punk throws him into the ropes and delivers a scoop slam.Punk then kicks Storm in the head and lifts Robert up for the GTS.Punk tries but Robert fights out and gets to the corner but Storm is on the ground.Punk grabs him and pulls him over to Kane.Punk makes the tag and Kane nails a big boot.Kane throws him into the turnbuckle and nails a splash.Kane gets him up and delivers a side slam.Cover...1......2......Robert kicked out.Kane is calling for the chokeslam but Strom runs in and nails a spinebuster.Storm gets tagged in and covers......1......2.....Kane kicked out.

Storm nails a reversed DDT and covers again.......1.....2.....again Kane kicked out.Storm hits a leg drop and two elbows.He climbs to the top rope and delivers a drop kick.Kane rolls out of the ring and Storm runs off the ropes and jumps to the outside.Kane moves out of the way and Storm is out cold.Kane gets him up and drops his head to the ground by hitting the Tombstone.Kane throws him in the ring and covers........1......2......Robert saved the match and broke the count.Punk runs in and tackles Robert, they fight on the outside.Kane gets Storm up and nails a chokeslam, he covers.....1......2......3

Winners and still Tag Team Champions
Kane and CM Punk

New X-Division Champion

Kane looks at all his gold and Punk dosen't look happy.

Main Event
ICW Championship Match
Everyone Band From Ringside
Raven(c) vs Kevin Nash

This match is for 1 fall, and is for the ICW Championship.Now if anybody comes down to ringside then they will be fired.Let me introduce to you he "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash.Nash walks to the ring and looks confident.And the Champion, he is the ECW Original and he is the face of Hardcore he is RAVEN!!!

Raven walks to the ring with blood on his face.Matt Striker comments about how his nose may be broken.Nash and Raven lock up and Nash applies a headlock.He switchs into a miltary press and throws Raven half way across the ring.Nash poses for the crowd and Raven runs up and hits a drop kick.Raven hammers on Nash ans hits him in the face.Raven nails a leg drop, cover......1.......2....Nash kicked out.Raven goes for the DDT early but Nash counters and nails a big boot.Raven checks on his face.Nash throws him into the ropes and hits a back body drop.Nash covers.....1.......2.....Raven kicks out.Nash delivers a slam and throws him into the turnbuckle.Nash starts to punch Raven who is trapped in the corner.

Nash runs but Raven moves and nails a neck breaker.Raven climbs to the top rope and goes for a cross body, Nash catch's him and hits a power slam.Nash covers.......1.....2....Raven kicked out.Nash is looking angry and hits Raven in the face and he begins to bleed heaps.Raven is freaking out cause the blood isn't stopping.The ref calls for a medic and one soon comes.He checks on Raven while Nash is screaming at the ref.Nash tells the ref to make him the winner but the ref says no.Raven stands and hits Nash form behind.Raven wipes some blood off his face and delivers a swinging neckbreaker.Cover.......1.......2......Nash kicked out.Nash gets up and hits Raven who was running in the gut.Nash then sets him up for the Jackknife but Raven counters and hits a Jaw breaker.Raven grabs his head and goes for the DDT, Nash counters and gets him up and nails the Jackknife.Cover.......1......2......Raven gets his foot on the rope.Nash calls for it agian....

He is going crazy, Nash is screaming.Raven gets up and gets out of the ring.Nash follows and slams his head into the announcers table.Nash clears it and nails a Jackknife on it which breaks it.Raven it hurt and Nash throws him into the steps.Nash puts Ravens body infront of the gaurd rail.Nash runs but Raven moves and Nash goes into it and breaks it.Raven gets in the ring and Nash does to.Raven gets up and runs at Nash but is hit with a boot.Nash is in control when.....

The arean goes black and then we here music...

He's coming,He's coming,He's coming,He's coming ALIIIIVVVEEE!

Om My God, its him.The man of mystery.It's Suicide, he's here!

The lights turn on and Nash is out cold on the ground.Raven gets up and nails a DDT and hooks the leg......1....2....3

Winner and still ICW Champion

The arean goes black again and when the lights come back on Suicide is in the ring.Raven turn and gets nailed with Instant Death(Suicides Finisher).Then Bishoff comes out, Raven meet your challenger for the ICW Championship at Vengeance......Suicide!!!

Crowd goes crazy!

End of Show!

Rey J.R and Matt Hardy beat Billy Kidman and Drew Gallows
CM Punk and Kane retained the Tag Championship against Beer Money and Priceless
Kane was awared the X-Division Championship
Raven retained the ICW Championship against Kevin Nash

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

Show is off and Heyman makes his way to the ring and is followed by Brock Lesnar.

Welcome to the Highflying,Hardcore Wrestling arean called Madness!Tonight infront of you it's gonna be Batista vs Undertaker, yeah what a Main Event.But this guy here Brock, dosen't have a match.So tonight it will be Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton and if Lesnar wins then he goes to Vengeance and gets a shot at the title.

As far as Billy Kidman goes, you stay on Insanity cause if you don't then I will hurt you and enjoy doing it.

Orton comes out with Hunter and Batista, all 3 have mics;

So the guy who destroyed ECW is now helping run the company.How does Shane think of hiring you, what idiot would?I will not be wrestling tonight,cause I'm the Champ.I wrestle at PPV,so just walk to the back and sit down Heyman and think about who your messing with!

I messing with a little no good, punk of a Champion.Listen, I make the rules and you follow them.Tonight it's gonna be a 4 way for the World Heavyweight Championship!

What no you can't do that Heyman!

Brock Lesnar vs Orton vs Chris Jericho vs Eric Young.

Heyman, if you do this then you can't come back, you cross the line if you do this.

Then its crossed baby!

Place in Money in the Bank on the Line
Daniels vs Samoa Joe

Daniels walks to the ring but is attacked by Joe half way.Joe nails a spinebuster on the outside and pounds his head.Joe puts him in the ring and starts to kick him and then delivers a big knee.Joe lifts him up and slam him hard to the mat below.Joe gets a chair and swings but Daniels ducks and Joe nails the ref.Daniels delivers a spin kick and goes to the ropes.Daniles is going for and nails the BME.Cover by Daniles....................Daniles gets up cause the ref is knocked out.Daniels gets a chai and tries to hit Joe but he counters and loks in the choke hold.

Last time Daniles get locked in the choke he passed out!

Joe has it locked in and the ref comes to and spots that Daniels is tapping.He irngs the bell.

Winner and in Money in the Bank
Samoa Joe

We go backstage and see Hunter talking to Orton, he is giving he a last minute instuctions and Orton walks to the ring.

Four Man Elimation Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Brock Lesnar vs Chris Jericho vs Eric Young

The match is off and Jericho attacks Orton and Lesnar attacks Young.Jericho starts to hit Orton in the head and nails a suplex.Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits a flying forearm on Orton.Brock is delivering big knees to Young but he counters and nails a reverse DDT.Young covers....1.....2....kick out.Young climbs to the top rope but Lesnar delivers a shoulder block and Eric falls head first on the ground.Jericho and Orton are fighting when Orton nails an RKO.Cover by Orton......1.....2.....3

Jericho is elimated

Orton turns and is nailed by a huge shoulderblock by Lesnar.Lesnar gets him up and hits a suplex.Lesnar throws him into the ropes and nails a scoop slam.Cover.....1....2....Orton kicked out.Lesnar goes to the top rope and is cut off by Orton.Randy grabs his head and delivers the hovering DDT.Cover.....1......2....Lesnar kicked out.Orotn pounds the head of Lesnar and hits the backbreaker.Orton sets up for the RKO but Lesnar counter and nails a spinebuster.Lesnar is going crazy and Batista runs down but Lesnar hits a spinebuster on him.Lesnar then spears the Game and sets Orton up for the F-5.He gets him up but Orton elbows his way out of it and then rakes the eyes of Lesnar.Orton delivers a picture perfect dropkick and covers......1......2......Eric broke the count.Young grabs Orton and nails a Piledriver.But before he can cover Batista grabs him and nails a powerslam.Batsita gets him up and nails a Batista Bomb.Lesnar covers Eric......1.....2........3

Eric Young is Elimated

Lesnar grabs a chair and hits Batista in the head and Hunter to.Lesnar has just knocked out Batist and Hunter.Lesnar tackles Orton and delivers big right hands and puts him on the top rope.He goes for a superplex but Randy pokes him in the eyes and Lesnar falls.Orton jumps and delivers a frog splash.Cover....1....2.....Lesnar kicked out.Orton has snapped and sets up for the punt.Orton is ready and he runs......but Lesnar moves and...

F-5 on Orton we gonna have a new Champion.

Cover....1......2......Billy Kidman breaks the count.Lesnar can't believe what has happened.Lesnar grabs Kidman and nails an F-5.But when he turns around Orton delivers an RKO.Cover......1......2......3

Winner and Still World Champion
Randy Orton

J.R is backstage and is interviewing Hunter:

So Hunter, what are your thoughts on the Batista and Undertaker match that is coming up next.

Jim, watch and see what I think!

Main Event
Winner faces Randy Orton at Vengeance for the World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs Undertaker

Taker makes his way to the ring and is followed by Batista who has a bandage on his face.Batista looks ready and this match is on.Taker knocks him down with a clothesline.Undertaker drags Batista back up to his feet and throws him into the nearby corner, before delivering one of his famous right hands, rocking the Batista.Batista gets up and slams Taker.Undertaker staggers up, and a furious Batista comes out of the corner with a flurry of right hands to the Taker.

Undertaker knocks down the Animal and taunts the crowd.He yells at Taker, while stamping on the mat.Batista throws Taker against the ropes and nails a scoopslam.Cover......1.....2......kickout by Taker.Taker gets up and nails right hands to the Animal before hitting a huge boot to the face.Taker runs and bounces of the ropes and hits a flying clothesline.Taker sets up for the Chokeslam but Batista counters and nails a spinebuster.Cover......1.....2......kickout again.Batista starts to kick Taker and goes crazy with elbows.Batista walks to the corner and takes of the cover, Batista grabs Taker by the hair and tries to slam his head into it but Taker conuters.Taker nails a flapjack, and rams Batista into the exposed turnbuckle.Batista hammers on the head of Taker and runs......Taker moves and Batista rams the metal with his head.Batista is bleeding and blood is rushing down his face.Batista staggers back and Taker grabs his throat and delivers a Chokeslam.Hooks the leg......1........2........Batista kickout, Taker is shocked and kicks Batista in the face.Taker nails a suplex and then a leg drop.Taker walks around and is going for the Last Ride.Taker gets him up and Batista shifts his weight.Then he nails a neckbreaker, and covers......1.....2....Taker kicks out again.Batista gets in position for the spear and runs but Taker moves and Batista goes through the ropes.

Taker taunts Batista and the crowd goes wild.Batista gets up and pulls Taker out of the ring.Batista slams his head into the announce table.Taker fights back and rams Batista into the ring post.Batista grabs his back in pain and Taker nails a big boot.Both men get in the ring and Taker nails a DDT.Cover.....1....2......Batista kicks out again.Taker and Batista are both stuffed and the crowd are going nuts.Both men get up and run into each other and they clash heads.Out comes Heyman who has a mic...

This match is know going to be a NO DQ match!

Crowd goes crazy and Hunter runs to the ring with a sledgehammer.Hunter runs at Taker but Taker ducks and nails a Chokeslam.Taker grabs the hammer but Batista spears him.Batista get him up and nails a Batista Bomb.Cover by Batista.......1.......2......kick out by Taker.Hunter grabs Taker and tries for the Pedigree but he counters and Hunter goes flying over the top rope.Batista grabs Taker but he counters and gets him up and drops his head down to the mat with the Tombstone.Cover.....1........2........3

Winner and going to Vengeance to face Orton
The Undertaker

End of Show!

Samoa Joe beat Daniels
Joe is in MITB
Orton retained his title against Y2J,Young,Lesnar
Undertaker beat Batista
Undertaker is the number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton vs Undertaker

Money in the Bank
Samoa Joe vs Triple H vs Billy Kidman vs Brock Lesnar vs ??? vs ???
X-Division Showcase Night

Austin walks to the ring with Kane and CM Punk.All 3 are wearing suits and Austin has a mic in his hands as he address the crowd.

Tonight Insanity is going to be a showcase of the X-Division.All the matchs on the card will feature guys fighting for a shot at the X-Division Championship.

Austin, these people already know that it dosen't matter who wins they all end up the same.Left bloody on the mat wishing they never treid to wrestle me.

As for who is gonna win the Tournament your looking at him.CM Punk, one half of the tag team Champions.

Lets get this started!

CM Punk vs Sheamus
Sheamus makes his way to the ring and the crowd is booing heaps.As Sheamus gets in the ring Punk jumps him and kicks him in the skull.Punk starts to hammer on the skull of the Celtic Warroir.Punk lifts him up and nails a suplex, cover.......1.....2....kick out by Sheamus.Punk gets up and Sheamus pokes him in the eyes.Punk turns and then gets nailed with a german suplex.Sheamus throws him into the turnbuckle and delivers a clothesline.Punk walks into a side slam,cover....1....2...kick out.Sheamus getsPunk into a firemans carry and hits a samoan drop.Sheamus runs off the ropes and elbows Punk and then a leg drop.Cover......1.....2....Punk gets the shoulder up.

Sheamus grabs Punk and hits him and backs him into the corner.The ref tries to grab Sheamus but he knocks him down.The ref gets in the face of Sheamus and then the Warrior hits the ref.Sheamus stands in the middle of the ring taunting the crowd.Sheamus gets a chair from outside of the ring.Sheamus nails Punk in the skull and another ref comes down.Cover....1......2......3

Winner and in the finals

Shawn Michaels vs Drew Gallows
Shawn makes his way to the ring and then Drew does.Drew stands outside the ring and rips up a sign that a fan had.michaels gets out of the ring and hits Drew ans slams his head on the guard rail.Shawn hits massive head shots and whips him into the steps.Drew may have hurt in knee as he is holding it.Shawn breaks the count and then does a suicide dive to the outside.Drew is crawling but Shawn grabs his legs and continues to nail head shots.Drew gets away from Shawn but Michaels gets him and throws Drew against the announce table.Shawn starts to slam his head on it.Drew has been busted open and Shawn isn't stopping.Shawn clears the table and stands on it.Michaels has Drew set up for a DDT on the table but Drew counters and nials the Future Shock.

Drew gets in the irng and Shawn gets in to.Michaels delivers knife edge chops and knocks Drew down.Michaels hits a flying forearm, and slams him to the mat.Michaels climbs to the top rope and hits the elbow.Michaels has the fans on his isde and is tuning up.1...2....3....4....5....Drew ducks the kick and hits the Future Shock.Blood rushing down his face he covers......1......2......3

Winner and in the finals
Drew Gallows

Rey Mysterio vs Sting

The match starts and Sting has the advantage, and takes Rey down.Sting twist the arm of Rey and locks in an armbar.Rey gets put and drops kicks Sting and he rolls to the outside.Rey runs and sends himself over the top rope.Rey lands on Sting and the crowd goes crazy.Rey and Sting hammer each other with big shots to the face and then Sting throws Mysterio into the fans.Rey gets up and jumps onto Sting.Sting gets on the apron but Rey grabs his leg and Sting falls.Rey runs and nails a senton on Sting.Rey gets in the ring and so does Sting.Rey runs but Sting nails Rey with a big boot.Sting covers.....1.....2.....Rey kicks out.Sting puts Rey on the top rope but Rey kicks his way out of it and nails a flying dropkick.Rey grabs sting and hits a cross body, and then a leg drop.Rey hooks the leg......1.....2......Sting kicks out.Rey can't believe it and kicks Sting in the skull.

Rey puts Sting on the middle rope and goes for the 619.Rey nails it and then climbs the top rope.Rey goes for a senton.....but Sting counters in into a powerbomb.Rey lands on his head and is knocked out,cover.....1.......2.......3

Winner and in the Final

Main Event Final
Winner gets an X-Division Championship Match at Vengeance
Sheamus vs Drew Gallows vs Sting

Everyone gets in the ring and Drew has got a bandage on his head.Sheamus nails the big boot on Sting who has only just finished his match with Rey.Drew then starts to hits Sheamus in the back with forearms.Drew goes for the Future Shock but Sheamus counters into and samoan drop.Sheamus covers......1.....2.....Sting breaks it up.Sting throws Drew to the outside and hits a DDT on Sheamus, cover......1....2.....kick out.Sting hits Sheamus over and over again until Drew gets in the ring and nails a neckbreaker on Sting.Drew delivers a leg drop on Sting and a suplex on Sheamus.Drew taunts them and gets a steel chair, Drew hits Sting in the back and the spine area.Sheamus gets up and hits a forearm to the face of Drew.Drew may have started to bleed again, but he is still fighting.Sting gets up and Sheamus hits him witha chair to the face.Sting falls to the ground and out of the ring.

Drew gets up and Sheamus hits him with the steel chair.Sheamus covers....1....2.....kick out again.Drew gets up and gets nailed again.Sheamus taunts the crowd and then Kane runs down and hits a Chokeslam from hell.Kane puts Drew on top of Sheamus.Cover.....1....2.....3

Winner and number 1 contender for the X-Division Championship at Vengeance
Drew Gallows

Sheamus beat CM Punk
Drew Gallows beat Shawn Michaels
Sting beat Rey Mysterio
Drew Gallows beat Sheamus and Sting

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Undertaker

Money In The Bank
Samoa Joe vs Triple H vs Brock Lesnar vs Stevie vs Shawn Michaels vs Christian

X-Division Championship
Kane(c) vs Drew Gallows

The show starts with Sting in the ring and the arean is black with a spotlight on Sting.The pryo goes off and Sting is still just sitting in the ring and not moving.

Some people think that I lost my touch.That I should hang up my boots, after what I did on Monday do you still think that?I was bleeding and hurt but I still took the young guys to the limit.So the point of this whole rant is that I want a shot at Randy Orton!I want the World Heavyweight Championship.So Orton get out here and....

Orton music cuts him off and Evolution walks out.

Sting, what are you talking about.You want a Title match,against me.Do you think that you are even in my league!I got a match at Vengeance against the Undertaker.If I can beat him,I can surely beat you.

You so sure about it then.Put that Title on the line tonight!

How about...NO!Sting I could fight you and win after 5 minutes and then what.What do I get out of it,nothing.Me beating you is nothing.Nobody cares about you Sting your not a Legend.Your a former WCW washed up wrestler.

I beat great wrestlers like Flair,Hogan,Nash and all the others that tried to get in my way.I'm a Legend and you know it.

Listen Sting,tonight if you beat Hunter.Then I'll put this Championship on the line next week.


Music plays as Evolution walk to the back and Sting stays in the ring.

European Championship
Booker T vs Jeff Hardy

Booker walks to the ring and Hardy runs down quickly and the match starts.Hardy hammers on the head of Booker and quickly delivers rights and lefts.Hardy lifts Booker high and hits a suplex.Hardy backs Booker into the corner and nails massive blows to the head of Booker.Booker fights back and soon has Hardy in the corner and nails kicks to the gut.Booker slings Jeff against the ropes and hits a scoopslam.Booker gets up and taunts Hardy and then hits a leg drop.Cover.....1.....2.....kick out.Booker delivers forearms to the face of Hardy and again hits a scoopslam.Booker goes to the top rope but Hardy grabs his legs.Jeff hits Booker in the face and then hits a superplex.Cover by Hardy.....1.....2....kick out by Booker.Hardy nails a neckbreaker and then throws Booker to the outside.Hardy runs off the ropes and jumps onto Booker.

Hardy lands hard and Booker hits his head on the gaurd rail.Both men get up and Booker rams Hardy into the steel steps.Hardy falls to the ground but Booker picks him up and does it again.Hardy is in pain and looks hurt.Booker rolls in the ring and so does Hardy.Booker works on the back and nails a backbreaker on Hardy.Booker grabs Hardy and delivers the Book End,cover by Booker.......1....2.....kick again.Booker is in shock ans sets up for the King Special.He runs but Hardy moves and then hits the Twist of Fate.Hardy rips his shirt off and climbs to the top rope.Jeff goes for the Swantom Bomb and nails it.Cover.....1....2....kick out by Booker.Hardy nails a DDT and climbs the turnbuckle again.Hardy jumps but Booker moves.Booker then delivers a huge King Special.Hook of the leg....1....2....3

Winner and Still European Champion
Booker T

We go backstage and see Hunter,Batista and Orton.

Randy tonight,when I beat down that washed up wrestler Sting.Thats another wrestler that fell to the Game.

I have no doubt that you will you win.Unlike someone else....Dave.

Listen,you didn't beat Taker when you faced him did ya Randy.So don't say stuff like that cause I will rip your head off.Champion or No Champion.

Batsita leaves the room and looks pissed.

Don't worry Randy he'll be fine by the end of tonight.

We ready to go Hunter?

Yeah Randy,lets go!

Main Event
If Sting wins then he gets a Championship match next week!
Sting vs Triple H

Sting walks to the ring and has his black jacket on and his bat.Next is Hunter who has Orton with him and looks pumped.The bell sounds and Hunter and Sting lock up.Hunter pulls away and both him and Sting go back to the corners.Hunter runs but Sting ducks and takedown Hunter.Sting hammers huge blows on Hunter and he rolls out of the ring.Orton wlaks over to Hunter and checks on him.Sting goes right after Hunter and knocks both Hunter and Randy down.Sting throws Hunter into the step but he puts on the breaks.Sting dosen't see this and attacks Randy and Hunter hits him in the back.Hunter throws Sting into the ring and nails a spinebuster.Cover....1.....2......kick out.Hunter grabs Sting by the hair ad slams him into the turnbuckle and then hits a suplex.Hunter looks at Orton and then hits a running knee drop.

Hunter slaps Sting in the face and taunts him.Sting gets fired up and goes crazy on Hunter.Sting hits rights hands and then delivers a back body drop.Sting has the crowd on theur feet and everyone is chanting Sting.Sting hits a clothesline and then mulitple elows.Sting hits a neckbreaker and covers....1.....2.....kick out again.Sting throws Hunter into the turnbuckle and then nails a splash.Sting then hits the Scorpian Death Drop, cover....1.....2......kick again.This match continues, and Sting lifts Hunter up but he rakes the eyes of Sting and nails the Pedigree.Cover by Hunter.....1.....2.......3

Triple H

Hunter stands over Sting and Orton pulls out handcuffs.Orton chains Sting to rope and Hunter and Orton both start to hammer down rights and left.Then Hunter hits Sting with a sledgehammer to the head.The show ends with Orton holding up the World Championship and Hunter holding the sledgehammer.

Booker T retained the European Championship against Jeff Hardy
Triple H beat Sting

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Undertaker

Money In The Bank
Samoa Joe vs Triple H vs Brock Lesnar vs Stevie vs Shawn Michaels vs Christian

X-Division Championship
Kane(c) vs Drew Gallows

Bishoff walks to the ring and no pryo or music nothing.Bishoff gets in the ring and calls for a mic.

Vengeance is just 6 days away.In less than a week the most wanted PPV this year is happening.More people have per order it then the people that watched the superbowl.This is going to be huge, everyone is so excited.And it happened a couple of weeks ago and it happens again on Thursday.That stupid television company.Madness has been drop for some new reality t.v show.So this is the last stop before Vengeance.Lets get into a match.

Cody Rhodes vs Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy comes out to his famous "Oh YEAAAAAAAAAAH".The crowd is going nuts and Hardy is fired up.Cody runs to the ring and the match is on.Rhodes hits forearms to the face of Matt and quickly backs him into the corner.Cody delivers kicks to the gut of Matt and he falls to the ground.Cody slings him into the ropes but Matt counters and nails a flap jack.Matt runs off the ropes and delivers a leg drop.Cover.....1.....2....kick out.Matt picks up Cody and delivers a suplex.Matt climbs to the top rope and jumps but Cody moves and then hits a DDT.Cover....1.....2.....kick out.

Cody gets up and walks around Matt while stomping on his body.Cody delivers a knee drop and Matt rolls out of the ring after.Matt appears to be walking to the back when......Jeffs Music hits.Matt runs back into the ring and Hardy runs out.Jeff tries to hit Matt but he ducks and nails a Twist of Fate.Matt turns around and Cody hits a drop kick.Rhodes grabs Matt by the neck and nails Cross Rhodes.Cover......1....2......3

Cody Rhodes

Rhodes stands in the ring and Ted comes out.Ted and Cody both have mics.

Cody, this could be our year.We could be the Tag Team Champions.Me and you, once again a team.

Since Randy left I went down hill.While you rose to the top,You left me to fail.

Thats in the past we could be great.Just think about it!

Shawn Michaels vs Sheamus

Michaels is walking to the ring when Sheamus jumps him and slams him into the ring post.Sheamus screams and picks Shawn up and nails a spinebuster on the outside.Sheamus walks back and as Michaels is on his knees Sheamus runs and delivers the big boot.Sheamus rolls Michaels in the ring and hits the Razor Edge.Cover.......1.....2.......3


CM Punks Straight-Edge Culture

Punk makes his way to the ring and is followed by Kane.

Welcome to my show, the straight-edge culture.In this new talk show I will teach all of the losers in the back how to be a Champion.So let my introduce my first guest......Drew Gallows.

Drew makes his way to the ring and Punk shakes his hand.

Thankyou for having my Mr Punk.

Drew this Sunday you will face my body guard Kane.Do you think that you can beat him.

I'm the chosen one.I was picked by Shane McMachon.Kane has no hope in beating me.

So your very confident, I like that.Sice your so sur how about we make it intresting?


Kane and I were talking and how about we make it a First Blood match!

No way, listen I have a contract that says a normal wrestling match not a fight.

This is why Drew will not win this Sunday.Cause he is scared and not straight-edge.

Ok then, I do it.Cause I know I will win.

Good, thankyou for being on my show.

They shake hands and then Kane nails a big boot on Drew.Kane knocks him down and then grabs him by the throat.Kane gets him up and hits the chokeslam.The show ends with Kane's music playing and him standing over Drew.

Cody Rhodes beat Matt Hardy
Sheamus beat Shawn Michaels

Final Card for Vengeance;

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Undertaker

Money In The Bank
Samoa Joe vs Triple H vs Brock Lesnar vs Stevie vs Shawn Michaels vs Christian

X-Division Championship
Kane(c) vs Drew Gallows

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Undertaker

X-Division Championship
Kane(c) vs Drew Gallows

Money in the Bank
Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Brock Lesnar vs Christian vs Samoa Joe vs Stevie


Pryo goes off and the building is packed.Enter the Sandman is the offical theme song and the announcers run down the card.It is time for the first match.

Money In The Bank

Everyone comes down to the ring and the match is on.Hunter starts to hammer on Christan and he backs him into the corner.Lesnar and Joe are fighting on the outside and Stevie is getting smashed by Shawn.Hunter whips Christian into the ropes and nails a clothesline.He quickly gets a ladder and sets it up.Hunter starts to climb but Christian grabs him and pulls him off and hits a pele kick.Christian grabs the ladder and runs at Hunter and he gets knocked down.Lesnar runs in and Christian swings the ladder into his head.Joe comes in from behind and locks in the choke.Christian is fighting but Joe has it tight.Hunter breaks it up and delivers huge right hands on the head of Joe.Stevie grabs a chair and hits Hunter in the back and he falls to the ground.Stevie nails Lesnar in the head and he falls to the outside of the ring.Stevie sets up the ladder and climbs he climbing and nearly there when Shawn Michaels shakes the ladder and Stevie jumps down and nails a drop kick.Stevie looks around and can see that he is the only one standing.He quickly picks up the ladder and climbs.Stevie gets half way when,Christian and Hunter push over the ladder and Stevie falls off and lands hard on the outside of the ring.

Hunter then turns and nails Christian with a spinebuster.Hunter if fired up and hits a high knee on Joe.Michaels runs at Hunter and he counters and slams Shawn to the ground.Hunter sets up the ladder and climbs he is climbing but Christian starts to climb on the otherside.Hunter hammers on the head on Christian and opens him up.Christian is still holding on but is getting his head smashed in.Christian begins to loose grip.Hunter nails a final right hand that knocks Christian down.Hunter has his hands on the case but Lesnar slings himself off the ropes and onto the ladder.Lesnar rakes the eyes of Hunter and throws Hunter off the ladder.Lesnar grabs the case and tries to get it off but Joe runs and knocks the ladder over and Lesnar falls to the ground.Lesnar rolls out of the ring and Joe throws the ladder to the outside.Joe grabs and table from under the ring and sets in up on the outside.Joe grabs Christian and pulls him over near the table.Joe gets him up and nails a powerbomb.Christian lays there in broken bits of table.Joe climbs onto the apron and gets nailed with a superkick by Michaels.

Shawn turns and hits a flying forearm on Hunter.Michaels hits rights and lefts to the head of Hunter and he goes down.Shawn scoops him up and slams him down.Shawn climbs to the top rope and nails the diving elbow.Shawn is on fire and the crowd is standing.Shawn is tuning up the band and the crowd counts with Shawn......1....2.....3....4....Shawn nails Sweet Chin Music on Hunter who rolls out of the ring after.Michaels looks up and grabs a ladder.He sets it up and climbs, the fans are screaming Shawn has his hands on the case but Stevie grabs his leg and pulls him down and nails the Stevie T.Stevie throws Shawn over the top rope and the crowd his boo this heavily.Stevie goes to the outside and gets a ladder.He sets it up and climbs...Stevie is half way and Hunter has jsut set up the other ladder.

Hunter and Stevie start to hammer on each other and both men have busted each other open.Joe is crawling and begins to climb.Lesnar gets in the ring to and now we have 4 guys on 2 ladder.Everyone is is hitting huge right and left but nobody has fallen.Michaels is crawling in the ring, Shawn has his hands on the ladders.Michaels knocks both ladder over and Hunter,Joe,Lesnar and Stevie all fall and are down.Michaels puts one in position and climbs, he is half way there.Shawn has his hands on the case.........But Michaels gets pulled down by......Sheamus.Sheamus knocks down Shawn and then hits the big boot.Sheamus gets him up and nails the Razors Edge.Shawn is out and Sheamus throws him outside and then into the fans.Sheamus walks to the back and the match continues.Hunter gets up and looks around, with blood rushing down his face and can hardley walk.Hunter starts to climb, he gets to the top and has his hands on the case.Hunter has it and.....its unhooked.

Money in the Bank
Triple H

Hunter is on the ladder and pryo goes off as the fans boo.Evolution apear at the top of the entrance way and Orton is clapping.The fans can't believe what has happened.

We see Drew Gallows in the back getting ready for his match.

X-Division Championship
Street Fight
Kane(c) vs Drew Gallows

The arean goes red and Kane walks out and Punk isn't with him.Drew is next out and has a chair in his hand.Drew walks around the ring and slowly gets in.The bell rings and Kane stays in his corner and Drew runs and Kane just puts the foot up.The chair hits Drew in the head and he goes down.Kane pick Drew up and slings him into the ropes and then nails the scoop slam.Kane runs and hits a leg drop.Cover.....1.....2.....kick out.Kane sits up and hammers on the head of Drew.Kane gets him up and nails the suplex.Kane lifts up above his head and drops him hard.Kane backs Drew into the corner and runs....Drew moves at the last second and then nails a neckbreaker.Drew gets up and starts kick Kane and quickly gets in a mount position and rains rights and left on Kane.

Drew rolls to the outside and grabs a chair.Drew nails Kane in the spine and then in the lower part of the back.Drew drives the edge of the chair into the back of Kane.Cover......1....2....kick out.Drew rolls Kane to the outside and throws him into the steel steps.Drew runs and delivers a drop kick to the face of Kane.Kane gets up and hits a clothesline on Drew.Kane puts Drew on his shoulder and rams his head into the ring post.Drew is bleeding and Kane ha a smile on his face.Kane rams Drew into the gaurd and Drew is hurt.Kane throws Kane into the oppostie ring post.Kane brings Drew over to the announce table and slams his head onto it.Kane is bouncing Drews head like a basket ball.Drew falls to the ground as Kane clears the table.Kane lifts Drew onto the table and gets him up.Drew counters the chokeslam, and nails the Future Shock.

Drew and Kane go threw the table and both look broken.Punk runs to the ring and throws both Kane and Drew in the ring.Punk pulls Kane over Drew and the ref counts.......1......2.......3

Winner and Still X-Division Champion

We go backstage and into the locker room of Evolution.

Randy Orton;
Hunter, where is Batista?

Isn't he with you?

He's been acting weird Hunter, do you think that he might turn?

Randy settle, Dave isn't going to turn he just....

Just what?Randy if you think I would turn than you better think hard tonight.No better yet, I'll show you in the Main Event.Cause Randy....

Batista gets nose to nose with Orton!

I'll be out there tonight.....buddy!

ICW Championship
Raven(c) vs Suicide

Todd:This match if for 1 fall!
And is for the ICW Championship.

Making his way to the ring from Midway, Suicide.

And the Champion, he is the Dark Angel.....Raven!!!

The match is on and Raven strike Suicide and he goes down.Raven slings Suicide into the ropes and elbows him.Suicide goes down and Raven hits a leg drop.Cover.....1....2....kick out.Raven kicks Suicide in the gut and nails a suplex.Raven climbs to the top rope but Suicide kicks the legs of Raven and he falls down.Suicide grabs the head of Raven and delivers a Cutter.Suicde covers......1.....2....kick out.

Raven gets a shoulder up, much to the surprise of the fans.Suicide gets up using the ropes for leverage, as Raven begins to stir also.Suicide grabs Raven and helps him up to his feet too, before nailing him with a huge right hand … but Raven hits Suicde right back! Suicide reels, but connects with another blow of his own … but Raven comes right back with one too! The two guys exchange thunderous blows in the middle of the ring, with Suicide seemingly getting the better of the exchange.Raven stumbles backwards and Suicide pulls back for a clothesline, but Raven ducks underneath and sprints off the ropes.Suicide turns around, and gets hit with a thunderous CLOTHESLINE!!!

Raven walks around Suicide and kicks him and then nails another leg drop.Raven seems to have the lead in this match.He grabs Suicide by the mask and throws him into the post.The fans don't know if to boo or cheer.Raven pulls him back and delivers a electric chair.Raven grabs Suicide and pulls on his mask when.......Suicde preforms a crandle......1......2......kick out.Raven gets up and Suicide hits a cutter.Cover again......1....2....kick out.Suicide gets up and is waiting for Raven to get up.Suicide grabs Raven and hits a neckbreaker.

Suicide crawls on top of Raven...1 … 2 … NO!Raven refuses to stay down, and Suicide is pissed.Suicide gets back up to his feet and backs off towards the corner,he waits ready to pounce.Raven struggles back up to a vertical base, groggily turning around … into another Cutter.Suicide nearly takes the head of Raven clean off, and he drops on top of the Raven for another quick cover. 1 … 2 … NO!Raven kicks out yet again, frustrating the Suicide.Suicide is trying to finish this....Cutter...no Raven counters and DDT.Cover....1.....2.....3

Winner and Still ICW Champion

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs Undertaker

Ladies and Gentleman, it is time for the Main Event.It is for 1 fall and for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Introducing first he is from Death Valley,The Undertaker!

And the Champion, he is a member of Evolution....Randy Orton!

Randy quickly starts hammering on the head of Taker and Taker goes down.Randy backs him into the corner and rams his shoulder into the gut of "The Deadman".Taker fights back and with famous rights hand he knocks down Orton.Orton gets up and is sent right back down with a big boot.Taker slings Orton and hits a backbody drop.Orton goes flying over the head of Undertaker.

A mixed reaction from the crowd, as Orton goes high into the sky. “The Viper” falls to the ground hard, whilst The Undertaker tries to catch his breath against the ropes. “The Phenom” heads after the Champion and pulls him up, and starts to hammer on the skull of Orton. The blood is trickling down the face of the Champion, who looks completely gone from this contest.As the crowd can be heard cheering at the gruesome sight. The Undertaker is like a shark smelling blood though, as he hones in on the wound and delivers another hard right hand to the forehead!

Orton tries to fight but is knocked down, and The Undertaker continues the onslaught on the Champion. “The Phenom” drags Orton to the ropes and hits savage right hands. Undertaker puts Randy's neck over the apron.The Undertaker backs off, and then drives his elbow right down across the chest of Orton, taking the last bit of fight out of “The Viper”.Taker walks around the ring and the fans are cheering like hell.The bloody Champion is in the ring and is bleeding like a stuffed pig.Randy has been destroyed here tonight and he didn't see this coming tonight.Taker slings Orton into the ropes and slams him to the ground.Taker signals for the chokeslam.....Orton is caught by the throat and CHOKESLAM!!!Cover.....1.....2.....kick out.Orton gets up slowly and Taker is waiting.....Taker gets him up but Orton pokes him in the eyes and then shoves Taker into the ref.The ref is knocked down and Taker turns around and Orton nails the RKO.Orton gets the arm over but the ref is out cold.Then Batista music hits and "The Animal" runs to the ring and stops still in the ring.Batista helps Orton up and they lock eyes.Batista gets nose to nose with the bloody Champion and the SPEARS!!!!Taker.Orton has a huge smile and then covers Taker.Batistas pulls the ref over and then he counts....1.....2.....3!

Winner and Still Champion
Randy Orton

Batista helps Orton to the back and Hunter comes out and helps to.The show ends with Evolution at the top of the ramp and Orton holding the World Championship.Hunter with the briefcase and Batista taunting the crowds.

Press Confrence

The famous "No Chance in Hell" can be heard all over the room as McMachon makes his way to the stage.Vince is followed by Shane and Evolution.

Ladies and Gentleman,tonight is a night when big things will happen.Tonight ICW will go to the next level.I....Vince McMachon will see that this company become the new WWF.

What?new WWF...no that wrong.

Shane just keep your mouth shut.

You said that......

You said....Shut Up.Shane I will do what I want, when I want.I need money and you have it so,I'm going to take every last cent you have.

I want my company back!

What, you can't just take it back.

Then at Victory, lets make it Shane vs Vince in a 3 Stages of Hell match.

And whoever wins gets the company?

No, the Main Event will be a 8 man tag match.And both me and you pick a superstar to face each other in a wrestling match.

Ok Shane.But if you lose then thats it.No more for Shane deal!

Your on!

Both men shake hands and the press is stunned.Shane leaves the stage and Vince stays.

It is to much sadness that I announce that Madness has been scrapped.The following superstars still have a job;

Randy Orton
Triple H
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kevin Nash
Samoa Joe
Brock Lesnar

These superstars will all appear on Insanity every Monday night and we hope that you enjoy it.

Vince leaves the stage and the press and mostly everyone can't belive what is happening.

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