"Iceman" Miz?


So last night on RAW, we saw The Miz show a not so lively side of himself, he sounded cold heart-ed when he delivered his promo & his "awesome" line. I think this is the beginning of a new evolution of the miz, a cold heart-ed person rather than his usually lively self. If miz starts wearing leather jackets & grows facial hair & becomes a bad ass I will MTFO. What do you guys think with this new miz? Cool, Crap, flavor of the month or permanent staple of the miz character?

My take on this, is just well its awesome. I've liked miz every since he was on the real world, I remeber thinking that he would make it one day, The Chick Magnent, the awesome one & now this crazy man gimmick. If used good this could be a great evolution of the miz character, Miz has been fleeting before aweosme truth, I loved awesome truth, sad to see them break up but if it ushers in this new Miz then I'm all for it lol. Miz needs something new thoiugh, like a new look, that look caould be as little as not spiking his hair & getting 5 0'clock shadow to him getting a new theme,attire & all
As long as I dont hear here do that childish and dumb " really really realllly " ever again, ill be happy. It made me not take him serious. Sucks though that we have to listen to the crowd say WHAT! after everything he says. He needed a change so hopefully this goes well. Only problem is Miz just doesnt look like a guy who can beat up anyone. Hes no bad ass at all
I don't know what to make of it. It's fine that he's showing a sadistic side, but I can't imagine ever taking him seriously as a "Bad ass" as you put it. A cheap shot artist? Yes, that's more his speed and is what we've seen so far from him. My guess is this is the same Miz character being repositioned for another main event run. Infact... My prediction is Miz vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania 28 for the WWE Championship. It would explain why Punk has felt the need to speak out about his issues with Miz so much as of late.
I like it. He's needed a more serious edge to his character, IMO. I don't think he needs to become Orton, but I liked the psycho side of Miz last night. I've liked watching him hurt people the past couple weeks. He never had that dangerous aura about him when he had the title. I'm all for it. I'd love to see a slow build to a Miz/Punk title match at Wrestlemania.
I love it. I wasn't thinking that he was getting stale, but this new side of him is great. As you said, Miz +leather jacket and beard would make me mark out. He's showed a mean streak recently, and now this is the reason.
It could be a good angle, I think that it'll be nice to see a more ruthless side of Miz and if it's done correctly could be the perfect next step for him. I really just hope that him and Truth's split isn't just over after Miz hit him with his finisher on the ramp, I would like to see them draw out their break and get a PPV or two in there before the book is shut. From here I think that Miz should just go around beating the shit out of people who he's worked with in the past and continue to be ice cold. I'll admit at first when he was talking in the ring after smashing J Mo's face in that it was going to be boring and dry, the content may have been average but we saw a fire in Moz last night that I like. I hope his meal streak gets pursued because I really like his intensity and I see major potential.
It's not a bad change for him. As stated earlier, the whole "really" line has got to go. Facial hair would be sensible in making him look tougher but he just looks really weak and beatable. As long as he stops being a cowardly heel and starts picking up clean wins I'm all for it. I easily see Miz facing CM Punk at WrestleMania for the title because there's no better option at this point in time.
The 'Iceman' gimmick could work for him BUT I would miss his anger on the mic. His intensity is what makes his promos fun to watch.
I'm not tired of the "Really?" lines yet but I can certainly see why others are. I think the "What?" chant need to go more than "Really?" does. Pretty tired of every heel promo being hurt by that.
Back on topic, a none remorseful, cold calculated Miz could be what sets him as the top heel on RAW. As long as he doesn't go down the Randy Orton path, I'll be happy.
It has the potential to be a good angle. We've all seen Miz as this truly obnoxious heel, we've seen him as a classic cowardly heel during his run as WWE Champion and now it looks as though the WWE MIGHT be looking to take a new direction with Miz.

As I said, Miz has been obnoxious and he's been a classic coward, but he's never really been someone that's "feared" I guess is the best way to put it. Miz hasn't come across like a true badass and maybe that's where they're ultimately going with him. Miz is about 6 feet tall and weighs, at most, about 220 pounds. All in all, he's a pretty good sized man but he's not a physical presence when you look at guys like Kane, Big Show and Mark Henry. Those guys have the size to be monster heels, so having Miz take a route where he's this calculating, cold hearted bastard might work.

I don't know how smooth of a road it'll be at first but I think it could work out if they give it some time and stick with it.
Miz won't be using this as a pernament gimmick, it was just a way for him to look like a threat to the WWE Title picture. He has been having to carry R-Truth throughout 2011 due to Awesome Truth and is seemingly losing faith in his character, this sudden violation of company policy by Truth however, allows Miz to re-adjust himself and go back into the main event.
I just can't stand Miz, never have, never will. I don't have any idea why people like him. To me he doesn't look like a world champ, even though he won the title. He looks like a midcarder for life. All his catchphrases have been annoying, from "hoo-rah" to "really?" to "awesome." He makes the dumbest looking faces. He looks like a horse when he bucks his teeth out or whatever the hell he does. He's not a bad ass and i can't see him beating too many people. I hate the fact that they have Miz being the one putting out Truth and Morrison and maybe more people later on, how knows? Would have made more sense to have Brodus Clay make his "debut" and tear up Truth and Morrison. But oh well, that's just me. Miz is just like Zack Ryder, I have no idea what everyone sees in these two guys. They both suck in the ring and are very boring on the mic. :(
I think this IS a new twist to Miz's character. And if his promo last night was anything like what he's going to be like in the coming months then i love it.

I agree with some of the posts here though, I just dont see him as a "bad ass"
my reason is that his face just looks too....idk..baby-ish?
i dont know how to explain it.

but yea he needs a new look too..i dont know what kind of hairstyle he could go to. but the 5 'o clock shadow would look better. and i dont know about the leather jacket. maybe just make his attire all black?
Only problem is Miz just doesnt look like a guy who can beat up anyone. Hes no bad ass at all

Headman said:
It's fine that he's showing a sadistic side, but I can't imagine ever taking him seriously as a "Bad ass" as you put it.

There's another guy out there that was featured in a movie, someone completely unassuming dorky looking, and by the end of the movie, he became a cult classic hero. That man's name was Tyler Durden, and yes, I'm equating The Miz to Tyler Durden. He's done this before. Just before WM27.

"Hello Rock. We haven't been properly introduced. I'm The Miz, the WWE Champion and STAR of Wrestlemania. YOU, on the other hand, are only the host of Wrestlemania, so you should know your role, and be the best Ryan Seacrest that you can be. If you have the guts to show up to Raw, or Wrestlemania, let me tell you exactly what will happen. I will take your little eyebrow, your 45 catchphrases, your sunglasses, your father, your grandfather, roll them up into a ball, flip it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass! Because I'm The Miz! And I'm! AWESOME!"

When I watched that the part I quoted above, I thought of THIS. The Tyler Durden "You're not your khakis" segment. Because this promo reminded me of that, I've liked The Miz, a lot, ever since.

Last night they did something similar to that promo, where the camera got in his face again, it wasn't as good as the first time, but it reminded me of the original, and it even had the shaking camera effect, which was new and a good improvement, although looking at it a second time I think was an accident. lol

I keep waiting for The Miz to address the current WWE champion and say something like "You're not your 500 body piercings, you're not your tattoos, you're not your icecream bar, you're not the best in the world. You are a stepping stone on my way to greatness, because I'm The Miz! And I'm! AWESOME!"

The next thing I'd like to see from The Miz, or rather done to The Miz is to see the everloving crap beat out of him, ala Stone Cold vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemania. Except I want to see him beaten to a pulp, and keep coming, taunting his attacker until he either creeps his attacker out and he leaves, or until he's beaten unconscious. If he does that, and proves to the fans that he's as tough as nails and doesn't care about what happens to him, then I think he'll be legitimately over with a huge majority of the fans.

Remember THIS scene?

Picture this:

HHH is on a rampage like he was back when he fired Miz & R-Truth. He meets The Miz backstage and beats the crap out of him. Miz doesn't even fight back, and Cole points that out in commentary. Some of the heels show up but Miz waves them back and says this is his fight. HHH says The Miz has undermined his authority as COO, he's ambushed him time and again, he's embarrassed him in front of Stephanie, and Vince, and to give him one good reason he shouldn't end his career right here and now.

The Miz: Aw, come'on Trips, I'm just trying to show you I deserve a title shot!

HHH: Title Shot!? Are you stupid!? I'll never allow you to get a title shot! Do you get me!?

HHH beats on Miz some more, and The Miz says he's just not getting it until he's taken a much greater beating by HHH. By now, most of the heels are watching.

The Miz: OK, OK! I get it!

HHH stops.

The Miz: Wait, I lost it.

HHH beats on Miz some more, and Miz just laughs at him, telling him he'd make a great champion. He'd be the most must see champion of all time. Finally he appears to be rendered unconscious. HHH turns to see the rest of the heels looking scared of him. HHH starts to walk off when The Miz tackles him to the ground, and Miz stands over him looking like crap and laughing hysterically.

The Miz: You can't beat me! Don't you get it!? I'll take everything you've got, and still keep coming. I'm the most must-see superstar of all time! Because I'm The Miz! And I'm! AWESOME!

As he says "awesome" he gets his nose practically touching HHH's and HHH finally shoves him off and stands up, completely disgusted, gagging, and says.

HHH: Alright. You can have your title shot.

And he then walks off.

THIS would also be another good segment to turn into a wrestling promo.

Picture This:

A dark boiler room scene. You can hear some scuffling, and someone says "Hit the switch" and on come the lights.

The Miz, Christian, Ziggler, Swagger, & Cody have Lauriniatis bound and gagged in a chair (camera angles in the movie wouldn't be reasonable on WWE TV) The Miz takes a sack off Lauriniatis' head and says:

The Miz: Look, the people you are holding back are the people you depend on to give you a good show week in week out. We entertain the sheeple on the mic, in the ring, and in any other lame way you want us to. We ARE the conspiracy, and we like you, as long as you continue to do what we want. Do not mess with us.

Lauriniatis nods, looking frightened but compliant. The Miz says good. Someone puts the bag over his head again and someone else turns of the lights to end the scene.

Bottom line is, The Miz might not be your picture of a badass, but that doesn't mean he can't be one.
I like the idea of miz getting the ice heart look going but i still want to see him get going on the mic. one of his best talents is getting people annoyed while on the mic. id hate to see him loose that but id love to see him get crazy and hurt more people. id also like to see him and punk at mania but id also like to see them work jericho into that match somehow given if hes back in time.
In order to be a badass you have to at least look intimidating...he doesnt. He looks like a little girl could kick his ass...Idk i just find him annoying as hell. Not even cause hes a heel, his entire character and way of working is annoying. Its hard to take him seriously as it is, let alone as a badass. On top of all of that he would need to beat a legit badass to be classified as wun. The only way i see this happening is if he has a successful feud with Mick Foley or something like that. Otherwise im sorry miz
Personally I love the Miz. I think he's brilliant, it's clear when he's on screen that he's a fan of the WWE first.

The best Miz moment was during the I Quit match against Cena, and whilst he lost the match to the boring STF. It was the fact he spent the whole time on the mic, telling Cena what he was going to do to him. It was kind of perverse and the whole scenario played out to his strengths. The pending Miz and Punk feud is making my mouth water.
Im not too sure what to think about this. I've never seen Miz as an intimidating person and for him to say he's going to go destroy people is a bit weird for me. But we'll see how it goes at least he has some direction now that Awesome Truth has been broken up.
I'm not really against him being cold-hearted, but I feel Miz over plays his part sometimes.

btw, "really? Really? REALLY?" Always cracks me up.
I love the "really" thing that he does and the crowd get right into it.. But he definently needs a more edgier appeal to him.. But miz is coming into his own and i'm lovibg every minute of it
For people saying he looks weak or doesn't have an intimidating physical appearance: he has exactly the same build as Chris Jericho. And Jericho was at the top of his game in the feud with Shawn Michaels where he was a cold-hearted, vengeful personality. So yes, this could absolutely work with The Miz.
It's fine that he's showing a sadistic side, but I can't imagine ever taking him seriously as a "Bad ass" as you put it.

I have to agree. With that baby face and less-than-rock-hard body, he doesn't cut the mustard as a hard-ass. When he tries to put on a "mean" face, he looks like a pouting 6-year-old. Sneaky, yes. Cheap shot artist, yes.

I love WWE but admit to some disappointment in the past year at some of the guys they're shoving down our throats as main event performers. I can live with Miz on the mid-card but I thought his championship run was more of a Swagger-type temporary event. Once he went back to supporting status, I figured he'd stay there.

Wrong again, apparently.
I think this is temporary. They plan to push Miz back into the WWE Championship picture and he needs actions to back up his words, especially if he is going to be doing promos with CM Punk who is better than him both on the mic and in the ring. Miz acting the way he has been for the last couple of Raw's will get him some more heel heat and help fans take him more seriously as a threat. I don't see it becoming a permanent part of his onscreen personality though because he already has enough about him to stand out from the rest at the moment.
personally i think this would be a great change for the miz, ive been a fan of his since WWECW but a touch guy persona could be good for him since IMO not a lot of people take him seriously to begin with
I do not see this being a permanent gimmick for The Miz. The main event scene is a bit crowded at the moment and it does not seem like Miz has much to do. I think that he will beat up a few midcarders till he is eventually stopped by either Cena or Punk. In front of top babyfaces I think that Miz will go back to his more cowardly gimmick.

I do not quite but Miz as a cold ruthless fighter. Not because of his physique or anything because smaller men have pulled this gimmick off successfully but because there isn't really any reason for Miz to suddenly become this ruthless Iceman. I mean it's not as if Miz has really flipped out or something. He just lost a match, betrayed R-Truth and took advantage of Morrison. That seems more like a man seeking attention rather than a cold ruthless fighter.
New to the forum, and had to find a thread on the Miz so I could get something off my chest. At the end of this particular Raw, there was a moment where, right after the Miz was finished with his bad @$$ line, that the lights could have gone off, the Takers "gong" played, and the lights came back on.

My thoughts are that the Miz should feud with the Taker. Miz has this skittish feel to him & would play the role of "scared/legitimate threat". This would lead up to a Buried Alive match at Wrestlemania. I know HHH wants the rematch, but Miz could carry Taker.

Any thoughts?

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