IC25's New Article - MITB Odds, Punk, etc.

I would say that riley should have better odds than that simply because he has momentum and is feuding with the Miz. I personally can't imagine Rey or kofi winning this. Rey is not a wwe champion and there are far too many others deserved of the belt for him to get it. Kofi is going nowhere and will never be a world champ. Maybe a few years ago and the infamous feud with orton many thought that he would get a shot but that did not materialize.

I feel Bryan is a very long shot. He has not feuded with anyone ( except briefly with the miz) that has shown us that he is main event material. I know a lot of people think he is the greatest wrestler ever and he is going to carry the business for years to come but that is simply not a reality. Also i feel that wade barret or Rhodes will win the smackdown mitb as i feel that the briefcase should go to guys who need to break through and get the opportunity. Seamus has already been a world champ and dose not need the momentum which comes with the briefcase.
Nice read. I would tend to agree with you on most counts.

The only problem I see is that the 2 with the best odds could easily be in the main event already and do not need the briefcase to get to the championship.

Del Rio is already rumored to be on the Summerslam card, so why would he have the case if he gets a title match so quickly? Either he can win the briefcase and those rumors are false, or he would just get the SS match. I would give Riley a better chance, just because he could build himself up with the case. I wish there were 9 entries in this match, because then my pick would be Ziggler.

On the Smackdown side of things, Sheamus is clearly already in the main event picture. He's the kind of guy that seemingly could get a title match whenever he wanted. That's why I would be more inclined to choose between Barrett and Rhodes. If it were up to me, I would go with Rhodes. Barrett has a good chance because he's "moving on to bigger and better things." But I don't see him as a main event player just yet. He doesn't do much for me, but that's just a personal opinion. Rhodes just picked up a win over Jackson (who is to say that this win was just to give him a boost going into the PPV?). He's got good momentum right now, and he would play the perfect opportunistic heel with the briefcase.

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