Who's with me? Before you flame me for being fuckin crazy just think about it.
In a cult you can have all the hallucinogenic drugs you can stomach
You can have multiple wives. Most of those cults allow you to bang as many women as you want. For you pedos out there some of the women can even be minors.
You get to play with guns. As most you know I am a gun nut so I would fit right in. For those of you anti gun types we can make paramilitary training optional but you have to cook.
Its so much damn fun. That is until the ATF comes rolling through the front door with a tank and burns you out for having hallucinogenic drugs and guns.
Was this guy really that bad?
In a cult you can have all the hallucinogenic drugs you can stomach
You can have multiple wives. Most of those cults allow you to bang as many women as you want. For you pedos out there some of the women can even be minors.
You get to play with guns. As most you know I am a gun nut so I would fit right in. For those of you anti gun types we can make paramilitary training optional but you have to cook.
Its so much damn fun. That is until the ATF comes rolling through the front door with a tank and burns you out for having hallucinogenic drugs and guns.
Was this guy really that bad?