I think Owen Hart should be inducted into Hall of Fame

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CM Perfection
I think at next years Hall of Fame, the WWE should induct Owen Hart into the Hall of Fame. He's was a great wrestler he feld the international title, Tag Team, European Title. And had a great rival with Bret Hart in that famous Steel Cage match he had back in 1997, so i think owen hart should be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Do you agree with me or disagree ????
I believe that it's his wife's doing that he's not already in the Hall of Fame. She's still clearly very bitter towards the WWE over it, and refuses to allow them to induct him. Shame though, Owen Hart truely was a phenomenal wrestler.
i think 99.9999 percent would agree he should be, even bret agrees..... whats stoping it is owens wife.. shes threatened to sue the wwe if they even try which has bret furious... from all things said , she wants no ties with owen to wwe..... its sad, as he truely deserves to be in a wrestling hof, as he would prob be on the same level as bret is if his career continued.
I agree with you but it will never happen Owens wife sued the wwf/e and under that she would not allow owen hart to be either used in wwf/e videos (I think that's right) and also he could not be in the hall of fame which I thought was just terrible to rob Owen of that bret also stated that "it was a selfish thing to do" but I hope wwe do put him in but I think if it ever happens it will be a long time until we see Owen in the hall of fame
Owen and Bret's cage match was in 1994 not 97 fyi. And I also feel he will be in eventually. If Bret can forgive Vince and the WWE along with the rest of his family, its only a matter of time before Owen's wife softens her stance and allows Owen to be inducted. He earned it and eventually she'll see that he prolly would've wanted to be in the HOF along with his brother.
Legalities aside, this is a definite for me.

He was one of the finest wrestlers the WWF had in the 90's, and not just on camera.

I know Toronto have been bidding for WrestleMania in the past few years and I think it would be nice to see him inducted in Canada if they can obtain it.

I think the British Bulldog is another wrestler who's yet to receive an induction, perhaps them two on the same night would be nice along with Yokozuna.
How about using some common sense?

IF WWE could induct Owen they would have done well before now like 2004, 05 maybe 06 with Bret but they haven't simply because Owen's former wife sued WWE and something along the lines of an agreed out of court settlement, money and WWE will NOT use Owen's name on TV/PPV or for money gains, so Owen ever being inducted into WWE HOF I wouldn't bank on it for a LONG time.
I don't think anyone would disagree with Owen in the HOF besides one person. Unfortunately for us, it's that one person who has the power to prevent it from happening and she has been ever since 1999.
Owen should be there.... I also thik it is Martha who is preventing hi from being inducted... However I think legally there is a way around it... Bret & Stu are already Hall of Famers so yu cant include them... But what if WWE did a Hart Family induction similer to what the did with the Von Erichs for the remaining Hart Brothers as a collective whole... Or a Hart Dungen Induction where people who made a name in the business that come out of the dungen get a big induction like a kinda "family" thing... The remaining Hart Brtohers, Davey Boy, Brin Pillman, ect ect

Owen was a good hand but, personally, I think, if we're talking about putting the lesser he should go in the HOF (if legal issues can be put aside) AFTER the British Bulldog, and possibly after Brian Pillman too.

Bulldog pretty much carried the WWF business in the UK in late 91 till he was sacked in 1992. He suffered from the same lack of personality as Owen (solid mid-carder but never the oomph to stick at the top of the card) but he helped save business a bit more when it was tough.

As for Pillman, he introduced the Western world to exciting lightweight wrestling (his match against Liger back in 91 is still probably one of the finest lightweight matches ever held on PPV, especially as there wasn't as much crazy flippy shit happening back then) and, between his amazing Hollywood Blondes team with Steve Austin and the mental work/shoot "Loose Cannon" personality he unleashed on the world in 95, I'd say he had more of an impact on wrestling then Owen did (Austin himself states that Pillman helped him loads with getting to grips with a character the such).

So, yeah, Owen to go in, but not as quick as everyone seems to think he deserves. Hell, Rick Rude's not there yet either!!
They've tried, but Owen's wife has threatened to sue. To the point where she's brought suit against the WWE and Youtube because she wants all owen Hart matches removed because "It is causing truama to her children to see their father as a wrestler". Her suit against Youtube is currently in a California court, last I heard.
For a long time, the problem was that Owen's wife, Martha, owned the rights to Owen's image, likeness, ... (she gained them as part of the settlement in the wrongful death suit) and refused to let WWE use them. Bret has since bought the rights from her. Now it's just a matter of whether or not Vince really wants to induct him.
I understand the legality of it all, but I wish his induction would come sooner than later. He deserves to go in with a generation of fans who truly know him and his work, instead of years later with our kids are like who is that; what was so special about him??? He would have WWE champion at least twice if he had lived. I believe he's gonna go into the HOF but years from now.
I agree 100% with what everybody else said. Martha needs to quit bitching over something that happened 12 years. I agree she should be angry but it was a terrible trajedy and I'm sure she knows that. It was a freak accident and will most likely never happen again.

Back on topic. Owen should be in the HOF! Owen was amazing and if the Hart Family can convince Martha to let him be inducted then I am all for having Owen in!

May God Bless Owen James Hart's soul. Next Monday will be the twelve year anniversary of Owen Hart's death. Hopefully WWE will acknowledge him in some way. I would like a ten bell salute to him, that would be really sweet on WWE's part if that occured.

May 7, 1965-May 23, 1998 RIP!

Like others have said, apart from the one person nobody will disagree with this. However seeing Martha has had issues with Owen featuring in DVDs about his family (really pathetic might I add), the chances of a HOF are zero and thats just a mockery to Owen's life work. Martha can use her children to stop it from happening, but end of the day Owen was apart of one of the biggest wrestling families, he learnt the trade from his father and should be placed in the HOF with him and his brother where he belongs, anything else is just a spit on his whole career.
Its unbelievable to me that you guys can sit on here and complain and blame Owen Hart's wife for him not being in the HOF. Sure she is probably the reason he isn't but to be honest the reasons we all want Owen to be in the Hall are selfish. Of course he is deserving and to be many it would seem like a great honor. Its obvious that his wife disagrees and she has every right to disagree.

To be perfectly honest the WWE has no right to earn a single dime off of Owen Hart's name. That is the one thing that I think should be perfectly clear. Sure, it was a freak accident but it was also one that could have prevented. No doubt it was negligence on the part of the WWE and that if this risk were a possibility the stunt never should have been performed. If there is some way to work it out where the WWE receives no benefit from his induction then and only then would I be understanding. That won't be the case and while many would enjoy him being inducted the simple truth is that it won't matter to Owen and it clearly doesn't matter to his family. Until that day I don't see why its even worth discussing.

Owen is definitely deserving and an induction would be fitting considering the way everything happened. With that being said the decision will and should rest firmly on his surviving family. I have read in Bret's book about the many disagreements that occurred between him and Owen's wife and who may be right or wrong in this situation is irrelevant. You have a woman who lost everything because of the wrestling business and I find no reason that anyone could or should be able to make her give any more.
I really don't think he should be to be honest. I think in the end he will in the HOF.

Guy was never a world champ. He was always Brets brother so he never got that main event push. After the Screw Job he was nothing more than a comedy act to Vince. Prolly due to Vince being bitter about how thinks ended with Bret.
i agree he mos def belongs in the hall, i just hope one day the wife could move on and do the right thing, the hall is where he belongs, this is not what owen wanted his wife to do
I really don't think he should be to be honest. I think in the end he will in the HOF.

Guy was never a world champ. He was always Brets brother so he never got that main event push. After the Screw Job he was nothing more than a comedy act to Vince. Prolly due to Vince being bitter about how thinks ended with Bret.

To be fair

wwe tag champion
IC champion
slammy award winner :)
wwe european champion

That alone has more than few people already in the hall of fame.

Owen hart was one of the best wrestlers ever in the wwe and also one of the best heels and fully deserves his place in the hall of fame.
I really don't think he should be to be honest. I think in the end he will in the HOF.

Guy was never a world champ. He was always Brets brother so he never got that main event push. After the Screw Job he was nothing more than a comedy act to Vince. Prolly due to Vince being bitter about how thinks ended with Bret.

Of course he should be. Did they not induct Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Koko B. Ware? Neither of those guys even won titles with WWE and they are in. Owen was pure talent in the ring and he had something his brother Bret didn't and that was charisma. He was usually a heel, but he was able to get a good reaction out of the crowd with his promos. Something Bret had to work very hard for. Had Owen's career continued I think he may have either been World Champion or atleast had a ME push.

The unfortunate thing is that it's not us that are being robbed of his memory, it's his kids. Bret has stated on many occassions that his kids never really got to see and understand what Owen did for a living. Or even understand how talented he was. That is the sad part about Martha burying Owen's WWE career.
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