I should be nervous.


Getting Noticed By Management
Since I'm home schooled there's only 1 big test that matters every year for my entire grade. Tuesday and Wednesday I have to go take that test. If I fail I'm still going to be in the 11th grade, but if I pass I go onto 12th. The weird the is that for some odd reason I'm not nervous at all. I honestly dont give a fuck. The worst part about all of it is the huge cram session I'm planning on doing tomorrow. (I figure that if I review everything the day before I wont forget anything important.) So, should I actually be stressed about this, or am I rightfully not nervous?
Maybe you should feel a bit nervous, it is a big test, you moving on to your senior year depends on you passing it.

But at the same time you shouldn't let that nervousness effect you too much, if anything you should let it fuel you to cram harder before the test. Thats what I do when i'm nervous, or anxious, I just use that feeling to get over whatever it is that is stressing me out to that point.

Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire. BOOM.
This time last year I was nervous as hell and puking. This time I just dont care.
I honestly don't see why people get themselves worked up over big tests. I took my trimester finals 2 weeks ago, and some people were tripping balls. I personally rarely if ever get nervous for big tests. If you pay attention, then you should have no problem pulling the info from your brain.

Example: In Psychology, our teacher stressed that if you don't take notes, you'll fail. Yah, never did that, just payed attention to the lectures/power points, and got an A.

Hell, I've got the SATs in 13 days, the most studying I may do is sleeping with a book under my pillow for some osmosis, and still will probably score well.
If you dont care then you dont care. Probly for the best. Worrying's a waste of time.
I didn't give a fuck at school and did really well. It depends on what sort of student you are. If you just absorb information, then you'll be fine, but if you are the sort that needs to do several re-reads, then you should probably worry that you haven't done enough revision.
I can read some things one time and remember them forever. But I'll prolly be fucked in the math part. I could do that shit all day long then go to sleep and forget how to do it by the time I wake up.
no, you shouldnt be nervous at all. Itll make you preform worse if your all bound up. Just relax, be confident, and let it roll. There is a big difference between being relaxed, and being laxidazical. and even still, if you have been slacking, no amount of stress will make you magically know the shit. So in that case you should be even MORE relaxed haha

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