I really, really want to go to WrestleMania XXVI...

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
... but as an 18 year old college student, with only a Saturday job to his name, earning only £42 a shift, it's going to be freakin impossible!

Here's hoping I magically get lucky with the Lotto! :)
You know, I'm a 19 year old university student with nothing but a Saturday job to his name and so my chances of going are also slim:disappointed:...but I can hope.
Attending at least one WrestleMania is actually an ambition in my life. One day, it'll happen, hopefully sooner than later.
I always get like this when travel packages become available for purchase. I tried convincing my parents to take me to WrestleMania XXIV but that never happened. It's something I desperatly want to attend at some point!

I could ask my parents to lend me the money to go... but I'd then spend the next 5 years repaying them, plus I wanna go to Uni, so that's gunna cost alot of money, so that's a 99.9% sure-fire NO!
Yea going to wrestlemania is a dream of mine. Although at this point i'd choose a UFC event instead.
My advice, see if you can get more hours, and just try to get more money. See what happens.
I always get like this when travel packages become available for purchase. I tried convincing my parents to take me to WrestleMania XXIV but that never happened. It's something I desperatly want to attend at some point!

I could ask my parents to lend me the money to go... but I'd then spend the next 5 years repaying them, plus I wanna go to Uni, so that's gunna cost alot of money, so that's a 99.9% sure-fire NO!

You're probably right because obv it's not just a case of the tickets, it's the flights, accomodation and all the other expensive crap that comes with travel...but hey, at least you're not alone!! I would love to go but don't think I've much chance either...though what is included in the travel packages?
I've decided I'm going to see Wrestlemania 30.
I'm going to save money, get a plane ticket and see it. It's one of my dreams.
I was lucky, being from Long Island, WrestleMania XX was at Madison Square Garden (a short 40 minute train ride from my parents house). I spent I think $100 for my ticket (as an 18 Year Old student), $12 for the train, and $80 to travel from college to my parents house. That's a grand total of $192, MUCH less then the travel packages. Going to a WrestleMania was one of my dreams, and now I can't wait until WrestleMania XXX (which BETTER be at the Garden), because I will be going again (I didn't get tickets to the Hall of Fame, and want to go to that). I recommend going to WrestleMania, it is definitely worth the money.

If you really want to see WMXXVI and can't afford it, then you could always rob a bank (JUST KIDDING, don't actually do that, you would go to jail).

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