I Normally Get PMs Regarding Infractions I Gave Out Years Ago - A Shocking Twist

Steak pie is normally either Steak and Ale, which tastes like ale or Steak and Kidney, which is upside down and smells like piss. I've never tried a Steak and Kidney pie, because it smells like piss. It's a shame because it's upside down nature is charming.
The one that I eat - the one they do at The Valley - is just advertised as steak. No idea what else is in it. Horse meat, raddishes and dying dreams probably.
The one that I eat - the one they do at The Valley - is just advertised as steak. No idea what else is in it. Horse meat, raddishes and dying dreams probably.
is it like a dessert Pie you eat with a plate & fork or is it a hand pie you can eat on the run?
It's flexible.


I am not, you will be surprised to learn, a culinary expert.
I'd make a joke about **** meaning cigarettes in England but such an abortion of a joke seems more your area. There you go - I teed one up for ya.
It's actually more of a square shape but I couldn't get any good pictures of that. Also, the steak isn't normally a pale yellow. Normally.
For the record, I was trying to make a cigarette joke. Sam apparently was the only brit that caught on to it. Apparently, Crock & you didn't.
After reading all of this, I can say that I am now hungry.

Pie does sound good whatever it may be, Chicken, Steak, Kidney or hell, even a Broken Dream pie sounds good.
I'm still waiting for Scotland to stuff a whole chicken with Irn Bru and sheep guts, then deep fry it to make it modern.
Chicken with Irn Bru sounds surprisingly interesting. I love chicken. I love Irn Bru... kinda sold on that. Keep the sheep-guts though...
I see that Irn Bru all the time. yet to try it though. Is it similar to anything in else to taste?
¡Roján!;3748248 said:
You know when it rains, and water gets stuck in the nooks and cranny's of rusting iron girders? It's like that, but carbonated.

Mmmm rusty...

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