I met HBK today!

THE Madcap

Thought this was the most appropriate place to post this...

Was flying out of Orlando today to Houston (where my parents live) and was sitting in the departure lounge playing on my psp when I noticed a ginger kid with a HBK hat running down the aisle. Didn't really phase me as I've seen so much WWE merchandise the last few days. Then I saw what would've been his dad, ushering him over. Did a 2nd take and realised that this guy (Cowboy Hat, tattooed arms, beard sunglasses) was none other than Mr Wrestlemania himself the Heart Break Kid!! I quietly marked out at this moment but was too chicken to approach him as he looked pissed off (probably having worked 4 days on the trot...).

Slightly dejected, I got on my plane, sat in First class (that's how I roll), turned around as I stowed away my ahnd luggage, and HBK was 3 seats behind me in First Class! He acknowledged my DX shirt (which by coincidence was the last clean shirt I had to wear today), but again, I didn't want to invade his personal space...

So I waited a long 2 hours or so until we arrived in Houston, walking to Luggage collection where I had a slight panic that I lost him and the photo moment that would top off my perfect holiday was gone. But then I saw him hanging out outside the bathrooms waiting for his kid to do his business, so I asked for a photo with him and...


Really wanted to ask him what he thought of The Rock's aloofness, but he was quite aloof himself, so I left him to it. although he did perk up a bit when I told him I flew out from the UK for 'Mania, to which he responded "Cheers guys, really appreciate it, hope you enjoyed the show"

all in all he was pretty friendly and had no problem signing things for people who asked, in the lounge, on the plane etc. Was nice to know that I was bigger than him too haha

Thanks for making my trip Shawn, and helping ease the pain of Flair's retirement!
You're so freaking lucky dude...I love HBK.

And yeah...I totally wonder how HBK-aholic will react to this one:p
Wow man you are lucky, the best wrestler I ever met is Macho Man Randy Savage, I would kill to meet HBK.

Oh and I'm sure she will be extremely jealous, but who isn't right now??
forgot to mention, but maybe I shouldn't, that without the cap and the glasses, he looks much older in person but his hairline looked fine!
I'm incredibly jealous right now, but nice picture.

Stupid question, but how exactly did he acknowledge the shirt?
I met him at a house show once back when he was world champion in i think 2002. He was the nicest guy in the world. I even got to hold the belt for a few seconds. Nicest wrestler I've ever met.
I couldn't punch him in the face. He just got out of a 45 minute match with HHH. I didn't have the heart to do it. That and my arms were tired from holding the belt. That thing is heavy.
HBK wasn't really that big of a part of wrestling past either if you think about it.

Come to think of it that's a very good point. He was more of a catalyst for a lot of things. He was the one that gave Austin his first title, DX didn't really become popular until HHH took over, when he got hurt it was in a match that was all about Taker and Kane, his cell match with Taker was about Taker and Kane. Even the screwjob was about Hart and Vince. HBK just is always around these things but isn't really the cause of them.
It's probably better that you weren't there that night. He just got done with a match and was drenched in sweat. He had taken off his elbow pads so it was just the tights, the belt and the hat. Nothing special.

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