I Just Watched The Mist


Pre-Show Stalwart
Awesome movie. The acting was good and seeing Thomas Jane was in it made me like it even more. The idea behind it, of the Mist and the alternate dimensional beings is something straight out of a Lovecraft book was awesome, and while this was based on a book written by Stephen King you can tell he was influenced by Lovecraft.

I thought the movie overall was great, and even with the sad ending it added a great touch to the film and made you appreciate the magnitude of it all and what kind of ordeal everyone had just been through.
The part towards the end with the giant creature, whom I suppose is meant to be Cthulhu was awesome. It was so massive it made them all look minuscule in comparison. Though I would think Cthulhu is even larger than that, maybe by a large margin.
In the short story, that huge thing that walked past the car towards the very end of the movie was told to "Make footprints in the ground the size of SUVs."

Also, did you mark out as hard as I did when
Ollie shot that bitch in the face?!
Yea, the whole gravity of the situation really impressed itself upon me. When they originally were looking to come out of the guy I thought it would be like something out of Alien, but then a massive hoard of Spiders just burst forth I was like "Holy shit".

I dont know if this is it or not but:

Were the people on the evacuation vehicles in the end the people from the store or random civilians they had saved?
Remember that uh... Mom who immediately left to "Save her kids" that looked a shitload like Roxxi? She was on that evac thing. Other than that, no one from the store.
How the hell did she get that far? I also kind of have to wonder why the "locust" didnt kill her, I mean it had the chance, and obviously not because "Its a movie" lol
I don't think the creature was supposed to be Cthuhlu per say, but King stated many times that the monsters from this story were influenced by Lovecraft.
Well yes, it was probably the interpretation of him, or based off of him. I also have the "Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror And Macabre" book and King has a quote on the front of it, so Ive known hes been influenced.

Didnt Dream Catcher deal with Lovecraftian elements? I havent watched it in a while.
DREAMCATCHER <3 The first time I watched it I had no fucking idea who Jason Lee was, rewatching it I marked the fuck out when I saw him
I want to watch it again now that Im better versed in King and Lovercraft. I liked it the first time when I didnt get all of the references and allusions, Im sure Ill like it more now. I didnt ever remember Lee was in it lol.
Awesome movie. The acting was good and seeing Thomas Jane was in it made me like it even more. The idea behind it, of the Mist and the alternate dimensional beings is something straight out of a Lovecraft book was awesome, and while this was based on a book written by Stephen King you can tell he was influenced by Lovecraft.

I thought the movie overall was great, and even with the sad ending it added a great touch to the film and made you appreciate the magnitude of it all and what kind of ordeal everyone had just been through.

Fucking great movie, has kinda twilight zone element to it

Totally man I almost yelled "HELL YEA!" when he did it but I wouldve woken up my household lol.

LOL, I was like "Fucking finally", couldn't beleive it took them that fucking long
The only time I have been in a full movie theatre when everyone cheered loudly for a scene in a movie, when that bitch got shot. good times.
I would have shot Little Miss Catholic in the opening 15 minutes. No question.

I woulda just thrown her out into the mist, I mean surely her vengeful asshole of a god would have protected her if she was correct

I was pissed when they killed the solider, I just remember thinking "Yeah brilliant kill the one motherfucker in the store that has any idea what's going on, yeah that makes perfect fucking sense, fucking ******s"
I woulda just thrown her out into the mist, I mean surely her vengeful asshole of a god would have protected her if she was correct

I was pissed when they killed the solider, I just remember thinking "Yeah brilliant kill the one motherfucker in the store that has any idea what's going on, yeah that makes perfect fucking sense, fucking ******s"

Yea, that part sucked :(
I wasn't too bummed when they killed that soldier dude, he looked like M. Shadows, the singer for Avenged Sevenfold and that guy is uber douche.

Not gonna lie, I'd fuck the God chick.
I woulda just thrown her out into the mist, I mean surely her vengeful asshole of a god would have protected her if she was correct

I was pissed when they killed the solider, I just remember thinking "Yeah brilliant kill the one motherfucker in the store that has any idea what's going on, yeah that makes perfect fucking sense, fucking ******s"

That was sad, and it pissed me off. Shoulda shot that bitch earlier.

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