I Just Didn't Give a Damn


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Cena vs. HHH. Should be blockbuster right? Wrong. I didn't have any interest. Why? I was able to predict the whole match from start to finish (without reading spoilers). I saw the spots coming up, and I saw a run in or double DQ of some sort, and I saw a Triple Threat coming at NOC.

I saw the reversals, I saw the near falls, I saw almost everything coming like a pass. Why did I see it? Because the match has been done 1,000 times over the past 3 years and there is nothing new with this storyline. Michael Cole and the King trying to put it over as something phenomenal and something new that we haven't seen made it even worse.

I don't care what happens at NOC in this Triple threat match because no matter what happens, I've already seen it. I am a fan, yes...but I don't give a damn about the WWE Championship, and I probably won't for quite some time.
It's the WWE's main event problem. Now I find myself strictly interested in the mid-card, which is the only thing that has something going for it. Every Raw, I can count on the main event being Cena and Triple H vs Legacy. God knows how many times we have seen that.

As for NOC? I won't even bother reading the results for the Triple Threat match.

Orton retains? More of the boring shit we've been seeing.

Cena wins? Big fucking deal.

Triple H wins? Need I say anything?

Such a "Wrestlemania Blockbuster event" was so boring that I just turned the television off when I saw the Cena promo. At this point, if Vince hasn't learned, he never will.
They have got to get some new main events/new main eventers! I can understand why Vince is apprehensive to give monster pushes. He has had a fair share of people leave him after monster pushes i.e. Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, and I guess you could say The Rock. Still he they have to get some more people on main event level. Every PPV its Cena, Orton, HHH, or Batista in the main event!!!!
man i totally agree with you.
its always the same person on top
its becoming sickening
im sure if Batista wasnt hurt it wouldve been a fatal four way match at NOC
Whenever they got a chance to talk about the main event, they kept saying how it's "the biggest match" ever and whatnot. But seriously, except the little kids, who cared? No one. I agree with all of you; it's been the same guys lately, but with this new talent that came from the trade.. the main event should be changed significantly.
I thought the same thing. At the beggining of the show when they showed the video package promoting the match I thought "Oh yeah..." The rest of raw I watched and enjoyed for the most part. When the main event came on, i was barely paying attention, and I called the ending of the match the minute it was announced.

The point is the Raw main event is very, very stale. Its obvious when any combination of main eventers fighting for the WWE title bores us.
Whenever they got a chance to talk about the main event, they kept saying how it's "the biggest match" ever and whatnot. But seriously, except the little kids, who cared? No one. I agree with all of you; it's been the same guys lately, but with this new talent that came from the trade.. the main event should be changed significantly.

I know that pisses me off. EVERY week Cole is like this is the BIGGEST match every on RAW. WTF are you talking about, back in the late 90's and even 2000's they would have world titles switch on Raw, now those were big matches!
Dude I know what you mean 3 minutes into the match, and I flip the channel and start watching George Lopez. This match is all hype! I think the only people who were into this match were the kiddies! As for NOC, I really, really, don't care much either. Just like Jericho said a few months or weeks ago RAW has gone down the toilet ever since the draft!
i agree 100% cena vs HHH should be a huge matchup but of course its tit for tat with 2 huge main eventers as much as i like HHH he had too many opportunities for the belt and john cena is played out now they need to make new rivalries to compete for the belt its just gets to boring at times and i looked at my cell phone and it aout 10:55 wen the match started 10 min for a mainevent like that makes no sense
So true Vince needs to learn tat hes done everything he could wit these guys he should move orton or cena to SD to have more feuds tat he havent seen and push MVP Legacy and Jack Swagger to Main Event level matchs or bring KOTR back to PPV let new talent win and face Triple H or who ever is the champ if it werent for KOTR Austin HHH and Brock Lesnar wouldnt be the wrestlers they were and are today
If RAW stays the same i can guess the WM 26 main event John Cena VS Batista HHH or Orton or Fatal Fourway between all these guys or just take one of these guys out and have a Triple Threat these guys have been main eventing a PPV or have been in a World title match since 2004 im sick and tired of it tats why SD is the best show rite now
I actually didn't think the match was half bad. Cole and King calling it the most important match in Raw history did kinda sicken me though. It wasn't even the best match of the night. I thought the match was entertaining though. Not "epic" by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a solid tv match. If you don't give a damn, well write a letter. Maybe it get mixed into Vince's money somehow and he can wipe his ass with that instead.
I straight up didn't watch it out of protest (not like anyone's listening). But I'm sure I could have predicted the match going down similarly. I'm a little peeved because I'm going to Night Of Champions and I'm gonna have to deal with the same old crap for the main event. I personally hope Philly boos the living shit out of Cena, but I also hope for one or both of the losers to start putting over new talent in time for SummerSlam.
I think HHH and Cena are both very good wrestlers, but both have become so stale lately as a result of doing the same thing over and over. I marked out for HHH's return, and then a week later it was already getting boring because he was just doing the same shit as 3 months ago. Orton I don't like, he always seems boring and I think he makes a better midcarder, so anything with Orton involved is generally not exciting to me. They need to focus on getting Swagger, MVP, Miz, Bourne, Kofi, Carlito, and Legacy to a main event level, to frshen things.
yano what boggles my mind, triple h and john cena seem like smart guys. you don't get to the top of the wrestling food chain just on pure skill and fan reaction, you get there because of backstage politicking and what not. its who your friends with and who can get you to the top. with that said, i know triple h is pretty selfish according to the rumors i read in regards to his back stage behavior burying guys only to benefit himself. my problem is, wouldn't triple h or john cena, or even randy orton have the smarts to say something to creative or VKM, that these frigon matches are awfully boring and recycles and redone and no one cares. wouldn't they say, hey vince, why dont you try and give john morrison the main event, why dont you elevate mvp? trust me, triple h and john cena won't lose their popularity or stature with the fans or backstage if they step aside and allow for some fresh feuds. i'd be interested to see orton vs dibiase again in the future. even mark henry intrigues me. i know there is depth in the locker room full of wrestlers hungry for a shot in the main event. why is wwe so afraid to take a risk? ratings haven't increased, its been the same forever, IMO , risk=reward. examples: DX, stone cold, divas, etc. you get the point. step aside trips and cena, help the others out
I actually didn't think the match was half bad. Cole and King calling it the most important match in Raw history did kinda sicken me though. It wasn't even the best match of the night. I thought the match was entertaining though. Not "epic" by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a solid tv match. If you don't give a damn, well write a letter. Maybe it get mixed into Vince's money somehow and he can wipe his ass with that instead.

Yes the actual "match" was good, but everything else was stale and boring. They work well together, but how many times do you want to hear your favorite artist sing the same old song? It gets old after a while no matter how good it sounds. It was solid for TV, but not that solid. Dibiase/Orton was more enjoyable.

I won't write a letter, nope, I will not do that sir. What I will now do is turn off the television. When the main event comes on...click! That's how it will be until things freshen up. When it happens, or if it ever will happen, no one knows. But what I do know is I am not watching. I'll see my main event matches on Friday nights. Fuck the WWE Title Scene right now.:2up: I get angry just thinking about the staleness that it has become.

As a fan of over 20 years I feel I am warranted to express my anger in this way.
The main event on Raw is garbage. Their ruining Ortons 5th run as champ, by keeping this Triple H feud going. Their are so many other people on Raw would should be in the main event, but were stuck with the Nose.

Cena and Orton have had a few matches, but not to the extent that we've seen Triple H vs Orton, or Triple H vs Cena. Theres way to much talent on the Raw roster for the show to keep being booked this way. Somethings gotta give, because Raw is getting worse every week.
I found Raw overall pretty decent, but when it got to the main event....well...just no thanks...didn't do it for me....I mean with Night of Champions 3 weeks away, there was no way either Triple H or Cena would lose, then one of them would be out of a match. Common sense right?
I'm just gonna do what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks with the exception of last week: watch the show and turn it off before the main event. Unless you like seeing the same guys every week (really, if you do that's your right and I won't hold it against you), don't watch the main event. The only time I ever found the main event interesting was when HBK or Benoit was in it, but HBK and HHH are buddy-buddy again and Benoit never existed, according to WWE. Plus he's dead.
i read all the spoilers last week but still manager to watch and be somewhat entertained by most of the show(the divas match the most for some reason)..i still had NO interest whatsoever in the HHHCENA match..just wasnt trying to see it.
This was the first Monday night I've had off since I can remember and I wasn't too dissappointed. My favorite was Orton vs Dibiase and I got pretty excited about the Kofi and Bourne match but that ended way too fast. But my only surprise was that it wasn't The Miz who didn't interfere in the main event. He wasn't even on Raw.
Anyways, I thought the Cena/HHH match was a little refreshing. I mean come on, Cena hasn't been in the title picture since April at Backlash and having him face Triple H on Raw one-on-one was a good way for me to get used to Cena main eventing again. I think that was the third singles match them two have had. Except this one was the first the didn't end cleanly.
But now due to this apparently piece of crap main event we now got a triple threat match with the top stars that headlined the Wrestlemania 24 main event which, if I remember correctly, blew everyone's mind. Yes, I realize I just brought up that these three have been souly in the main event scene for a long time now and I believe this match might be one of the last time it will only be these three. This or Summerslam will be the last shebang. After this is over I think WWE will start introducing new faces into the main event scene on Raw. I'm sorry I strayed away from the topic some but I just think that this night was the beginning of the end of the Cena/HHH/Orton and somewhat Batista time.
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Come one people, the match was actually pretty good. I actually thought Cena had the win a couple of times even though the run in was kind of predictable. Overall I thought that it was a pretty good match.

Just because HHH or Cena is in the match you don't have to immeadiately assume it's going to suck/be boring. Watch the damn match first before you make your decsion. I know the "cool" thing is to hate everything that these two guys do, but how about giving them some credit for once. They're on top for a reason.
It was a damn good TV match. Did you expect something new and innovative on FREE television? You were never going to get it. The match was booked perfectly, neither of them looked worse than the other, they were equals. The match would main event a WrestleMania without a problem, and there you would see new spots and a clean finish. We are lucky to have matches like this one that we can see without paying for a PPV.
I will go Matt Striker on your asses here. Its called "The Law Of Diminishing Returns". If you don't know what it means, please look it up.

No ones denying that it was a good "match". We have already given them that, and we acknowledge that they are two of the best in the business. The match had good counters, good psychology, good everything.

Michael Jackson is probably the greatest of all time in his industry but how many times would you want to see him perform Billie Jean? Yeah the song is great, but it gets tired after a while. Same with HHH/Cena. They are great, but the matches and the program has been done way too many times for us to have to come back to this point again and appreciate it in the way it should be appreciated.

The point is it didn't matter who won the damn match we all knew what would follow and how it would play out. How is that good television? Would you go and watch the same play at a theater 15 times in three years? Probably not. That doesn't mean the play isn't good, but you need something to freshen up the atmosphere. It doesn't matter if its free TV or PPV, its the same show that we've seen already, is it not?

I DVR PPV's. I fast fwd past HHH/Orton matches now, and I will fast fwd past HHH/Orton/Cena at NOC also, as well as any similar combination of the three for the foreseeable future if it keeps going at this pace.
I also really didn't give a damn about the Cena/Triple H match. I watch RAW every single week with an open mind & I try so hard to get into the shit, but it just flat out sucks. The Cena/Triple H match was really boring to me as I passed out during the match. The point i'm gettin at here is that the mainevent scene on RAW is really stale, played out & it just doesn't excite me. That's why i'd watch Smackdown & ECW more cause the main event scene & the overall show in general is actually entertaining unlike RAW.

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