I have perhaps made my greatest post ever on the WZ Forums

Oh, and as a side note, I highly doubt I'll post there again. I'm worn out.

The only way I'll post again, is if FTS makes a really good post or a really bad post. Anything in between will just get a yawn.
Oh, btw, I started my carreer at the age of 17, southy. So, face on that one. I dont know the asnwer to any of those questions, and i make more money than Sly does. I CAN however, show you were Iran is on a map. But thats really here, nor there.

I was also one of those kids who tried to draw pictures with the bubbles I filled in, that sly spoke of. Im sowwie Sly :(
Absolutely epic, and completely demolished FTS. Sorry buddy, but you kind of just got completely owned.
Thank you Sly for making me second-guess my chosen career path. Makes things much easier on my end :thumbsup:

I was going to post in that thread but... hell. You guys seem to have that one well in hand. Nothing I could say that hasn't already been said better than I could say it. It's a great read though. I'm thoroughly entertained and learning a lot.

What is your chosen career path?

Teaching. I've been doing substitute work for a few months now. Interviewed for a position as a history teacher at the local middle school, didn't get the job (apparently I'm too young).

I've been second guessing going into teaching for awhile now. I've drifted to it mainly because it seemed the safest bet of something I know I could do. But I'm starting to realize that I don't really like kids, or most other human beings for that matter.

You may have just convinced me to back to school Sly. I don't want to jump into the shitstorm you've just described right now...I must find a way to delay total and final adulthood some way.
Teaching. I've been doing substitute work for a few months now. Interviewed for a position as a history teacher at the local middle school, didn't get the job (apparently I'm too young).

I've been second guessing going into teaching for awhile now. I've drifted to it mainly because it seemed the safest bet of something I know I could do. But I'm starting to realize that I don't really like kids, or most other human beings for that matter.

You may have just convinced me to back to school Sly. I don't want to jump into the shitstorm you've just described right now...I must find a way to delay total and final adulthood some way.
I hate private schools and just about everything they stand for. With that being said, if you want to be a teacher and don't mind planning your own retirement, that would be the way to go in a lot of situations.

Teaching is great though, I love doing it. It's just a shame people who don't know anything about it get in the way.
I've been in public school my entire life and I'd say I've gotten a very well rounded and solid education.
X...you didn't get a job because you're too young?

That is so much bullshit? Why should age matter if you know what you're doing?

My history teacher last year was young too and he wasn't bad. I don't see how age should matter if you have a good education and if you went to a good college.
Than you are quite lucky KB. The high schools I were in were rather shit. Middle school was solid, and my English teacher really opened my eyes to different kinds of literature and taught me so much. He of course was fired the next year, I shit you not, for giving us "questionable" material to read such as Fahrenheit 451 and The Catcher in the Rye. How anyone considers either of those two works "questionable", I'll never know.

To be honest it isn't so much about the schools as it is the teachers themselves. The best school I ever went to was the Alternative Learning Program here in Rhode Island, where we had a small group of maybe 20-25 kids total in the school, and 3-4 teachers total. It was the best education I ever got because it wasn't your basic bookwork schoolwork. Things like that just don't appeal to a large number of kids, you have to get them involved in what they're learning. This is why the teachers there would bring up a topic in say history, and instead of reading a textbook, we'd sit there and have a debate for an hour. It was fantastic especially because here I was this crazy punk kid with all of these radical left-wing politics, and my history teacher was a hardcore Bush-loving conservative. I respected the hell out him though, and we always had great, great debates where he didn't treat me as a child, but as an equal. Of course they ended up drastically cutting the funding of this program after I graduated. Probably because of how well it worked (graduation rate there was insane; something like 98%).

They have the ALP program in Missouri Sly?
Fahrenheit 451 and Catcher in the Rye. My goodness X how can you think they're not questionable? THEY TALK ABOUT NOT FOLLOWING ALONG WITH SOCIETY! We can't have that! Imagine people having ideas and thoughts of their own! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FREAKING MIND???
Than you are quite lucky KB. The high schools I were in were rather shit. Middle school was solid, and my English teacher really opened my eyes to different kinds of literature and taught me so much. He of course was fired the next year, I shit you not, for giving us "questionable" material to read such as Fahrenheit 451 and The Catcher in the Rye. How anyone considers either of those two works "questionable", I'll never know.
Probably because your Board of Education are idiots...that or he was doing inappropriate things, and that's just the way they labeled it.

To be honest it isn't so much about the schools as it is the teachers themselves. The best school I ever went to was the Alternative Learning Program here in Rhode Island, where we had a small group of maybe 20-25 kids total in the school, and 3-4 teachers total. It was the best education I ever got because it wasn't your basic bookwork schoolwork. Things like that just don't appeal to a large number of kids, you have to get them involved in what they're learning. This is why the teachers there would bring up a topic in say history, and instead of reading a textbook, we'd sit there and have a debate for an hour. It was fantastic especially because here I was this crazy punk kid with all of these radical left-wing politics, and my history teacher was a hardcore Bush-loving conservative. I respected the hell out him though, and we always had great, great debates where he didn't treat me as a child, but as an equal. Of course they ended up drastically cutting the funding of this program after I graduated. Probably because of how well it worked (graduation rate there was insane; something like 98%).

They have the ALP program in Missouri Sly?
I'm not aware of such a program, but there are many programs I just don't know about.

The biggest problem with schools, in most cases, are not teacher but the Board of Education. When the Board has no idea what to do, then the entire district suffers. And, at least in Missouri, since there really aren't any standard requirements for who can run for the Board, you can get all types of loons on the Board. And if you don't have a strong Administration who can stand up to them, then everyone suffers.

The district I'm in is pretty lucky. We have some pretty decent Board members (and one or two not so decent), and a really good Administrative staff. Obviously, my opinion is kind of biased, but I do think we have one of the better districts around.
I just read this. I will have you know that someone got fired because of you.

I hope you're proud of yourself. Bastard. ;)

They told us it was just for funding, dammit. If I wouldve known peoples jobs were...

well, no, probably not. I hated most of my teachers, and wasnt a very nice person back then.

"ok, here is your busywork worksheet for the day, now ill go sit at my desk and do nothing..."

fuck that, fuck yoooouu, and fuck this test :lmao:
Norcal (Col. Pain) is a Rebel Without a Cause, didn't ya know?
Catcher in the rye was badass. I wanted to murder myself everyday we read farenheit 451 one though, I hated that book with a firey (haha) passion
Absolutely epic, and completely demolished FTS. Sorry buddy, but you kind of just got completely owned.

There is no fucking way that an off topic rant owns anything.


That was fun. I don't care if I win or lose, I still believe what I said.

He used that as a thread to attack the education system and never answers why the ability to form a sentence shouldn't be a requirement.

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