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I Have Never Been So Interested in Professional Wrestling in My Entire Life


Why you ask? Everything the WWE has going is damn near perfect right now.

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker

A match we've all been wanting to see for quite sometime. Especially at WrestleMania. There was some supposed bad blood at a UFC event a while back, and if there's anyone we honestly think could possibly break the streak (legitimately) it would be Brock Lesnar. The Baddest Man on the Planet. I'm intrigued.

The Authority vs Daniel Bryan

Not even almost because of Orton vs Batista but moreso because as a fan right now there's absolutely no way that we're going to see Orton vs Batista after what we saw on RAW last night. I'm not all too excited about a triple threat match, but I am excited to see if Triple H accepts Daniel Bryan's challenge and then goes onto face both Orton/Batista to gain the WHC.

The Sheild

They seemingly broke up last night. That was a terrific match. The crowd was chanting, "This is awesome" instead of, "CM Punk;" and they were right. I'm really interested to see how this works out. Rollins is entertaining. Ambrose is entertaining. Reigns is entertaining. They've all seemingly taken personalities of their own within The Sheild, and now we get to see if they're Eagles who can soar or Turkeys.

The Wyatt Family

Consistently one of the most entertaining aspects of the show. The new gimmicky, weird, dark, demonic faction/person within the WWE. They will have gimmick matches over the years, I could see Bray Wyatt breaking The Streak next year and then moving onto creating his own streak at WrestleMania throughout the course of the next 30 years. (I'm not a huge fan of Undertaker ever losing The Streak, but if it's to be done then do it with Bray and create his own streak. However, I would be just fine if they simply never squared off and let Bray just have his own streak as 5-10 years from now it would be a big deal)

The CM Punk ordeal

No idea what's going on. Is it a work? Is it not? I'm interested to see how it turns out.

The Uso's

Love them. They're entertaining, fun to watch, charismatic, seem to be hard workers, etc.

Titus O'Neil

I'm excited we have a new monsterish heel. It's actually been a while since we've seen a really big guy (who's not like 500 lbs) dominate, strut, and whatnot. He's still got a long way to go, but I'm still interested where it could be heading.


Entertaining guy. He still seems to lack charisma/mic work at times. I'm not ready to anoint him as the next big thing, or anything of the sort; but he's interesting and growing more and more.

All in all the WWE has captured my attention. They have me staying up well past what I normally stay up as I'm generally asleep around 9:30pm. I'm 20 years old and for the first time since I was 12-13 years old the WWE has genuinely entertained me nearly every single show I've watched for the past year. The WWE has more talented stars then I can ever recall since I've been watching in 2003.
It's nice to see a fan who is happy with the product and not just complaining about it because Daniel Bryan doesn't have the belt.

Good analysis.
Honestly, I don't agree. I suppose I'm just cynical from the last 10 years of wrestling, but I know what HHH's involvement in storylines ends up with. I'd be surprised if we don't see HHH beat Bryan at Mania and we simply get Batista vs Orton.

Right now I'm genuinely on the fence about buying Wrestlemania for the first time. If WWE don't pull the Daniel Bryan trigger now it'll show that they simply don't know what they're doing anymore. Nexus, Summer of Punk and now perhaps the YES! Movement. I haven't given WWE any money aside from Wrestlemania and the Royal Rumble for a while, and after the last several Royal Rumbles - and despite some mid-card excitement - the main event scene is turning me away from even giving them that.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I'm not even the biggest Daniel Bryan fan out there, but if the WWE blow this one then it's clear they just can't cut it anymore.
You started watching wrestling when you were 9? I started watching when I was 4 and knew it was fake when I was 9 lol.

Anyway I don't think wrestling is that great now.

In my opinion 2001 was the last great year in wrestling and 2006 the last good year in wrestling.

What I'm about to say will make everyone hate me but well it needs to be said:

The whole cm punk situation won't lead to anywhere. Cm punk might come back but not for wrestlemania.

Daniel Bryan vs The Authority feud suck, all they're doing is sabotaging Bryan.

Nobody will remember the usos or Titus O'Neil especially at wrestlemania season.

Rollins and Ambrose will become mid carders and reigns will be pushed. The IWC will turn on super reigns and hate on him until he retires.

Bray Wyatt will job to Cena and the Wyatt family will be buried.
First of all, what the OP said is similar to how I am. I've been watching WWE since about 1990 or 1991 regularly. I was in 3rd grade in 1990-1991 and my best friend at the time and I would go and rent the PPVs at the video store every weekend, and we always knew what was going on.

All through the 1990s, other friends and I would have PPV parties, and we rented every PPV we could. I graduated high school in 2000, and since then, I was only a casual fan of WWE. I missed the Invasion angle. I skipped through most of the RA Era because I had better things to do like live a life in my 20s. Now, as I'm in my 30s, I'm really happy to be back into WWE. I like almost everything they are putting out, and I mark a little when people like 'Taker come back.

That being said...Bryan is not being buried, it's called a storyline, get over it. He's not that good anyway. He's super over, just not that talented. All he does is corpse out and smile the whole time he's in the ring, and then he has 3-3.5 star matches at best.

The Usos are pretty great, the Brotherhood was pretty great, and I miss the PTPs. Titus v. Tan Cena doesn't really do much for anyone.

GOAT up above me is right about the Shield. Reigns will get his deserved push into Main Event territory, and the IWC will immediately talk about how overrated he is, and a friend of HHH's, or family to the Rock, whatever. Ambrose should be back in NXT, or future endeavored, and Rollins has a future as much as Punk or Bryan does.

Cena will do the favor for Bray at WM30, but I doubt he does it clean.

Cesaro is a bright star, but the longer he's with Swagger and Zeb, or at least in the Real American angle, he's going to burn out quickly.
very refreshing to read someone who is enjoying the current product..

I'm pretty neutral. I've been watching since 91 or so and watch the product to enjoy it for what it is, not what I want it to be.

no matter how we feel about Punk, no one guy is bigger than the company and these upcoming tv negotiations will put WWE through the roof, and they are too far ahead, no promotion will give them significant competition. there is a before Punk WWE era and there will be an after so I'm not bothered by it like most fans.

I just hope they find a way to make the WM main event more exciting.
The current product is lazy. Just recycled stuff from last weeks show. Sheamus vs Christian, Lesnar attacking henry has happend three times now what the hell is the point of it? Daniel Bryan getting screwed over and attacked again, Ya dont say? Same shit over and over and over. Taker and Lesnar? So were supposed to believe that taker 12 years ago couldnt beat brock but now that hes much older and skinnier and much more immobile he can? Fans clearly dont want to see bryan and hhh at mania but hey god for bid hhh isnt on the card right? Bleh
The current product is lazy. Just recycled stuff from last weeks show. Sheamus vs Christian, Lesnar attacking henry has happend three times now what the hell is the point of it? Daniel Bryan getting screwed over and attacked again, Ya dont say? Same shit over and over and over. Taker and Lesnar? So were supposed to believe that taker 12 years ago couldnt beat brock but now that hes much older and skinnier and much more immobile he can? Fans clearly dont want to see bryan and hhh at mania but hey god for bid hhh isnt on the card right? Bleh

The product has literally never been better. It's always been pretty good, but this is easily the height of talent/abilities/charisma.
I think they made Lesnar look super weak since his return.

I mean taker beat HHH multiple times at Mania. HHH beat Lesnar (as well as everybody else he faced basically). It's obvious that Taker is going over. The way to draw this is to make it seem like 'will the Streak finally end?'

I did catch the Uso's winning the tag belts from the Outlaws. That felt like an old school match with real tag-teams, the crowd into it, the genuine happiness in winning the belts which makes it relevant (also winning it from a legit tag-team with a history of being the Champion).
It is nice to see that the creative direction of the WWE seems to be going with the flow of what the audience wants and not so much what the big wigs behind the curtain want.

I don't think that any of this was planned in regard to how Daniel Bryan is involved with an angle that demonizes the on-screen professionalism of HHH and Stephanie. I think that money talks and right now it makes sense for everyone in Daniel Bryan's way to the top to act as though they just don't get his appeal and think the "YES!!" chants are stupid. They recognize how everyone can enjoy a fatter pay check if they all play this game of "He's too small to compete!"

I hate a lot of things about the WWE, and I'm sure that the WWE is well aware of what those things are. They're doing the best they can do to keep taking my hard earned cash, and I give their effort a solid B+. The WWE is in a fortunate position in that despite what they had originally planned, they can change any given week to pull me back in.

They're acknowledging the angst toward Batista, and to Batista's credit he's been selling to Daniel Bryan as penance to the crowd for all the shit talking his character has done. I don't know if it's all a means of setting up a triple threat main event at Wrestlemania. If it is, then I'll enjoy that immensely. Not just because I helped convince the WWE to change their minds about the creative direction of Daniel Bryan's character when they were desperately trying to exhaust his positive notoriety.

I like what I saw on RAW, they ponied up an awesome card and the crowd couldn't help but be supportive through a majority of it. I highly doubt we would have been given a Shield vs Wyatts rematch unless the WWE was intimidated into doing so by the inevitability of a hostile Chicago crowd.
The product has literally never been better. It's always been pretty good, but this is easily the height of talent/abilities/charisma.

What do you base this on? Respectfully i think you would be in the minority of saying that the product now is better then ever. More talent abilities and charisma then the attitude era. Id have to strongly disagree with you there. But i dont want this to turn into a better era argument. Just wondering what you base that opinion off of.
I base my opinion off of the fact that, for instance, in the AE, like you mentioned, there were only a few talents that could actually wrestle. Most promos were complete garbage. Most storylines were fragmented and just plain stupid. Today, the writing might be slightly safer, but it's also more cohesive, most of the talents are just better in ring workers, and overall, the mic skills are superior.

That's not to say that other eras didn't have their stars. No one will ever touch Stone Cold or The Rock. Dx will always be one of the greatest stables of all time. But the product is so approachable now, it's just hand above the 90s and early 2000s.
There's still plenty of problems that need to be sorted out between here and Wrestlemania.

What's going to happen in the WWEWHC match, as it stands now? Right now, the matchup is heel vs. heel, and is about as bland and uninteresting as it gets. It's nice to see Orton not having his hand held or bickering with the Authority, but a face turn is out of the question and would be incredibly forced at this point. It's at the point where they're almost going to have to add someone to the match to make it tolerable. Based on last night, I'd guess Bryan wrestles twice in one night, defeating HHH to earn his way into the match.

The Shield seems far from broken up, Rollins seemed incredibly conflicted by what he did last night. It seemed more like a moment of frustration from Rollins then him turning on his Shield brethern. I could see them still united after WM 30, with Reigns and Rollins facing Harper and Rowan, while Ambrose faces Big E. to unify the mid-card belts. Neither seem particularly interesting right now, as I'd much rather see Reigns continue to get a strong push, but that seems on the back-burner right now, almost.

Cena and Wyatt has the chance to be a heckuva feud, and Cena's injury gives him an out to lose to Bray and keep his undefeated streak going. So far, so good, but will Cena really lose on four straight PPV's? The fan in me hopes not, but it would make sense for him to do so, and get his win back at Extreme Rules.

The build to Undertaker and Lesnar thus far has been excellent, but I worry about the match itself. With Undertaker at nearly 50 and Lesnar only knowing how to work one style, it could be a sloppy match. I'm looking forward to it, but with the physical style Lesnar works, it could even be a dangerous match for Undertaker. I'm looking forward to it, as it's one of the "Big 4", but after what we've gotten from 'Taker the last 5 years, the possibility of a letdown is there.

How do they plan on filling out the rest of the feud? Christian, at least, is doing his part at being a legitimate, desperate heel, but Sheamus has done nothing to establish himself as a character since he returned in January. As a result, it's hard to care that Christian attacked him. This is supposed to set up a match at 'Mania? We've seen them fight every week, at least once, on Raw and Smackdown, and the result is always the same.

After that, there's no semblance of order in the mid-card whatsoever. The tag team division is being depleted by break-up after break-up, and while it's good to see the Usos as champs, they should have done this at Elimination Chamber, where people actually paid to watch. Will they even have a match at 'Mania, and if so, against whom?

Instead of doing Cesaro/Zayn as the "final chapter" at NXT Arrival, (great match that it was), they should have saved it for Wrestlemania. Bring Zayn up to the main roster, have Cesaro dispose of Swagger quickly, then do the final chapter between the two at Wrestlemania.

And unless the plan is for Emma vs. AJ at Wrestlemania, the women's division really has nothing going for it. AJ as champion has long since lost its appeal, and none of her other challengers are even remotely interesting, except for the fact that they're on Total Divas.

Rey Mysterio. Dolph Ziggler. Wade Barrett. Fandango. Kofi Kingston. Cody Rhodes. Goldust. Even Miz. All men who have looked like they have bright futures, or have been strong parts of the mid-card, only to appear on TV sporadically and job when they do.

If you get past the Big 4 matches, which aren't problem free as is, there's a lot not to like. If there was ever a time to bring back Punk, last night was it, so that ship appears to have sailed as well. I always get excited around Wrestlemania season, and I am this year as well. But not as excited as I've been in plenty of years past.
It's been better than it had been, but it still bothers me that they don't emphasize the titles. It seems they now have more emphasis on the tag belts than the US, IC and now the Heavyweight title.

I had thought Orton would be more involved after winning, but he's seemed to regress since the Cena matches. Orton's heel turn was supposed to be great because it fit his style, but it's been a pretty lackluster run.
I mean taker beat HHH multiple times at Mania. HHH beat Lesnar (as well as everybody else he faced basically). It's obvious that Taker is going over. The way to draw this is to make it seem like 'will the Streak finally end?'

I understand this thinking, but if you remember Brock beat HHH twice, once in a steel cage. Brock has also beaten Taker in the past, and Taker has beaten HHH, so everybody loses at some point. And the 1 loss to HHH is fine, especially considering he Brock's won twice, and demolished the big show. The problem with this logic, is this is saying pretty much, that since Vladimir Kozlof beat HHH, HHH beat Brock, and Brock beat taker in 2002, the Kozlof can beat taker. It's like saying since the Houston Astros beat the Yankees, they can win the World Series. It's just unrealistic.
I don't think it's the best it's ever been but I'd say it's the best since the attitude era. Actually I thought the roster was really strong around 2002-2003 even though that's just after the attitude era. I've always thought wrestlemania 19 was the best wrestlemania. But over all I like the attitude era the best. It was just so entertaining. I think as far as actual in ring work today is better than the attitude era but for overall entertainment I'd say its close today but not quite as good. The last 6 months have been awesome but back then it was just so crazy you had to see every week how they were gonna top the previous week and it really had an anything can happen feel that isn't really missing now but not quite as great as it was. I've been a fan since around probably 86 and there's never been a time I was a casual fan so I've seen every part of the company's history since then and I'd say the attitude era was my favorite time but this last year has been a close second. I doubt it'll ever be as cool as it was back then but I could be wrong and I hope I am. I expect the next year to be better than the last so the future looks bright.
2002-2003 and WM 19 were both Attitude Era still. And, honestly, I know why the AE is close to my heart. I was 16 years old, and watching the Monday Night Wars happen in front of my eyes. I was also coming to Wrestlezone for my rumors and info back then, and it's how I kept tabs on ECW. But all in all, I'm still happiest watching the current era, and I wouldn't change that.
It is the best it has been in years, probably since the Attitude era. I think a lot of it has to do with more emphasis on matches and less on backstage skits. I enjoy a longer match with a well told story in the ring. Last night I was on the edge of my seat during The Usos/NAO match anticipating the inevitable ending. And even though I predicted the outcome I was over the moon excited. Another reason why I am enjoying the current product is the emphasis on building younger talent. I enjoy seeing more Wyatt family, the shield, Cesaro, Big E etc and less of the bigger names. There are still issues like lack of emphasis on the IC and US titles, but hopefully that will come shorty. Thanks for a positive post
this is a little off topic, but i cant start a new topic yet

i am serious and its very likely true,i am only applying a popular scientific theory (many worlds interpretation) to the wwe/wwf.

Anything that could ever happen happens in some parallel universe (many worlds interpretation)

all of these universes are as real as our universe and are seperate from eachother

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Andre the Giant lived until the year 2044. In some of those parallel universes,Andre the Giant was a full time wrestler in the WWE from 2006 to 2020 (when he was in his 60s and 70s)

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where the Ultimate Warrior wrestled Yokozuna in the WWF (in 1993)

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where every WWF/WWE storyline and character from our current universe past present and future were 100 percent REAL (in those universes the matches had the same outcomes and went the same exact way as in our universe except they were complete shoots in those universes) so yes there are universes where there really is a Kane and a Papa Shango,Mankind, Goldust,Faaroq, Umaga and a Missing Link etc etc etc

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Rick Rude stayed in the WWF the first time and wrestled in the WWF in 1991,1992,1993,1994 and 1995

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where the following WWF wrestlers were all alive (and wrestling either full time or occasionally) in the year 2018: Hawk,Texas Tornado,Dino Bravo,Bruiser Brody, Owen Hart,Chris Benoit,Eddie Guerrero,Yokozuna,Eddie Gilbert,Big John Studd

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Gorilla Monsoon lived until the year 2038.In some of those universes,Monsoon was commentating for the WWE throughout the 2010s and 2020s.

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where the following WWF wrestlers were WWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION at least one time in their careers: Owen Hart, Jake Roberts,Big Bossman,Lex Luger,Brutus Beefcake,Koko B Ware,Dusty Rhodes,Rick Rude,Roddy Piper,Million Dollar Man, Test, The Patriot, Bruiser Brody,Sting, Marty Jannetty,Jim Neidhart, Iron Mike Sharpe, Brooklyn Brawler, Jerry Monti,Bruce Hart, ME, Randy Hunter, Honky Tonk Man, Mr Perfect, the Genius, Mr T, Zeus,Texas Tornado)

(ie i mean there are seperate universes for each of the above wrestlers winning the wwf heavyweight title)

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Hulk Hogan lost his heavyweight title to Bret Hart at Summer Slam 1993

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Shawn Michaels wrestled a full time schedule in the WWF in 1998,1999,2000 and 2001

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Hulk Hogan turned HEEL in the WWF in 1989

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where John Cena wrestled against Dino Bravo in the WWF(E)

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Lou Thesz was wrestling every month for the wwe in the 2010s,2020s and 2030s

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where no wwe/wwf wrestler was ever suspended for steroids ever past present or future

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Demolition wrestled the Nasty Boys

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Sting was in the WWF throughout the 1990s

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Randy Savage made occasional appearances in the WWF from 2001 to 2007

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Vince McMahon Sr died in 2028 instead of 1984. in those universes he was still head of the WWE throughout the 2010s and early 2020s

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Yokozuna was WWF Intercontinental champion at some point

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Hulk Hogan main evented a PPV in a one on one match vs Rick Rude

there are BILLIONS of parallel universes where Shawn Michaels wrestled in WCW

just ask stephen hawing and half of regular scientists if i am nuts

wikipedia article: Many-worlds_interpretation
I understand this thinking, but if you remember Brock beat HHH twice, once in a steel cage. Brock has also beaten Taker in the past, and Taker has beaten HHH, so everybody loses at some point. And the 1 loss to HHH is fine, especially considering he Brock's won twice, and demolished the big show. The problem with this logic, is this is saying pretty much, that since Vladimir Kozlof beat HHH, HHH beat Brock, and Brock beat taker in 2002, the Kozlof can beat taker. It's like saying since the Houston Astros beat the Yankees, they can win the World Series. It's just unrealistic.

I know this is off topic. But kozlov DID beat undertaker clean (with a powerslam) in smackdown a couple of years ago. So theres no problem with the logic at all. It happened :)

here is the match

I took a break from Wrestling and stopped watching it, I followed it on here and other sties those years but didnt watch it, But lately with all the story lines, Punk Bryan/Authority. Wyatts and The Shield. its the best its been in years!
As long as you enjoy great. IMO the product has improved tremendously. There are characters that i actually care about. I have marked like crazy over the Wyatts and the Shield. I love watching Bryan wrestle. As long as you like it nevermind what others think. Unhappy people are always going to be unhappy.
Funnily I've never been less interested in wrestling than I am now.

Started watching just after No Mercy 99 when I was 8, have been a massive wrestling fan ever since then but feel I'm finally growing out of it.

Last PPV I watched was elimination chamber 2013, not seen an episode of raw for months and just glance at results each week, I'll probably get back into it again at some point but for now my interest is at a minimum, it's probably more down to me having other things going on as the storylines seem decent enough but I don't know if I'll ever get properly hooked again
Honestly, I'd say since 2012 starting with Wrestlemania 28, this may be the best stretch of wrestling matches in a long time, if not ever. I mean look at these great matches:

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho WM 28

Undertaker vs HHH WM 28

John Cena vs The Rock WM 28

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan Extreme Rules 2012

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho Extreme Rules 2012

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena Extreme Rules 2012

Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk Over the Limit 2012

Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk MITB 2012

WHC MITB Ladder Match MITB 2012

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler Night of Champions 2012

John Cena vs CM Punk NOC 2012

Big Show vs Sheamus HIAC 2012

Ryback, Kane, and Daniel Bryan vs The Shield TLC 2012

Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena TLC 2012

CM Punk vs Ryback TLC Match Raw Jan. 7, 2013

The Shield vs John Cena, Ryback, Sheamus Elimination Chamber 2013

John Cena vs CM Punk, Mon. Feb 25. RAW

CM Punk vs The Undertaker WM29

The Shield vs The Undertaker, Kane, and Daniel Bryan

HHH vs Brock Lesnar Extreme Rules 2013

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho Payback 2013

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton No DQ match, Mon. June 24, 2013 RAW

Both MITB matches at MITB 2013

Chris Jericho vs RVD Mon. July 16, RAW

Daniel Bryan Gauntlet (Jack Swagger, Cesaro, Ryback) Mon. July 22, Raw

CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar Summerslam 2013

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan Summerslam 2013 (Best match on this list IMO)

The Brotherhood vs The Shield Battleground 2013

Alberto Del Rio vs RVD Battleground 2013

Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan HIAC match at HIAC 2013

John Cena vs Randy Orton TLC Match for WWEWHC. TLC 2013

Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan Royal Rumble 2014

The Wyatt Family vs The Shield Elimination Chamber 2014

WWE WHC Elimination Chamber match at Elimination Chamber 2014

That's all I can conjure right now. I'm sure there are great matches on Raw or Smackdown that I missed, but it's easier to remember/look up PPV matches.

All of those matches focused on mostly wrestling. It wasn't like the Attitude Era where there had to be 3 ref bumps and chair shots to be a good match. Regardless, this is an AMAZING era of matches
Hm, somebody leave me a reputation calling me an idiot, so I'll explain my standpoint.

I'm a fan of stories. WWE hasn't executed a story well in a long time, and I honestly get the feeling that this will be another repeat with Daniel Bryan. It may be a cynical outlook but history dictates that there's a damn good chance that we'll have moved on from Bryan by this time next year and this whole brilliant buildup will have been for nought. I just want WWE to make the right decision for the sake of what could be an incredible story we'd talk about for years. In the past few years, aside from big moments, the WWE just hasn't conjured anything valuable in the long-term that's worth remembering.

I can honestly see this whole thing ending up like Hogan vs Sting where they build it up perfectly and then mess the whole thing up right where it mattered.

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