I Hate The Young Bucks

Dead on balls accurate.

Popular and successful, no doubt, but annoying as holy fuck and hated by massive pockets of comedy (or in this case wrestling) fans.
More like Young Sucks amirite?

But seriously, I've said it before, I don't care for them. They are obviously doing something right because people enjoy them, but I don't care for the lengths they take things. The Meltzer Driver being a key example of why I dislike them. I guess I just don't get their act.

Then again Killjoy, you and I ran a one off joke in the fed so far into the ground we became universally hated, so are we any better?

Yeah, but we weren't so stupid as to keep doing it for so long and make it progressively worse. Not to mention, we kinda don't do the "hey this is all fake wink wink" thing.
2. I logged on specifically to read this thread after Justin told me about it. So much love for this. Love 'em or hate 'em, you're talking about them if you're a wrestling fan.

Politics talk about Kim Jong Un often. Must be a great leader.
The Deadpool of wrestling was probably CM Punk.

Please educate us as to what you think these two have in common.

Well, because they just dig down deeper any time they're criticized for the gimmick.

What they are, to me, is like that comedian who gets on stage, tells a bunch of bad jokes and is booed, then insults the crowd, and they boo louder. So he insults them more, eventually targeting a few select people in the crowd who end up trying to punch said comedian, who then steps back with his bully pulpit mic and shouts to security to have the person thrown out.

Another terrible comparison. If the Young Bucks were a stand up act, they would be Andrew Dice Clay. People know he's going to act a certain way and - hold on to your ass for this part - they still pay to see it. Wow, right? I mean, the way you spin it sounds more like Matt Hardy on social media.

Oh, it's an act alright.

So is all of wrestling. Have you guys forgotten this?

Popular and successful, no doubt, but annoying as holy fuck and hated by massive pockets of comedy (or in this case wrestling) fans.

Popular and successful and annoying and hated. Yup, sounds like a good heel team to me.

Also much like Dane Cook steals jokes from other comedians, the Young Bucks steal moves from other wrestlers.

Because no one else has ever stolen moves before. Again, are you guys new to wrestling or something?

I love seeing what you think of me as a fan and a person for not hating the Young Bucks. In vainly trying to express your opinion as some sort of truth, you only made yourselves look like the kind of petty, childish marks you attempt to label others as. Marks gonna mark, I guess.
Ah, right. The good ol' "they're doing their jobs!" argument.

I'll invite you to Google the term "X-Pac" heat. Not all crowd booing is made the same.
DirtyJosé;5417987 said:
I love seeing what you think of me as a fan and a person for not hating the Young Bucks. In vainly trying to express your opinion as some sort of truth, you only made yourselves look like the kind of petty, childish marks you attempt to label others as. Marks gonna mark, I guess.

Completely not caring about other people's opinions. I'm just saying I greatly dislike them and why.They have a style I find completely unattractive.
Becuase their style is to be professional copycats. They do so both because they can't get over on their own, as there is little interesting enough about either of them, together or on their own, and because they can fall back on the ever-present excuse of "we're just joking" when someone cries foul about them living off the livelihoods of far more talented performers that preceded them. It's a circular argument.

I should amend what I said earlier too. Not only do they dig in deeper when they are met with criticism, but their fans do too. I'm trying to think of the last performer who had that kind of dichotomy among the fanbase of his or her company. Ironically, John Cena may be the answer.
Ah, right. The good ol' "they're doing their jobs!" argument

Ah, right. The good ol' "IDR avoiding the issue like usual" non-argument.

Also, yes, that is the argument. They are paid to perform. They are cast as heels. They have carved a living for themselves making good money not having to deal with the corporate environment of TNA or WWE. They are the core of an incredibly over heel stable, the reach of which is visible even in the WWE. I don't know what else you expect from them as heels.

I'll invite you to Google the term "X-Pac" heat. Not all crowd booing is made the same.

"X-Pac heat" refers to when the heat on a performer is such that he can make no progress: as a face, they are booed, and as a heel they aren't over enough to do their jobs. Again, considering they are the core of one of the hottest things in wrestling in years, I don't see where you think something is wrong, other than your own personal tastes.

Still waiting to hear your brilliant comparison between Deadpool and CM Punk.
Becuase their style is to be professional copycats. They do so both because they can't get over on their own, as there is little interesting enough about either of them, together or on their own, and because they can fall back on the ever-present excuse of "we're just joking" when someone cries foul about them living off the livelihoods of far more talented performers that preceded them. It's a circular argument.


I should amend what I said earlier too. Not only do they dig in deeper when they are met with criticism, but their fans do too.

Said the guy arguing about copycats in an industry that survives on it.
I just hate that they play heels and faces in the same match.

Aside from that they're passable I guess, but there are many other current tag teams I'd rather watch.
DirtyJosé;5418085 said:
Ah, right. The good ol' "IDR avoiding the issue like usual" non-argument.

Also, yes, that is the argument. They are paid to perform. They are cast as heels. They have carved a living for themselves making good money not having to deal with the corporate environment of TNA or WWE. They are the core of an incredibly over heel stable, the reach of which is visible even in the WWE. I don't know what else you expect from them as heels.

They aren't visible to any casual WWE fan. If they came out on Raw, they maybe would get three people reacting and the rest not having any idea who they are.

I have seen one full match of theirs and I never want to see them again (and most likely won't considering I barely ever watch anything Indy). I don't want to boo them, I just want them to go away. They are acrobats not wrestlers (aka storytellers).

"X-Pac heat" refers to when the heat on a performer is such that he can make no progress: as a face, they are booed, and as a heel they aren't over enough to do their jobs. Again, considering they are the core of one of the hottest things in wrestling in years, I don't see where you think something is wrong, other than your own personal tastes.

Hottest things in wrestling? I'm guessing that means they are doing something in Japan (or ROH?), although I have no idea what. If you like them, you aren't wrong. You can like them all you want. But they aren't wrestlers.
They aren't visible to any casual WWE fan. If they came out on Raw, they maybe would get three people reacting and the rest not having any idea who they are.

Pretty sure all those people in Bullet Club shirts on every Raw recently would know who they are, just as they had no problem getting behind Balor and Styles so quickly.

I have seen one full match of theirs and I never want to see them again (and most likely won't considering I barely ever watch anything Indy). I don't want to boo them, I just want them to go away. They are acrobats not wrestlers (aka storytellers).

Ok Bill Watts. No one is forcing you to?

Hottest things in wrestling? I'm guessing that means they are doing something in Japan (or ROH?), although I have no idea what.

And that's ok, you don't have to watch EVERY show to be a wrestling fan. However, it is rather foolish to believe that only the WWE matters to wrestling.

If you like them, you aren't wrong. You can like them all you want. But they aren't wrestlers.

That's awfully kind and insightful of you, Bill Watts.
Wrestling is supposed to tell a story. The Bucks don't tell a story. They just do shit. They are stunt devils instead of stunt doubles.

The point is I'm barely aware of who they are. I'm not a casual fan. They are not known. Maybe in Japan, but in America they probably have a very low footprint. I did a quick google trend comparison between Rosa Mendes and Young Bucks, Rosa won by a landslide. I know that isn't the best comparison or gauge ever but if they are part of the hottest things in wrestling today, they shouldn't be that low.

Wasn't aware they were in the Bullet Club (I only barely know what that faction is). How many people are in that damn thing anyways? How many people only have those shirts because of Styles? Probably a lot of them. I haven't seen that many shirts anyways.
Wrestling is supposed to tell a story. The Bucks don't tell a story. They just do shit. They are stunt devils instead of stunt doubles.

Well, as you've already admitted your ignorance regarding anything that isn't the WWE, I can't say I'm surprised that any style that isn't the WWE/American style is lost on you. Are you aware that Lucha also loves the flippies, and is also considered wrestling? And Mexico is hardly the only place that kinda stuff is over. HOLY SHIT, you just learned something.

You are free to like and not like whatever you wish, but trying to argue which style of fake fighting is true wrestling is pretty stupid. If you really want to be a cunt about it, none of what any of these shows put on is wrestling.

The point is I'm barely aware of who they are.

As has been demonstrated already, your scope of awareness in wrestling is pathetically small.

I'm not a casual fan.

Casual enough to not know anything not in the WWE. If you didn't know (and you've told us already that you don't), that's pretty casual.

They are not known. Maybe in Japan, but in America they probably have a very low footprint. I did a quick google trend comparison between Rosa Mendes and Young Bucks, Rosa won by a landslide. I know that isn't the best comparison or gauge ever but if they are part of the hottest things in wrestling today, they shouldn't be that low.

So, instead of looking around and seeing what is going on in the wrestling world, you go to Google trends. Huh.

Wasn't aware they were in the Bullet Club (I only barely know what that faction is). How many people are in that damn thing anyways? How many people only have those shirts because of Styles? Probably a lot of them. I haven't seen that many shirts anyways.

Thanks for pointing out how little you know and how little you care to know before rambling on about things you clearly don't know.

I'm one of those guys that have no real opinion on them. But calling wrestlers copycats is pretty redundant.

I'm not even big fans of them, but seeing the ocean of salt water cried in this thread compelled me to call out some of the more idiotic statements.
DirtyJosé;5418085 said:
Ah, right. The good ol' "IDR avoiding the issue like usual" non-argument.

Also, yes, that is the argument. They are paid to perform. They are cast as heels. They have carved a living for themselves making good money not having to deal with the corporate environment of TNA or WWE. They are the core of an incredibly over heel stable, the reach of which is visible even in the WWE. I don't know what else you expect from them as heels.

I've already said, in this thread and elsewhere, they've gotten over. If you read it instead of letting your anger dictate your responses you'd see that. But I guess that's me "avoiding the issue like usual".

What I also said is that I find it inexplicable that they were able to get over pulling off this type of gimmick, because it's marketed to a niche audience and is based entirely on a copying the mannerisms, maneuvers and catch phrases of performers far more talented than either of the Bucks are as their natural selves.

"X-Pac heat" refers to when the heat on a performer is such that he can make no progress: as a face, they are booed, and as a heel they aren't over enough to do their jobs. Again, considering they are the core of one of the hottest things in wrestling in years, I don't see where you think something is wrong, other than your own personal tastes.

Still waiting to hear your brilliant comparison between Deadpool and CM Punk.

X-Pac heat is commonly referred to as "go away" heat. As in no one wants to fucking see you or hear you. Matt Hardy suffered from it for years. Orlando Jordan. Val Venis in TNA. David Flair. A few others.

They're members, perhaps core now that so many have left, of NJPW's Bullet Club. They are not even close to being responsible for the rise/popularity of the group. Devitt, Anderson, Fale, Tonga and Styles are responsible for that. Far more than the Bucks. The Bucks, as usual, jumped on a hot train they didn't create and are riding off steam they aren't responsible for.

As to Punk/Deadpool, they are both snarky, quick-witted anti-heroes that were known to break the fourth wall often.
DirtyJosé;5418095 said:

Said the guy arguing about copycats in an industry that survives on it.

Conflating the issue. There's a big, big difference when James Storm uses a super kick for a finisher because he grew up a Shawn Michaels fan and when the Young Bucks walk around doing the nWo too sweet, which is a direct rip off of wrestling's most famous heel stable, or crotch-chopping and telling everyone to "suck it" — another direct rip off.

It's about nuance. Paying homage is one thing. What the Bucks do is take the low hanging fruit, then when they're criticized for it, fall back on "oh, it's just a joke. Why so serious? LULZ".

If the Bucks loved DX, there are better ways to pay homage to them. If they loved the nWO, the same holds true. You don't need to grab the lowest hanging fruit. When you do so, you are taking the laziest possible approach and you deserve all the flack you're given for it. You don't just get to duck it by claiming "it's just a joke".

And these are criticisms of their out of the ring persona only. I've got plenty of problems with them in it that we haven't even scraped the surface on.
I've ever only saw three of their matches, I thought they were okay, but I like the flippy stuff once in awhile. Gives you a break from all the drama that they try to manufacture in other story lines. Sometimes just watching a fun match is refreshing.
I've already said, in this thread and elsewhere, they've gotten over. If you read it instead of letting your anger dictate your responses you'd see that. But I guess that's me "avoiding the issue like usual".

Anger? I meant about Deadpool/Punk (which you got to way later). Projecting much?

What I also said is that I find it inexplicable that they were able to get over pulling off this type of gimmick, because it's marketed to a niche audience and is based entirely on a copying the mannerisms, maneuvers and catch phrases of performers far more talented than either of the Bucks are as their natural selves.

Well, duh. There's always going to be a gym bro in a DX shirt who thinks this shit is cool and cheers it on. Everyone else boos it. You know, because they are heels. And you can shit all you want about originality, but the indisputable fact remains that the Young Bucks and Bullet Club have been the only successful recreation of the nWo or DX that has ever been attempted. When you consider just how many times that reboots and knock-offs have been attempted, including by the supposed more talented performers (actually, more often than not), your argument makes even less sense.

X-Pac heat is commonly referred to as "go away" heat.

Yeah. As in they boo you if you run face, and give no shits about you as a heel. As in exactly what fans felt for X-Pac post DX when everything they tried ended up in one of the two ways listed above. As in the whole fucking reason it's called "X-Pac Heat".

As in no one wants to fucking see you or hear you. Matt Hardy suffered from it for years. Orlando Jordan. Val Venis in TNA. David Flair. A few others.

Yes. Yes. We know. We know.

But you can't just say they have it, especially when they are most assuredly over, as you have no problem admitting.

They're members, perhaps core now that so many have left, of NJPW's Bullet Club. They are not even close to being responsible for the rise/popularity of the group. Devitt, Anderson, Fale, Tonga and Styles are responsible for that.

They are the tag-team of the stable, holding more belts than even Anderson and Gallows. They aren't a random pairing of dudes who don't get matches or angles. They aren't the dude who has to walk Omega to the ring carrying his broom for him. Do you watch this stuff, or are you just skim articles on WZ?

The Bucks, as usual, jumped on a hot train they didn't create and are riding off steam they aren't responsible for.

They are two of four still left from the first year. They were there long before Styles, if anything Styles walked in on something he didn't create.

As to Punk/Deadpool, they are both snarky, quick-witted anti-heroes that were known to break the fourth wall often.


Conflating the issue.

How so? Weren't you just praising this neck beard as being established? Yet there he was, photocopying a moment from a far more talented and accomplished performer. Surely, by your logic, this man is a hack and deserves no praise, right?

There's a big, big difference when James Storm uses a super kick for a finisher because he grew up a Shawn Michaels fan and when the Young Bucks walk around doing the nWo too sweet, which is a direct rip off of wrestling's most famous heel stable, or crotch-chopping and telling everyone to "suck it" — another direct rip off.

You understand that that is part of the Bullet Club gimmick, right? And no, there is not much difference between the two examples you have given other than audience perception. You are biased for Storm because you are a fan of his and you find his story touching. You don't extend the same courtesy to the Bucks, however, because you don't like them. This wouldn't be so bad if you didn't make such a huge deal about copying.

If the Bucks loved DX, there are better ways to pay homage to them. If they loved the nWO, the same holds true.

I'd consider a true successor stable that succeeded where every other reincarnation of either stable failed is a pretty neat homage.

You don't need to grab the lowest hanging fruit. When you do so, you are taking the laziest possible approach and you deserve all the flack you're given for it. You don't just get to duck it by claiming "it's just a joke".

And these are criticisms of their out of the ring persona only. I've got plenty of problems with them in it that we haven't even scraped the surface on.

I don't know what you are whining about with the constant "it's just a joke" quote. If you have something specific to mention, by all means bring it up.

You obvious do not like these people personally or professionally. That's fair and valid and all, but why are you attempting to act like you can make a reasoned and insightful critique of them when for whatever reason the two have inspired such hatred in you? Really, who is the one who sounds angry here? I'm going with the guy who has problems he hasn't even touched the surface on.

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