I Hate The Young Bucks


Lord And Master
Staff member
After this week, they've crossed the line into utter "if I was not covering this I'd just skip it" territory after Matt hits ACH in the back of the head and covers his mouth going "you OK?" over and over. I get it, you dumb motherfucker. You're playing to the "insiders". You're fucking "indy". You grew up in the fucking 90's drooling over the NWO & D-X. Do you have to be so blatant about it and put on such absolute horse shit in the ring?
But... but... SUPERKICKKKKKK!!!!

Seriously, you're damn right Killjoy, I noticed that too. They're trying to "revolutionize" wrestling, but the thing is, 80% of wrestling fans either don't know who they are, don't give a shit about them, or despise them. The people who mark out for the Young Bucks are the epitome of what's wrong with wrestling fans today. I truly believe that.
I've only seen one full match of theirs and good lord it was awful. They kept just doing shit. Never stopped to rest, to let anything sink in. The only times they stopped would be to 'comically' sell. They seemingly did every single move they could think of instead of doing a story.

If Matt Striker's commentary ability morphed into a wrestler ("There's no thigh slapping in this one"), the result would be the Young Bucks.
"But that's why they're good!"
"They're telling you it's all an act so obviously when they do something stupid its the highest form of ironic humour on the planet!"
"Not selling on purpose is good because the fans only want to see flippies anyway"
They would be alright if they learned to use that stuff when it counts instead of being annoying ***** about it. You can pop the crowd with nostalgia and cool moves, but oversaturation leads people to not give a shit. Their matches have never been anything close to how great they want people to believe.
"But that's why they're good!"
"They're telling you it's all an act so obviously when they do something stupid its the highest form of ironic humour on the planet!"
"Not selling on purpose is good because the fans only want to see flippies anyway"

This might be the smarkiest response ever. It's absolutely glorious.

The Young Bucks are terrible. They are worse than Dolph Ziggler. If I were the Iron Sheik they would be my Brian Blair.
But... but... SUPERKICKKKKKK!!!!

Seriously, you're damn right Killjoy, I noticed that too. They're trying to "revolutionize" wrestling, but the thing is, 80% of wrestling fans either don't know who they are, don't give a shit about them, or despise them. The people who mark out for the Young Bucks are the epitome of what's wrong with wrestling fans today. I truly believe that.

What they are doing isn't revolutionary, it's reactionary. They couldn't get over in the system, so they inexplicably got over by bucking it. All pun intended. That was their reaction. "Let's just break the fourth wall and pander to the niche audience who refuse to play by the rules".

The most shocking thing isn't that they did this. It's that people fucking like them for doing it.
What they are doing isn't revolutionary, it's reactionary. They couldn't get over in the system, so they inexplicably got over by bucking it. All pun intended. That was their reaction. "Let's just break the fourth wall and pander to the niche audience who refuse to play by the rules".

The most shocking thing isn't that they did this. It's that people fucking like them for doing it.

You have to consider the types of people that actually enjoy them. They're the kinds of fans who "know the business" because they pay money to pray at the altar of Meltzer. They get off on the feeling of being "in the know" and the Bucks give them that in spades.
What they are doing isn't revolutionary, it's reactionary. They couldn't get over in the system, so they inexplicably got over by bucking it. All pun intended. That was their reaction. "Let's just break the fourth wall and pander to the niche audience who refuse to play by the rules".

The most shocking thing isn't that they did this. It's that people fucking like them for doing it.

So they're Deadpool but without the hilarity and tragedy? Good to know.
In all seriousness, I don't give two shits either way about the young bucks. Wait that's not exactly how I'd put it - I recognise the joke they're going for, it doesn't make me laugh, but in the two times a year I'll watch a match the joke isn't what I care about.

They're edgy 14 year olds who aren't liked by some people so they act like that was their intention and amp up the crap that people don't like, so when people point it out they can just say it's a high form of trolling nyeh heh heh etc. people fall for it, create conversations to vent, and they become more popular as a result. In that regard they're effectively the common Crocker-esque forums sludge, but when they're in a ring with talented opponents you can just sit back and say "fuck it, flips n shit it is". Remember I only watch these guys twice a year at max so I don't know if I'd be in a more critical mindset watching them more often.
What I don't get about the Young Bucks is how passionately some people hate them for their act, despite their act being blatant and obvious. But if it sells, sell it.

Except for you, Reader. Your hate is the special kind of hate that doesn't count as heat.

Well, because they just dig down deeper any time they're criticized for the gimmick.

What they are, to me, is like that comedian who gets on stage, tells a bunch of bad jokes and is booed, then insults the crowd, and they boo louder. So he insults them more, eventually targeting a few select people in the crowd who end up trying to punch said comedian, who then steps back with his bully pulpit mic and shouts to security to have the person thrown out.

I mean, fine. But you fucking started it. And you escalated it at every turn. The right thing to do when you aren't accepted is to try something else or to just go away. What the Bucks do is figuratively react to the majority of fans not liking them by doubling down on the gimmick. By pointing their finger in front of your face, doing that "I'm not touching you, you can't hit me or get mad at me because I'm not touching you!" antagonist thing big brothers do to little brothers.

I may or may not have first-hand experience doing such a thing.
Eh, kind of. They're more like the supporting cast of Deadpool. They're the T.J. Miller of wrestling.

The Deadpool of wrestling was probably CM Punk.

I was thinking more so the comics version, but I get what you're going with, they're obvious and to a degree funny, but if overexposed can be deeply irritating. I think this speaks more to the well achieved balance of the Deadpool movie than the Young Bucks' talent or lack thereof.
The Young Bucks are still the best act in pro wrestling.


1. I just tried to rep you for this & got the "you need to spread some before you rep jmt again". I suppose the forum doesn't care that it's been like 5 years since I repped anyone.

2. I logged on specifically to read this thread after Justin told me about it. So much love for this. Love 'em or hate 'em, you're talking about them if you're a wrestling fan.

3. I love them :worship:
More like Young Sucks amirite?

But seriously, I've said it before, I don't care for them. They are obviously doing something right because people enjoy them, but I don't care for the lengths they take things. The Meltzer Driver being a key example of why I dislike them. I guess I just don't get their act.

Then again Killjoy, you and I ran a one off joke in the fed so far into the ground we became universally hated, so are we any better?
Well, because they just dig down deeper any time they're criticized for the gimmick.

What they are, to me, is like that comedian who gets on stage, tells a bunch of bad jokes and is booed, then insults the crowd, and they boo louder. So he insults them more, eventually targeting a few select people in the crowd who end up trying to punch said comedian, who then steps back with his bully pulpit mic and shouts to security to have the person thrown out.

I mean, fine. But you fucking started it. And you escalated it at every turn. The right thing to do when you aren't accepted is to try something else or to just go away. What the Bucks do is figuratively react to the majority of fans not liking them by doubling down on the gimmick. By pointing their finger in front of your face, doing that "I'm not touching you, you can't hit me or get mad at me because I'm not touching you!" antagonist thing big brothers do to little brothers.

I may or may not have first-hand experience doing such a thing.
So basically, they're the Dane Cooks of professional wrestling. That might be the most apt analogy I've ever heard.

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