I Hate Black Friday

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I work at a Lowes where they call it "Super Friday" and I think there are other nicknames for it such as "Pink Friday". Anyway, this shopping day bonaza really bothers me. People go nuts over all these sales, and there have actually been some cases where people have been killed during the rush.

I understand this kicks off Christmas shopping season, but why all the fuss? Sales happen everytime. There's going to deals year round, so why go crazy on this one day?

Besides that, there's going to be bumper to bumper traffic, and long lines pretty much every place you go. If want to avoid a nervous break-down, I suggest you stay away from any mall tomorrow. Best Buy,Wal-Mart,Target,and Sears are all places you need to avoid if you don't want to feel the urge to punch someone. Im getting pissed off just thinking about it.
Just like black guys have been trying to change the KKKs opinion
Really? You do know I'm talking about the shopping bonaza known as black friday. Don't know where all this racist stuff is coming from.
Wow I see you made those words in black. Pretending you're not a racist.
I'm getting a new cell phone, and a new camera. Only because I have neither right now. Never buy refurbished cell phones, also.. if a camera meets pavement. Pavement will win.
The best thing about Black Friday is ROH's sale, which is unbelievable.

I haven't ordered an ROH DVD since, well, last Black Friday. I just got done ordering 3 of them. I also ordered a couple of shoots from RF Video, which also has a big sale on this day. Though it kind of pissed me off neither website had the new Hulk Hogan DVD, so I guess I'm just going to have to pay full price for it. Or maybe I'll just get someone to get it for me for Christmas.

But yeah... no way I'm going "real" shopping today. The traffic out there is insane, and I just can't put up with it. I'll get my Christmas shopping done at the last minute, like I always do (plus it gives me a good month to start saving up a bit).
I swear the people who shop on this day is crazy.

Hell I got(or should I say my Grandma got it...yes I already know I'm getting it) Rock Band 2 back a few months ago on sale at Target for 88 bucks...Can't wait until I can play it lol..

Then my Dad got me a Laptop(was with him when he got it lol) for like a 100 bucks off..so like a 500 and something doller laptop for like 400 and something...meh...

Yeah alot of the deals maybe are better today. But I'm not gonna go out get in alot of mess ..risk not getting it also just to save some money when it can be done year round.

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