I got pulled off the show on the 18th

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
Because the promoter thought I needed more work. I haven't finished my training yet but I was told I'd be used on the show. The most I may get is a manager role they're gonna do a tryout thing tomorrow at the practice show and if I get a good reaction I may get a manager role until my training is complete or I'm at least definetly ready to make my in-ring debut. Im just kinda bummed out I understand his position but I was really looking forward to making a splash. I was gonna debut this anti-american gimmick and use the sharpshooter as my finisher. I've been practicing the canadian national anthem and I was gonna interupt the national anthem tomorrow on the practice show on 4th of July of all things building alot of heat for my in-ring debut. Now thats all to shit. Do I have a reason to be pissed since I've worked my ass off or is it wrong of me to get upset and do I need to just wait my turn? Thoughts?
No reason to get upset. At the end of the day, the promoter knows what's best. Let him do what he thinks is right and when you're ready, you'll get the chance to show it.
No reason to get upset. At the end of the day, the promoter knows what's best. Let him do what he thinks is right and when you're ready, you'll get the chance to show it.

I know that it just hurts because I was so dam close and now I feel like they don't have as much confidence in me. I don't know its a mixed emotion I wanna be absolutely ready when I debut but I think im ready now he apparently doesn't think so.
Well. in general you shouldnt be pissed, becuase your not done training, and you have LOADS of time in front of you.

but, it IS bullshit they told you that you would be on, then changed their minds and pulled you. Trust me, I deal with that all the time in my line of work, and I know its frustrating
Well. in general you shouldnt be pissed, becuase your not done training, and you have LOADS of time in front of you.

but, it IS bullshit they told you that you would be on, then changed their minds and pulled you. Trust me, I deal with that all the time in my line of work, and I know its frustrating

thats what I mean those are the two sides battling in my head. The side that says your not ready and the side that says you were ready yesterday why arent u ready today I got replaced by some former FCW loser...grrrrr!

whats your line of work?
well I'm assuming the former FCW loser has had training, makes him a winner. Bet safe than sorry.
you will BE ready bud. plenty of time.

im in the military man. So yea I deal with the "yea you can do this...wait, I changed my mind, nope, nope you cant" on a pretty regular basis.

Take solace in this. I want badly to be a wrestler myself. Becuase of my work schedule, I havent even been able to start. Your waaaayy ahead man. WAY ahead.
you will BE ready bud. plenty of time.

im in the military man. So yea I deal with the "yea you can do this...wait, I changed my mind, nope, nope you cant" on a pretty regular basis.

Take solace in this. I want badly to be a wrestler myself. Becuase of my work schedule, I havent even been able to start. Your waaaayy ahead man. WAY ahead.

its amazing man the rush I got the day I stepped in that ring for that first practice was like I knew I belonged. Its funny Joey and Rob (two of the trainers) were talking to the group my first day and I was dozing off into lala land dreaming of holding the WWE title in my hands at Wrestlemania. I snapped back into reality quick when Joey told me to take 5 back bumps and I proceeeded to take 5 of the worst back bumps you'll ever see. I'm miles ahead of that now. I can do 3/4 rolls and hip tosses,suplexes,ddts,the works. I feel like Im very improved but still not even close. That brass ring is so far AWAY!!!!
its amazing man the rush I got the day I stepped in that ring for that first practice was like I knew I belonged. Its funny Joey and Rob (two of the trainers) were talking to the group my first day and I was dozing off into lala land dreaming of holding the WWE title in my hands at Wrestlemania. I snapped back into reality quick when Joey told me to take 5 back bumps and I proceeeded to take 5 of the worst back bumps you'll ever see. I'm miles ahead of that now. I can do 3/4 rolls and hip tosses,suplexes,ddts,the works. I feel like Im very improved but still not even close. That brass ring is so far AWAY!!!!

as SOON as my work schedule allows, or changes, ill be hitting up the local indy fed. Ive already been heavily recruited by their female champion :lmao:

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