I got dumped via Email


Getting Noticed By Management
My ex's email said:
......We're over, Coty

....I'm sorry

Shit like this really makes me dislike women. But on the bright side I'm a free man now. And some very unlucky dude will be hitting my sloppy seconds.
Sorry CCS, but most (not all) teenage girls are pathetic like that. It's just immaturity. Anyone who sends an email like that is probably not worth your time anyway. :)
The worst shit is that I broke up with her last fucking Monday but then she started crying and saying she loved me. So I took her ungratefull ass back. Now one week later I get a five word email from her saying we're over. Fuck her.
Is this the same girlfriend you've bitched about to strangers on a wrestling forum and broken up with?
Nah, I think that the crazy bisexual girl is the one that I bitched about.

I've never said a bad word about the girl who dumped me.
Girls are like that most of the time. I mean there was this one girl I treated like a queen yet she gets her friend to dump me via myspace...I was like crap...it really sucked dude and I mean when you get dumped my email myspace phone or text it hurts more then it would in person.
I shouldnt have felt sorry for her last week and ended it anyway. If I knew she was gonna make a bitch move like this I would have anyway.
Yeah I hear ya man. But I mean why would she cry over and then just do that. Unless she was like maybe I can get him to take me back that way I dump him and he looks like an idiot. But what she doesn't know is she really made her self look bad and not you.
Blaze said:
Yeah I hear ya man. But I mean why would she cry over and then just do that. Unless she was like maybe I can get him to take me back that way I dump him and he looks like an idiot. But what she doesn't know is she really made her self look bad and not you.
I have no idea why she did it. You'd really think she'd write more than 5 words. But I really dont care anyway. There's other girls out there that are nice and they like me.
That's the way of thinking man. Just forget and get with one of the other chicks. Don't let her hold you back from living life.
(my friend chris got dumped over facebook)
First of all sorry CCS, thats just shit, but if she acts like that she doesn't deserve anyone.

Second of all W_G_B that sucks arse for your friend. Its like you go online and check your facebook and see your gf/bf has their relationship status on single, and you message them what the hell and find out you're dumped.........ON FACEBOOK!!!! :smashfreakB: :dark2:
LMAO, I'm sorry that's just fucking funny, and dude she's a teenage girl of course she's gonna cry and say she loves you and shit when "YOU" try to dump her, girls hate being dumped, if the relationship has run it's course they'll want to be the ones doing the dumping
Im totally missing why everyone thinks this could possibly be a bad thing.

Dude. this is like a get out of jail free card. You dumped her before, so obviously you dont like her that much. Like an idiot you took her back (I have the liberty to say that, becuase ive done it too) and you wouldve regretted it soon enough.

NOW you get to go free, without so much as a tear dropped, or a word screamed. That has to be the easiest simplest break up of all time. be thankfull.
That's straight up bullshit when people do that. I got dumped like that a few years ago, I wasn't so upset that I got dumped but it is so immature and cowardly to do it via email. Atleast have the decency to say it to my face. I can understand if you're 14 or 15 years old and you are in some relationship that doesn't mean a whole lot but I was 24 freakin years old and it was a pretty serious relationship, I thought we were both adults but I guess not. Anyway enough with my story. I'm sorry to hear that about you bro. Girls can be bitches.
She didn't even have the common courtesy to spell your name right, either. Seriously Cody.. she definitely wasn't a keeper if the bitch couldn't even tell a "t" apart from a "d". :disappointed:

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