I got another game idea...


... but I don't know if I want two games going at once. Not because of the workload, but because if I have two games in the Games Room at the same time, one will not get noticed. So as soon as the Tag Tourny is over, a new Tourny will begin.

I also have an AWESOME idea for my next tourny. One thats never EVER been done here, and I garentee will want people to play.

EDIT: My new game requires thinking and less spammy posts... So I might just put it in the bar room, as it will create ALOT of discussion, I think...
But what about Mafia? :(

Good Point. I'll wait till after Mafia is over.

My 2nd game is less of a game, more of a... Debating thing. I don't want spam involved, but the Bar Room is the only place I can think of where I can hold it... I'll just wait a little longer... But my new Tourny? Absolutly amazing. I garentee it.
I really think it might be possible to do both at the same time. as all mine really involves is guessing whot the Mafia is and the Mafia choosing somebody to kill. Bcouse the only person who really needs to put enough time into the game is me to think of ways people die. the others involved just need to vote and discuss who they think the Mafia is. I can start this right now if needed to be. I was just looking out for you
They should just change the name of the Games Room to e-Derfs Game Room-o-Fun:lmao:

Hahahaha Nice. Well I have decided that my new game, the one I though of today, is going to begin tonight. It's not hard, you don't sign up, just drop in and give your opinion on somthing. Right? Right. Kinda....
I am so hyped up about this Derf, I cannot wait. You're officially the best N-W mod ever.

You posted this several hours after I posted the game. it's in the bar room, it's the one called "Agree or Disagree". Someone already broke a rule, and since I can't infract them for breaking a game rule... I mearly red repped them lol

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