I finally saw the light.

I dont think some of you are getting the point of why i wrote this in the first place, All i was trying to say was that i was letting myself get sucked into being a smart mark and always feeling the need to find the bad in everything, Why dont you sit down and not watch for the fact that your going to have something to complain about on WZ, And watch as a FAN of wrestling cause thats what you claim to be and a true fan in the end no matter what critisism would always find something good to talk about, The negativity we have shown over and over again finally got to me, This place has made me into someone who pretty much hates wrestling as opposed to loving it for the great show that it is, All i was suggesting was that people stop hating on something they claim to love, Stop trying to lead in the hatred of everything wrestling and start to enjoy it, Like you used to b4 the internet came along, Just be a fucking fan with no expectations watch it for what it is.
I sincerely don't mean to be a smartass, but I don't understand why you'd read spoilers pre show. I'm assuming that most of the people on this board have watched wrestling long enough and often enough that you'd have a good idea of where plotlines were going to go.....and spoilers confirming it would seem to be the final nail in the coffin on having any fun with that aspect at all.

For those of you that do read spoilers, what is the enjoyable part of it for you? Do you watch wrestling more for the technical/physical aspect( proper execution of moves and such) or how well a wrestler can get the storyline across to garner crowd reaction? I'm genuinely curious.
I dont read spoilers, But like i was saying as a Mark of sorts its in our nature to come on here and try to annalyse everything, We dont see the FUN side to wrestling anymore, all we see is the Critisisms and hatred to the wrestlers.
Yes, In some ways the wwe is corrupt, But that is not always the case. You have to realise that good things do happen in wrestling, Wait In the WWE your just probably so shadowed by what we all deem to be bad that you dont even see the good.
i understand 100 percent what he means... think about it... we constantly read messages on wrestlezone which give us insite about what could possible happen and it spoils stuff.. i watch wwe and instead of watching the storylines and enjoying them i wonder why the crowd is reacting in certain ways... and i think about who deserves pushes and if vince is making a smart move with certain matches and feuds and stuff..
itd be so much better if i could just watch it without wondering the backstage purposes for everything, i wish i could do what u did grungy and just watch it for the sole value of entertainment. its just so hard to do that now.
grungy72 said:
Yeah, i dont know if smackdown can be saved either, but if you dont read whats going to happen on raw and what not it is so much more enjoyable, i mean i was jeff hardys biggest nay sayer, i wachted raw not really knowing what to expect and he looks really good, Sure he had a little bit of rust but he was looking good. I didnt even think of who they were pushing and who is being as asshole backstage and i enjoyed everything, Even the 4 on 4 match was good.

Try raw for 1 week, Without being a critic, Dont look at spoilers, Just watch it for the Entertainment of wrestling and you will gaureented to enjoy it so much more.

I argee, it's 100% better when you are watching as a fan, then simply being a critic. Also going to live events help too. I went to Supershow in Philly last month, spent $80 on tickets, and I got more than my money's worth. There will always be something good or bad in WWE, just like on every TV show. It seems like most of the time the IWC just talks about the smallest things that are wrong, and ignoring the good. When the IWC talks about another promotion like TNA, they do the opposite. They talk only about the good things (which they do have) and ignore the flaws (which they also have).
^^ Excellent, I think that the point of this thread finally got through to some people, Im happy cause we finally had an intelectual (SPELLING GO FIGURE LOL) debate about something, Dysturbed are you proud now. :)
I assume that you're not serious, but in case you are, the answer is obvious. Wrestling is a scripted reality as far as outcomes, storylines, etc while "any other sport" isn't like that. There are spoilers for plenty of scripted television shows.

Anyway it's not just spoilers that can be a problem but also the rumors. A lot of what we read is exaggerated, fabricated, or contradictory to other reports. People read things and sometimes get excited about possibilities and then if they don't happen they get mad, even if those things were never absolute facts.

Another thing is that a lot of people tend to always look at the future so much that they don't enjoy the present. Of course some things in the present aren't enjoyable. Here's an example. Back when Triple H was always champ and people were often bashing him, it was known that Goldberg would probably become champ at some point. People of course said "Triple H will just end up winning the title back." That of course was true, but the point is that before Triple H even lost the title (let alone won it back) some people were already concerned about his next title reign, so much in fact that they probably missed anything that they may have liked in the present. It's fun to predict what feuds can happen and discuss it, but when people actually start to buy into their fantasies, they lose site of reality.

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