I finally figured out Ezekiel Jackson's gimmick!


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we see it on ECW on tuesday nights. Ezekiel Jackson qoutes from the book of Ezekiel in the holy bible. So unless the WWE is try'in to create another "Rev. Devon Dudley" chractor. I see this is the only make as a babyface in the main event picture if the WWE can do it right? This is the "PG era" in the WWE, so anythings possible.

But from what I see on the heel side of things. It looks like Ezekiel Jackson or the WWE/ECW creative team is/are mak'in him seem like gangsta producer "Suge Knight". They both are big or couse, the type of beard, Ezekiel Jackson wears diamond-studded earrings while he's wrestling, and Ezekiel Jackson wears red wrestling attire inductiong that he's a piru blood gangbanger.

That would be consided a risk among getting sued. But i'm sure that the WWE can go around it, like they did with the "John Morrison" gimmick.

But what if Ezekiel Jackson was traded/drafted to another brand. And ran a stable like a mafia type faction? And ran the locker rooms & the backstage area like a recording studio in a essence. And can make business deals & gamble like the APA & the FBI use to do back in the day? Wow! Now that would be GANGSTA!!

But like I said, it's the "PG era" so I think that won't be happening.
I really don't think that's what they are trying to do with him at all and in all honestly if they did that it would be totally ridiculous. Sure Jackson looks like Suge but he can't really help that and he's had that beard forever. I think they are just having him do the "moster heel who is smart" gimmick and started that when he was with The Brian Kendrick having him and Kendrick spouting dates and references that only an encyclopedia would know.
First of all, the angle you're suggesting for Zeke would bore me to tears in about 30 seconds. Maybe I'm over-estimating that, and it would take only 15 seconds, but I can't be sure.

Secondly, Jackson has been used very well in ECW. I'd like to think that it means he has a real opportunity to move to another brand after ECW runs its course and continue his upward momentum. However, I've every confidence WWE will bury him in short order once he makes the move.

However, pairing Jackson with Regal -- which allows the Brit to do the promos while Jackson does the in-ring work -- is extremely wise. Hopefully these men stay together after the jump. It's the closest thing WWE has allowed to a ringside manager, and I'm particularly partial to this.
I don't really think Ezekiel Jackson is going to be anything like that. Right now he just seems like a big scary badass heel that can talk. Any resemblances to Suge Knight I'm sure are purely coincidental.

I've always wanted Ezekiel to have a gambling/kingpin gimmick. One day down the line I want to see him as "Big" Zeke Jackson, a Harlem-born kingpin who runs his own shady casinos, wears white suits outside of the ring, and is always accompanied with a posse of girls and security guards, including Regal. If they take Regal out of the equation, this gimmick could work as heel or face with some minor adjustments. It would be something interesting that hasn't recently been seen.
I don't really think Ezekiel Jackson is going to be anything like that. Right now he just seems like a big scary badass heel that can talk. Any resemblances to Suge Knight I'm sure are purely coincidental.

I've always wanted Ezekiel to have a gambling/kingpin gimmick. One day down the line I want to see him as "Big" Zeke Jackson, a Harlem-born kingpin who runs his own shady casinos, wears white suits outside of the ring, and is always accompanied with a posse of girls and security guards, including Regal. If they take Regal out of the equation, this gimmick could work as heel or face with some minor adjustments. It would be something interesting that hasn't recently been seen.
I forgot Ezekiel Jackson was from Harlem World! Yeah I'm with you on that! Have "big" Zeke as a notorious gambling kingpin in the WWE. And if whoevers debt couldn't pay with cash, pay in the ring against big Zeke himself or one of his henchmen. Or just get attacked right there backstage during a promo by Ezekiel Jackson and company.
I always thought Zeke's gimmick was a big black guy who liked to quote the book of Ezekiel; essentially, he's playing a jacked up version of Samuel L. Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.

Seriously though, I agree with Doc's idea; I'd love to see Zeke with some sort of Kingpin. He could have security and girls with him all the time. Maybe he could even have a stable with other superstars looking to Zeke to help them win matches in return for their service. I think Zeke could pull that roll off very well.
All I got to say is that WWE had better not waste Ezekiel Jackson. I like the guy and he has a bit more old school wrestling about him. He is kinda like Bad News Brown on Steroids or super drugs. haha! But yeah he has talent and i like the way they paired him with Regal. Oh and one last thing, with the ECW title leaving soon Big Zeke may never hold a world title. I just dont see him wearing the WWE or World Heavyweight title belt. But then again, i never thought i would see Sheamus with the belt either so yeah...it "could" happen.
Zeke is in the perfect role right now. Keep quoting the Book of Ezekiel and keep him with Regal. I'd be lying if I wasn't weary about Zeke's future after ECW. I'm not sure where he will end up, but wherever it is, I hope he keeps what he is doing now and Bill goes with him and stays on as a manager/occasional tag team partner. Zeke has all the right tools to be a star, it is just a matter of how they execute it on Raw or SD.
His gimmick is DOMINATION. Nah, he doesn't have much of a gimmick. He's talented and I'd like to see him win the IC title in a year or 2. He could shine given more time. Hopefully he won't get future endeavored, or if he did TNA could pick him up and get a good big man.
Ezekiel Jackson is massive and sounds pretty smart on the mic, not to mention he's got Regal as his manager,and I hope when ECW ends, they jump together to the same brand, as I've always been a fan of managers and it's something that's badly needed right now in the WWE. Jackson doesn't really need to have a mob or something by his side. He alone with Regal would be unstoppable enough. Jackson still needs to be developed more on the mic, but I'd have no problem with Regal managing him for a year or two.

Sure Jackson may get buried once he goes to Raw or SmackDown, which is what I don't want, but I think creative should take a chance with him like they have with Kofi, Sheamus, and Miz!

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