I Feel Dirty and Should Not Be Known as a Smark

I actually enjoy the Diva matches. I know most of the fans use that time as a bathroom break, but I find them entertaining.
I also like Jerry Lawler's corny-as-hell jokes. He reminds me of that one uncle everyone has that gets too drunk at weddings.

The one thing I've never liked, that the IWC seems to drool over, is the Rock. His promos annoy me beyond words. I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I just don't care for him. :disappointed:

I'm right there with you on the rock's promos. He continuously recycles material he previously used 12 years ago. And seriously, you're saying that another guy has a candy ass? Sweet.

Drew macyntire or however the hell you spell his completly irrelivent name sucks ass. He's boring, get over it.

Austin is a better talker than the rock, so is jericho.

I cheer for good guys most of the time.
I think storylines are just as important as the wrestling.
The Rock needs new material when it comes to his character.
I don't think John Laurinitis is all that bad as a GM.
I'm actually interested in Brodus Clay now.
It's time for Randy to get a new gimmick.
I liked CM Punk before he was the Best in the World.
I liked Zack Ryder's character including before he his Youtube show, but his in-ring skills need work.
I kinda liked WWECW, and wish we still had it rather then NXT.
I would completly mark out if Hurricane came back, and actually got to wrestle.
Any thread based on what the IWC (insert scary monster music) thinks is no more than a conspiracy theory anyway. "Does the IWC exist?" is right up there with "Do Free Masons run the country?" and "Who was on the grassy knoll?"

The answers (in order) are "Yes," "I hope so," and "The Comedian."

The IWC is simply an entity that is roundly blamed for supporting everything that falls flat on its face.

No, that's just WrestleCrap. A lot of "IWC humor" is influenced by things like Botchamania which just so happen to show people falling flat on their faces. :beatup:

Who exactly does the IWC support? Even after they become champion? Who is... IWC?

We support good wrestling and the wrestlers who can consistently perform it. Being good on the stick is a bonus, but not mandatory. As for who the IWC is, well, it's THIS guy:


Yes. The IWC is a single man, and his name is-IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HIS NAME IS YOU ASSCLOWN.
Oh yeah one more thing, I LIKE Batista. Another thing about Cole, yeah Heenan was awesome but the difference is everyone always understood Heenan was playing a heel and a character. When it comes to Cole, no one can seem to understand that it's just a character. They honestly hate him on a personal level. That by itself makes me think he's the best heel announcer ever. They all hate him even though pretty much everyone KNOWS that Vince and the back is telling him what to say and how to say it. Even if Vince wasn't in 100% control of Cole before and during (which we all KNOW he is), he'd still tear cole's ass up AFTER the show and made sure he'd never do it again. He doesn't, proving it's all his doing. Even though everyone knows that and even admits it, they still rage and act like Cole is going rogue on the mic. If that isn't playing a great heel I don't know what is.

BTW, a funny story about Heenan. Years ago during the NwO days, the night they finally asked dallas page to join and he turned against them, I was there in the 4th row next to the Nitro announcers booth. During the commercials, Bobby would get up and flick the audience off to get massive heat. Heenan was old school and one of the all time greats.
I have a soft corner for Cena because I loved his rapper gimmick and the stuff he came up with. I still think that the rap 'shoot' he did on The Rock earlier in the year is just, juuuuust below Punk's promo. That was easily one of the best promos I have ever heard.

I enjoyed the Attitude Era and I still do till this day through all the nonsense because? Because of that rabid crowd. Pop in a DVD from 97-98 and the crowd man! The crowd made the product strive for more and would boo or cheer anything that they wanted to.

Too much is made of HHH holding people back. He did, but people tend crucify him for raping a puppy with a Pope hat or something. He was on top, wanted to stay on top. Atleast he is a smashing performer. Speaking of smashing performers...

People who call HBK a useless champion. So the nWo explodes and that's HBK's fault for not being a good champion. I will give one point to the people who say that he only wanted to have programs with his buddies, but his buddies included Ramon who was great in the ring, Diesel was popular big man who could wrestle a believable match back then.

Oh God all that felt good!

Can we change the name of this thread to WZ Confessional?
I have to agree with George Steele's Barber, the begining to the episode after the walkout was sheer brilliance, with Cena vs Sheamus and Punk on Commentary, i absolutely loved that and it was easily my favourite moment of WWE programming in 2011. Second would be Punk walking out with the title at MITB, which would be first but the start to that show was something else, i could have happily watched on as that match played out but hey.

I also loved the boogeyman, like the time when he ate that massive weird looking growth from Jillian Halls face hahaha, and need i mention when he used to physically spit live chewed up worms into fellow wrestlers mouths!

Hell i even like the WWEECW days, when they shifted the likes of Big Show, Lashley, Angle and Test to the roster. I dont think Angle should have been on that roster thought, they stripped him of the WHC to put him on the C show :S Big Show and the likes of RVD put on some great main event hardcore/ladder matches. Or when Hardcore Holly went through a table and gashed his back open, those times were good :)

I almost forgot about the divas of that roster, the likes of Kevin Thorn's vampire girlfriend Ariel, she was creepy lookin but she was hot in a weird way.

Need i mention Kellys expose, somehow i thought she was hotter back then.
Okay, here goes. I liked Jack Swagger's World Heavyweight Championship reign.

There, I said it. The moment he grabbed the MITB briefcase at WM26, we all, including myself said "Ah, he'll be the first to lose it, just so it doesn't seem so predictable"...and the next night on Raw he almost cashed in on John Cena. Then on Smackdown, Jericho crumpled in the ring after Edge had clobbered him and boom, Swagger appears. We all thought Edge would stop Swagger, but no. Gutwrench Powerbomb, 123. Swagger is the new WHC.

Afterwards, he brought out all of his trophies, brought out his Dad, and had that one memorable promo where the crowd just would not let the guy speak. "When I was a boy growing up in Perry, Oklahoma..." "BOOOOOOOOO!" "I'll start again! When I was a boy..." "BOOOOOOOOOO!"

The only people who can get the same heat that he got that night are Vickie and Michael Cole. I enjoyed his character at that point and I still do, and I hope he'll take the belt once again.

Don't judge me!
I thoroughly enjoyed the Invasion angle. I never really watched anything but WWE(F) back then so I didn't care if the WCW and ECW weren't booked strongly. It seems like most people crap all over it, but I thought it was good television. Yeah, so we didn't get Goldberg, Sting, Scott Steiner, Ric Flair and a bunch of other top WCW stars during the Invasion. Big Deal. I thought Stone Cold was awesome as the leader of the Alliance. I actually thought his heel turn worked pretty well. I was booing him at the time.

Also, DDP was awesome with his motivational speaker gimmick. His segments were he would tell people "That's not a bad thing, that's a good thing!" were great! It's a shame his WWE(F) career got cut so short.

I like the following wrestlers: Ezekiel Jackson, Vladimir Kozlov, Abraham Washington, Deuce and Domino, Snitsky, Chuck Palumbo and Rhyno/Rhino.

I still prefer Ted Dibiase over Cody Rhodes. I find Cody Rhodes to be extremely overrated and I hope he never becomes WHC or WWE champion.

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