I Don't Find Lady GaGa That Attractive Anymore

I've seen one good picture of her. She's been ugly as shit in the rest of them. Her music's good, though, so it really shouldn't matter what she looks like.
Cry about it a little bit more? Who cares? You go on and lisiten to her, and I'll take a swing at not making my ears bleed.

I wasn't going to take the bait but I'm sorry... what the fuck are you even going on about? I defended an artist I'm a fan of. Scroll on past the thread if you don't care.

And this thread wasn't even about her music, which I will go an lisiten to thanks, and you can continue not listening to it because like I already said three fucking times, you're entitled to your own opinions.
Why defend an artist? Who the fuck cares, you think that bitch cares what I say about her? Fuck no, I could make fun of her all day. She would go home and wipe her ass with 100 dollar bills. Because she can, but I also have the right to call her a fucking Media ****e.

She has nasally voice that I find rather annoying, I lisiten to alot of metal. That's true, but I also divulge myself into some rather good singers. In fact atm I have some Dean Martin playing on the good ol' youtube atm.
I wasn't going to take the bait but I'm sorry... what the fuck are you even going on about? I defended an artist I'm a fan of. Scroll on past the thread if you don't care.

And this thread wasn't even about her music, which I will go an lisiten to thanks, and you can continue not listening to it because like I already said three fucking times, you're entitled to your own opinions.


Also Anus thanks for the Rep. I believe they are Stamps? My Uncle Colects them, I love looking through his books of stamps. Have since I was a small kid, goodstuffbro.
Upon looking at them the second time, they arent stamps. But some good stamps could come out of them. You should contact the postal service with that colection.
I clearly gave her credit for being a marketing machine. She has sold herself to the public as well as, or better than, any other 21st century entertainer.

Glad we agree.

I often question how real these "eccentric" types really are, so it's not as if I'm completely singling her out. This could've been a thread about Marilyn Manson or Charlie Sheen, and I'd be singing the same tune.

Besides the fact that her parents tried to put her in therapy as a child because they thought she was bat shit crazy. And also disregarding the fact that her personality was half the reason she was ever signed to a major label in the first place...far before she was famous. Man, she she has been carrying this persona with her for a long ass time. Also, Charlie Sheen is just a coke head. If you know the effects of hardcore coke use you would know his shit isn't an act, he really is just fucking insane and obnoxious. I see what you mean with a guy like Manson. It's definitely part of his image but I'm sure he's also just really a strange fucking guy.

I couldn't possibly care less about Lady Gaga, her music, or her nose. General point I'm making -- we don't know these people. They make millions of dollars, and a good portion of that comes from pulling stunts, and acting crazy. Are these types putting on a show? I tend to believe they are.

..there jobs are to put on shows. They're entertainers. To say they don't have their own personality embedded in what they do and how to they it is ******ed. That's like saying Kurt Cobain wasn't really depressed.

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