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I am a fan of Otunga and Hennig


Pre-Show Stalwart
I refuse to call Joe Hennig that other bogus name WWE creative gave him, these idiots should be marketing him as a 3rd generation wrestler like they did with Randy Orton, but I digress.

I see improvement from them each time out, they are starting to look like a tag team, rather than two guys just thrown together. Subtle things like ring gear that matches, makes them look like you know.....A team!

I hope that WWE will give them a long run with the tag titles, and continue putting them on Raw and Smackdown every week, and hopefully get some title defenses on PPV's.

WWE right now has two real tag teams, the Uso's and Otunga/Hennig let's hope we see more coming, it's a lost art in Pro Wrestling, especially in WWE and I see alot of potential in Otunga/Hennig in particular if given the time.

*Ready to be flamed by predictable internet arguments*
I actually agree, and was very happy to see that on RAW they had officially ditched anything to do with Nexus. They work together as a ream real well, and some of their moves together are fairly impressive.

Would love to see them with a lengthy reign where the titles are actually defended regularly, including on PPV's.
I actually don't mind them as much as I did when they were first paired. They seem more relaxed with each other. Maybe it's because of the severe lack of tag teams in the WWE to compare them to but I don't think they are too bad. Tonight, they debuted a new finisher which I kind of liked and a new finisher could mean a long time together. Hopefully we will see these two develope a little more character. The WWE needs more tag teams show up so we won't keep seeing boring matches from these two.

A little charisma wouldn't kill them though.
I am also liking them and have been for a few weeks now. I'm glad they dumped the New Nexus and are now a real tag team with their own music and finisher etc. I hope they feud with the other real tag team (The Usos) over the belts, this may be the first step in making the tag team division relevant again.
Pretty sure Joe came up with the name on his own. He wanted to honor his mom or something.

As for them as a team, who gives a shit if they have matching spandex? They both come out looking green as hell, they may as well pump this fist and yell "COME ON BABY!!!!" like all the green guys in the 80s would do. They don't express themselves well, they don't have any characteristics that make them interesting, they do their moves decent enough I guess but they need more depth.

I agree that they could be good. They need to add character to what they do. I mean fuck you have one guy who is wrestling royalty and the other is a star fucker, surely you can make something out of that right?
I'm happy that it looks like there is a bit of cohesiveness between the two now and it seems as if they're actually going to market themselves as a tag team, instead of two guy who happen to be tagging together.

There's still plenty of room for improvement though. It seems kind of odd that there was no explanation given to the Nexus disbanding or anything. It always bothers me when loose ends aren't tied up.
Otunga and McGillicutty are the team I wanted so much to hate when they first won the belts, but have actually somehow won me over. Those two actually work really well together. I wouldnt mind seeing them stick around for a while
They have been better this past week, now that they are actually defending the titles and even winning. They had been jobbed out so long in non-title matches, or with some other angle taking the attention away, they were easy to forget. But now that they have some attention on them, they aren't terrible. I'm still not a huge fan, but they have improved.
YOu know they don't look right together without being Nexus but they work well together and if given time it can help them both. I think both have bright futures just need more experience, interview time/tv time.
I'm waiting to see how quickly the mods delete this response. As far as you saying they're the only other real tag team in the E, what about the Hart Dynasty? I know they are not currently a team, but they can, and should, be again. Hopefully the tag division gets new life when Castagnoli and Hero arrive.
I really did enjoy watching Hennig and Otunga last night. Very cohesive work for being so damn green. As they improve, they will only get better. I hope they bring some honor back to the division. I know it will take a LOT of work on their part, but it can be done.
Give the titles to Santino & Ryder! LOL.

But really, Otunga and Henning are pretty good as a tag team. Maybe as long as they don't get on a mic, they'll be fine. But getting their promos right would be good too, so I guess they HAVE TO be on the mic at some point.
I like Otunga and Cutty but they need to add one more tag team to the mix yea i kno the Usos are good but remember back in the early 2000s when you had three kegit tag teams and that what they need they Mike and Cutty The Usos, i think they should add Miz and R truth to the tag division just to keep them fresh and active
I don't know how true the story is about Joe Hennig using 'Michael McGillicutty' to honor his mother's name (her maiden name is actually Leonard), but he is NEVER going to get over with such a stupid name. This is no knock on Joe at all. Just think about it, who is ever going to chant "McGillicutty, clap clap, clap clap clap!" Mick Foley has said before that if Steve Austin used the original moniker WWE wanted to give him - Chilly McFreeze - he would be dead in the water regardless of how good he was. I think the same rule applies here, not that I'm saying Joe is as good as Steve Austin, just that he is basically dead in the water as long as he's using such a dumb-sounding name. Randy Orton even spoke out about it in a recent interview, calling that name in particular ridiculous and not agreeing with the way WWE names their new stars. Now I'm aware of the rumor that Joe picked the name himself to honor his mother (which, again, I sort of doubt as that wasn't his mother's name) and I know that Joe cut a promo about not wanting to live in his father's shadow, but I really don't think he was dumb enough to give himself that name. I think they gave him a moniker, and he just wanted to be a team player and accept it and roll with it the best he can. Why risk getting depushed or fired over publicly speaking out about how your ring name sucks?

That all being said, I am a huge fan of Mr. Perfect and I do like Joe Hennig. I think he is getting consistently better in the ring, has a good physique similar to his father's, and he's not terrible on the mic (he just needs a good program or gimmick to work with). At this point it's hard to say whether I could ever see him in the main event picture, but I definitely see him at least making it to the upper midcard (around where Dolph Ziggler is at now).

David Otunga, I also don't mind. I thought he was one of the ones from the original NXT that showed great promise as he had a great look and great mic skills. I often see people say that he really sucks in the ring and has zero charisma, which I don't really agree with. He's not Daniel Bryan but he's not terrible. He's a newbie, let him grow. As far as charisma, I do think he has it (he was fairly over as a heel during his NXT run) but he just needs a good program to work with. Again, way too early to see him in the main event scene. Doesn't seem likely now, but all of our veterans are hanging up their boots, new stars must be made and anything is possible.

So I would say that I am also a fan of Otunga/Hennig. While the belts have totally lost all of their prestige, it's still a good thing that these two are the tag team champions and they are getting TV time and victories. For now this gives them something to do and further time to improve on their skills.
I don't mind them either. They're beginning to feel like a real team. Especially after last night when they used the Demolition Decapitation as their finisher.

Demolition will always be my all time favorites, as they are what got me hooked on wrestling to begin with, so any team who wants to emulate them is a-ok in my books. They just need to start color coordinating their ring attire and come up with a name for themselves.
This is a severe no brainer. You can clearly see that hennig has some ability but as for otunga, Pffffft really, Hes just a muscle junkie that barely stands out from the crowd, the one reason he apparently does is becasue of the Nexus and the fact he is muscular. I would much rather see Skip sheffield in that position, they maybe even should have popped a major heeled Kaval in there before they let him go instead of all the second rate cumps they threw in from the other seasons of NXT. Mason Ryan was ok but he needed major work, allthough i would probably rather see him than otunga aswell. Screw otunga he looks like he hardly ever puts in a maximum effort and it really f'in shows.
They have a good chemistry, im still not 100% with them, but tag team wrestling has always interested me and this was good to watch.

Agree with you calling him Hennig.
talk about lowering your standards..otunga and hennig are some of the more bland talents out there. otunga after all his time with the company can hardly break out his own finisher, which is a damn spinebuster.

both have proven how useless they are "promo wise" on nxt season 2. i think its about time to get rid of them in favor of wrestlers with a bit more potential, at least in the ring like tyler black etc..

Joe actually came up with the McGillicutty name himself as he thought he would never get over using the hennig name because people would just compare him to his dad which is kinda understandable.

So he thought Mchiligffgy would do the trick? guy should probably never go near a creative agent as long as..ever.
I will acknowledge that they have gotten better in the ring. Even Otunga. But I would not go so far as to call myself a fan yet.

Last night in the match against santino and ryder they actually looked like they knew what they were doing in the ring, which surprised me. I'm hoping that they continue to improve. They also have to get past that John Cena defeated them in a handicap match so it is hard to take them seriously at the moment.

However, two things I cannot get past with McGillicuddy: 1. As some folks have already mentioned, he needs to change his name. and 2. It is really hard for me whenever I see him to not have a mental image of him licking some woman's mouth herpes sores (or whatever those were supposed to be) during some ridiculous contest on NXT. Maybe if enough time goes by or he gets good enough in the ring, but right now, that's what I am reminded of whenever I see him.

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