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What WWE Should Do With David Otunga...

At this point I have to admit that the bar representing my standard for wrestling talent is pretty damn low in that the only people making an effort to raise it are Punk and Bryan.

Is David Otunga shit in the ring? Oh Hell yes. Shaemus, Cena, Rock, Ryan and Miz? They're the shit standard.

WWE is character (asshole) driven. Rewarding a WWE talent for superior wrestling versatility is like rewarding an elected official for having integrity. Fans are more likely to pop for a people's elbow than they are to pop for a backflip off the top rope.

David Otunga as a character for storyline purposes works for me, I say let Santino carry him through 2012. At best Otunga has potential, which is more than I can say for the shit wrestlers who came before him.
Now, I'm just throwing this out there, but what is Johnny Ace made him the "Executive Vice Manager of blah, blah, blah" and, basically, he was the Mid-Card GM? That leaves Johnny to take care of the main event (and Cena :banghead: ) while Otunga takes care of the US, Tag Team and (after WM) the IC title? Basically, he keeps his role of "douchy, ass-kisser with power+influence" but in a bit more a major way. Also, then the Mid-Card gets some more attention and fun! He can make matches for Swagger's title, while JL can give Ziggler a match! Then, of course, that would requires Vickie G to blow them both, but whatevs, I don't think Ziggler minds, anymore :disappointed:
What to do with Otunga?

Exactly what they are doing now. His role right now is perfectly suited for him.

I love the direction with his character, very entertaining and cool. Johnny has really elevated Otunga to seem a lot more legit, and I think to a lesser extent Otunga has done the same to Johnny. He's got a good gimmick now, good ring attire, above average promo skills and of course a fantastic physique.. all he needs is better in-ring work. He sucks in the ring, we can all tell, but he IS getting better so give him a chance.

I also completely agree with Jack Hammer that his "lackey" gimmick is much better than other ones as he actually seems to have some legitimate skills that help out Johnny Ace. In fact, at times it even seems like Otunga is the mastermind behind many of Ace's schemes.
I liked him best when he was in Nexus, he needs a good tag partner and maybe a run for the tag titles, but I dont want to see him winning the US or IC title, and for sure not the world titles
I'm absolutely thrilled that David Otunga has evolved into an interesting wrestler. He was AWFUL on NXT - absolutely horrible in the ring and on the mic. But you could still see that flash of potential. Otunga hung around the fringes of the low card for a year or so, and a year and a half later he's shown real progress. If you told me two years ago that David Otunga would have my interest and Jack Swagger wouldn't, I'd have never believed it.

I'd do big things with David Otunga for the rest of 2012. I'd have him win the title off Santino and become the primary midcard villain, feuding with Kofi and Truth.
I'd do big things with David Otunga for the rest of 2012. I'd have him win the title off Santino and become the primary midcard villain, feuding with Kofi and Truth.

I second this. Quite frankly, I think this is where he's being pushed at the moment. They're building him up to be an intelligent heel. I like fresh characters that blur the lines between good and bad. Otunga is hated but he isn't really a bad guy. He just supports someone who everyone hates. I always enjoy those types of characters because it makes the journey a bit more unique.

We hate him because he's well dressed for no reason, he's JL's lapdog, his intelligence comes off as pompousness, he comes off as a lawyer who wrestles instead of the other way around, he's obsessed with his physique, and his tone is usually pretentiously annoying. If he continues to gain a presence on the mic (which given his speaking ability won't be all that hard to do) and maybe two memorable signature moves, he'll be quite the talented heel.
The more I think about Otunga's lawyer gimmick the more I think he could perhaps become the next Irwin R. Scheister. IRS took what would be an otherwise cartoony gimmick and basically rolled with it. He would get on the mic and accuse the fans of being tax cheats, he would steal Tatanka's feathers because tatanka didn't pay taxes on them, hell he even stole a tombtone out of a graveyard because he claimed the guy wasn't paying his fair share of taxes despite being dead.

They should have Otunga chasing the ambulance after some guy takes a beatdown backstage. Or better yet start setting up accidents backstage to drum up business.
He does better character work than just about anyone who isn't a top guy, is legitimately hateable, is solid on the mic, has a great look, and appears to be a pretty good athlete.

Why are there people saying he should be fired? O yea, he does (literally) EVERYTHING ELSE except excel in the ring. He's a smart guy, he's an athletic guy, give him time and he'll be good enough in the ring. He can tell stories and carry a character, that's really the most important part. You can do all the moves in the world, like those chubby guys on youtube who show you how to do every move (EVEN THE SUPPOSED SUPER HARD CANADIAN DESTROYER CAN BE DONE BY TWO NORMAL LOOKING DUDES!!!!). However, if you can't make people believe your character and you can't tell a story, you are a glorified gymnist.

I say just keep doing what they're doing. Give him enough ring time to improve but not enough time to screw up, give him enough character and mic time so that he stays relevant and builds his character.
The more I think about Otunga's lawyer gimmick the more I think he could perhaps become the next Irwin R. Scheister. IRS took what would be an otherwise cartoony gimmick and basically rolled with it. He would get on the mic and accuse the fans of being tax cheats, he would steal Tatanka's feathers because tatanka didn't pay taxes on them, hell he even stole a tombtone out of a graveyard because he claimed the guy wasn't paying his fair share of taxes despite being dead.

They should have Otunga chasing the ambulance after some guy takes a beatdown backstage. Or better yet start setting up accidents backstage to drum up business.
That's a fantastic idea. I loved the "if you have a twitter account, you have a lawyer" thing or whatever it was. They should definately roll with it.

Now that you mention it, if it wasn't part of a serious angle, I think it would have been awesome if he came out when Christian got injured.
I would team Otunga up with Ted Debise Jr and make Money Inc 2.0 I mean he is not an IRS but he is a lawyer. you could even throw in Alberto cause he so called a millionaire too.
I would team Otunga up with Ted Debise Jr and make Money Inc 2.0 I mean he is not an IRS but he is a lawyer. you could even throw in Alberto cause he so called a millionaire too.
Dibiase sucks balls as a heel though, or at least with the same gimmick his dad had.

Dibiase seems more like Tim Tebow in real life from what I've gathered, I'd give him that character. Plus Otunga is miles ahead of Dibiase in the character and mic work department. Only a matter of time before he's better in the ring too.
i see a great charismatic type chris masters build. great heel. get otunga in intercotinental or US champion match after Wrestlemania
I think Otuna could fued with someone like the Great Kahli or someone similar. His angle would be that he's the full package, body & brain, and that he's that much more superior than those with only half that package (body but no brain). He's already made a good image of him being the smart guy in the wwe, so why not use it against people that don't come off as super smart.

My first thought was Big Show, but Cody Rhodes is doing a similar story with Big Show right now.

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