Husky Harris debuts a new gimmick, and finisher.

Ouch was all could say when i saw the finisher.
As for the gimmick, reminds me of Jason Voorhees.

I like how it sorta relates to Kanes gimmick (with the whole masked destroyer thing) but has a mike myers/jason twist on it.

Good thing i love horror movies.
Some are comparing him to Mankind/Abyss. All I can say is that I like this much more than generic, plain old Husky Harris. This looks like he could be a really good character. I'm glad they finally gave him a gimmick and if he does this on TV when he comes back then I could see myself getting behind him. He reminds me of Raven by squirmin into the corner like that. I wish FCW would air on TV. Also LOL at Brodus saying he will fight at whatever this is. Good to see Ricardo too.
Ugg at least the name is better Mulligan..(a do over) but yeah that character seems to me only works in a hardcore environment
Kinda disappointed that this means that Punks' group is officaly done (although to be frank only Husky and Mike were worth a darn now if Mike can get a better name too that would be great)
I think he looks like that dude from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I guess he might be the next dark character to be coming up since UT is about to take a bite into retirement, and I am glad that the new nexus might be going away it's SES II. I sucks they should have left it alone.
What a clusterfuck character. A punk/horror villain character with the Mulligan name attached to it? If anyone remembers Blackjack Mulligan, he was a cowboy, not this character Husky is portraying now. Makes no sense. When are they going to explain this one? I liked his first television persona. All they needed to do was break him off as a singles star or team him with Joe Hennig for a while. This character is going to set him back and he'll just get repackaged again. Who knows? This could be a one time experimental thing.
I like the change for Husky. The name change is brilliant as it is pretty much paying homage to his grandfather, Blackjack Mulligan. Plus he sort of has that "blackjack" approach. He is just in street clothes and you can see he has changed his in ring style and psychology to make this character work. It certainly has the potential to work on the main stage and if Husky can run with it he could be a valuable asset to the main roster compared to his generic first run. It is all about committing and Husky seems to be doing just fine. Lets see how he continues to better the character on FCW in the coming weeks before giving a real conclusion on how it will effect him in the long run.
Well to be honest the Mulligan Character is not that bad, it just need to be polish up a bit. Maybe he should call himself Duke Axel Mulligan ( DAM ). It looks like Husky took a DR Doom Mask and is dress like Chainsaw Charlie. All he needs is a manager ( James Mitchel ) and maybe make Brodus Clay, Skip Sheffield or Conor O'Brian his tag partner.
I LOVE THIS GIMMICK. For several reasons

1) It's Dark. - I enjoy a gimmick that has an edge to it. and Husky has the move set and style to pull it off since he has a very unpredictable ability.

2) Kane / Abyss 2.0 - I think this would be well over than Abyss since it's like an upgraded version with someone who can pull off a great match . Also if WWE needs another Masked Star to replace the aging undertaker or Kane this could be someone to fill those shoes with a few years of work and a grat push. AND before people say no one could fill takers shoes, they said the same thing about Hogan, Billy Graham, Bob Backlund and others. But this gimmick could be a new take on it.

3) It fits Husky's Heritage - Husky uses his grand fatehrs style of boots and I think WWE should at least pay homage to his roots. I love the TExas Chainsaw Massacre thing.
Just when the depression over the Hardy clusterfuck had worn off, the next piece of 'wrestling' I watch is a prime young talent, with a great family name, looking like a member of slipknot. I can understand why the PR dept got pissy about WWEak being referred to as a wrestling company!

In FCW, TNA or a small Indie company this might work. In WWEak with the PG restrictions, there is NO hope of this going anywhere good - on the small chance it makes it up to Stamford. Husky's strength was not the mic, which you need with this type of character to create the right aura - and changing his ring style (which was one of the better ones in the Nexus v.2) is also a major blunder. So you go from an athletic 300lbs+ 'sherman tank with a Ferrari engine' to a B-slasher movie rip off in a PG product - oh yes, pure genius.

Why not spend the time and energy polishing Harris and Hennig (Mcgilicutty is not a wrestling name) into a bonna fide tag force, with legacy and skill, instead of going for the lowest, cheapest 'upgrade'?

As for the finisher, ok I know Ricardo can't sell, but it's JUST a stunner! (Austin must be so proud! Lmao)
I totally loved Kane when he was masked, and miss that gimmick.

I like the gimmick, but do think it's a little wasted on ol' Husky Harris. He had that really really evil looking grin which could - with the right gimmick - be SYP scary.

Masked gimmicks are best for those who corpse all the time, and he didn't.

So...mixed feelings?
I like it but I'm not sure how well it can be developed in this current PG WWE era. Assuming they are going for the whole dark tormented destructive monster angle with it that is. mankind and kane worked so well because of how far they could push their characters in the Attitude era. It looks like he needs a bit of fine tuning attirewise also.. Just like with Abyss I never quite felt he comes across as a fully developed character with his look..he just comes across as sombody who bought a budget halloween costume. Never got that with Kane or Mankind. I do feel the WWE needs a new "monster" so hopfully this will work out.
Meh, He looks like Raven and Mankind's twisted lovechild. If he didn't have the mask he would be better, but with the mask he looks like a fan of Slipknot and a Abyss rip-off.
i dont man, husky harris, i just couldnt get behind him, i disliked his inring technique and disliked him as a wrestler and now he is making a mockery of the stunner and the RKO so i dunno. i dont see why wwe is botering with him to be honest. but oh well, thats my opinion.
I liked it...more than I thought I would. As for those who don't think you can pull it off in a PG environment, Mankind got incredibly over as a heel while the WWF was still pre-attitude era. Obviously, Mick Foley's accomplishments during the Attitude era aren't being forgotten, but he was already Mankind during the PG portion of the 90s, when he wore the all brown costume.
I think the mask will come off eventually. They will say something changed in him mentally after the punt to the head explaining the name change and change in persona. I'd be happy with someone "psycho" running around with a dark side. Abyss and Kane have already been mentioned. But yeah, like a Mankind, everyone knew it was Mick Foley, but he got by with it bc he was demented. Like the name better then Husky Harris. Now if they can just change Mike M, to Joe Henning, I'd be happy.
The WWE needs more dark style gimmicks. I think it could work well. His finisher is a cross between the diamond cutter and the stunner it looks like.
I gotta say it, it's a good start. The look does have a certain death metal appeal to it. It fits with his appearance, too. Harris (now Mulligan) is never going to make it as one of the typical oiled-up Ken dolls and this sort of gimmick insures that he doesn't have to. The mask is a good touch, in my opinion, especially if they want to make him into a monster. His natural face is just a little too teddy bear-ish to be truly scary without a lot of difficulty.

What I like the most about his character is his erratic behavior. We see him falling down for no reason and then suddenly getting back up and causing damage before his opponent knows what he's about. We see him bouncing back from what would be a mistake to slow him down into a powerful clothesline out of the corner. Keeping him this physically unpredictable could really go somewhere.

Yes, I think he could do with polishing up his finisher, but other than that, I think he may have something here.
i honestly didnt really like the gimmick....not a fan of the mandkind slash abyss its been done seriously n its not like ppl wont be able to tell it was him hed have to make bigger changes than that in my opinion but the finisher has promise it looked sloppy but thats not necessarily his fault ill give his gimmick a shot but idkk man
The entire package of this new character makes me think of Raven with a Slipknot mask.

To me, this new costume looks like something Raven would wear (sans the mask). I do remember Raven briefly wearing a "Clockwork Orange" type mask in TNA (maybe 2007?) however. I can't remember for sure, but this character definitely SCREAMS Raven to me.

Malenko316 first mentioned the Slipknot similarity in the mask, and I wholeheartedly agree. I just think that Husky should put some black makeup around his eyes, so that under the mask you only see his eyes (not the skin around the eyes). That might just be nit-picking, but I thought it made Kane look a lot more sinister (and yes, I realize his character's face was supposed to be "burned")...I think it would help Axl's overall look, and tie the whole character together.

Originally Posted by CelticCorey:
He reminds me of Raven by squirmin into the corner like that.
I totally agree with you here, it was especially the seated position in the corner (before the match) that made me think of mid/late-nineties Raven.

I know others compared the new finishing move to the Stunner, or RKO/Diamond-Cutter, but the move also reminded me of Raven's Evenflow DDT...maybe it was just the kick to the gut that preceded the move (I know Raven didn't always do the kick), but that's what I immediately thought of. Raven also used to sometimes do the running bulldog as a set-up to his DDT, so I see Axl's finisher as kind of a hybrid of those two moves.

Originally Posted by: Davi323
As for those who don't think you can pull it off in a PG environment, Mankind got incredibly over as a heel while the WWF was still pre-attitude era.

I completely agree. I think that a "dark" or "supernatural" character like this would work EXTREMELY well in the current PG era. Davi already mentioned Mankind, but I can't believe no one mentioned Undertaker or Papa Shango. Back in the early 1990s, both of those characters were able to get over, and both gimmicks were "dark" (albeit a bit cartoonish).

I do agree that the character wouldn't be able to flourish as much as it could have back in the Attitude Era, but the Axl character could definitely get over as a scary "evil" monster-type in the current long as creative doesn't make him silly, like they did with The Boogeyman. I think the main reason why The Boogeyman ended up being such a flop in the end is because he didn't have a manager. Boogeyman just came across as a goof when he spoke for himself.

GET THIS CHARACTER (Axl) A MANAGER, and I think it will end up kicking ass in the PG era. A (slightly) scary monster heel, with a supernatural-type gimmick. With Undertaker working such a relaxed schedule, and Kane slowing down in his older-age, a character like this is just what the Doctor ordered. I hope it sticks, and ends up becoming a Raw or Smackdown character eventually.
GET THIS CHARACTER (Axl) A MANAGER, and I think it will end up kicking ass in the PG era. A (slightly) scary monster heel, with a supernatural-type gimmick. With Undertaker working such a relaxed schedule, and Kane slowing down in his older-age, a character like this is just what the Doctor ordered. I hope it sticks, and ends up becoming a Raw or Smackdown character eventually.

This right here is the problem, i think the wrestling community has forgotten how to make good managers. I mean Cole and Vickie could do it because we as fans hate them so much and both are decent on the mic, but i want a new Bobby Hennan and Mr. Fuji, people with brains that kept you wondering what they were up to during the match and when were they going to get involved who would get involved.

I good manager would help this character go along way, why not use Ted JR to bring him in to help him like his dad did with the UT.
The entire package of this new character makes me think of Raven with a Slipknot mask.

To me, this new costume looks like something Raven would wear (sans the mask). I do remember Raven briefly wearing a "Clockwork Orange" type mask in TNA (maybe 2007?) however. I can't remember for sure, but this character definitely SCREAMS Raven to me.

Agreed, I am definitely reminded of Raven in his mid 90s grunge era. Love it.

Malenko316 first mentioned the Slipknot similarity in the mask, and I wholeheartedly agree. I just think that Husky should put some black makeup around his eyes, so that under the mask you only see his eyes (not the skin around the eyes). That might just be nit-picking, but I thought it made Kane look a lot more sinister (and yes, I realize his character's face was supposed to be "burned")...I think it would help Axl's overall look, and tie the whole character together.

Again, I agree with you. It would make the whites of his eyes stand out more also, which would help in getting the "crazy" aspect of the character over, if the camera zoomed in to his eyes as he went all wide-eyed and looked unhinged.

I totally agree with you here, it was especially the seated position in the corner (before the match) that made me think of mid/late-nineties Raven.

Yeah, that was Raven, or Jake The Snake all over. Suited the character very well.

I know others compared the new finishing move to the Stunner, or RKO/Diamond-Cutter, but the move also reminded me of Raven's Evenflow DDT...maybe it was just the kick to the gut that preceded the move (I know Raven didn't always do the kick), but that's what I immediately thought of. Raven also used to sometimes do the running bulldog as a set-up to his DDT, so I see Axl's finisher as kind of a hybrid of those two moves.

I am not 100% in agreement with this, but I know what you mean. The bulldog was very "Raven" but I see no similarity with the Raven Effect in Mulligans finisher.

I do agree that the character wouldn't be able to flourish as much as it could have back in the Attitude Era, but the Axl character could definitely get over as a scary "evil" monster-type in the current WWE

He wouldnt have to do anything too violent or extreme to get over. The evil mask, the bizarre, unpredictable behaviour and the sinister look of the whole character would work fine in the current WWE.

GET THIS CHARACTER (Axl) A MANAGER, and I think it will end up kicking ass in the PG era. A (slightly) scary monster heel, with a supernatural-type gimmick. With Undertaker working such a relaxed schedule, and Kane slowing down in his older-age, a character like this is just what the Doctor ordered. I hope it sticks, and ends up becoming a Raw or Smackdown character eventually.

Agreed. What's Father James Mitchell doing these days. He would be PERFECT for this character. That evil laugh would certainly help Mulligan to get over as an evil deranged heel!
Personally, I'll be surprised if this character ever surfaces on either of the two brands.

My thinking is that it's simply been created for him to try to work on his craft and find a niche for himself.

Not that I hate it or am against it, but I don't see enough having been done with it to think that it will be brought up the a larger audience. At least not at this point.
Well after thinking about it while reading the post, i think it could work but he has to lose the mask. The mask is the only problem i have with his gimmick, because it seems to look more like a small version of Abyss and anyways most fans know that it is Harris anyways so the mask is not necessary.
If your gonna attatch the Mulligan name to him then you should have him come out as some sort of modern day or old school cowboy gimmick not that crap. Have him wear the cowboy hat and the Blackjack glove, but not some B movie mask.

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