Hunico, Epico and Primo's stable

I'm liking this big time. Finally, the WWE has given us a stable that actually makes sense and isn't just thrown together for no reason. I hope they move on to big things on SmackDown.

Also, I agree with the poster about using Rosa Mendes as a valet. It would give her something to do and put her on our TVs every week.
Am i the only one that thinks that this is a potentially really good stable that is being hindered by 3 guys with rhyming names! Hunico, Epico and Primo....Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really??? Sounds silly in my opinion. They'll probably have matching outfits and entrances in unison next!
The group has potential. That's all I can really say at this point. At a first glance, you could argue that they're WWE's version of Mexican America. However, as Jack-Hammer said, they're actually pretty fun to watch in the ring. I did enjoy that triple team finisher thing they did on one of the Usos on Friday night. This shows that they have good chemistry from an in-ring perspective. Not sure if this faction will lead to a feud with Sin Cara but it sure looks like they'll go down that route. If they're booked right, they could be the next step towards rebuilding the rather lackluster tag team division.
First off, when i saw them come out i said "all they need now are some lawnmowers."

Do they make this into a legit stable with other Mexican's and Carribeans joining the group to create havoc amongst WWE?
3 is enough. We just got over Nexus and Coore, so i say keep it at three.

Do they use this to simply have a team to oppose perhaps Sin Cara and a group of his?

Or do they keep just the three and have a small length of time on Smackdown as a stable?
Keep it for a while, they could add to the lack-luster tag division.
Do they make this into a legit stable with other Mexican's and Carribeans joining the group to create havoc amongst WWE?
Nobody needs to join the group. I think it would have been most successful with just Hunico and Epico. Let those two be a legitimate tag team. I've watched some of their FCW matches together and they have what it takes to be a great tag team. Primo honestly looks like the 3rd wheel...

Do they use this to simply have a team to oppose perhaps Sin Cara and a group of his?
Again, I wish it was just Hunico and Epico so everything wouldn't get complicated. It could have been those two against Sin Cara and his partner, whoever it would be. If it was three on three, things would get too complicated and uninteresting. For me at least.

Or do they keep just the three and have a small length of time on Smackdown as a stable?
Hopefully Primo leaves after the Sin Cara program and Hunico and Epico can go on to compete in the tag team division. They'd help it out a lot.
I like this team. I like most Stables, regardless of what a Stable does or what their purpose is. I enjoy the team work. The ones I liked more are the ones that followed a similar pattern.

Primo, Hunico, and Epico need a few more pieces to complete this puzzle. They need a Stable name, at least one more member, and a Championship match. For a bonus, a manger (Come back Chavo and / or Carlito) or a Valet (Rosa is the clear choice, but I would also like to add the Bellas), but that’s not a necessity.

The name is important in my opinion. For some reason, I can’t think of a good one. Latino World Order worked cause it was a parody. Mexicools were okay, but didn’t really catch on as it could have. That was all about the Juice and after the Juice was gone, so was the juice. Latin American Xchange worked because they were, in all fairness, the LA”D”X of TNA. They adapted, they conquered, and they were successful. Mexican America, I’m not really that into, but it would have been nice to see all four members as TNA and TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions at the same time for at least a month, am I right?? Is “Dos J” the America part of Mexican America??

The Championship this Stable should first eye up is either the Intercontinental or the United States Title against Cody or Dolph. I wonder who the WWE Universe would cheer for. Then of course, go for the Tag Titles, maybe at this point get the 4th member. The WWE World Title contender.

I think the 4th man should be this generations Bash At The Beach. The man to do it is Rey Mysterio. I can hear the post match speech now.

“I got screwed by the newest voice and Ruler of the Smackdown Kingdom, King Bookah. I got screwed because of a small Blue Brief Case held by a Big Red Monster…Taker’s little brother. I technically got screwed by the IWC Champion, CM Punk. And worst of all, the worst screwing I got…I got screwed by Mr. WWE-24/7 himself, John Cena. I did all with a smile. Well no more. I am the King of Mystery. I am Rey Mysterio, and I’m the next Unified Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion. (Too much??) Okay, I’m the next World Champion."

All of them vs. Sin Cara will push Sin Cara as the next Rey Mysterio in no time. All of them help Mysterio defeat Mark Henry for the World Title would be fun to watch. Oh, Alberto Del Rio should definitely join this group too. Ricardo Rodriguez can announce for everyone in this group.
Ricardo Rodriguez has been managing a stable in FCW. I don't watch it, so don't know how good a manager he is, but if the WWE are looking at bringing back managers it would make sense to put Rodriguez with these guys.
I could not give a flying crap about Epico or Primo (In all fairness, I haven't given Epico much of a chance, but Primo has always been about as charismatic as a rock), but Hunico has really, really impressed me since his gimmick change to this new gangster thing. People are very quick to draw an ugly comparison to Mexican America but...Huncio plays the character so much better.

Like Cody Rhodes, Hunico seems to actually be his character. The mannerisms he has are so crisp, as well as his in ring skills. His match with Kingston on Smackdown had a really nice flow to was actually my favorite match of the night. As the commentators noted, I was impressed at just how damn good he is at his ground game as well as his high flying stuff. He really has transitioned from his fake Sin Cara character to this new gangster looking character beautifully, and his new in ring style reflects that.

You've also got to give it to the man, it at least appears like he's no slouch in the gym. He's built the hell up and he actually looks, as Booker T kept saying, like he's from a tough neighborhood and is ready to brawl.

It might be just me on this one, but Hunico since his gimmick change has also appeared, at least to me, to be quite charismatic. I am intrigued to what he's going to do or say next every time he wrestlers or speaks on the mic. He's not the greatest mic worker so far, but he hasn't been given much of a chance...I am looking forward to seeing how his character develops post-Sin Cara. I really am hoping for the best, in that he can outshine all the "Oh look its Mexican American WWE" naysayers and come into his own, because, I like where he seems to be going.
I'm not a huge Colon family mark, but i just like how they finally are finding a way to make Primo at least moderately relevant again, at the start of the summer i read everybody's "Summer Future endeavor list" And Primo was in the top 5 for most people, but i respect Primo, and i'm happy to see that hes just not one of those tag team wrestlers that gets the short end of the stick when his partner gets released(Carlito)
I was just thinking this stable maybe long lasting and thats just it its a stable now not just three guys coming out together. With that being said i cant remember the last time a stable didint have a group name SO MY QUESTION IS

Should these three get a name or are they ok the way they are

Whats some of your ideal names for these three

Knowing wwe dont you think there going to be given one anyway
I don't see this stable being named as it can be argued that the stable is a direct rip on LAX. I think just calling them by their names is fine. WWE is inevitably going to give this stable some super generic mexican gang name which is going to lose them any credibility (if any) they already had

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