Hunico as Sin Cara


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't know about anyone else, but as I watched the match "Sin Cara" vs. Kidd, I really was not impressed or that excited. I mean yeah, the entrance was great, and he did a couple of new moves that Sin Cara hasn't done, but overall I was not that impressed with Hunico as Sin Cara. I am happy we still have the Sin Cara character, as i love high flyers and luchadores, but I'd rather have Sin Cara be Sin Cara. I know he was suspended, and WWE most likely isn't going to have him come back, but he deserves a second chance. Didn't jeff hardy get in trouble with drugs, but they still let him wrestle? anyway, the point of this thread is to hear your thoughts

What did you think as Hunico portraying Sin Cara?
Who would you rather have?
Hunico is suppose to be Sin Cara throughout the Mexico tour, but after that, will Hunico still play as Sin Cara, or will WWE drop the character of Sin Cara?
Hunico is suppose to be Sin Cara throughout the Mexico tour, but after that, will Hunico still play as Sin Cara, or will WWE drop the character of Sin Cara?
It's looking like the Sin Cara we saw tonight will be the "new" Sin Cara going forward. He's a little bigger and not quite as quick, but the high-spots were there and that's what people are looking for with Sin Cara. Perhaps Hunico doesn't have as many botched spots as Mistico.

Who would you rather have?
Honestly, I don't know. We didn't see enough of Mistico as Sin Cara to really get into him. He had no major fueds or storylines and for a guy who doesn't talk it takes awhile to get into his character. This is perhaps why the WWE saw fit to continue the character, but with a different guy portraying it. Most of the WWE Universe won't even know the difference.

What did you think as Hunico portraying Sin Cara?
From the one match he's had it's tough to really form an opinion. I mean he didn't do much different from Mistico. If he would have come out, not done the jumping entrance, started talking on the mic, or perhaps had a hairy chest or flabby gut, then maybe I would have had an issue. However, as of now I have no issue. I DO have issue with the commentators seemingly going out of their way to point out that Sin Cara "added weight" or used some "different moves", but that was one of the things that has me thinking that they won't go back to using Mistico.
For some crazy reason I was really impressed, he even did the trampoline thing better then the original Sin Cara, and does a pretty smooth crossbody.
Hunico was okay at portraying the Cara character, but seemed a bit slowed down and more cautious. I prefer Ignacio playing Sin Cara because he really does put his entire energy into the character. If WWE has Hunico play Sin after Ignacio's suspension is over than thats some really dirty business. Not only did they give him a BS suspension but by having someone else play his role they're robbing him of the little notoriety that he's gained from being a WWE superstar. They're basically saying "anyone can play this role".
I liked the fact that the WWE is still trying to play off that it's not a fake sin cara. Booker T said something about Sin Cara putting on some muscle mass during his time off, because you know it's perfectly normal for a guy to gain 50 pounds of muscle mass in less than a month.

Does the WWE really think it's fans are that stupid?
I would rather have Hunico as Sin Cara then the original; less botches, believable moves and an overall better look. As far as I know, Hunico can at least speak English and call spots during a match. There's no doubt Hunico has a little work to do but at least he's spent time in Developemental while Sin Cara hasn't. I think it's obvious the WWE will be doing some kind of storyline involving the two. Did anyone notice how Cole, Matthews, and Booker were all talking about how much bigger he's gotten? He's been gone for like three weeks. Sin Cara even finished his match differently. Maybe it was an inside joke or something but I think it would be a great way to introduce the Hunico character onto the WWE main roster as a masked luchador.
I love the fact that Sin Cara was suspended for steroid use, and then "returns" much bigger. The irony is delicious.

Anyway, it was a bit lacklustre for me (and for Sin Cara). Don't get me wrong, I like Hunico. Some of his matches in FCW have been fantastic. But I'd rather see Hunico be Hunico and Sin Cara be Sin Cara. He didn't look like Sin Cara and he didn't move like Sin Cara - and that's a problem when he's pretending to be Sin Cara. Hunico is a bit bigger, so he's a bit slower and he doesn't go for the massive moves that the smaller Sin Cara goes for.

As for the future, It's going to be be hard for WWE to go back to the original Sin Cara now that he's been portrayed as more muscular, with the commentators making reference to it. But maybe this is the start of an angle? It's said that WWE want a guy for Sin Cara to work with who can really make him look good. Maybe Hunico is the one. Maybe Hunico will be revealed as an imposter - like Kane vs. Imposter Kane but a lot less lame. But then again, maybe not.
He didn't look like Sin Cara and he didn't move like Sin Cara - and that's a problem when he's pretending to be Sin Cara.

Quite poignant.

Anyways, I see no issue with it, but I also would have seen no issue with just keeping him gone for 30 days. I mean, shit...Its only 30 days. They could have rebuilt him during that time through the Sin Cara vignettes, I mean, two weeks of injury selling then two weeks of vignettes do the job easily enough.

I doubt it will be super noticeable if he came back and they simply changed back to the old one, although the fact the announcers mentioned that he looked bigger may indicate they he in fact will not be back. In all seriousness, the character may be helped some by having a bigger, albeit less risky guy play him, as the Sin Cara character was bound to hit a wall at some point....Since you know, most of his matches and moveset were downright awful, and he couldnt speak english.

Never count out the real Sin Cara coming back, and having them face-off, the true one claiming the new one tried to steal his identity while he healed from inury....Maybe even a fake Sin Cara heel turn, when the true one returns to clear his name? Could definitely work that way as well, with the mentions of him looking and moving a bit different on tv by the announcers.
I don't like it at all. I have nothing against this Hunico guy or anything, but I don't like being lied to by the WWE. Unless this is an angle, this is straight up bullshit. The guy didnt even look like Sin Cara and moved much slower. Mistico is Sin Cara and thats not right giving someone else his character.
I'm worried how the whole thing would play out in Mexico. I believe Urive as Mistico is a better known commodity there, and I would imagine many Mexican fans know he was Sin Cara. With Arias playing the character in Mexico, will the fans take kindly to it? I think they might end up on the wrong end of some pretty passionate crowds.
dude botched worse than sin cara does lol. he had a hard time balancing and pulling off the moves in a smooth sequence. cara needs to come back cuz dude is making him look bad. i cant wait for the real sin cara to make his return.
What did you think as Hunico portraying Sin Cara?
He was kinda sloppy in the ring, so I guess it was an accurate portrayal. But really, he wasn't quite the high-flying wonder that Mistico is. The man has a certain flair about him that can't be imitated, and it was really obvious that someone else was under the mask.
Who would you rather have?
Mistico as Sin Cara. If I'm gonna have to watch a luchadore every Friday it might as well be one that can do all of those flips and stuff right. Hunico looked like he knows the American style better, and I've seen matches of his in FCW where he's not bad, but they're gonna make whoever's under that mask do all the things that fans expect from the character. Mistico is better at that.
Hunico is suppose to be Sin Cara throughout the Mexico tour, but after that, will Hunico still play as Sin Cara, or will WWE drop the character of Sin Cara?
I don't see them giving up on Mistico as Sin Cara just yet. If he's really the big pet project of Triple H's that we've been told he is, then they won't give up on the investment they've made unless he's too big a hassle to keep around. As long as he keeps improving on adapting to the American style and doesn't get too big an ego about his spot on the roster, he should stick around for a while.
I don't think it will matter to the audience because Cara wasn't that over, certainly not as over as they were trying to make him. Spots don't get you over, an emotional connection does.

I guarantee if this guy gets the character more over, he stays. that's all it is. It's not "do you think" it's "if he gets over, he stays".
Um you ever heard of Jeff Hardy? Spots can get you over if you bring a certain uniqueness and flair along with them and stand out. Rey also got over this way and many others. Sin Cara seemed just as over as nearly any other mid carder.
Considering Sin Cara had changed from blue & gold attire to white & gold before he was taken off TV, it seems obvious where this is going. Hunico, or whatever his name is, will play the Sin Cara character for a few months before the real one will return. When Sin Cara comes back you'll suddenly remember he had new attire and you'll realise that an imposter has been playing him for months. Excpect a mask vs. mask match at Survivor Series and Hunico to be the one that leaves the company.

In the mean time Cara works in developmental, which he skipped, and learns a more WWE style for his eventual return.
I'm hoping that this is storyline, I wouldn't of thought the announcers would of said

'hes quite a bit bigger then he was last month'
'he's added some new moves since he's left'
'he's a lot more ripped since he last left'

I don't know, I would of thought the announcers would of kept their mouths shut if they were legit trying to replace the guy behind the mask. I hope this is part of a Sin Cara Vs Fake Sin Cara storyline where the real Sin Cara comes back and (I don't know how this'll work as he doesn't speak english) and accuses the WWE of trying to replace him.

I didn't feel Hucino as sin cara, well at least when he tried Caras spots
Um you ever heard of Jeff Hardy? Spots can get you over if you bring a certain uniqueness and flair along with them and stand out. Rey also got over this way and many others. Sin Cara seemed just as over as nearly any other mid carder.
Saying Jeff Hardy is proof that spots get you over is like saying Venis Williams is proof that women are better athletes. It's an outlier and downright fucking stupid.

Jeff got over because he had CHARISMA and jumped off tall shit. Not only that but it took him how long to get main event level overness? 10 years of jumping off tall shit and killing his body. How long did it take Cena? 5 years if that?

Spots do NOT get you over. Especially not if they don't make any sense. If that were the case, the X division would have drawn like crazy and made TNA the biggest company in the world and Teddy Hart would be the biggest star in the world, no scratch that, some gymnist they hired would be.

Emotional connection gets you over. Jeff not only did spots, and not only had charisma, but he could SELL a beatdown. SELLING is what gets you over as a babyface. Too many people on here say ******ed shit like "selling slows down the pace of the match" and fail to realize that if you don't sell, people don't buy it. If you're a babyface and you don't sell, no one gives a shit about you because you aren't drawing sympathy.

Also, Mysterio didn't get over on spots. His spots were done in a way that it looked spontaneous. Plus he had CHARISMA and, like with Jeff, he could SELL. He sold the fuck out of everything, he had charisma so people felt sympathy, then his spots felt spontaneous so people actually bought it and cared. His spots didn't get him over, they helped, but it was everything else that amplified it.

Not only that but again, it took mysterio what? 10 years to get main event level over? You are wrong, spots don't get you over. charisma and selling get you over, spots are just another tool no different than a babyface with a great comeback sequence or a heel who can bump and feed really well. Do you know what it means to "bump and feed"? It's only one of the most important things a heel can do well in a match.
I think this Hunico guy is a much better fit for WWE. He is bigger, slower and much worse in the ring than Mistico. He seems the perfect fit for WWE to continue to put on the average matches that they love to do. Shit, we didn't get 7 arm drag variations or 12 hurricanranas or even a botched finishing move, why would WWE want Mistico to return when Hunico can do a springboard push.
I think this Hunico guy is a much better fit for WWE. He is bigger, slower and much worse in the ring than Mistico. He seems the perfect fit for WWE to continue to put on the average matches that they love to do. Shit, we didn't get 7 arm drag variations or 12 hurricanranas or even a botched finishing move, why would WWE want Mistico to return when Hunico can do a springboard push.

That's what makes a great wrestler. I don't think WWE matches are "average" they don't do a ton of moves, but they pretty much all have a story, even if it's a simple one like working the leg to ground a flyer. You know what would happen if you saw 7 arm drag variations and 12 hurricaranas? the crowd wouldn't make a noise. Highspots don't get you over. selling, emotion, and in ring storytelling get a match over.

Then again I could be wrong. I mean, historically the most over guys in the world have been smaller, faster, and done a ton of moves....
This is bull! I mean mistico is sin carsa not hunico,Sin cara is much more exciting and quicker in the ring,he only thing i liked was that hunico did the flip entrance a bit better than mistico does but i hope theyy bring mistico back and do a storyline with it,likle hunio could be then heel and sin cara (MISTICO) is the face and saying that he was pretending to be me while i was injured or something like that.

During the match Booker-T kept going on about his weight and stuff and dats why i think mistico will return and there will be a angle,because if there weren't going to be then why would they mention it? Even though its obvious to see that it aint mistico.It could be like the KANE vs the imposter KANE before.
What did you think as Hunico portraying Sin Cara?
Loved it. Sadly I read the report that Hunico would be playing him, but had I not, I probably would not have noticed. I strongly think Hunico is better than Cara. There was one botch (springboard crossbody to the outside) that was mostly Kidd's fault for being too far away.
Who would you rather have?
Cara. Cara is faster, to me and more exciting. But Hunico should be brought up to the roster ASAP. He's a very good high flier.
Hunico is suppose to be Sin Cara throughout the Mexico tour, but after that, will Hunico still play as Sin Cara, or will WWE drop the character of Sin Cara?
I think Cara will be dropped. I bet the WWE feels really burned by Cara's screwup because they put so much time, money and faith in him and he screws up. As I said, hopefully Hunico is brought up to the main roster. But I hope Cara comes back. Did you hear the pop he got last night?Holy shoot! WWE really should give him another chance. If not for Cara, for the fans that screamed their heads off last night when his music hits.
Considering Sin Cara had changed from blue & gold attire to white & gold before he was taken off TV, it seems obvious where this is going. Hunico, or whatever his name is, will play the Sin Cara character for a few months before the real one will return. When Sin Cara comes back you'll suddenly remember he had new attire and you'll realise that an imposter has been playing him for months. Excpect a mask vs. mask match at Survivor Series and Hunico to be the one that leaves the company.

In the mean time Cara works in developmental, which he skipped, and learns a more WWE style for his eventual return.

This sums up what I thought watching Sin Cara vs. Tyson Kidd.

Anybody else notice how they put over how "Sin Cara" had more "muscle definition", how he'd added a few "new moves" to his arsenal and even how Booker T, being the worst commentator ever that he is, going as far as to say, "...Sin Cara looks like a new man dawg."

They even commented on how the mask wasn't fitting his face anymore.

It's obvious how they plan to play this out, Hunico will portray Sin Cara until around the WWE's tour of Mexico and eventually Mistico will return as Sin Cara and we'll have a "Sin Cara" vs. Sin Cara match which will either see a "mask vs. mask" match in Mexico, which is an instant draw or just a match where whoever loses can't be Sin Cara anymore; mask vs. mask makes much more sense and will draw huge in Mexico, especially since It'll feature the biggest draw in Mexican Wrestling in Mistico.

Overall, I wasn't that impressed with Hunico either. He has some nice moves, granted, the comment I saw in this thread that he didn't botch though is quite blind. He botched just as much as Mistico does; but what is with people constantly calling on botches? He's a high-flyer, it's impossible to fucking land every move to a tee every God damn time!

Mistico coming back as Sin Cara is my personal preference. He's far better for the role, Hunico I'm sure will go over through, which to me is quite good because WWE's failed attempts to bring in Averno means that WWE need Hunico to feud with Sin Cara instead.
Hunico was okay at portraying the Cara character, but seemed a bit slowed down and more cautious.

I agree with that; there was more of a flow to the original guy's matches than what we saw last night. With Hunico, it seemed more like a series of moves thrown together rather than a match following a "story" pattern. Of course, the fact it was Hunico's first match could be the cause, so let's give him a little time. Meanwhile, Hunico seems quite a bit bigger than Mistico, no?

With either guy, the opponent being in the right place at the right time is vital, making either Sin Cara a hard guy to work with......probably explaining why a ring technician like Tyson Kidd was needed to ease the way.

Still, I find it remarkable how little it matters which of them winds up staying. Meh.:shrug:
1) he did a good job, i was rather excited to see him back, disappointed when i heard it was someone else portraying the character sin cara, was hoping mystico would be doing it.

2) i would rather have sin cara played by mystico instead of hunico, dont get me wrong though, hunico did do an excellent job.

3) it would in the wwe's best interest to have sin cara playing sin cara since he is a mexican icon, or at least have hunico playing his own character instead of impersonating someone else. then again if we could get both sin cara and hunico then that would rock!
I'm worried how the whole thing would play out in Mexico. I believe Urive as Mistico is a better known commodity there, and I would imagine many Mexican fans know he was Sin Cara. With Arias playing the character in Mexico, will the fans take kindly to it? I think they might end up on the wrong end of some pretty passionate crowds.

Heh, you beat me to it. I wonder too...luchadors are big in Mexico, and so is the guy who played the original sin cara. I would imagine that they will be able to tell the difference. I can't imagine that the WWE would actually expect to fool the mexican audience when they go on tour in mexico later, so it makes me wonder what sort of response they will get.

As far as judging this new guy, come on folks, he's had one match so far. I see all these posts about "botches" and such, but I don't think you can ever tell much from someone's very first match. Cena's first match had botches too, as did the hero of many many folks who post on these forums, the Miz.

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