Hunger Games


the Frog

Third highest opening weekend box office (with inflation) and fifth highest midnight premiere ever.

I have seen the movie twice now. First time on the opening night and the second was unintentional.

As someone who has not read the books, I found the movie highly entertaining and refreshingly original.

My only critique was that I felt like the first part of the movie moved a little slow, but later I decided it was needed in order to make the build towards the games more significant.

What are your thoughts on the movie?

[Please refrain from posting future spoilers so that people who have not finished the series can still enjoy talking about the movie]
I've not had chance to see it yet, but I admit seeing a western take of Battle Royale crossed with Running Man does seem interesting. I hope that it lives up to they hype.

Also how do you see a film unintentionally?
I'm seeing it this Friday with the lady friend. Who has always hassled me to read the books and she's seen the movie about twice already...Should be a fun night.
Have not seen it, unlikely to do so (at the cinema at least), but every time I view the trailer, it SCREAMS Battle Royale. I know there was a similar theory thrown around when the book was first published, and I know it's likely just a coincidence seeing as it's a concept that dates back to Lord of the Flies, but still it bothers me somewhat.
I'm seeing it this Friday with the lady friend. Who has always hassled me to read the books and she's seen the movie about twice already...Should be a fun night.

Subliminal blowjob? No wait, that's musicals...

Have not seen it, unlikely to do so (at the cinema at least), but every time I view the trailer, it SCREAMS Battle Royale. I know there was a similar theory thrown around when the book was first published, and I know it's likely just a coincidence seeing as it's a concept that dates back to Lord of the Flies, but still it bothers me somewhat.

I know what you mean, I am going to see it, even though the UK version has allegedly had all of the blood removed to get a 12A rating... (how they think they can show someone being shot with a fucking arrow and then show no blood is beyond me. It's going to be like watching the A-team series "the helicopter crashed into a massive ball of flames! Everyone gets out ok!"
It is pretty much like Battle Royale, but obviously it is based on these books. Good film, interesting ending that sets up for the next film, obviously written to originally set up another book.

And no, there is blood in the UK Version, although when the actual "Games" begin, there's a large amount of people who died in the first few minutes, all just minor characters, but there is no bloody at all.
It is pretty much like Battle Royale, but obviously it is based on these books. Good film, interesting ending that sets up for the next film, obviously written to originally set up another book.

And no, there is blood in the UK Version, although when the actual "Games" begin, there's a large amount of people who died in the first few minutes, all just minor characters, but there is no bloody at all.

No "lighthouse massacre" then? I swear to god that scene was done so well, I bought into it 100% it makes me both sad and scared at the same time.
Dull, unoriginal, poorly filmed. Sorry but if you thought anything in this was original you need to watch more movies.

Wait, no, I'm not sorry.
I remember seeing a Jap film similar to the Hunger Games. It was about this High School class going on a Spring trip to an island. Turns out the Island was some testing grounds to make a better warrior and decided to strap explosive collars to all the students. So then the students were scattered around the island with weapons and told to kill each other.

This kind of story has been overplayed, hasn't it?
I remember seeing a Jap film similar to the Hunger Games. It was about this High School class going on a Spring trip to an island. Turns out the Island was some testing grounds to make a better warrior and decided to strap explosive collars to all the students. So then the students were scattered around the island with weapons and told to kill each other.

This kind of story has been overplayed, hasn't it?

So very wrong my friend. Also, that is Battle Royale.
So very wrong my friend. Also, that is Battle Royale.

So I did see Battle Royale.

I watched this film back when I was like 12-13. The plot is fuzzy to me. I just remember shit like watching the collars explode, and the three Jap girls accidently killing each other with posion.
The lighthouse bit in Battle Royale, where there are four or five girls, who are deciding wether to poison Kakihara or not and end up killing each other...

I was talking about blood in The Hunger Games.

That bit definitely exists in BR, hence why I was confused by what you said at first.
I wrote a post earlier, deleted it, then tried to repost it but it wouldn't let me. Anyway, bullet points. Blap blap blap.

  • There's a really gruesome scene where one of the characters puts an axe through another character's skull, then puts his dick in the wound and fucks the brain into mush. Well, that could have happened. For all I know, it did. The camera has a seizure every time there's even a hint of action and it's impossible to tell what's going on. A fight between two blonde guys in identical jumpsuits is particularly pointless. You'd be better informed if you just played with your testicles until the camera stopped shaking.
  • If the second half is a PG-13 Battle Royale - and, to be generous, it is - then the first half is a Margaret Atwood novel on valium. And I find Marget Atwood's dystopian ideas to be dull as is.
  • The worth of sponsors is emphasised throughout the first act - "Y'ALL NEED SPONSORS OR Y'ALL GON' DAHHH!" - but they only play into the game once. Turns out the wealthy citizens send supplies to their favourite, only the supplies are attached to a balloon which slowly drifts toward your exact location and beeps noisily. Yeah, thanks for that. Stealthy.
  • The death of a character starts a riot, prompting the question, "Wait, you ***** watch adorable children die every year and you just now realised how fucked up it is?"
  • There are interesting moral questions for the protagonist to face, but The Bad Men valiantly jump on them like hand grenades. Those that they miss get swept away by plot contrivances. Cute sidekick you got there. Ooh, what if it came down to you and-- sorry, scratch that, I just wacked her for you. You and this guy can't both survive, can you? The rules of the game-- Oh, they changed the rules of the game. Well, isn't that nice?
  • A lot of unintentional hilarity, particularly when one of the characters disguises their head as a rock. Somehow.
  • Apparently spawning magic computer dogs doesn't have to be explained because it's The Future™, even though technology isn't hinted to be anywhere near that level for the rest of the film.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say it's offensively bad. Just unremarkable. Certainly not deserving of the spate of "My goodness, teen drama has truly ascended!" reviews it got.
I went and watched it with my bud on the saturday. I feel that if I had read the books prior to going to the theatre it might have been a bigger spectacle seeing it than I originally saw. To me, it was too much drama for me to handle. Not a lot of action (which I had thought would dominate the movie ex. gore, fights etc.). I didn't mind it but it was not my cup of tea. It was more of a "chick flick" than an action packed adventure. Als, it was quite slow and drawn out in some parts
I wrote a post earlier, deleted it, then tried to repost it but it wouldn't let me. Anyway, bullet points. Blap blap blap.

  • There's a really gruesome scene where one of the characters puts an axe through another character's skull, then puts his dick in the wound and fucks the brain into mush. Well, that could have happened. For all I know, it did. The camera has a seizure every time there's even a hint of action and it's impossible to tell what's going on. A fight between two blonde guys in identical jumpsuits is particularly pointless. You'd be better informed if you just played with your testicles until the camera stopped shaking.
  • If the second half is a PG-13 Battle Royale - and, to be generous, it is - then the first half is a Margaret Atwood novel on valium. And I find Marget Atwood's dystopian ideas to be dull as is.
  • The worth of sponsors is emphasised throughout the first act - "Y'ALL NEED SPONSORS OR Y'ALL GON' DAHHH!" - but they only play into the game once. Turns out the wealthy citizens send supplies to their favourite, only the supplies are attached to a balloon which slowly drifts toward your exact location and beeps noisily. Yeah, thanks for that. Stealthy.
  • The death of a character starts a riot, prompting the question, "Wait, you ***** watch adorable children die every year and you just now realised how fucked up it is?"
  • There are interesting moral questions for the protagonist to face, but The Bad Men valiantly jump on them like hand grenades. Those that they miss get swept away by plot contrivances. Cute sidekick you got there. Ooh, what if it came down to you and-- sorry, scratch that, I just wacked her for you. You and this guy can't both survive, can you? The rules of the game-- Oh, they changed the rules of the game. Well, isn't that nice?
  • A lot of unintentional hilarity, particularly when one of the characters disguises their head as a rock. Somehow.
  • Apparently spawning magic computer dogs doesn't have to be explained because it's The Future™, even though technology isn't hinted to be anywhere near that level for the rest of the film.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say it's offensively bad. Just unremarkable. Certainly not deserving of the spate of "My goodness, teen drama has truly ascended!" reviews it got.

I want a "Sam's Reviews" thread. I don't care what you're reviewing, I'll read it.

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