Hulk Hogan's Match in TNA

What Hogan match would you like to see this year in TNA ?

  • vs Sting

  • vs Ken Anderson

  • vs AJ Styles

  • vs Someone Else. (Name him)

  • I say NO to a Hogan match in TNA in 2011!

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OK, so far, Hogan wrestled one match for TNA, but it was a tag team match with Abyss vs Ric Flair & AJ Styles back in march, 2010.
Now, in 2011, TNA are teasing two Hogan matches: vs Ken Anderson and vs Sting. Those are one on one matches.

For the nostalgia fact, I would like to see Hogan in the ring one more match. Personally, I think that the only guy that could carry Hogan to a watchabale contest, I didn;t say match, is AJ Styles. I would put Styles over Hogan at Bound For Glory.

It is clear as daylight that we will see a Hogan match this year. We don't know if he'll be healty enough after that to wrestle another one.

Do you think that Hulk Hogan could wrestle more than one match this year ? Who do you think should be his opponent/s ? At this point in time, with Hogan's back problems, his opponent must be chosen very carefully, because going over Hulk Hogan is something important at any age.

What do you think ?
How about he doesn't wrestle period? he's far better off just having people fight for it. I know there may be some people that actually want to see him in a match as a blow off, but no. Especially in the condition he's in. It's like with Ric Flair. Every single match they stare at the deathbed. Ric kept at it and now he has a torn rotator cuff. Hulk Hogan had back surgery and is seen half the time in a back brace. He does not need to take any spots and continue making himself more and more crippled. It's sickening. If his objective is to lay paraplegic, I'd say he's one more match away from it. We don't need to see him versus Sting. We knew Sting'll clobber him from pillar to post. The same for Anderson. That's what Immortal is for. To do the fighting for him.
TNA have ballsed up the possibilities that they had with Hogan and I would have no doubt that they will screw this up as well.

Hogan simply has no place working in the ring in 2011. I have no interest in seeing him because he will stink up the place, there will be no emotion, no intensity - nothing that made his matches great in the past because he simply can't go anymore. However I know it is simply inevitable. He wont be able to keep himself out of the ring.

When he does, I think it should be in the biggest multi man match possible, where he can do the minimum amount of work. It would be a simple case of him getting his ass kicked a couple of times, blading, Hulking Up and dropping the leg. He can hide for the most of the match.

I think Sting could carry him to a decent match. He is as capable as anyone to carry it.
Look I respect the man for what he did in the 80's and first few years in the 90's/ Since then the only thing that was worth watching with him involved was the fued with the Rock back in the day. The man is a walking nightmare right now with the back surgery, i mean hell he can barely walk much less carry or even be carried through a 15 minute PPV match. If this does happen they will have to rename the PPV. Later this year on PPV Hogan vs Sting...Botchfest 2011.
How about he doesn't wrestle period?

That's the best idea yet.

Someone suggested A.J. Styles as an opponent. I can't see it for the same reason the Rock made a bad match-up for Hogan. Say what you want about the Rock; his ring repertoire was fast; it was non-stop movement. He had to slow his routine to suit Hogan's snail pace and it made the match lousy. The same thing would happen with Styles.

Sting was also suggested.....and I can sooner see that as a suitable match-up. Sting doesn't work in especially speedy fashion himself, and he's veteran enough to adjust his routine to Hogan's.

But the best thing would be to not do it. Hogan might think fans will be busting a gut to see him in the ring again....and, in fact, there probably would be a certain nostalgic value......but I think it's just another lame TNA attempt to cash in by bringing back the distant past....... foe example, ECW and Scott Hall.
The only person Hulk could have a match with is Sting. Like said above, much slower pace, two ring vets, and its worth the nostalgia. Plus Hulk vs AJ Styles doesn't bring in new viewers. Sting vs Hulk Hogan does and then people are blessed to see AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels or something in another match and go "Well those guys are pretty good! Maybe ill watch Impact...". Its the smartest way possible to showcase all your other card by bringing people in for one nostalgia match. Its funny because hearing Sting and Hulk would be in the same company is what got me watching wrestling again. Its very smart business if your trying to reach out to your old WCW fanbase.
I remember they had Hogan wrestle again in a tag team match which they thought would get more viewers to turn in to watch impact which it didn't. Instead of trying to get more viewers, they lost viewers instead. I remember when I saw the match was about to start, I didn't bother to watch it and so i change the channel. I don't think Hogan should wrestle now because of his back and we all know he not going to have a great match. Sting probably the only guy who he can wrestle with a slow pace. The big problem with that is the slow pace becomes boring and when it does, the fans who are watching would fall asleep while the match is going on.

Hogan vs AJ styles would not work at all. We got this high-flyer vs old school and Hogan can't even do much like Sting. I don't even want to see a one on one match with Hogan vs AJ styles, what he going to do beat AJ styles with a Leg Drop that can be so easy to kick out of or let Hogan steal the show which he always going to do
NO MATCH. Hulk Hogan was a great influence on wrestling over the 80's and 90's into the early 2000's...basically just the WWE NWO but he should not be wrestling now in 2011. He needs to understand his body can't take it and no one is willing to watch him wrestle because he's not effing entertaining. He can't do anything in the ring that is entertaining and frankly, it's sad to watch.
Keep him out of the ring. He cannot go anymore, nostalgic or not, he couldn't take a move and it would be a clusterfuck of a match. His matches usually generate excitement, but this time it would just give me nausea.
At this point, I feel like TNA has gone too far than too simply not put Hogan in some kind of match. That's why I simply didn't vote for the anti Hulkster option, because TNA won't leave an opportunity like this. So I decided to play along and I actually voted for Ken Anderson. I know Sting versus Hogan is great and everything but is Sting going to benefit from this at all? He's already famous in the wrestling world, he's already done it all. And while giving him a fast opponent wouldn't exactly work, this company is about these exciting matches with quick pulses and everything. You put both of them in the ring together and while it may be a huge Icon against Icon thing, I give them five minutes before the crowd starts chanting "BORING!" So why not comprimise with the asshole of assholes? It makes sense if you've been watching at least the few last weeks and I feel like he is a lot more adaptable compared to someone like AJ Styles. I mean, he was basically the reason why the X Division got anywhere. Ken has the backing but he could still seriously benefit and he's going to be around a lot longer than the Stinger will be. It simply comes down to the fact that if TNA does want to make Ken Anderson their big player and one of their top men, this would do him wonders. Lastly, it isn't like Sting wouldn't be on the card, he still has a title to defend but a guy like RVD or whoever else would gladly be able to step up anyways. Agree or not, just my opinion.
He shouldn't be wrestling in his physical condition. AJ Styles is a really good wrestler, but to be honest, he is just too small to carry hogan through a match. It has to be some one large and strong enough to help Hogan up consistently, like Matt Morgan or Abyss to help hogan through a decent match. I'd rather have Flair wrestle again, because as old as he is, he still has had some good matches and has a lot to teach the young guys.
No to a Hogan match EVER. He should just keep his old, brittle ass out of the ring period. On a side note: Was an orange, frail geriatric taking off his back brace supposed to scare anyone. Ooooooo look out he's taking off his back support. Hogan STAY OUT OF THE RING!
If he needs to wrestle you put him in a match with Sting which will draw some viewers and then you make sure the rest of the card is the best TNA has to offer. I'm talking AJ Daniels even throw Joe in again if possible, MCMG Beer Money, a hardcore match between someone like Abyss and Matt Hardy, ultimate X with all the top guys etc etc. All the TNA fans will have seen it before but its so anyone that actually still gives a damn about Hogan and Sting also see the very best that TNA has to offer. No crap like Orlando Jordon and EY dancing around in leopard skin thongs.

For that reason Hogan Sting could be a goer. It will be an awful awful monstrosity of a match but if it's got to happen TNA should use it to actually help the company.
I'm with the majority here. I have zero desire to see Hulk Hogan attempt to wrestle again and run the risk of causing himself even further irreperable injury. On top of all that, the man just simply can't do it anymore. That's just all there is to it. Even when he was much younger and healthier, the vast majority of Hogan's matches weren't exactly great. On top of all that, what would be the point of this other than to give Hogan's already overly inflated ego another shot in the arm? Sure, it'll be a curiosity that could pop a rating for iMPACT! but it's not going to have any lasting influence in the numbers. What's one more popped rating to see a horrible monstrosity of a match?

Instead of making idiotic posts on Twitter putting down Edge, Hulk Hogan should follow Edge's example and be smart enough to get out while the gettin's good.
I say no match in TNA.

Thinking of Hogan is a match in TNA maes me shudder. The guy can't go anymore, he's has 10 back surgeries, his knee's are giving out of him, 6 month's ago has was coming out in crutches.

What's he trying to prove anyay by getting in the ring, that you can die in it? Seriously Hulk, nobody want's to see you in the ring today, nobody. Your not a draw, relevant, or a great in-ring talent. You a old, brittle, bitter old man who want' nothing more than to become TNA Champion.
I'm with the majority here. I have zero desire to see Hulk Hogan attempt to wrestle again and run the risk of causing himself even further irreperable injury. On top of all that, the man just simply can't do it anymore. That's just all there is to it. Even when he was much younger and healthier, the vast majority of Hogan's matches weren't exactly great. On top of all that, what would be the point of this other than to give Hogan's already overly inflated ego another shot in the arm? Sure, it'll be a curiosity that could pop a rating for iMPACT! but it's not going to have any lasting influence in the numbers. What's one more popped rating to see a horrible monstrosity of a match?

Instead of making idiotic posts on Twitter putting down Edge, Hulk Hogan should follow Edge's example and be smart enough to get out while the gettin's good.

I am not sure if you remember an interview with Greg Valentine when he said about Hogan and ric Flair, he understands they need money, but said they should have retire because they continue to put their bodies on the line when they shouldn't. They don't need to continue to wrestle at the stage of their bodies is in. I was looking through some of Hogan's matches in WCW, can u tell me a match in WCW that would be his best match of the entire year he spent in WCW??any match??

i read comments on here with other post threads about Hogan and Sting match at starrcade to be the best buy rate pay per view they every had, but i watch couple of matches after that pay per view, the matches between Hogan vs Sting after Starrcade weren't that great. For 2011, any match they put Hogan in would cost them ratings and the fans would probably chant "boring" to Hogan because he deserve it and he shouldn't be wrestling at all because of the injuries he had.
The Huckster. I am not a fan. I can see why he would want to hold on but sometimes we gotta take a step back. I can imagine TNA is not so stupid to have a man in his condition wrestle a 15 min plus match. I think if anything it'd be gimped to a "street fight" like harts mania match....which sucked.

Or they might have a swerve where he goes gets ready hulks up bell rings and someone replaces him or he falls over etc etc.

I dont watch TNA Except for mister andersonnnnnnnnnnnn!! But i think the huckster needs to stop for his sake and ours.
No, it's not necessary to ever see Hulk Hogan wrestle a single match again. I see what's happened with Flair and how he still wrestles and I think we can surely do without ever having to see Hogan ever work a single match ever again.

This isn't like Jerry Lawler who has remained healthy in comparison to The Hulkster. Hogan hasn't wrestled in a year's plus time and I don't see it being a guarantee that he will again.

But in the end if it's what Hogan wants to do, it's what he wants to do, but I can guarantee it won't be a pay per view I'd order. Like the Bret Hart-Vince McMahon match, any wrestling match Hogan's in, I'll just borrow a friend's DVD or check out YouTube. I don't think a potential Hogan match is as harmful as people say it might be, but for a promotion that wants to move ahead it shouldn't be a priority to put Hogan back in the ring.

But again folks, Hogan has to come back first before any of this is even a possibility.

The Huckster. I am not a fan. I can see why he would want to hold on but sometimes we gotta take a step back. I can imagine TNA is not so stupid to have a man in his condition wrestle a 15 min plus match. I think if anything it'd be gimped to a "street fight" like harts mania match....which sucked.

Amen, brother at least someone agrees on me about this! Bret's match with Vince does not give me the same feeling as a fan that Bret's matches against Roddy Piper, Shawn Michaels, and Steve Austin ever have. Not to mention Bret's time with the Hart Foundation in his earlier WrestleMania appearances are great to look back on. It just reminds me of how sadly dilapidated the tag team division is these days. But one thing man, Hogan has no wrestled any matches lately and we don't know if he's coming back for sure. Believe me, I respect you not being a fan of his and that's cool, but this whole "Hogan Wrestling Business" is still just rumor. Nothing more at this moment boss.
That Ric Flair / Mick Foley Match late last year was pretty decent as far as I am concerned. I just want to see a Ric Flair / Hogan match before they both retired for good.
Maybe if they turned Jarrett face and have him betray Immortal it could set up for a feud with Hogan. Jarrett and history have a long history together dating back to the WCW days where Jarrett layed down for Hogan and Vince Russo publicly fired Hogan. They teased a feud between the two when Hogan first arrived last year. I think they could work a old school style of match.
First off, I'm sure nobody really wants to see Hogan wrestle, and it'll be really bad for his health, but he most likely will. So assuming that, I think Sting would be the best choice because if he could carry a stoned Jeff Hardy and he could carry The Renegade in WCW, then he can carry Hogan through a match.
In my opinion Hogan never could wrestle and I never watched any show to see him. Matter of fact seeing Him on the Air with Vince McMahon fawning all over him in the 80's made me turn off WWF and never watch it much ever again. I didn't like him in WCW either so the chance I want to see him in the ring now at almost 60 can only be summed up with one saying. The chances of me wanting to see Hogan in the ring are slim and none and Slim just left the building. I personally wouldn't mind seeing him disappear from my television screen altogether as I don't like him and never have.
With all this mentions of his surgery and how bad his back is. Is TNA really going to have him in a match after Edge just retired due to back problems. That would be like having somebody take several unprotected head shots after all the concussions this past year in the NFL (...oh, wait? :suspic:). TNA preached the protect the athlete with the whole Morgan thing, and now they are going to put Hogan in a match. I can see the message now: "Head Injuries are serious, but paralysis is ay-okay". LMFAO if TNA tries this shit. but they will....:banghead:

Ps. The only nastalgia match that may actually work in the clusterfuck of TNA is "The Icon" Sting vs. "GOD" Ric Flair. WHOOOOOOOO
Ok, heres my problem with this. Hulk Hogan as we all know is arguably the "Michael Jordan" of pro wrestling. Even though he can't go anymore him being in a match will still draw, based on the fact that its Hulk Hogan, and Hulk will always draw because he is Hulk Hogan. Do I think he should wrestle again? Absolutely not, I saw the pictures of his surgery, he went through alot with his back. I would've been opposed to him wrestling even before the whole back thing. But lets say he did come back for one more, would we really want to see him wrestle a Ken Anderson, or Chris Daniels? I mean cmon. I love AJ Styles and he is the best wrestler out there, but even he doesn't have the star power to pull of "Hulk Hogans very last match". If Hogan were to go one more, I would like to see it in WWE, at a wrestlemania or summerslam, and against a big name, like Undertaker, or even Austin. But the fact of the matter is that this would be impossible because of what he has done with TNA. I dont want to see him wrestle again, and if he did, I certainly would not want to see it happen at any venue, ppv, or against any performer that TNA could put together. Im not a TNA basher, i like all wrestling, but if there was any nostalgia that could be left to garner up enough buzz for "Hulks last match" it would most likely be a squash anyway, and the fact that it would be held in a TNA venue would make it even worse. Save ur health Hulk, we appreciate all you've done for pro wrestling, and love seeing u on tv again, but u have a family, and a life to live after wrestling. Don't kill urself for fans that wouldn't even appreciate it anyway.
Someone who can barely walk without a back brace has no business in the ring.
Hogans Legacy is being tarnished every day (or everytime he wife sues him) If his final call was his WWE title run, he'd be remembered in a much better light than how he will be.
Hogan in the Ring shouldn't happen.

These are ignoring the health issues, Hogan's 1 step away from a wheelchair without performing.

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