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Hulk Hogan wants to stop all House Shows and regroup

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Source: PWInsider.com

- From Hulk Hogan's appearance on Bubba the Love Sponge's show yesterday morning:

* Hogan wants to end TNA house shows until the TV situation comes together.

Personally, I think it's a great move if they can afford to do this, however I imagine some of the talent in the company who are on Per Appearance deals is not pleased about this suggestion, at all.

Because this way, once they do regroup, they can kick off their Brand new House Show tours with a bang and a complete overhaul to show the fans. It basically would be like giving a whole new fresh start to the way the company is presented when going on the road, and given some of their rather lackluster House Show results I have seen, that is probably for the best. Although, to be fair, they aren't necessarily loaded because they haven't drawn very well in the past, so it's hard to load up the cards.

However, by investing in their TV product and building and growing their audience, and hopefully by pushing the new House Shows on TV once they are ready to relaunch, they can present the fans with a completely new image when going on the road for these events.

At the same time, and as stated, pretty much most of the TNA talent is on per appearance deals and this is really going to reduce morale of a lot of people. They are going to have to work A LOT more Indy dates now to try to make up for the lost income they would be making with TNA House Shows.

So there really are a number of perspectives to look at this from.

What say you?
It really is too bad for the workers because like you said they are gonna have to be pullin crazy Indy shows now just to supplement the income. I do agree with the thought process somewhat as they do need to work on their television product to get the interest up. But how is cutting out all the house shows gonna necessarily do that? I mean its not like all of the wrestlers sit in on the production meetings and what not so how is them not working house shows directly helping the television product?

The only way I can see it helping is they aren't going to be spending the money on putting the house shows together and hosting them when the attendance numbers aren't there. If that's the case then it makes sense to me. Why keep doing it if they are losing money? If they aren't losing money and atleast turning some kind of profit off of them then I don't see the point. But if they have been losing money from the house shows then I don't see why this hasn't been done long ago.
I don't think killing all house shows is a good idea, I would rather they cut down on house shows rather than completely stop touring all together. As you said, alot of these guys are paid on an appearance basis. So if you stop doing house shows, they are most likely to go do independent shows. If they are going to go out and do shows, I would rather have them go out under the TNA banner, promoting the product.

I don't know what exactly Hogan means by getting the TV product together? How long do they think it will take. I fail to see how this would effect what goes on on house shows, other than changing the ring to 4-sides. They usually do house shows 3 cities at a time, I think usually on weekends and currently tape shows starting on Mondays, so I don't there are any logistical problems in terms of wrestlers missing tapings.

Also, how many of the new acquisitions will actually go out on the road? The only one I could think of would be Morley, Jordan, Kendrick and maybe Anderson. Hardy, Flair, Hogan, Bischoff, The Band, Nasty's won't be hitting the road. Even when they get everything the way Hogan wants it, these guys won't tour regularly, but travel to only to out-of-town PPVs or live Monday shows, once they make the switch.

The house shows also give alot of the talent that's not used a tv tapings a chance to perform in front of live audiences. Most of these guys are still young and going out and performing would only help them to get better.

Maybe the thinking is to try to save the money it takes to put on house shows and put that into television. I can see logic in that, but I still think it's better to cut back rather then stop completely.
If any company can take a break from operations and regroup it is a great idea. If they can afford it, go for it. Think about it. If you could take a couple of months off from work completely to regroup and were able to do it financially wouldn't you?

They can completely overhaul what their house shows are out to accomplish, and also choose some better venues...with one of those hopefully being an annual visit to the Big Apple to the Hammerstein Ballroom or...gasp! Madison Square Garden!
I would love to see the response if Vince had said the same thing. I disagree. Cutting house shows to "regroup" simply means that he knows their shows are shit and don't draw. I understand the thought process. Taking house shows out will allow them to focus more on TV and give them time to revamp their house show presentation. However, why can't they do both? Am I to believe that they have a creative team headed by three total vets and they can't improve house shows while still doing them?

IMO, TNA was terrible before Hogan. Now, it's slightly watchable, slightly. They have been able to improve Impact to a certain degree, and screw it up as well, in a short time. I like that they are taking risks, even if I don't like the outcome. They are trying to leave cliffhangers, which has long ago disapeared in wrestling. My point here is, they were able to do some good with Impact while still airing the show. I don't see why they can't do it with house shows. House shows go hand in hand with TV. Produce good TV people want to see and they will go to house shows.

Now, if the problem is the way they produce the shows, such as set up, promote, location and things to that nature, then it may not be a bad idea. If their house shows are simply done wrong on the production side it may help them to regroup. I don't think the question of them having money to afford not doing house shows is a problem. They don't exactly sell out arenas at this time. I do however, worry about taking away house shows when they are trying to build the company. Hogan concerns me. It seems like one week he wants this than one week he wants that. It is all in hopes of helping the company, but he needs to pick a direction. If they are going to clear house shows for a while, then they better have a time frame and a plan. You can't just air TV in wrestling. You need house shows if you want to be considered important. People care more about something that comes through their area from time to time. If they aren't doing house shows I will have a hard time thinking of them as "big time". The real concern is for how long, and what there reasoning and direction will be after.
Seems pretty stupid to me. What exactly does getting rid of house shows accomplish? There's about a million other ways they could work to make their TV shows better. From what I've heard, TNA's house shows have been very good and are great experiences for the fans. I don't see what they need to change about them. If this is ture, I'd file it under the category of "pointless change."
Does TNA have an unlimited supply of money? wont cutting their house shows cut their finances by a lot? With the recent signings of Hogan and many former talent, TNA needs to be paying these guys a lot of money. It would also cut the exposure it does give the company.

I am not sure why Hulk Hogan cant start working on both at once. Start booking improved house shows now and finish out their current ones. Rebook some house shows if must.
What they can do, is regroup while having the house shows go on. Still get the name going, take a 2 week hiatus and come back with their new game plan. They really don't have that many house shows for the next 7 weeks as well. I mean they barely have 21 schedule, and that was counting impact tapings. Hogan and friends need to get off their butts, and go get some venues across the states and turn this into a wrestling company. You don't need to regroup, you just have to do what the job and business requires. Go from city to city, doing a lot of shows a year. They have had 3 months to plan, and now have to regroup again... Just get new venues damn it!
The one issue I see with this is that their Impact Shows don't make money due to free admission, so I'm not sure how this can be approved by anyone if they want the company to be remotely profitable. Keep in mind Hogan is hired talent to run creative and such, he's not the owner. Therefore, if we are sitting here next January and TNA is showing a loss, do you think Hogoff will still be around? I'm not so sure.

I also don't see how stopping house shows helps you "regroup". The only thing I can imagine being said in meetings is "shit, we've booked guys against random ass opponents so no one knows who's feuding really..........who do we have fight each other at house shows". That would be the thing they can try and fix. If things start remotely making sense on TV and you see actual feuds brewing, then you might understand why people fight each other at house shows.

Bottom line is, you gotta remember that success in wrestling is judged by money made, not ratings. Thus, this break cannot be a long one, because TNA needs to get out there and get exposure because their ratings are still about half of what WCW was getting at their lowest points in 2000-01 and thus, if PPV buys are just as low as WCW and PPVs are done in the Impact Zone (no gate money), company profits will be low........if not reporting a loss. True progress will only be shown if TNA is able to develop a following that will be willing to pay money at a gate to see a TV taping or a PPV as well as incrasing PPV buys. Everything you do factors into that and live shows will help because it will allow people to see these talents up close and see if it's a worthwhile show to pay for. That's why I think that taking away house shows when this is your big push with all the new talents and with the Hulkster, they might be missing out. All the initial excitement from 1/4 could die down and this could end up looking like a bad move. We shall see. I will just say that I'd have a hard time doing it for that reason.
My only concern is the fact that I have ringside tickets to a TNA house show in February. I hope this doesn't mean they're going to half-ass the rest of their scheduled dates. I've been looking forward to this for 2 months.

As for whether it's a good idea? I have no idea. All we can do is speculate on business decisions and finances and I doubt any of us are qualified. It sure as hell seems like an extreme measure to me, but it also sounds like it might be a concession to allow them to take Impact on the road without having the hectic touring schedule that's caused so many people to leave WWE in favor of TNA. That might be worth it.
Yeah i don't get the point of this.

Can't you regroup while still (I'm assuming) making a profit from house shows? Unless they're losing money off of them, why in the world would you want to stop something that advertises your product, lets people see the show that might not have seen it before, brings in money that Impact doesn't bring in, and ntertains the fans? I simply do not see the upside to this, unless they're losing money on the house shows.
I have been pulling for TNA for along time now. I mean since it was only shown on pay per view. When Ron Killings and Ricky Steamboat was talking about race. When Malice was still there and Dusty Rhodes. I have watched over and over. I see why they have failed. It is simply the talent. You know those youngs guys all these so called die hard TNA fans are saying push. I have watched guys like Aj, Daniels, Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, Eric Young and they are not mainstream level by no means. Not one of those guys would be WWE champion ever. Samoa Joe? He is sluggish in the ring and like Goldberg once they got rid of his undefeated streak we found out he has no personality and average ring skills. Daniels and Aj are in the same boat as each other. They have talent in the ring to do thier high spot wrestling but on the mic or as far as telling a story during the match they cant.

TNA is pushing Aj Styles down our throats more than ever trying to get the new fans to believe in Aj. All the main events with Aj and now thank god Ric Flair has come along to make his segments watchable. Eric Young has average ring skills but is boring. There is a lack of personalities in wrestling today.

If you think the wrestling industry is about in ring talent and wrestling then think again. It will always be entertainment than ring ablility. Just look at the two biggest stars Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They ooz personality and story telling but watch them in the ring. They are not as good as half the young TNA roster but that really doesnt matter. Wrestling as a sport went out when we found out it was fake. How can you call it a sport when the winner is decided before the match begins. Its a dance show in the ring with very bulked up ballet dancers.......WE NEED STORIES and SEGEMENTS

If TNA wants to go anywhere forget about cutting house and shit. How about go find 2 or 3 interesting young talented guys.

Where is Raven he is a very interesting character for at least some mid card wars. Lets make Daniels interesting put him in a fued with Raven. Or Eric Young with Raven.

Honestly beside the old guys TNA roster is a joke. Why do you think in all the years Vince has done a talent raid on TNA. He has only Monty Brown from TNA. I dont count Christian he was over in WWE. Oh yeah and The truth who is not making it in WWE he is mid card. Then Cm Punk who had a cup of coffee with TNA. Oh wow and Cm Punk i say is getting boring. Straigh Edge Straight Edge blah blah blah and his while shaving peoples head to join his straight edge life. I never thought WWE could make not doing drugs so creepy hell I want to do more drugs just not to be like that guy..lol
It would be a good idea to at least regroup see what can be done then restart them when they can. Some peoplea re saying it would be hard to do indie shows then TNA. I dont think so. Guys work TNA two maybe three times in one week then are off the that week and the next week and if they tape three shows, a third week. That would give guys plenty of time to do shows and make money. Its not a bad idea.
as i grew older, i stopped watching wrestling. the only reason i started watching it again is b/c of my two sons and HULK HOGAN in TNA. one of the "older" guys that i wouldn't mind seeing more of is Sting. where is this guy ??? i saw him during the last 2 Impact shows watching from up above the ring. what gives ? also, they need to get Hall, Nash, and 6pac on better story lines so they could start whuppin ass like the old NWO days. i would love them to create havoc on Beer Money. Dixie, Easy-E, and Hulk have gotta get it together.
It is actually a bad idea to quit house shows when you think of how many fans could make the switch from WWE to TNA. How are you suppose to show that your product is different from WWE & it offers something different from the norm? I understand TNA is going to break into the mainstream, and that is ok. I've got no problem with TNA getting mass exposure.

However, here is thing. House Shows are extra revenue.They can help you turn a profit. You can do things on house shows that make you different from WWE. Have title switches on house shows, and make it seem legit, to help add a different feel to the angles. You can use these house shows as a necessary tool to offer something the "E" does not. Cutting house shows so you can show that you are second rate to WWE on TV while you're suppose to go head to head is not a good business move.

Also wouldn't it a good idea if TNA implements a strategy where talent, and management is banned from using the competitions name, or referring to the competition on TV or on house shows. For any wrestling fan, the last thing you want to hear is the competition's name on TV. You don't want your audience tuning over to the competition. Especially when they hear it on who the alternative that is suppose to be better than the "E". I've been alienated away from TNA. Taking all the wrong steps isn't going to improve TNA.
If the TNA house shows aren't bringing in the money and they have to comp a lot of tickets just to fill a crowd of 500 that's a problem. By taking a few months off to focus on TV and PPV, TNA can fix what's wrong with their shows creatively and then launch a new national tour.

This also gives them time to find out what markets would be best for them to focus on, as well as what markets to avoid until they can break into that area. You want your house shows to show the people in attendance what you can offer and get them to watch your TV and buy your PPVs.

From a business standpoint it makes sense especially if TNA isn't making much money off the house shows. It sucks for the wrestlers, who'll then have to supplement their lost income by doing more indy shows, but if it pays off in the long run, then TNA will come out stronger because of it.
Here is my take:

Hulk Hogan, love him or hate him, made wrestling popular, been around for many years, knows the business, as people say he is not much of a wrestler but could sell the crowd and clearly is over with people of all ages.

Have Eric Bishoff, a guy who also knows the business on screen and off screen, knows how to create a buzz.

We have Rick Flair another guy who knows the business, Jeff Jarrette who knows the business, collectively there should be a lot of wrestling knowledge with all involved.

Maybe making things more flashy and more upbeat story lines would attract more fans, I know I liked the new TNA opening video, the 6 sided ring was unique no one else does it, that one I question which is better 4 or 6, but maybe with the 4 sides easier for a steal cage match then a 6 side but either way, give them a chance to see what they can do, clearly people are talking about it which is what they want, if people are not talking no one is listening.

I hope they do good things, stopping house shows, how long would it take to re-package the product, hopefully they do not loose some talent to WWE because I am pretty sure Vince will be there either trying to snatch and grab talent or trying to buy up air time to prevent TNA from being watch like he did with ECW.

Vince does not like competition, he also makes wrestlers sign things to prevent them from going else where which is B.S., he can let them go when ever he likes and they can not wrestle for a time period, I personally think that if they stop house shows Vince will be all over that trying to get the talent to sign with him, promise big things just so he can get his hooks into them, once they sign he can kick them to the curb and know they can not compete anywhere else which makes them useless to other promoters like TNA
i agree with both sides of the argument. But, the main thing you got to consider at this point time, how much are the house showings pulling in? how much profit? if they are losing, its the only viable option, til they can repackage and come out with something we are all gonna go pay to see.

plus, how many house shows a year do they do? maybe the wrestlers wont lose out on that much. I dont know the details of their contracts. it would be fun to see exactly how much some of them make! :p

Hopefully this all pans out for them. maybe take 2 months off, and once we are all hooked on the drama, hit the road hard.
I have never been to a TNA house show but from what I hear the venue is almost never sold out and as far as i could tell the shows on the east coast this past month were held in small venues.

I was at Bound for Glory this year and even that wasn't sold out. If they are losing money by all means stop the bleeding and re group.

I'm all for that since TNA never comes to the west coast but TNA wrestlers often make Indy appearences out here.

I hope they can regroup and figure out a way to become as profitable as possible and put on shows that draw.

I don't think TNA was in need of new booking or Talent, I think they needed to hire a business manager and an accountant and possibly some advertisment executives.
I am guessing this is mostly a financial decision. If TNA house shows aren't selling out or even coming close to doing so, how does it make financial sense to continue? It really doesn't. My best guess is that Hogan and company feel it's better to stop house shows, not so much to focus on their t.v. product, but to wait until TNA is bigger in the eyes of ALL fans (not just TNA marks). If Impact ratings double in the next year, I bet you will see a lot more traveling from TNA.

And as for wrestlers who make a good deal of money per appearance...Hogan doesn't care. He probably believes he is trimming the fat, slowly getting rid of guys who don't deserve bigger contracts. Do I think he is right for doing so? Not at all. But it is probably what is going to happen.
I went to a house show in the fairly small town where I live, and the venue holds approximately 8000 people when it's full. They tarped off half of the arena, and then could barely fill the ringside seats and a couple rows up. All told, they probably had less than 300 people at the house show.

With that said, if that's a similar picture all across their house show tour schedule, then I can't see why TNA should continue the house shows. Visibility is one thing, but bleeding money is not worth it. I think this will be a great move, and I'm sure once they have the product going where they want, the house shows will return.
Oh, you wanna bring out anecdotal evidence, do ya Sly? Well I counter your 300 people with my 12,500! When I went to see TNA at a house show in Wembley Arena the place was pretty much filled to capacity.

What's more, but Dixie Carter was stood right in front where I was sitting, signing autographs and taking pictures. I didn't get one, obviously - there was a queue.

Anyway, I agree. If their house show's are haemorrhaging (my god, that is a bitch to spell) then they definitely should pause and 'regroup". Simple logic.

I should have got tickets to TNA's UK tour. Oh well, I've been twice already. Next year maybe.
I don't see this as a bad move. From what I've heard their ticket sales on the house shows is abysmal and judging their PPV ticket sales I don't doubt that's true. Unless you're selling tons of merchandise you're going to lose out. Between moving the ring, the crew, renting the arena, paying the wrestlers, etc etc, it's a huge cost to do house shows. TNA should really be charging for their tv shows instead of handing out tickets. If they can't fill in a 2000 seat arena for $20 a pop they are in bigger trouble then they are telling us.
If TNA is having a hard time filling seats on impact or house shows, then things sound worse then expected. I see nothing wrong getting their name out there, doing small shows, and making a name for itself. Imagine that they start focusing on 500 to 1000 person shows for 20 bucks a pop. Then those fans get a show that they don't forget. In fact like someone said early, have a title change hand, announce a huge signing to the company have a knockout strip. Stuff you can't see on TV. You get more then your money's worth. That generates a name for the company. Then the next year, you have 1500 to 2000 people wanting to go the show. It's a slow burner, but it works. You can't go out, put a show on Spike and hope people will follow through. People don't follow through, people are dumb, people love convenience. If your a west coast TNA fan, wouldn't it be convenient for a show be available a couple hours away.

Overall the strategy is okay if your just starting out. But these guys aren't starting out, they have just named themselves WWE's competitor. If TNA stops some house shows, WWE can go to near by location, have a TNA ticket redemption plan and snatch possible TNA fans away. So no, they have to go out and do what a wrestling company does, and that's promote product and provide good entertainment to both you and I.
Yeah i don't get the point of this.

Can't you regroup while still (I'm assuming) making a profit from house shows? Unless they're losing money off of them, why in the world would you want to stop something that advertises your product, lets people see the show that might not have seen it before, brings in money that Impact doesn't bring in, and ntertains the fans? I simply do not see the upside to this, unless they're losing money on the house shows.

I was all for "regrouping", until I read KB's post. He makes some very good points.

They're not losing money here, and they take a chance at getting their name out there, in areas where they may notbe as widely known. Letting shows with no storyline effect go for a few months, while bringing in some extra dough won't effect the TV product, and will give their non-local fans a chance to enjoy the show.

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