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Hulk Hogan On Matt Morgan


Lord And Master
Staff member
On Matt Morgan: "I think the one guy I really need to focus on is Matt Morgan. There are a couple of things that need to be fixed, and one of the main things is his interviews. When Scott Steiner looks at you and calls you a punk and says you look like a tiny turd in a toilet bowl, you need to comeback and say something about how you can look over the top of Steiner's head. Instead he's out there talking about how he respects Steiner as an athlete. His whole rap needs to change. I think if we sit down and really dial Matt Morgan in, he can be somebody who can really turn things around and lead Impact Wrestling to the promised land."

An except from his recent interview with ESPN. To put it mildly, he's too soft for a big guy and Hogan thinks he needs to tweak his attitude. Agree or disagree? Basic question here.

I agree. Like Hogan says, Steiner takes a piss on Morgan, and Morgan, who stands well over half a foot higher, just starts talking about respecting "The Man Who Has To Dumb Himself Down". It's a cookie-cutter kind of attitude that really doesn't fit him at all. I get that he's a babyface, but he ain't baby-brained. This may probably indicate why he's changed alignments so much. He's more over as a face, but he can't show a character worth taking to the main event. It showed pretty well on sympathy case for Anderson. At first it played well because Anderson wasn't around. When he did show up, Morgan treated him like a kid. Simply put, Morgan needs cohones according to Hulk Hogan and I'm inclined to agree with him.
The problem with Matt Morgan is that he's never shown himself to be a character. He's played one, but never really shown himself to be one. There's a difference between a guy like Scott Steiner or Ric Flair and a Matt Morgan. When you watch Steiner and he's going off on his off-the-wall rants, wrestling fans really think he's that crazy. With Morgan, you're always painfully aware he's just playing the part.

Unfortunately, that's a problem with too many wrestlers today; they're playing a character, not being one.
Hogan makes a very good point. Morgan should be the biggest, baddest guy in TNA, but instead he's completely vanilla-there's no way a guy with his look & physical skills should be so forgettable. Honestly, what Morgan really needs is a manager who can speak for him. Imagine Morgan with one of the great managers of the past-he could easily be a world champion. Put him with a manager who can do most of the speaking, let Morgan say a couple of words in each promo, and you're looking at a guy who could be a main eventer for years.
As far as I'm aware, Morgan is an actual genius in real life. Surely this isn't a hard thing to adapt into his character? They've hinted at it before, but never let him run wild with it - if they want a template, look no further than a certain Mr Levesque, Matt would appear a 'Blueprint' for a 'Cerebral Assassin' type character. Guys like Scotty, Hulk, Ric, Sting and even Bully Ray are there to coach him through making his promos more natural and threatening.
I couldn't agree more with Hogan's sentiments here. That showdown between him and Steiner where he complimented Steiner and talked about how much he respected him after Steiner called him every name in the book (and probably) told him about how he was gonna slam his girl really irked me. It's one of those little things most people don't take notice of, but a "monster" or a "giant" peddling to a guy smaller than him pretty much deflates whatever was in the balloon to begin with.

You're the "DNA of TNA"? You're "The Most Genetically–Jacked, Athletically–Stacked Giant Walking Today"? You're "The MVP of Spike TV"? Fuckin' act like it. Face in a feud or not, don't grovel at the feet of legends simply because they're legends. When that legend calls you a piece of shit, prove to him why you are what you are and why said legend no longer holds that spot.
Matt Morgan to me was and is to a degree the future of both TNA and wrestling. Some will disagree, I don't care, as a big guy he's a lot better than people give him credit for. His microphone skills are a little timid, and honestly I didn't notice that he was just standing there taking in all the insults from Steiner without retaliating oddly enough until Hogan pin-pointed it.

Morgan needs some work, but still has boat loads of potential within him. He's a monster in real life, you can even see it on your television screen. I'm a fan of his, and I'm not that pushed about big guys in wrestling. Nice of Hogan to endorse him though.
I couldn't disagree more here. Does Morgan need to retort and tell Steiner he'll sleep with HIS wife? I don't think so.

Morgan needs to be himself and he finally is doing that. When he was "we" as tag champion by himself, it felt forced. Now, it looks more natural as he's respectful yet powerful. He understands the tasks before him but also understands that he can beat ANYONE in the ring due to his prowess and size. It took him a few years, but he finally finds a character that works and now he gets criticized? I don't get it.

If you give him a feud where he needs emotion, he'll have that. Look at the Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy (Immortal) angle. That happened by accident and it was the best main event feud TNA has had since Immortal began. That feud was solely carried by Morgan and it was gold. That should tell you that he's capable of great things with THIS character. He simply needs the right story and facing Steiner isn't it. I wouldn't buy it if he went momma joke for momma joke. Let me be a guy the fans can actually respect and build him up to the title. Do that and the fans might actually have a guy they can get behind.
IMO I think he plays the character well, the problem is that it's not a main event character.

I think Morgan needs to get a kayfabe injury, and after a month or so bring him back in a new role. Have him in a Goldberg like character. Give him a big entrance, powerful move-set, and little mic time. Have him run through the mid card, and half of Immortal. Hogan takes notice and offers him a spot in Immortal. Make Morgan the focal point of the group and build around him. IMO Hardy, Ray, and Abyss don't seem like they fit in the group. Make it Morgan, Jarrett, AMW, and Gunner.

Make Morgan the top heel. Let Hogan, Flair, and Bichoff do most of his talking. I think Morgan has the most potential in TNA, and he can easily be the top guy. He reminds me alot of Goldberg, but he has better ring skills, and passion for the business. If used right Morgan can be better than Goldberg.
tell that to Hernandez too. These guys just don't know how to control the crowd or cut a promo. Sometimes its one of those things you can't teach. Matt Morgan along with some of the guys in that company needs a lot of help with their promos.

They can't push him like a Goldberg type because they already doing that to Crimson and it won't look right with two guys doing the exact same thing over and over again. If they fix up Matt Morgan, help him with his promos he be a star as they want him to be. he too damn soft on his promos for a big guy.
tell that to Hernandez too. These guys just don't know how to control the crowd or cut a promo. Sometimes its one of those things you can't teach. Matt Morgan along with some of the guys in that company needs a lot of help with their promos.

They can't push him like a Goldberg type because they already doing that to Crimson and it won't look right with two guys doing the exact same thing over and over again. If they fix up Matt Morgan, help him with his promos he be a star as they want him to be. he too damn soft on his promos for a big guy.

I'm not saying an undefeated streak, he's already been beaten...alot. I'm saying a dominate force with high impact moves and alot of pyro. And when questioned or asked for an interview, he gives an angry look and walks away. Let the mouth pieces of Immortal talk for him.

Also, Crimson needs to loose. They can't make a big deal out of an undefeated streak that just started. His booking sux. He's closer to an Orton than a Goldberg anyways.
I agree

If Morgan was more of a badass he would middle finger & then carbon footprint people in the face when they talk shit instead of babbling about respect

You're the "DNA of TNA"? You're "The Most Genetically–Jacked, Athletically–Stacked Giant Walking Today"? You're "The MVP of Spike TV"? Fuckin' act like it. Face in a feud or not, don't grovel at the feet of legends simply because they're legends. When that legend calls you a piece of shit, prove to him why you are what you are and why said legend no longer holds that spot.

I don't think Morgan is necessarily a bad talker. He's coherent. It's not like he can't get the words out or anything. I agree and disagree with Hulk here.

I think Morgan could come across as tougher. More of a "badass". The respect he showed to Steiner did seem a little soft.

On the other hand, it's hard to be as tough and pissed off as Steiner seems. Not many people seem as enraged as him. And as somebody else said, what Morgan supposed to do? Tell Steiner he's going to fuck his bird? That would seem even stranger than respecting him.

Ultimately Hogan shouldn't be picking holes in talent publicly.
I'm not saying an undefeated streak, he's already been beaten...alot. I'm saying a dominate force with high impact moves and alot of pyro. And when questioned or asked for an interview, he gives an angry look and walks away. Let the mouth pieces of Immortal talk for him.

Also, Crimson needs to loose. They can't make a big deal out of an undefeated streak that just started. His booking sux. He's closer to an Orton than a Goldberg anyways.

I think Morgan already has the pyro. he has some power moves, i don't know what it is he needs something. he needs to work on him promos i know that for sure. Crimson, i mean i know everybody is high up on that guy, but can that guy talk on the mic?? they need to give him a feud instead of putting random guys for him to be in a match. They need to give him something where he can be establish as a top star. These guys needs to go to some sort of class to learn how to talk on the mic
The problem with Morgan is that he is a work in progress. Look how far he has come since he started with TNA. It was clear from day one in WWE he had something. Not just the size and all that but u could see a star in him, he just couldn't put it all togeather.
As time has gone on he has improved greatly. The promo he did a while back before his ppv main event was classic. He stated that he knew this was his shot and he couldn't blow it. I think ,of course, that was scripted but I think he really believed it. But again he just can't put all the pieces togeather.
My fear is that he will never get there. He has everything he needs to be the next big thing and stay for a long time he just has to get his head around it and sadly he doesn't seem to able to do that.
A manager would help but it would have to be someone who didn't overshadow him. The best managers are the ones that can hold ur attention but still not take it away from the guy they are with. There aren't many of those out there these days.
I think the only thing holding Morgan back is Morgan.
I think the only thing holding Morgan back is Morgan.

I disagree. Just like everyone else in the business, you don't main event unless your pushed. It was mentioned earlier that Morgan/Hardy was TNA's best main event feud since the Hogan era, and I agree.

The higher ups are so intent on pushing RVD and Anderson to the moon that they are forgetting about their best guy (IMO, that's why I'm so vocal in this thread). If they push Morgan to the top, he'll make it work.
IMO have Ric Flair manage Matt Morgan for awhile. look at AJ now. his promos are great now imo and ric helped.
Would love to see Morgan pushed. Maybe throw him a TV title run to build him up a little more and work on his mic skills. Make him hungry for the big title. Feud him with Gunner and Crimson should make for some good TV and give some credibility to the TV title. Then down the line have him just vacat the title and set up a TV Title tournament to push guys like Crimson and Gunner and get Joe back in themix should make for some great matches. Down the line u can move Morgan up the ladder while Angle does his Olympic thing and while Hardy goes to rehab. I think long run as World Champ would motivate Morgan into the top big man he is trying to be. Plus you could validate that long title run due to Morgan's size and athleticism. Mic skills need work but I'd rather listen to him than RVD or Anderson who both can't talk period. Would make for some interesting story lines to have him drop TV title belt to show his desire for the World belt. MYbe a dumb idea, but an idea nonetheless
It hasn't been as bad lately, but this was basically the big problem with Cena for a few years and I think why he started getting booed a lot. i think the (adult)crowds tend to get sick of hearing that respect shit once the villain crosses the line and just wants the hero to start kicking some ass. If Matt Morgan really wanted to get over he would've just started fighting right then and there, (and if there's no political issues)and beaten Steiner out of the ring.

If it was Stone Cold Steiner would've been stunned, Rock would've rock bottomed him, Goldberg probably would've beaten him up, Orton would RKO him and so on. Being a badass is the easiest way to get over.
I disagree. Just like everyone else in the business, you don't main event unless your pushed. It was mentioned earlier that Morgan/Hardy was TNA's best main event feud since the Hogan era, and I agree.

The higher ups are so intent on pushing RVD and Anderson to the moon that they are forgetting about their best guy (IMO, that's why I'm so vocal in this thread). If they push Morgan to the top, he'll make it work.

Morgan vs Hardy sucked. The matches were terrible. Morgan isn't ready. He needs work in the ring and on the mic. Can I see him as a world champ? Yes. He has the look but he's still got a way to go. Hogan was on the money. He needs to start with his character dialogue.
They both have good points. Hogan's right in saying Morgan needs a bit more intensity, but I like the idea of Morgan being calm and collected to his oppenents, as someone mentioned, apparently he's a genius so he could just talk down to Steiner and make him out to be a dumbass without being disrespectful. Morgan is decent in the ring and has a good look, he just needs a gimmick that suits him that doesn't seem forced.
They both have good points. Hogan's right in saying Morgan needs a bit more intensity, but I like the idea of Morgan being calm and collected to his oppenents, as someone mentioned, apparently he's a genius so he could just talk down to Steiner and make him out to be a dumbass without being disrespectful. Morgan is decent in the ring and has a good look, he just needs a gimmick that suits him that doesn't seem forced.

I agree, Kevin Nash wasnt great in the ring, he was good, but not great. Nash had the look, Nash could talk, and Nash wasn't afraid to Jackknife your ass if you got lippy. Nash was easy going most of the time but he knew when to turn it up and be a badass, Morgan doesn't have that switch he can turn on and off yet. If someone said they were going to bang my wife I'd knock them on their ass, not tell them I respect them. Come on man.

I agree with Hogan here, Morgan needs to get more forceful.
Morgan definitely is a work in progress. I do agree that when he starts playing a character you can tell. He struggles to get to the main event because he is good in the role of playing himself (either just a little bit cocky or the concussion storyline) but cannot exaggerate reality believably. He needs to figure out how to make both his wrestling and his character larger than life. He is a big guy but struggles to look it consistently in the ring. When he hits the footprint and poses he looks awesome but he needs to tap into that more often throughout the match. I'd say in general his problem both on the mic and in the ring comes down to pacing. He still has a ton of potential but until he finds that larger than life character in himself he isn't going to fulfill it.

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