HULK HOGAN: How would you book his return

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have searched these forums and have not found any threads relating to the possibility of Hulk Hogan possibly returning in some form to WWE between now and Wrestlemania 30. Now I know the IWC have strong opinions on Hogan either way, this thread is solely to see how others can either see WWE or how they would like to see WWE book Hogan if he indeed is returning to WWE.

Personally, I have zero interest in seeing him wrestle a 1-1 match at Wrestlemania 30. I am a Hogan mark mind you, but at 60 years of age and his past few efforts in TNA were embarrassing. Unless he can actually put on a match beyong back raking, eye gouging and punching, I do not want to see it. BUT, I would love to see him involved in some form at Wrestlemania 30 as I think his legacy needs some repairs after his past few years in TNA and some of his mainstream media indiscretions.

For what it's worth, here is how I would like to see Hogan utilised:

Hogan is a surprise entrant in the 2014 Royal Rumble. Say he's 12 or 13 and the only guys still in the ring at this time are the Real Americans. When Hulk's music hits, the arena will go absolutely batshit crazy, and of course have him Hulk up and double clothseline eliminate then. Have him pose and what not, but the next guy in the Rumble is a monster heel like Roman Reigns or Ryback or even Brock Lesnar. Hulk gets his clock cleaned well and good and is easily eliminated..........
The following night on Raw they sell the beating Hogan got and the question is asked if this is the last time WWE see the Immortal One ever again.........

Obviously he returns for Mania 30 in some form and gets his payoff, though not sure how to book the finish without makjng Reigns or Shield look to weak.
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