Hulk Hogan: favorite WM match

Whats your favorite Hulkster match??

  • WM 1 Vs Piper and Orndorf

  • WM 2 Vs King Kong Bundy, steel cage match

  • WM 3 Vs Andre The Giant

  • WM 4 Vs Andre The Giant

  • WM 5 Vs Macho Savage

  • WM 6 Vs Ultimate Warrior

  • WM 7 Vs Sgt Slaughter

  • WM 8 Vs Sid Justice

  • WM 9 Vs Dibiase IR mafuckin S and Vs Yoko

  • WM 18 Vs The Rock

Results are only viewable after voting.

Mighty NorCal

Just call me Justin Jr. ;)

Hulkster has had some of the all time classics, and carried WM on his back for the first 7 years it existed, and had some of the most Epic Battles of our time at the event. Tell what your favorite is, and why.

WM 1
Vs Roddy Piper, and Paul Orndorf

Not bad for the times, and Mr T actually did a half decent job passing off as a wrestler. Piper, Orndorf and Hogan are three of the best, and it showed pretty well in this very old school battle. Pretty entertaining end with Orton missing Hogan with the cast. The first WM main event, has some absolutely surreal atmosphere looking back. A definate watershed moment in the history of the game.

WM 2
Vs King Kong Bundy, Steel cage match

Pretty ugly steel cage battle, but a decent hero Vs monster heel cage match for old school lovers

WM 3
Vs Andre The Giant

The most hyped match of all the time, the indoor attendance record setting, the end all be all of main events. What can I say that hasnt already been said?? Not much for technical skill, but really, this match encompasses everything pro wrestling is all about. The moment at the beginning were they are having a staredown, couldnt be replicated better on a hollywood backlot

WM 4
Vs Andre The Giant

Not much to say, as Hogan is eliminated from the big tournament after whacklacking Andre with a chair.

WM 5
Vs Randy Savage, The Mega Powers Explode

Regarded by many as his best ME technically speaking, a very entertaining battle between two all time greats, with a good, albeit predictable ending. Ended one of the craziest, well executed angles in wrestling history

WM 6
Vs The Ultimate Warrior

The first time two mega face super hero like faces have went against each other, and probably has never been replicated to such a degree. Both men were impossibly over, and this match was an absolutely surreal scene. A very debated match as far as quality, but I would say once again, that this match encompasses everything pro wrestling is supposed to be

WM 7
Vs Sgt. Slaughter

The apex of an extremely charged heated rivalry, which saw WM get moved indoors becuase of DEATH THREATS to Slaughter, becuase of his transition to being an "Iraqi sympathizer" during desert storm. Not pretty technically, but a pretty entertaining brawl, with hogans power offense getting sold like girl scout cookies by Slaughter. Example number 3 of what pro wrestling is all about, with how emotionally charged this was, and a bloody Hogan carrying old glory in, and out of battle, and coming out with WWF title as well

WM 8
Vs Sid Justice

Billed as Hogans "last match" another not very technically sound, yet fairly entertaining brawl, with Sid attempting to pose a real threat to ending Hulkamania

WM 9
Vs Ted Dibiase, IRS & Vs Yokozuna

First was a decent tag team, decent only becuase Brutus Beefcake was involved in it, which resulted in the matchs ceiling being limited to "decent" even with Ted Dibiase and Mike Rotunda involved.

The Second "match" was Hogan running to the ring to assist Bret Hart after Hart was incompasitated with salt from Yoko's manager Mr.Fuji. Hogan then accepted an impromptu challenge, ducked another salt springle from Fuji, and pinned Yoko, making him one of the shortest reighning champions of all time.

WM 18
Vs The Rock

A favorite match to many, a match filled with incredible atmosphere, and emotion. The much older NWOized Hogan came into the match the Heel, but could not escape the cheers of the people. Eventually succumbed to a number of Rock bottoms, but not after a valiant fight. Provided us with some pretty everlasting WM moments

WM 19
Vs Vince, street fight

Awesome street fight, which provided us with one of the more memorable Mr.Mcmahon images. The only match the Seattle crowd got hot for all night. A very good intense street fight, about as much as you couldve asked for between these two.

WM 21
:hogan:whipping Muhammed Hassans ass

Makes a run in save to decimate two of WWEs most politically charged heels. Provided a great suprise to all in attendance, and all watching at home. I know I marked like a motherfucker, and it sounded like a damn bomb went off in that arena.

So whats your favorite??? Feel free to list which is your favorite, and which you you feel was the best overall wrestling match, as your emotions may attach you to one, but you may feel another is technically better.

As for my opinion, I think technically his best match was with Savage, at WM 5. Great selling by Savage (both guys really) and a lot of fine work by both guys. My personal favorite is with Sgt Slaughter, at WM 7. I love matches that have a lot of emotional charge, and great atmosphere, and few storylines do that like a patriotism angle. Slaughter sold the ass whipping of a lifetime very very well, and I was all about a bloodied Hulkster hulking up when all seemed lost.

Everyone PLEASE try to be subjective with this, as I am aware of the HUlkster hate that exists around here.
I'd have to say 3 vs Andre. I remember watching that match as a kid on the video and absolutely going insane when he came out. It was the personification of the showdown. Underdog vs monster, good vs evil. That is the simplest plot you can get in a match and it works every time. Another reason this match was so great was there was no such thing as the internet or dirt sheets. Today there would be no question about who would win this match, but back then there was no way of telling. The match itself is pretty boring because andre could barely move, but the last few minutes, starting with hogan knocking him down, if you dont get a little excited at all, you're not a wrestling fan. The slam stil gives me chills.
I am not a fan of Hogan at all, but I will say that he has been involved in many of the biggest matches in mania and wwe history, and no matter who he is involved with or what he is involved with, he is, was, and always will be the biggest draw. There are a couple of his matches that I liked above all else from his of mania matches. The WM18 match with the Rock, not the best match i've ever seen, but it was the prestige to the match. If you could have told me or anyone else months before that this match between the 2 would ever happen, well then you should probably have bought a lottery ticket as well. These 2 wrestlers are pretty well icons, Hogan the long lasting icon, the Rock as being the icon of his generation. Both of these guys had the ability to electrically charge the fans, and this is exactly what happened. Also had that good ending with Hogan finally appreciating the fans and ending his nwo allegiance which quite frankely was years too late. The other match I hold above all others is WM6 against the Ultimate Warrior. This was the biggest face in the business fighting against the other biggest face. Something unheard of, and I think besides the Hogan/Andre WM3 match, was the biggest moment that created the prestige of Mania. I liked this match for its unpredictability, there was no way you could predict who would win this match, which I love. It was also a champion vs champion match, and in the end UW got the victory and the 2 belts, which is something else entirely. Hogan... losing... crazy... Between the 2 matches I would put Hogan/Warrior as my #1, Hogan/Rock as #2 and honorable mentions to Hogan/Andre(wm3) and Hogan/Slaughter.
i am a huge fan of the wrestlemania 5 match with savage. it was the culmination of basically a year long storyline that began with hogan helping savage win the title at the trump plaza and then taking it from him the next year at the same venue. savage attacking hogan on the main event in the medical room after helping miss elizabeth is my first vivid wrestling memory. the whole angle was executed brilliantly with the mega powers dominating the scene for all of '88 and then the seeds of jealousy and dissension slowly were planted. as hyped as hogan-andre was i thought this was the biggest main event in WM history at the time just because these were the 2 biggest names in the industry at that point and the angle had been building for an entire year. it was a great technical match because savage was excellent and if you rewatch this match he absolutely carried hogan on his back. he sold everything and got in all of his offense, including the elbow drop...HUGE moment when hogan kicked out of the pin after that. watching it today and knowing hogan's legacy, it was a predictable finish but pretty shocking at the time to kick out of savage's elbow...and don't forget miss elizabeth at ringside trying to help both men and eventually getting tossed from ringside when savage threatened to knock her head off (savage was one of the great heels with this whole angle) jesse ventura was also extremely entertaining on commentary with monsoon during this match (actually during that whole ppv)
mine was obviously the rock vs hogan at wm18 .... this was supposed to be played out as rock as the heel but the wwe could not stop the fans from shouting the grat 1s name.... but all in all the best wm match hogan had

1. at wm 3 it was a classic time in history frozen with the stare down that is the only other wm match that come close to hogans best

2. The two were amazing in the ring telling us a great story through all there career struggles

3. The fans did not cared who won it was one for the ages and will be remebered for a long time to come

4. any wrestlmania feud the rock was in was bound to be one of the best
I had to go with Hogan's match with the Warrior at WM6. They couldn't have came up with a bigger Main Event at the time, everybody was either a fan of Hogan or a fan of the Ultimate Warrior. Both guys got "white hot" reactions from the fans, the hype was insane, both men were in their prime, and put on one of the better matches of each of their careers.
Well, Hulk has had many great 'Mania matches, but my personal favorite is WM 5 against Savage. There two guys were the hottest thing going in the industry at that time...and a showdown was inevitable. Yes, the ending was predictable, but the buildup to the match and the match itself were outstanding..

Plus, growing up as a kid, I was a Hulkamaniac at heart, but I had plenty of room to squeeze the Macho man in there also...As a kid, it was hard to root for one of the two, but with the Hulkster prevailing, it was a good ending overall.
How come the Street Fight with Vince isn't in the poll? I wanted to vote for that, but instead I voted for the WM7 match with Sgt. Slaughter, I mean if a venue HAS TO BE MOVED BECAUSE OF DEATH THREATS you are doing something right. There has never and will never again be such a great heel buildup, people actually wanted to kill this guy, but instead settled with Hulk Hogan kicking his ass and waving the American flag around. It is times like these that make me laugh at how easily people can buy into Kayfabe. But props to all involved for this insanely over angle.
Hogan and the rock is one of the biggest matches in history. It was at the time that the rock was in his prime and Hogan was still in good condition for two or three great matches.
Just call me Justin Jr. ;)

WM 2
Vs King Kong Bundy, Steel cage match

Pretty ugly steel cage battle, but a decent hero Vs monster heel cage match for old school lovers

The WM2 steel cage match is a much better match then most bill it as, sure the setting sucked, the announcers sucked, but the match was pretty good for a wrestler like Hogan, and a big guy around 450lbs, plus it had a great build up with Bundy destroying everyone leading to Hogan. By far the best cage match in Wrestlemania history LOL aint saying much since theres only been like what 1 or 2 not counting a HIAC @ WM15 that blew.

But my fav Hogan WM match is a tie between WM3 vs Andre and WM6 title for title vs the Warrior. But overall I like all of Hogans WM matches, would be so easy to say Hogan Rock cuz I seen that live at the Skydome, but I couldn't stand how it ended with the so called passing of the torch to the worst possible guy lmao then the nwo thing that stunk.

And worst being WM1...WM1 should of been Hogan vs Piper for the title, instead you had to wait like 15 years to see it happen in WCW lol.
As an old school and new school lover, I'm torn...Huckster vs Warrior because I couldn't believe Vinny Mac was actually letting two faces battle it out, like many old school NWA fans were familiar with. But Rock vs Hogan because it was just SO DAMN ELECTRIFYING! Also showed Hogan wasn't too proud to put someone over who was arguably as charismatic and important to wrestling as him. The flashbulbs a-poppin' as they each surveyed the crowd and got a barometer for the shift in plans they didn't necessarily expect was incredible. I guess I liked this one better!
Hogans best and for me that made wrestling to a household name was WM3 Hogan vs Andre,then Savage vs Hogan,Warrior vs. Hogan,The Rock vs Hogan,Hogan vs Vince.The Giant was unstoppable n Hogan was too,I remeber Pipers Pit where Andre n Heenan well Andre broke Hogan chain,Hogan wanted to cry!Andre neva got a shot til then great build n hype for this match,the match was good great cause no1 before or after ever slammed Andre.The stare down was great.Ill neva forget this match or the build up.Savage versus Hogan was great too.Hogan help put Savage over in WM4,which build for a whole year they dont do this no more.I really enjoyed this it ended on Saturday Nights Main Event.The Mega Powers versus Big Bossman n Akeem!Savage slapped the shit outta Hogan for gettin close to Elizabeth,I neva saw that shit coming.Did Liz get hurt ,Hogan cameback I think then got slapped.I forget the outcome but I remember in the back Savage was saying Hogan was tryin to take his girl n attacked him!I was upset when that happen but their match was great too,yeah I think we all knew Hogan was gonna win that.Hogan and Warrior good versus good.Same build (a little) as Savage n Hogan but Warrior stayed face.I think no1 knew who was gonna win(i think i thought Hagan was).Match was okay cuz they both had fans screamin for both of them.If I was smart like I am now I should have known that no WWF or WWE Champ would ever win the second title Intercontinental Championship,thats stupid!Its the other way around.They say it was passing the torch I didnt believe it back then or now!Heels past the torch on faces i believe.Hogan and Sid I aint put cuz they should have never fought!!WM8 should have been Flair versus Hogan!Vince dropped the ball bigtime!Everyone and their mother wanted this!I remember gettin that Pro Wrestling Illustrated book which would say "WHO is better" or Who would win between the 2". who had dominated WWF n WCW.Savage n Flair had a hell of a match,good storyline.Flair came in sayin he was the real World Champ.Vince I say this now dropped the ball bigtime!Rock n Hogan was great but kinda played stupid!In WCW Hogan left NWO but comesback in WWE as the leader again?Yeah maybe they knew we were gonna cheer Hogan to a face thats why but when Hogan supposed to run over Rock they wanted Hogan to be the super heel but Toronto wasnt have it!When I saw this I was shocked Rock got booed n Hogan was cheered!I knew probably yall did too Rock was gonna win n this is the torch being passed!I remember 2 things when Hogan kicked out the Rock moves then he started his shake,I knew Hulkamania was back legit this time.The other thing I remember was after they both posed then the show Rock in the corner smiling I know it sounds gay but I cant help but lol at that!The Boss versus the Employer!I like this cuz Vince was mad for him leavin in real life so they put that in the story!I think that was a career ending?When u work sometimes n your boss gets to u you wanna kick they ass n Hogan did that!
Oh Hulk Hogan, how I love thee, let me count the ways...

Wrestlemania 1: A circus side show to say the least. A terrible wrestling match. Hogan gets all the notority, but without Piper, this match wouldn't have been interesting one bit. This match was just a crap shoot from beginning to end, and very weak.

Wrestlemania 2: vs. King Kong Bundy (Steel Cage) I've watched wrestling my whole life, but the first memory I have is of Hogan ripping his shirt off on the top of the cage and staring down Bundy, great shit for a 5 year old kid. Not a great match, but solid for what it was, considering it was Bundy.

Wrestlemania 3: vs. Andre. The match that solidified Wrestlemania as the forerunner in the wrestling world. The two biggest names of the past 15 years for the company sell out 90,000 plus at the Pontiac Dome. Amazing atmosphere, terrible match, but again, not Hogan's fault. Unfortunately this is the vision of Andre that Vince McMahon Jr. seems to think he should be remembered for. The lovable broken down giant getting copious amounts of trash and beer thrown at him, way to go Vinnie Mac.

Wrestlemania 4: Vs. Andre: Speaks to the buying power of this feud and the demand that this feud had. It went all year, but this match was worse then the one from the year before.

Wrestlemania 5: vs. Randy Savage: So Hogan essentially becomes so big after Mania 3 that there is no one seen as a credible heel for him to face at Mania 4. So they make their best midcarder into a monster heel to feud with Hogan, that speaks volumes of Hogan. Personally, this is my favorite of Hogans matches. Savage gets the best out of Hogan, the entire Mega-Powers exploding story line, truly one of the WWF's crowning achievements.

Wrestlemania 6: A prime example of an electrifying crowd making an average match, great. For me, this match hasn't stood the test of time, and I remember watching it live. I remember also being pissed off to hell and back at the conclusion of this match (Hogan kicked out at two damn it). I'm very biased with this match, and I'm pretty sure that the Warrior being an asshole and beating my childhood hero has left a bad taste in my mouth for this match. Still a good match.

Wrestlemania 7: I think Jake said it best, the WWF wanted the Persian Gulf war to go on to justify this match. this was the first time that Hogan went against a sick man for the title. Very average match, simply because Slaughter couldn't go.

Wrestlemania 8: vs. Sid. This match gets shit on, but I loved it. Finally, not only was Hogan facing a big guy, but a big agile guy. He was defeated months before by the Undertaker, and this was getting billed as Hogan's final match. Sid was a mountain of a man, and finally was a guy that was a very real, very legit threat to ending Hulkamania. Sid made you believe that his sole purpose in life was to end Hulkamania. I loved this match.

Wrestlemania 9: Vs. Money Inc and Yokozuna. Pretty much this was the Hogan fairwell party. I thought Wrestlemania 9 was weak from top to bottom, and neither of these matches did anything for me at all.

Wrestlemania 18: Vs. the Rock. Another prime example of a very mediocre match being made into a classic by the crowd. If this was in any other city besides Toronto, it would have been a train wreck. I honestly don't understand the appeal of this match. Austin vs. Hogan would have been much better in my opinion. This match was incredibly average, if you watch it on mute, it's terrible.

Wrestlemania X-9. vs. McMahon, streetfight. Hogan saved his best for last in my opinion. The promo video before this match was the best the WWE has ever put together. At the time this match came out, I was shocked that they didn't save it for Wrestlemania XX, it would have been fitting, however, this match delivered.

So to rank them.

11. Wrestlemania 1
10. vs. Andre (WM 4)
9. Wrestlemania 9
8. vs. Slaughter
7. vs. Bundy
6. vs. Andre (WM 3)
5. vs. the Rock
4. vs. Ultimate Warrior
3. vs. Sid
2. vs. McMahon
1. vs. Savage
Well I had to choose between Wrestlemania 6 and Wrestlemania 18, so I chose the predesseor. Growing up with Ultimate WArrior and Hulk Hogan, I did not think either of them could loose in a fair one on one match. What about if those two went against eachother? Well it would be like if the LA LAkers (Hogan?) played The Boston Celtics (Ultimate Warrior? I guess????) In the playoff finals. Something would have to give. Unlike the 2008 NBA Championship, I think most people would have predicted differently when it came down to the showcase. I am pretty sure I did. I do remember this was a cool match because it was in Canada, and III was in Canada!!! I dont remember the match as much, I just remember being in shock that Hogan has lost to the warrior. This may not be Hogans best match, but its the best Hogan Moment I remember.
WM 7
Vs Sgt. Slaughter

The apex of an extremely charged heated rivalry, which saw WM get moved indoors becuase of DEATH THREATS to Slaughter, becuase of his transition to being an "Iraqi sympathizer" during desert storm.
Well, they said that, but I think it also had something to do with having trouble selling tickets. For example, the Coliseum holds 90,000 fans for a football game....the Sports Arena holds 16,000.

Threats may have been part of it, but I think we attribute it as much to poor ticket sales.

Everyone PLEASE try to be subjective with this, as I am aware of the HUlkster hate that exists around here.
You want people to be SUBJECTIVE?

Anyways, my favorite has to be the best Wrestlemania match ever, Wrestlemania 6. The atmosphere, the excitement, the pageantry, the incredible matchup between the two greatest forces in wrestling for the last 20 years. We have only ONCE seen a match since with the kind of excitement that WM 6 brought us, and that was Starrcade 97. Even with it only being a short mini-feud between Rumble and 'Mania (although there was interaction before), the place was electric, and the match did not disappoint. The storytelling and workrate in the match was simply phenomenal, and at the end, there was little doubt that Warrior was just the better wrestler (in terms of storylines). Of course, I said "little", because Hogan ALMOST kicked out before the count of 3, showing just how much Hogan still had left.

Incredible bout, in all sense of the word. If UFC could manage a FRACTION of the atmosphere and pageantry that Wrestlemania 6's main-event provided, they'd have regular shows on NBC, and could charge $70 for a PPV. It was that incredible.
I'm going with Wrestlemania 5. Savage was a godsend to Hogan, because without him. His popularity would have waned. This match was built up for a long time, and it delivered. Savage pulled a good match technically out of Hogan. I don't think there has been many to do that. Therefore my hat is off to both men in this one. This has to be my favorite Hulk Hogan Wrestlemania main event of all time.
I gotta agree with Monkey-Mania. I am an absolute mark for Hogan/Rock at WM18, because of the crowd reaction, but his match against Savage at WM5 is by far my all-time favorite Hulk Hogan match. After Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage is my all-time favorite wrestler, and everything about Hogan/Savage, the Mega-Powers, and the storyline that went with these two had a deep impact with me as a kid.

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