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Hulk Hogan Blames Vince Russo For Quality Of Impact?

LMAO. You are the same guy who cheered HHH burying the roster for years right?

Or how about how John Cena, the guy in your avatar, who no sells everyone's moves?

Yet you want to complain about Kurt Angle, who has been amazing with everything he has done, being in the ME.

Burying the roster? When 2003, when there was obviously no one else who could carry RAW.

John Cena recently had a great matches against Dolph Ziggler, Justin Gabriel, Jack Swagger, and CM Punk. When's the last time Kurt Angle had a good match, 2007? When's the last time anyone's come out better after a match with Angle. Ziggler had a great match with Cena, than he was in the main event picture, The Miz had a fued with Cena in 2009, in 2010 he won the WWE Championship. When's the last time Kurt Angle put anyone over? Didn't do a moonsault for no reason during a match, didn't have a 10 minute Angle Lock spot?

No matter how much Kurt is looked upon as a "great professional wrestler" only becuase he won the Olympic's in amatuer wrestling, he'll alway's be overrated. He's best fued were with people who were better than him, either with the opposing superstar being a veteran (Taker, Austin, Triple H) but also better wrestlers (Guerrero, Michaels).
Seriously? Out of my whole message the only thing you're gonna comment on is Kurt angle being one of the best wrestlers, and you're gonna say he's not? Please oh please list 5 wrestlers better than him right now, I got cm punk and that's about it.

Rey Mysterio, John Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler.

Hell, I'll add Jack Swagger, Sheamus, and Christian also.
Out of those you named, only cm punk and Rey are looked at seriously in their own company!! The others have been buried, to say their more over after feuds with cena is downright dumb, they haven't rebounded from their feuds with cena, they were pushed as far down as possible after. Look at sheamus, he's still trying to figure out what the hell happened to his career after cena pushed him down. Go back to your WWE forum WWE mark.
@it's so easy, you showed what kind of mark u are sticking up for hhh burying everybody and sticking up for cena and than badmouthing Kurt fing Angle being in the main event. It's just so laughable
He was being sarcastic. Goes to show the ******edness of the IWC who would believe that.

Hogan has TWEETED that he finds Impact Wrestling to be on fire and he's enjoying working with Sting and seeing his passion in his promos.

Why would he call the product awful when 70% of the IWC is saying it's the best product TNA has delivered?

Hogan wants to overtake WWE right? People have already admitted, the TNA product CURRENTLY is better than WWE.

So, why would he throw Russo under the bus when his booking has been probably the best we've see in...forever? Storyline wise, match wise.

It's all another clever way to create drama out of nothing.
Out of those you named, only cm punk and Rey are looked at seriously in their own company!! The others have been buried, to say their more over after feuds with cena is downright dumb, they haven't rebounded from their feuds with cena, they were pushed as far down as possible after. Look at sheamus, he's still trying to figure out what the hell happened to his career after cena pushed him down. Go back to your WWE forum WWE mark.

Tell me which young TNA superstar Kurt Angle put over and is still over?

The Miz, Sheamus, and Dolph Ziggler are still on top program's on their show's.
Anyways back to the op which is the reason we are here... I do believe he wants Russo gone, and I believe we will see that sooner than later, especially with Janice Carter supposedly being more hands on, when hogan Bischoff and jarret all supposedly want him gone and Dixie is the only one stopping that, I believe Janice is more likely to listen to actual wrestling people than her daughter, or else she wouldn't be getting so involved in the company. If she felt Dixie was up to par she wouldn't be so involved and would still be letting Dixie run the company herself IMO.
@itssoeasy, the miz was made to look like a fool in his feud, now can't even beat Alex Riley, sheamus just started getting back in the main event slot in smackdown no less, we all kno how Vince looks at that show, Dolph is only over because of Vickie without her he's a waste, any more excuses? As for angle putting people over let's see, there's aj styles, Samao Joe, angle puts people over all the time, but if you only watch IW lately you wouldn't see all the work he's done with the younger stars since starting in IW. The highest grossing payperview for IW according to many sites was angle vs joe, so how the hell doesn't he put people over.
Furthermore, angle really isn't in the main event picture all that much anymore, yet he's a headlining act so of course he will be in the co main event, he hasn't been in the title picture in how long before now? He gets prominent roles on their shows on spike because that's what SPIKE wants, you do know that right? So let's see, I'm running IW, I can listen to a pipsqueak like you who wants angle jobbing every night to nonames, or listen to spike tv and have him in co main events...
I'm done arguing with you, anyone who can try and validate hhh burying everyone for himself, and John cena as a guy who puts people over isn't worth my time. It's insanity really... You are probably also a Hogan basher for refusing to job yet you're going to turn around and defend hhh and cena? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Honestly TNA sucks because of their presentation and stale storylines. They rehash nWo everytime a major superstar comes to their company.

Booker T? Main Event Mafia.

Ric Flair? Fortune.

Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff? Immortal.

You want to talk about WWE's stale main event scene? Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H, Edge have all been staples in the main event scene of the WWE of the past few years, and they have retired, or walked away. What does WWE do? Push Sheamus to the main event, push Nexus, push The Miz. WWE knows how to use new talent and get them over.

I watch TNA lasted week. Why are Scott Steiner and Sting main eventing? Why is Kurt Angle still in the main event scene? Where is Samoa Joe? Where is AJ Styles? Where is Matt Morgan? The problem with TNA is that there is no Cena, no Orton, no main guys. What if Angle, Steiner, and Sting retired or got injured? They're trying to make Anderson "that guy" but it's not working. TNA needs a new writing staff, or a new show. One show could be for the older guys, and another one for newer talent.

Hold on... Sheamus? You mean the guy who was pushed as being better than Trips and then only managed the dark match at WM? Nexus? Young - NXT redemption? Otunga - Punk's henchman? Barrett, Slater and Gabriel - the Corre:wtf:? Tarver & Sheffield... where are they now? Daniel Bryan - Sheamus' opponent in the WM dark match? Even the Miz looks suspiciously like the next Jack Swagger.

When the WWF had to step up in the face of overwhelming odds in WCW they created new stars. This years WM featured several of these people in prominent positions on the card (Rock, Austin, Trips, Lawler, Taker & Stratus) because they didn't think their 'new' superstars would generate enough buys.

Give the devil it's due, TNA/Impact has done better with some of WWe's alumni creatively - Matt Morgan, Pope and Bully Ray being three prime examples.

Steiner was in the main event because Ray pushed him into it, it forwarded his character.

I'll say it once again for the cheap seats - wrestling NEEDS two competing companies. Destination X will not feature Sting, Steiner, Angle or Anderson - would WWe produce a PPV not featuring Cena, Orton... actually, if Punk does leave - who will 'step up' because these two are (arguably) the only active main eventers they have left?
Tell me which young TNA superstar Kurt Angle put over and is still over?

The Miz, Sheamus, and Dolph Ziggler are still on top program's on their show's.

Really? If they were THAT over then Cena wouldn't have to wrestle hurt right?

You have no argument. Whatsoever. Angle has put over AJ Styles, he's put over Desmond Wolfe (who was still over when he retired) and he will most likely put over Crimson and Gunner sooner or later.
Also I believe he is the guy that gets shit on by everyone because he continues to bad mouth TNA and then admits he doesn't watch the show. Slow news day in the WWE I guess. That means he has to come into the TNA thread to act like he knows what he is talking about.

If you don't think Kurt Angle can put on a good match anymore, but enjoyed what Cena has done in the ring the past few PPV's then there is no reason to think the only reason you do this is to troll and piss people off.
I think him blaming Russo is just a scapegoat for him to point finger's for a reason why TNA "didn't reach three's, brother!" Hogan promised all of this positive outcome for TNA, but what did they get? NWO reunion, Bubba the Love Sponge, The Nasty Boy's, original superstar's being pushed aside for former WWE talent, Jeff Hardy's Victory Road debacle. I think Hogan is using Russo as a IWC scapegoat as a reason for his promises falling flat, it's the usually IWC thing, blame Russo for their failer's.

Before Hogan and Bischoff came in, there was Team Canada, Samoa Joe was a dominate force, AJ Styles was a main event player, the tag divison, Knockout's, and X-Division were as equal division's as the main event's. Sure, we had MEM, but Russo is known for his stable's. Guy's were not beingp ushed aside, but actaully be utilized. There was alot more young talent being used on the show, now there's only this core of the same 20 guy's every show.

Sure, I deem Russo a idiot, becuase he is, but I think Hogan should think about the empty promisies he gave the "Impact Zone," on January 4, 2010, and think about maybe it's not all Russo who's the problem.
Hogan bein there might not have popped ratings, but that's not what it's all about, when advertisers see hulk hogan on the marquee their eyes light up that's what really matters for them at this point is money in advertising, they've got the number one show on spike, it's about getting more advertisers to put up money to go out and create more of a name with the casual fans who for the most part don't even kno people like Hogan are in IW, or what the hell IW is for that matter. Its not a coincidence they've started expanding and going on the road more during hogans year there than all of their existence before he got there.
You sit there and say hogan is making russo the scapegoat, last I checked russo is the head writer therefore it IS him that is held responsible for the shows being put on, that's not using him as a scapegoat or the IWC blaming russo, it's his job, it's what he's paid to do, write the shows, if the show comes off bad that lies on the writer period. Lately IW has been great IMO, that's besides the point. It's not the IWC and hogan conspiring to get rid of russo jackass, it's simply stating the fact of the matter. If a sitcom comes off crappy the networks don't say the actor isn't performing right, they say this writer isn't up to the job bye bye. It's the same for a wrestling show. Take the hogan bashing and go back to the WWE forums
I think him blaming Russo is just a scapegoat for him to point finger's for a reason why TNA "didn't reach three's, brother!" Hogan promised all of this positive outcome for TNA, but what did they get? NWO reunion, Bubba the Love Sponge, The Nasty Boy's, original superstar's being pushed aside for former WWE talent, Jeff Hardy's Victory Road debacle. I think Hogan is using Russo as a IWC scapegoat as a reason for his promises falling flat, it's the usually IWC thing, blame Russo for their failer's.

Before Hogan and Bischoff came in, there was Team Canada, Samoa Joe was a dominate force, AJ Styles was a main event player, the tag divison, Knockout's, and X-Division were as equal division's as the main event's. Sure, we had MEM, but Russo is known for his stable's. Guy's were not beingp ushed aside, but actaully be utilized. There was alot more young talent being used on the show, now there's only this core of the same 20 guy's every show.

Sure, I deem Russo a idiot, becuase he is, but I think Hogan should think about the empty promisies he gave the "Impact Zone," on January 4, 2010, and think about maybe it's not all Russo who's the problem.

Like what? Sure they didn't overtake WWE but they improved greatly.

TNA grew in demographics, they sold more merchandise, they sold more tickets. They got better TV production (segments, editing, etc). Promos got MUCH better.

Guys like RVD, Flair, Hardy would not have been in TNA if it wasn't for Hogan. We all know both RVD and Flair bought some interesting matches or certain things to TNA since they came here.

TNA is in a better place. Difference is, people are simply ignorant or too in love with WWE to want to give it a shot.

If you read Twitter messages during Impact, you will see why the don't get RAW like ratings and they only draw SmackDown like ratings.
Rey Mysterio, John Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler.

Hell, I'll add Jack Swagger, Sheamus, and Christian also.

Did you just say that... Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, John Cena, Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler are BETTER WRESTLERS THAN KURT FREAKIN' ANGLE?????

That has to be most inexplicably absurd thing ever said about pro wrestling.

I say you are purely trolling unless you proceed to give very clear, concise, and well thought out reasons why each one of those men has surpassed Angle as an in-ring competitor,

Or if not...

Please do us all a favor and keep your blind, brainwashed, closed-minded, delusionism over on the WWE boards.

Or start getting red-repped mercilessly, your choice.
Its complete bullshit and anyone who clicked on the link has done exactly what these dirt sheets want. Clicks. So someone heard Hogan mention Vince Russo directly because a fan said Impact was bad. hahaha What utter tripe!

Impact has been fantastic the last month and a bit so I wonder if we will hear a report of Hulk Hogan praising Russo in the near future. Seriously, I feel for the guy sometimes.
Its complete bullshit and anyone who clicked on the link has done exactly what these dirt sheets want. Clicks. So someone heard Hogan mention Vince Russo directly because a fan said Impact was bad. hahaha What utter tripe!

Impact has been fantastic the last month and a bit so I wonder if we will hear a report of Hulk Hogan praising Russo in the near future. Seriously, I feel for the guy sometimes.

I've ran out of rep but for getting what the thread/article is about you would have got some.

It's one of the downsides of the dirt-sheet sites, they can post vague unsubstantiated articles like the one being discussed and not have to be called into question about it. Then as a result of a thread being created about the article, it rapidly descends into tangent arguments about TNA V WWE, who has the better wrestlers, who should retire, who should be fired, how to do this, how to do that.

Yes discussion can be great, but it took, what, 2 pages or so for the mud-slinging to start all from a piece of crap 'article' that really serves no purpose but to get hits for websites. Frustration doesn't even come close to describing how idiotic this process is.
Like what? Sure they didn't overtake WWE but they improved greatly.

TNA grew in demographics, they sold more merchandise, they sold more tickets. They got better TV production (segments, editing, etc). Promos got MUCH better.

Guys like RVD, Flair, Hardy would not have been in TNA if it wasn't for Hogan. We all know both RVD and Flair bought some interesting matches or certain things to TNA since they came here.

TNA is in a better place. Difference is, people are simply ignorant or too in love with WWE to want to give it a shot.

If you read Twitter messages during Impact, you will see why the don't get RAW like ratings and they only draw SmackDown like ratings.

What has RVD and Flair have done this is rememberable, or postivie in TNA? Flair has Fortune, which consisted of home-grown TNA talent, they turned of Flair and Flait has'nt been seen since. RVD won the TNA Championship, lose it beucase he was kayfabe "murderered," then came back, got no rematch, and is just there now, floating around the midcard. What about hiring Bubba the Love Sponge? Which is the sole reason Awesome Kong is now employed by WWE becuase of his douchebag remark's. How about The Hardy's, one is "taking a week off" as he say's becuase he never showed up to taping's. The other is a well-known junkie, has a court case, and embarrassed TNA, and it's fans, by coming out high in a main event match. How about hiring The Nast Boys, the only reason Brian Knobbs was in a wrestling promotion in 2010 was becuase he's Hogan friend.

TNA was in a better place when they had their own talent on television, not guy's from other corporation's. Anderson, Bully Ray, Hogan, Angle, Sting, Stiener, Bischoff, Morgan, RVD, Flair, were all build from somewhere else and are essentially the core superstar's on Impact every week. Hell, the last 5 TNA Champion's since AJ Styles has it last year (RVD, Hardy, Sting, Anderson) were build from someehere else.
What has RVD and Flair have done this is rememberable, or postivie in TNA?

Let's see. Flair/Lethal promo was one of the best memorable moments of 2010 in TNA. Flair's promos wit Foley. His backstage segments his humor in the wheelchair.

RVD vs TNA originals has always turned into good matches from what we've seen.

Maybe if you took your eyes out of Vince McMahon's behind, you would find those positives.
Flair has Fortune, which consisted of home-grown TNA talent, they turned of Flair and Flait has'nt been seen since.
Yes. Because of Flair's situation.
RVD won the TNA Championship, lose it beucase he was kayfabe "murderered," then came back, got no rematch, and is just there now, floating around the midcard.
Got no rematch? Did you not watch Sacrifice? If RVD stayed in the main event, you would complain about that.

Is CM Punk in the main event? He spent the last year in the MIDCARD. What is the difference with RVD? NOTHING.
What about hiring Bubba the Love Sponge? Which is the sole reason Awesome Kong is now employed by WWE becuase of his douchebag remark's.
Awesome Kong left due to contractual and money reasons. Bubba simply pissed her off and everyone else. He's fired now. Get over it.
How about The Hardy's, one is "taking a week off" as he say's becuase he never showed up to taping's.
That never happened. Matt arrives at house shows late whether it's intentional or not. As of right now, Matt Hardy is sick. If you do not know the situation then don't talk about it.
The other is a well-known junkie, has a court case, and embarrassed TNA, and it's fans, by coming out high in a main event match.
Embarrassed? Everyone wants him to get clean and return to wrestling.

How about hiring The Nast Boys, the only reason Brian Knobbs was in a wrestling promotion in 2010 was becuase he's Hogan friend.

WHO CARES? They aren't apart of TNA now. They never did anything special to warrant them to be relevant.
TNA was in a better place when they had their own talent on television, not guy's from other corporation's. Anderson, Bully Ray, Hogan, Angle, Sting, Stiener, Bischoff, Morgan, RVD, Flair, were all build from somewhere else and are essentially the core superstar's on Impact every week. Hell, the last 5 TNA Champion's since AJ Styles has it last year (RVD, Hardy, Sting, Anderson) were build from someehere else.

TNA was NOT in a better place. Please stop. FYI, their own talent is still on television.

Morgan was NEVER built from WWE. Anderson was hardly built from WWE.

Considering you are talking about Angle isn't a great wrestler and put MYSTERIO above him tells me you have zero wrestling intelligence and I will not waste my time discussing things you are clueless on
What has RVD and Flair have done this is rememberable, or postivie in TNA? Flair has Fortune, which consisted of home-grown TNA talent, they turned of Flair and Flait has'nt been seen since. RVD won the TNA Championship, lose it beucase he was kayfabe "murderered," then came back, got no rematch, and is just there now, floating around the midcard. What about hiring Bubba the Love Sponge? Which is the sole reason Awesome Kong is now employed by WWE becuase of his douchebag remark's. How about The Hardy's, one is "taking a week off" as he say's becuase he never showed up to taping's. The other is a well-known junkie, has a court case, and embarrassed TNA, and it's fans, by coming out high in a main event match. How about hiring The Nast Boys, the only reason Brian Knobbs was in a wrestling promotion in 2010 was becuase he's Hogan friend.

TNA was in a better place when they had their own talent on television, not guy's from other corporation's. Anderson, Bully Ray, Hogan, Angle, Sting, Stiener, Bischoff, Morgan, RVD, Flair, were all build from somewhere else and are essentially the core superstar's on Impact every week. Hell, the last 5 TNA Champion's since AJ Styles has it last year (RVD, Hardy, Sting, Anderson) were build from someehere else.
Ric Flair put over guys like Matt Morgan, Jay Lethal, AJ Styles (by association and promo work), and most recently Robert Roode. What happened to them afterwards is irrelevant in this argument. He put them over, he helped them out, and that's a positive thing he did.

Not only that, Flair cut some of the best promos of his recent years in TNA where he was allowed to be The Nature Boy, not some good white haired old man. That's also a positive.

Flair didn't destroy any of the young guys, he didn't impact (hehehehe) the product in any negative manner, period. If you can't enjoy a Ric Flair promo or even a match, how do you stand pro wrestling in general? What? You get disgusted by a half naked 60 years old man, bleeding up and down the iMAPCT Wrestling Zone? Tell you what, if you can watch half naked men wiggle around for two hours, you shouldn't have a problem with this in the first place.

On to RVD. What has RVD done? Not much. He had a couple of sweet matches, awesome debut, and that's about it. Did he help the product? I don't think so. Whether RVD was in TNA or not would've made ZERO difference. But did he hurt it? Nope. Like you said, he's just there.

However, no one can deny the fact that he's super over with the fans. Always has been. His shirts sell, obviously, because I constantly see fans in the crowd or in general wearing them. He's a loveable character and the fans buy into whatever it is that he brings to the table. A lot like Jeff Hardy. So in that sense he helps TNA a lot more than some of the originals like Samoa Joe, but I don't see anybody wanting him gone, yet the IWC begs for him to get pushed. How does that happen?

Now, stop bringing up shit that happened a year ago. As you can see TNA is in a MUCH better place right now, with a different mind set and a different product. The beginning of 2010 was a disaster. No one denies that. No one ever did or will. Hogan and Bischoff came along and they straight up didn't know what they were doing. They played with fire, they got burned and they learned a lot of good lessons which honestly they should've known beforehand. Either way, they shat their pants and they corrected themselves.

Let's live in 2011 now, shall we? Right now TNA is doing EVERYTHING the marks want them to. Pushing and showcasing their young/home grown talent more. That's Bobby Roode, Crimson, Gunner and to an extent James Storm, but only hints of that. Now I expect you to bitch about Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe, AJ, Pope and so on. Get this: they can't push everybody at the same time. You wanted young/home grown talent being established and pushed, you got it, now shut up.

The smarks wanted MOAR RASSLIN'! You got that too, especially since the rebanding took place. You got longer (not every time), more meaningful matches with better quality. You got the X-Division stuff, bringing in old and new talent and having them wrestle their asses off. You got the BFG series which are a great idea and showcase matches we probably wouldn't see for a long long time, AND wins and losses matter.

You wanted more consistent booking, and while there are holes here and there (it's TNA afterall), the booking has been better, more focused and long term. The promos allude to what could happen, and the storylines are unpredictable to a large extent.

So ... they build up younger talent, they amp up the wrestling, they rebuild the X-Division, they stop giving Hogan and Bischoff as much TV time as they used to (we didn't see Bischoff at all this week and Hogan appeared in one 30 second segment), they fix a plethora of other things, and little fucktards like you are sitting here bitching about something that happened A YEAR AGO? Talk about being a desperate little WWE schmuck smark.

"TNA was better off when they had their own talent, not guys from other corporations"?

Hold on, since when does it matter where you came from? Does it matter where you worked before, or how you work NOW? How you contribute to the product NOW? How you wrestle NOW? How you cut promos NOW?

If Matt Morgan was built in another company and we're bitching about that (even though he wasn't in WWE for long and developed himself in TNA), then how come you're not bitching that more than a half of WWE's greatest "superstars" came from WCW or ECW? What about Triple H, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho? What about Kevin Nash, Booker T? How about all those guys in WWE right now that were built up or came from somewhere else? Punk (ROH), Del Rio (Mexico), Danielson (Japan and ROH), Kharma (TNA), R-Truth (TNA. He was there for 5 years and in 2 as K-Kwik for WWF), Mysterio (WCW), Sin Cara (Mexico). Don't forget all those old guys who came from AWA as well. Michaels, Lawler, the list goes on. I'm counting ROH and Mexico because the guys that came from there were developed there only to come to WWE and be turned to whatever the 'E wants them to be.

If coming from another company, whether it's big like AWA or even AAA, or small like Ring of Honor and TNA, is SUCH a bad thing, then WWF should've fired more than a half of their greatest wrestlers because they came from another company and got built up there. They should've scrapped the idea of molding them into their own. Fuck how they work, fuck how they wrestle, fuck how they draw, fuck their promos, fuck their look and their potential. They will never be good because they came from another company. Great logic, dumbass.

If you knew ANYTHING about TNA you'd know that it was basically founded on using guys from other companies. It's not like it was built purely on the shoulders of home grown TNA talent. Look at some of TNA's first Champions. Ken Shamrock, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Rhino. Look at the people from other companies in TNA's last 9 years. D-Lo, X-Pac, Psychosis, Jerry Lynn, Ron Killings, Rhino, Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Sting, Steiner, Stevie Richards, Shane Douglas, Mick Foley, Booker T, Dustin Rhodes, Jeff Hardy. Random appearances from Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Steamboat. The list goes on and on and on and on. Fact is, TNA ALWAYS had people from "other corporations" to help them out and be a part of the roster, not just now.

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