Hulk Hogan As A Villain In The Expendables 4?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

Time will tell if there's really something to the possibility of Hogan playing a villain in The Expendables 4. Stallone himself hasn't confirmed anything yet, so in the meantime, there's a chance we're just talking about another one of Hogan's tall tales, and you can take this with a handful of salt.

I don't have a problem with a short Hogan cameo. After all, 80's nostalgia is a big part of The Expendables series, but Hogan as a villain with a decent amount of screen time? I just can't see it. If Sly casts Hogan for a part in The Expendables 4, I can see Hogan playing a bit part as one of the cronies in the main villain's entourage, or Hogan as the number two guy next to the main villain, but that's about it.

Looking back on his films, Hogan doesn't strike me as someone, who's capable of being a villain. If Stallone decides to go with Hogan for The Expendables 4, and If Hogan receives a regular role in the film, Hogan joining Stallone and the others as one of The Expendables is a better fit for him. I can easily picture Hogan toting and firing large machine guns, and throwing grenades, while shouting one-liners, but I have a hard time buying into him as one of the villains or the main villain.

Any thoughts on this?
I'm gonna say this is another tall tale. Hogan is far from a good actor outside of wrestling, and long gone are the days where he's popular enough to garner consideration to be featured in a movie. Perhaps if the Expendables came out in the mid to late 90's, then this could be true. But I'm not buying into this.
I'd be all for it.

Hogan is still a pretty big name to the general public, bigger than the likes of Randy Couture and Dolph Lundgren who got pretty big roles in the franchise, and even at his age Hulk certainly has the size and look to be an old solider like the rest of the crew.

I don't think he'd be a good enough actor to be the lead bad guy, but as one of Stallone's gang? Definitely.

The Hulkster in camo with a massive sub machine gun screaming one liners like "eat lead jack!" and calling Stallone "brother" in conversations would definitely bea good thing for me, and I'm definitely not a major Hogan fan.

They've pretty much used all the old classic action guys now, so throwing in a pop-culture icon is a back up character is fine with me.
it makes sense and i'd be down for it..however if you said that part three was your last film, then keep it that way. i loved the first two but three was horrible IMO.
I don't regard Hogan as a good actor and playing a villain is not as easy as it looks. That role could make or break the film. I think it's a mistake but perhaps they could prove me wrong. If he pulls this off and the film is a success, it could lead to more roles down the road for Hogan. Just have to wait and see.

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