Hulk and "Easy-E" shut up so I can watch wrestling


Dark Match Winner
So, it seems that since January 4th, the new "faces of TNA" get about a 5 hour segment per show, to talk about the same thing they talked about the week before. Before you guys freak out...wait...

I'm not saying I don't like the "new" TNA, I have faith in the company, and the people running it. I have nothing against Eric or Hulk, but they just need to shut up. They are wasting valuable time talking about how everyone has to earn their keep, or telling Jarrett to stop talking about himself, and these segments seem VERY sloppy to me. What do you think?
I think you have a point, but these guys are attention ****es. Always have been, always will be. On top of that, their segment so far has been severely botched by having 2 guys that "don't work there" come out TO ENTRANCE MUSIC!!! If you don't work there, they should be coming out with NO MUSIC you would think. I will be addressing more issues in the coming weeks as episodes air so as not to have to use the spoiler tab, but the booking has been pretty bad, and it's only getting worse.
^Agreed. I can deal with Eric but Hulk not so much. But I guess the backstage talks with the bosses are a mainstay of wrestling in the new age and time. It's a bit much but in the grand scheme of things its the last things people should be worrying about.
I've only been flipping back and forth tonight, but every time I do I see Bubba the Love Sponge. As much as I hate Hogan (and boy, do I hate Hogan), he's great compared to Bubba. Anyways, I suppose the logic behind Hogan on TV constantly is that he's such a 'massive draw', and they want to remind people that he's in TNA. So I understand it, although I don't like it.
Yeah, that's what I liked best about TNA. You could turn it on and expect some good wrestling. I'm trying my best to watch IMPACT tonight, but I can't, which is why I'm on here right now. I want it to work out for Bischoff and Hogan but it's already seeming to be a bit much having them on camera so often. Not to mention the fact that a lot of the originals seem to be MIA. Especially, a lot of my favorites from the X-Division. I don't know....
this is why i love and hate tna. they have some great wrestlers who can put on some great matches and they have shit wrestlers who cant wrestler woth a dam. aj and kurt and pope and wolf are amazing. nasties, hall and waltman, the fucking sponge guy are shit.
What's funny is that TNA may not have the best booking or stoies but c'mon guys can you honestly tell me that WWE is THAT much better? Sure they have some good things (Punk comes to mind immediatly) but at least TNA doesn't have Midgits on skateboards and c level actors trying to play wrestler every week.
i think the hogan segmants are great the only problem is they need much more of them hogan is the best part of the show hogan makes the show without him it would be the same horrible crap it has been for 8 years it is just amazing to me how hogan can improve a show that much in just 3 or 4 weeks but i guess he is not the greatest of all time for nothing i am just amazed how he can take something that is so horrible as tna was and make it in to a realy good show as quickly as he has i knew hogan could work miricles for tna but i had no idea he would do so great in such a small amount of time i can see why the ratings are better than they ever have been but it dont take much to be better than that crap they was showing every week and the booking is better than it ever has been jarrett should take notes from the wrestling god hulk hogan but the best thing hogan has done so far besides his promos and segments witch are great we just need more of them because they make the show but besides that the best thing he has done is finally getting rid of thar silly ass petetic play pin 6 sides they call a ring thank you for finally bringing tradition to tna hogan i am amazed at all the great things you have done in the small amount of time you have had to do it keep up the amazing work hulk you prove why you are without a dout the greatest of all time put please dont let tna go back to that horrible crap it was befor you arrived because that use to be some of the worse crap i have ever seen in my 25 years of watching wrestling

Eric is gold on the mic. Hulk can be too but they should not over expose him so much. Let him come out when things are totally out of control to make his pressence mean more. He can go on the stick too, but Eric should be on the stick more, and Hogan should be an esculation point for Eric, having them both out there doesn't give one more impact over the other. Just my opinion. Hogan is good in small doses as a face.
I don't mind Eric going out there and talking because he's damn good on the mic. He still is a compelling character for me and can invoke emotion whenever he talks.

Hogan is alright as long as it's in a backstage segment. These days I'm just waiting for Hogan's voice box to give out from all that gruff talking he does. Just keep it calm and he'll be tolerable when I see him.

It's alright for them to talk. It's just they've been saying the same thing over and over again and it's getting very VERY repetitive. And when these tired segments take 20 minutes, it's about as bad as any opening segment that WWE has had to offer. Maybe worse.
I disagree. Eric Bischoff was the best GM ever, and now has a similar role in TNA. The authority figures should get a decent amount of tv time. As for Hogan.... he's the most easily recognized wrestler in history and he gets so much tv time because then casual fans flipping around can see him and think "hey, isn't that Hogan? Hmmm, I might watch this for a bit" and suddenly, TNA has a new fan. The man is a draw whether some people dislike him or not. Big names like Hogan and good authority figure characters like Bischoff get the tv time that they do because they are that good and people want to see them talk.

I realize some people would rather see more matches and that's completely understandable. However, some people like the talking segments and promos too. TNA can't do a full show of promos or a full show of matches, so they try to please both ends of the spectrum by doing a mix of both. That's how it's always been done. I'm not against with the idea of Hogan and Bischoff talking so much lately on Impact because I still enjoy seeing them talk on tv.... I know I'm not the only one, and that is what it comes down to. Would I like to see more matches? Sure, but having big names get a little more time can be important too if it means a higher likelihood of the federation getting more fans in the process.
Hogans being on tv so much is good...for now. Eventually, when they begin to compete (somewhat) with the WWE, he won't need to be seen so much. It does take away from the matches, true. But remember people, wrestling is more than just wrestling matches. It is about building storylines and having interesting characters, which is something TNA had been lacking for a very long time. Before Hogan, they were good at developing in ring talent, but on the mic? Not so much. I know a lot of you spot-fest junkies are going to complain about too much talking, and blah blah blah. But this is sports ENTERTAINMENT, not a sport.
I really have no problem with Hogan and Bischoff being in so many segments. They are both recognizable faces, and two of the biggest brains in professional wrestling. People recognize them and are drawn to view them, whether it be for good or not-so-good reasons.

The only problem I have with them being on TV so much is this: their roles are not too well-defined. What are they? Is Hogan the new Executive Shareholder? Is Bischoff? Who's the booker? Which one has more power? If they had clearly defined roles, perhaps their appearances would be easier to stomach for some fans. Make Hogan the new President (or something similar) and Bischoff the new Commissioner / head "Booker." Maybe that would help...
I really have no problem with Hogan and Bischoff being in so many segments. They are both recognizable faces, and two of the biggest brains in professional wrestling. People recognize them and are drawn to view them, whether it be for good or not-so-good reasons.

The only problem I have with them being on TV so much is this: their roles are not too well-defined. What are they? Is Hogan the new Executive Shareholder? Is Bischoff? Who's the booker? Which one has more power? If they had clearly defined roles, perhaps their appearances would be easier to stomach for some fans. Make Hogan the new President (or something similar) and Bischoff the new Commissioner / head "Booker." Maybe that would help...

I think it's pretty clear that Hogan is the one in charge, given the way Foley has always tried to get an appointment with Hogan through Bischoff. And Bischoff keeps stalling.

Also, Hogan always seems to be the one in the chair in the office, while Bischoff stands off to the side of him.

Hogan is definitely in charge and Bischoff pretty much serves at his side as an adviser.

Although I will say that Bischoff is clearly the Heel, where as Hogan is clearly a Tweener, which is a smart move. It makes it more interesting.

The fact that their roles aren't as clearly defined as you may want them to be, however, makes it more interesting, in my view. It keeps giving the viewers questions and gives them a reason to tune in for the answers, instead of everything being as straight-forward like in the WWE, which gets boring.

I am like you in that I take no issue with Hogan and Bischoff being on TV as much as they are. As you said they are recognizable faces and they help tell a story.

Despite what people may argue, that wrestling programs should be more wrestling, I can't disagree with you more. And you see where that got you in the WWE and how stale it has become.

The goal of the weekly program should be to provide a compelling broadcast with more storyline and angles with SOME wrestling. The goal is to get you interested in the storylines, characters, and feuds so that you want to purchase the PPV's.

Fans have become too spoiled in expecting too much wrestling on the weekly shows for free, and I can GUARANTEE that these fans who keep arguing for "more wrestling, more wrestling, more wrestling" aren't paying a dime for the PPV's.

So my take is that these fans needs to be kicked to the curb and their opinions need to be thrown in the trash can. And the reason that pro wrestling companies should throw your opinions in the garbage is because you are the ones advising and advocating something that has made the wrestling business completely stale and boring ... and despite that, are absolutely useless to the profitability of the wrestling business.
Thankyou Sid. Some of you sound like fucking imbeciles. Hello, wrestling TV SHOWS have ALWAYS but ALWAYS and when I say ALWAYS I mean like, since the fucking beginning of time, til now, ALWAYS been built around storyline development and talking. This is nothing new, and this is how you run a successfull company. The key is to have the matches you DO put on, be very good, and from what I saw on thursday, TNA does an excellent job of this.

The entire point of a weekly TV show is to further develop your stories, the characters in them, and to hook people in with entertaining television. Its also, to utilize all three of thse factors to get them to plunk down 35$ to see your PPV. Well, if all you give them is wrestling every week, it kills the intrigue, and doesnt give you time to get them emotionally invested. Emotional investment leads to financial investment. Date a bikini model some day, and you will see what the fuck I mean :suspic:

The show is meant to be built on talking, and storyline. Always has, always will. Get a clue.
I can't say I disagree with the whole "wrestling's built around storylines, etc. etc." argument - I don't. I will, however, point out that I haven't really enjoyed Hogan or Bischoff's promos and really rather would watch something else.

I'll be fair to Hogan and Bischoff - it's not their fault. They're just surrounded by bad actors and people treading on their lines. I don't know if Hall and Waltman are just incredibly rusty or just high on something, but they mumble and bumble through everything they're in, sucking credibility for it. Unfortunately for Bischoff and Hogan, they're most often the ones tasked with babysitting them.
Thank you Sid.

The wrestling matches we see on TV shouldn’t be matches that should be on pay per view main events. Maybe every once in a while they can have a match on Impact that deserves to be on pay per view, but not very often.

The matches on Impact should be like teasers which will make us want to watch the full matches on pay per view. On Impact they should build-up to the big matches on ppv by advancing storylines and making us look forward to those matches. There’s a reason people wouldn’t buy a ppv being headlined with Angle vs. Styles. It’s because while people know the match would be awesome, they are going to continue giving it away on Free TV so why pay for it?

So like Sid said, what we see on Impact should get us interested in what we are going to see on a ppv because if they just give everything away on Impact then no one is going to buy the ppv’s which should be their main goal since ppv‘s bring in a lot of revenue if they are making a profit from them.

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