Huge Plans For Daniel Bryan This Summer


Dark Match Winner
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE officials have HUGE plans for Daniel Bryan, as they have noticed how great he has been lately. Plans are for him to face Cena in a face vs. face match at Money In The Bank.

The thought of this is making me foam at the mouth.

From Meltzer: "For those who think the company doesn’t see Bryan as a main eventer, right now the penciled in main event for Money in the Bank on 7/14 in Philadelphia is Cena vs. Bryan, with Bryan not being a heel, as the title match. As you should be aware, everything is subject to change. It’s pretty much a sure thing Bryan will be cheered in that match, given the city, and they are fully aware of that. The impression is they won’t try and make him a heel but that’s certainly something that can change. I sense the goal for the next two months is try to make Cena a “legend” by beating Rock, surviving Ryback and then having a match of the year with Bryan.
We've been asked a lot about whether WWE has realized how great Daniel Bryan has looked in recent weeks on TV. The short answer to that is yes.
Sources indicate that the reason Bryan has been given so much time is that he's in line for a big push over the course of the summer, including PPV main events.
So, if you are a Bryan fan, you look to be in luck. Directions always change but stay tuned."
I know you have to take everything you read about wrestling online, with a grain of salt. But good god, I can't help the excitement I have over the possibility of this happening.
He's been the main entertaining part of RAW for weeks. Only part of the show I watch besides and Orton match.
Uh, I guess thats a huge push. Snce he was doing that exact same thing at the same time of year last year. (Getting a world title shot against the biggest guy in the company)

If anything it only furthermore proves how a year of all our lives was wasted.
Uh, I guess thats a huge push. Snce he was doing that exact same thing at the same time of year last year. (Getting a world title shot against the biggest guy in the company)

If anything it only furthermore proves how a year of all our lives was wasted.

Well at least in this case he'll probably actually be in the main event since Cena's involved. Unless he has to deal with Triple vs. Lesnar Part 26896294.
Honestly, I'd be more excited if the Total Divas reality show weren't on the way. I just can't see WWE passing up on the opportunity to get the Bellas involved on-screen with their real life boyfriends. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Honestly, I'd be more excited if the Total Divas reality show weren't on the way. I just can't see WWE passing up on the opportunity to get the Bellas involved on-screen with their real life boyfriends. Hopefully I'm wrong.

You had to bring that up. Fuck.
You had to bring that up. Fuck.

It's one of those things-- you know the other shoe is going to drop at some point. WWE rarely pulls off a good angle without having something stupid foul it up, if only just a bit. In this event, that something stupid is evident before the angle has even started. I'll gladly be wrong should they resist the temptation, but in the name of promoting the reality show, they'll likely want two of their biggest Superstars tied to it.
Honestly, I'd be more excited if the Total Divas reality show weren't on the way. I just can't see WWE passing up on the opportunity to get the Bellas involved on-screen with their real life boyfriends. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I don't think WWE cares enough about the personal lives of either to bring the Bellas in, especially if it's a face vs face matchup, and the Bellas are heels and expected to be revealed as Kaitlyn's 'secret admirer' on Raw.

Yeah, let the two of them tear the house down Punk/Cena style from 2011. It won't be the same atmosphere or such high stakes, which ultimately turned out to mean zilch, but the wrestling quality could be up there.
It's one of those things-- you know the other shoe is going to drop at some point. WWE rarely pulls off a good angle without having something stupid foul it up, if only just a bit. In this event, that something stupid is evident before the angle has even started. I'll gladly be wrong should they resist the temptation, but in the name of promoting the reality show, they'll likely want two of their biggest Superstars tied to it.

I'm hoping giving them their own show will spotlight them enough that they limit their appearances to that show, especially since there's going to be matches on it, it seems.
It's one of those things-- you know the other shoe is going to drop at some point. WWE rarely pulls off a good angle without having something stupid foul it up, if only just a bit. In this event, that something stupid is evident before the angle has even started. I'll gladly be wrong should they resist the temptation, but in the name of promoting the reality show, they'll likely want two of their biggest Superstars tied to it.

And if that won't work, Vince will make'em shoot it at MSG, Philly, Chicago or any other hot crowd cities.
I don't think WWE cares enough about the personal lives of either to bring the Bellas in, especially if it's a face vs face matchup, and the Bellas are heels and expected to be revealed as Kaitlyn's 'secret admirer' on Raw.

Just when I thought they couldn't get stupider.
So much of a story could be told. I will SHIT if they bust out that video footage from the Nexus debut "YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!!"

Though id settle by the good ol easy "you clearly have guts, I respect you, so title match" putting-over by Cena
So much of a story could be told. I will SHIT if they bust out that video footage from the Nexus debut "YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!!"

Though id settle by the good ol easy "you clearly have guts, I respect you, so title match" putting-over by Cena

Does WWE even remember that DBD was part of Nexus?
I'd like to see him win a match to get the title shot. Maybe against Ryback. Doesn't really matter if he wins clean or not, he's going into the WWE Title match as the underdog no matter what. Maybe have Kane help him one or way another, keep their relationship interesting.

As long as they don't fucking turn him heel and kill the best aspect of his character.
Does WWE even remember that DBD was part of Nexus?

WWE's memory may be selective, but it's all there. Bringing up that attack along with the fact that Cena was (kayfabe) the man who brought him back would definitely add some depth and history to the feud. I doubt that they do it, because it's way too good of an idea and rewards long-time viewers. If they do, though, I'm sure the video package will kick all kinds of ass.
But first, it looks like he'll be taking on Orton at Payback and that should be just as awesome as Cena vs. Bryan.

What a summer this is gonna be for Bryan.
If this match happens I hope for 2 things:

1) Whatever the outcome Bryan is given a good rub.
2) Final Countdown is D-Bry Entrance theme.

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