Howard Finkle Back as Announcer - Best Thing I've Ever Heard


Dark Match Jobber
Is it just me, or when you read the replacement for Lillian they'll most likely use, although probably temporarily will be Howard Finkle...did you not feel a certain feeling of joy inside you? With everything so shitty, new and plastic feeling in the WWE as of the last few years it's so great every time you get a little taste of the old way of things. Even just one little thing such as hearing the Fink's voice echoing throughout the arena makes me feel like I'm actually watching a wrestling product again. It would be beyond amazing if they decided to just keep him around for a while to freshen things up, but I'm sure they won't. That would be too cool.
Is it just me, or when you read the replacement for Lillian they'll most likely use, although probably temporarily will be Howard Finkle...did you not feel a certain feeling of joy inside you? With everything so shitty, new and plastic feeling in the WWE as of the last few years it's so great every time you get a little taste of the old way of things. Even just one little thing such as hearing the Fink's voice echoing throughout the arena makes me feel like I'm actually watching a wrestling product again. It would be beyond amazing if they decided to just keep him around for a while to freshen things up, but I'm sure they won't. That would be too cool.

I know what you mean. When i first read about howard finkel that he will replace lilian (but ill still miss that decade diva) even if its temporary, i got chills all over my body and cant wait to hear the greatest ring announcer of all time come back and see him

But i will always miss the SEXY DECADE DIVA known as LILIAN GARCIA
Aw, the Fink is AWESOME. I grew up on him belting out, "... and NEW World Wrestling Federation champion..."

He is quite the deserving member of the Hall of Fame, a loyal employee since 1975, and I loved hearing him intro Bob Barker last week. Literally brought chills to my spine.

So, yes, indeed, I am glad to hear Finkel again, and I hope he sticks around for as long as he feels like doing the ring announcing.

Of course he doesn't look anywhere as good as Lillian does in a sequined mini-dress, but what are you gonna do...

...when Finkelmania runs wild on you?

I almost left that last part out, but damn, I just couldn't resist. :shrug:
How would any of this be beyond amazing? Who cares? It's a ring announcer. The show isn't going to improve because the voice that usually gets cut out by commercials anyway has changed.
ya, as to go so far as to say, it brings a chill down my spine, no. Might be cool to see Fink again but its no ground breaking thing at all.
The Fink is the best announcer of all times. Better than Lillian (botch master) and the Buffer brothers. Cant wait for his temporary return and hopefully he stays around until the Survivor Series PPV. (I going to it :p)
im happy to hear that finkle is back, though i'm only 16 i know exactly who he is and what he does. little things in WWE like a ring announcer are still brilliant, my favorite bit of ring announcing though has to be justin roberts at wrestlemania 25, when he announces the undertaker. SO GOOD.
Glad to hear that The Fink is coming back, albeit temporarily.

Growing up on WWF and WCW in the 80s, I remember both he and Gary Michael Capetta as being great ring announcers. They both added a bit of grandiose to events, which is what pro wrestling is about.

I disagree with the statement made that the announcer doesn't matter. Intros are one of the best things about pro wrestling. I don't know about everyone else, but I associate the music, the pyros, the lights and appearance and the ring announcer's way of introducing a wrestler as the complete package. (For example, Fink's intros for guys like Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Michaels, Bret Hart and others, and GMC's classic "This... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis... STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!" intro).

Wish GMC would still be doing it, if he could.
How would any of this be beyond amazing? Who cares? It's a ring announcer. The show isn't going to improve because the voice that usually gets cut out by commercials anyway has changed.

It will totally help the show. Lilian is such a twit . I dunno or care if this weeks fuck up was a set up from the back to make her look bad , or if it was just a Monday night. She has fucked something up everytime I have seen her live. I still remember a year ago.

In Toronto Ontario Canada. for Raw in the Air Canada Centre , she opened the show with " Welcome to the Air America Centre " and probably got the most heat of the night.

Fink never should have left, and should have still done the Announcing at Wrestlemania , at the least . I know this is Temporary , but god I wish it wasnt.

Who knows maybe someday we might even get to see JR back on Raw where he belongs. doubt it but I will still dream.
I'm confused as to what was so good about Justin Roberts announcing The Undertaker at WM25... just the same as normal. He's nothing special.

The Fink is a legend, no doubt about that but I won't be getting chills down my spine for it. It means nothing. Just because the fink announces the matches, it doesn't mean they're going to get any better.

I'll miss Lillian. Sure, she makes botches but she has a tough job. She has a lot to remember each night. JR makes plenty of botches yet he's considered the greatest announcer of all time by many. I'm sure Fink has made them too!
The Fink is a great announcer, he has a very commanding voice which is good for the role. The thing though is it doesn't really make much of a difference. The announers tell us who's coming to the ring. Wow thanks their music and face being on the Titantron is kind of a give away.

I'm glad Fink's back in an on screen role, but it makes no difference to my life.
Where as I am all for "Out with the old and in with the New", Fink being back on Raw will bring some nostalgia back to the product. Of course, they say it is only temporary until they find another singer, but we'll see.

I can only assume that Angela Fong did not do well for her Tryouts at the House Shows, as she was the original plan to replace Lilian.

Would you rather hear the Fink's voice, or would you rather hear this:

Be thankful that this didn't transpire, as I had a thread up on her, and she was absolutely horrendous. Looks like she has been relegated to a backstage interviewer on ECW though, and is being called Savanah.
The Fink being back on Raw is the best news I've heard out of WWE for YEARS.

If Vince and who ever else in WWE who make these decisions (Kevin Dunn) would just get their heads out of their proverbial ass and stopped thinking about fake tits, they should keep The Fink on Raw until HOWARD wants to leave... not because there's some bimbo out there with big boobs who gets the gig only because she can count up as far as 5.

Keep The Fink on Raw!

And bring Tony Chimel back to Smackdown while you're at it...
The Fink is the voice of an entire generation. I just watched the 2009 Hall of Fame induction on WWE Classics On Demand, and was astounded at how many huge moments his voice is apart of.

So to borrow a line from is speech at the Hall of Fame

I hope next Monday he is the....NEW!!!!! Raw Ring Announcer

(Sorry, I couldn’t help myself ;))
I liked Lillian until recently when it became apparent that the internal countdown to retirement clock was going on in her head. The Fink is awesome. Great to hear he'll be back for at least a little while.

Announcers do matter especially if they make things more complicated. Same thing with commentators. J.R. could call a fight between Steven Hawking and Kenny G and make it watchable.
I'm glad that The Fink is coming back. Him as an Announcer again is going to give an Attitude Era feel to RAW again.

Well, technically The Fink wasn't the Ring Announcer of Raw for the Attitude Era. That was actually Tony Chimel. And I agree with the post above stating that Chimel should be on Smackdown. I like him a little better than Roberts. About the only think Roberts has going for him in my book is his Undertaker introduction. Other than that, I don't think he is really all that. He's decent, though, but I like Chimel better, overall.
This is fantastic news. I hope there's a title change on Raw soon, like the IC belt, so we can hear him say, "the winner of this contest...and...NNNNNEEEEEEEEEEWWWW Intercontinental Champion...."

Just for the record, I am NOT a fan of Justin Roberts in the least. His announcements sound so forced, and it annoys me how he announces the Undertaker. And by the way, how Tony Chimmell ever became an announcer, I'll never know. He should have his lips sewn shut and be forced to mime. No wonder he was sent to ECW.

Here's to the Fink, the greatest of all time.
I've noticed that Lillian Garcia has been screwing up a lot lately as well... it seems like she's averaging making a mistake at least once a show.

I'm wondering if it's just a work to build up to her departure rather than her just being checked out from her job.

With her screwing up "once too often," it would set up the typical Vince "You're FIIIIRED!" moment on Raw... or they may have another idea in mind. But, it's just been "subtly obvious" she's screwing up more than ever now to be just coincidental.

And again, Howard Finkle being back on Raw would be awesome and there would be absolutely NO reason to replace him unless he wanted to leave.

Tony Chimel does a fine job. I don't mind Justin Roberts... but, he just seems to be a better fit for the younger roster of ECW to me.
The Fink is the man. His voice added to the spectacle. It was always awesome to here him say "the winner of this contest....AND NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion of the World..." or to do the entrance of "THE IMMORTAL...HULK HOGAN!"
It brings me joy as well. I too grew up hearing Fink's voice and I was ecstatic when he was the ring announcer for a live event I went to last December. Fink is the WWE's longest working employee. He eats, breathes, and eats the business. Lillian was great as a ring announcer, but she made to many mistakes. Nobodys perfect, but it just got annoying after a while. Fink is a true legend in the industry. He has really never gotten in trouble with Vince at all, and I think bringing him back, even for just a little while, is a great move on WWE's part
Ok, ever since I started watching wrestlling again, I've missed Howard Finkle. Since, like many of you, I grew up hearing his ecstatic voice on every show I can remember, I sorely missed him when I started watching again.

Just his way of announcing 'Here is your winner.........and NEEEEEW World Wrestling Federation Champion/Intercontinental Champion/Tag Team Champions, I loved it. And when he announced people coming to the ring, it STILL sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it or watch videos on YouTube.

Although we all know it's temporary, I can't wait to hear him again on a semi-regular basis again. And it was also great to hear him as Bob Barker's sidekick. Unexpected and awesome.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the small things are important when it comes to ring announcing, commentating, production value, and the like. Howard Finkel is a great ring announcer. He has a distinct voice that just screams ring announcer. I'd like to see someone like Bruce Buffer or someone who has a pedigree in ring announcing to go to the WWE instead of finding eye candy who can't pronounce words. Remember that hot blonde girl that was doing the ring announcing during the early 90's? She sucked out loud.

The FINK is where it's at.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the small things are important when it comes to ring announcing, commentating, production value, and the like. Howard Finkel is a great ring announcer. He has a distinct voice that just screams ring announcer. I'd like to see someone like Bruce Buffer or someone who has a pedigree in ring announcing to go to the WWE instead of finding eye candy who can't pronounce words. Remember that hot blonde girl that was doing the ring announcing during the early 90's? She sucked out loud.

The FINK is where it's at.

Mike McGuirk wasn't that bad. I would still take her over Angela Fong, if it came down to choosing a female ring announcer. But I agree, that McGuirk didn't have as good a voice as Lilian.
I think that they might be prepn the bellas for future ring announcers cause they've announced a few matches so far on ecw and superstars but it's great that the fink is gonna be back on monday nights. Just go play an ol' game that's he announces in cause its awesome.

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