How you cut an entertaining "PG" promo.


Pre-Show Stalwart

If WWE were reverting back to the 80s, the promos would look more like this. They don't even look like this. You have some guys, like R Truth, who are reminiscent of an 80s character, but then you have guys like Evan Bourne who never talk and good thing too, because I think the more he opens his mouth, the more fans he'll lose.

Now a days all it seems to be is arguing/complaining. Point is, the show could be better even with the PG rating. Where is all the high jinx?

On the main page, their is an interview between Justin Labar and a former member of WWE creative. The former writer says that all you see is what some guy (I think his name is Brian Gerwitz) whose head of creative wants you to see. Creative really isn't a team, it's basically what this guy Brian wants at the end of the day. So their really is no creative and I think that is what WWE is missing most.

Anyway, I came across that Kennedy promo and I thought I'd post it. It's not an earth shattering promo, but it doesn't have to be. If we had more of these, to get to know the characters and be some what funny or entertaining for a couple of minutes, it'd help the show out.
How are these guys ever going to get over, if we don't even know them? And it's not like they have the opportunity to go out and wrestle any type of match they want. We need to see more interaction among the wrestlers.

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