How would you set up/book a Shield Triple Threat at Mania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So It's obvious that A LOT of people want to see a triple threat match at Mania 32 between Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose. What I want to know is, if you are one of those people how would YOU book a set up for the match at Mania?

Here is my idea

Seth Rollins def Roman Reigns at Survivor Series

Continue the feud going into the Rumble
Royal Rumble:

WWE WHC Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns
Rollins wins by cheating
Royal Rumble Winner: Dean Ambrose (this does 2 things, 1. Guarantee's he's in the main event at Mania and 2. Everyone is happy with the Rumble ending for once in a few years)
Raw: Roman demands a rematch because Rollins didn't beat him fairly, authority agrees and makes the match for Fast Lane
Fast Lane:
During the match the referee get's knocked down. Reigns hits Rollins with the spear and has the 3 count by there is no ref to count it, while ref is down Rollins hit's him with the championship belt and pedigree to win the match.

Raw: Now Ambrose comes out to a promo with Rollins promoting the main event at Wrestlemania 32 of Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose
Reigns comes out and says that TECHNICALLY he had Rollins beat and DEMANDS a rematch 1 last time, no DQ. Authority sets up match pitting Reigns vs Ambrose saying, if Reigns wins then he gets in the match and if Ambrose wins then Roman is out of the match.
This match sets up animosity between Reigns and Ambrose because Ambrose says he won his shot fair and square. Reigns ends up winning the main event to set up

Wrestlemania 32 Main Event:
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple Threat
(c) Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns

Ok, that's what i've got, what do you want to happen?
I don't think we're going to get a SHIELD triple threat at Mania. As much as I'd like to see it happen, I think we'll get Roman Reigns walking in as champion, maybe defending against Lesnar, and Seth Rollins facing Triple H. A triple threat would either come at the Royal Rumble or after Wrestlemania. However, this is the WWE and there is a very good chance that my gut is absolutely wrong. So, to entertain your question, here is how I'd set it up:

-Seth Rollins retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Survivor Series via DQ. Roman Reigns thus wins the match and gets a rematch at TLC.

-Roman Reigns wins the rematch and the title at TLC, defeating Rollins in a TLC match.

-Roman Reigns retains the title against Seth Rollins at the Royal Rumble. Dean Ambrose enters and "wins" the Royal Rumble match, but Seth Rollins enters as a special 31st entrant, placed there by the Authority. He eliminates an exhausted Ambrose and wins the Wrestlemania title shot.

-Roman Reigns retains the title at Fast Lane against a TBD heel. Dean Ambrose defeats Seth Rollins in a one on one match to make the Wrestlemania main event a triple threat match.

-Wrestlemania: WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns defends against Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.

And there you have it. If it happens, I'll quit my life and become a psychic.
i pretty much like the idea of OP..... It will be awesome if it goes like this and i am on for Ambrose winning the title at Wrestlemania....
Ambrose starts a feud with Sheamus which eventually leads to a match for the briefcase. Ambrose wins the MIB case from Sheamus at Royal Rumble

Reigns defeats Rollins and starts his reign after survivor series

Rollins wins Rumble

Raw after Rumble has Reigns call out Rollins and after the 2 go back and forth Ambrose's music hits and he comes out and says at WrestleMania we will find out who truly was the best member of the Shield.

This is how I would do it....

But personally I think Undertaker winning Rumble and defeating Rollins in an epic match retiring as WWE champion makes much more sense. The Dead Man deserves to go out on top in Texas. Then a tournament for the Title could start with the Final 4 going on to the next PPV to crown the champion. Could set up semi-final matches between Ambrose/Cena & Reigns/Rollins. With Ambrose vs. Reigns in the Finals.
Well, through trick and fuckery, Seth Rollins retains all the way up until WrestleMania, so that would be his road.

Roman Reigns goes on to win the Rumble, once again, a straight and narrow path to the main event.

The less direct route is taken by Dean Ambrose, because of course it is. And it all starts with King Barrett and Sheamus. Wait, what?

As more or less confirmed, Barrett and Sheamus are a tag team or alliance now, and it's their coming out party. Maybe call it a treaty or something regal like that. This truce is a little uneasy, in fact. The 'terms' are Barrett will assist Sheamus cash in the Money in the Bank to become the WWE Champion, and in turn will offer the first championship defense to King Barrett.

On a RAW along the road to the Rumble, Barrett challenges Seth Rollins to a one on one match. The Authority is absent this night, leaving Seth on his own should Sheamus try anything. Barrett is defeated, but hits Rollins with a Bull Hammer. Out runs Sheamus, but to Rollins defense, Ambrose! He stops the Briefcase from being cashed in. The next week there is a quick segment backstage with Rollins and Ambrose. Ambrose merely says that it's not going to be Sheamus who takes the belt from Rollins. "It'll be me, Seth. One way or another, I... am the next WWE Champion. "

In the coming weeks, Ambrose is a thorn in Sheamus' side. Barrett tries to keep Sheamus focused on Rollins, but Sheamus is on edge. It boils to a head, and Sheamus begins an episode of Raw on a tear. The MITB Briefcase is missing! Sheamus immediately knows it's Ambrose and demands it back. Enter Ambrose, indeed with the case. "Look, Sheamus, let's make a deal. I'll give this back to you, but you give me a chance to beat you for it. I wanna be Mr. Money in the Bank!" Barrett protests to Sheamus not to follow through, and despite his rage, Sheamus still isnt so easily goaded. Ambrose even raises the stakes, offering to help Sheamus cash in, should he lose. Barrett and Sheamus confer and agree.

At Fastlane, Ambrose steals a win after a miscommunication between Barrett and Sheamus, setting up a feud between them. Rollins is WWE Champion. Reigns is the Rumble winner. Ambrose is Mr. Money in the Bank! This seems a little familiar to Reigns, who calls Ambrose to the ring the next night on Raw. Instead, enter Rollins first, who's stirring the pot.

"Dean is going to do exactly what I did to you last year, Roman. He's going to wait until we beat each other senseless, and slide in and steal my championship! What are we going to do about this, Roman?"

Sure enough, Ambrose comes out with the Briefcase. Roman voices his concern

"Dean, I know you're my brother, but you're going around saying you're the next WWE Champion. All the while I'm challenging the champion at WrestleMania. You can see why I'm watching my back a little carefully."

"I'm not Seth Rollins, Roman. I don't stab my friends in the back. I'm not going to just insert myself into your match in the last minute... in fact, I've inserted myself into your match with more than enough warning. That's right boys, I'm cashing in!"

And so the match is confirmed. Triple Threat WWE championship match at WrestleMania. As for the match itself, Roman Reigns wins, not with a spear, but with a Powerbomb, an unassisted Powerbomb.
I would keep the title on Seth until "Elimination Chamber", which I would move back to Feburary in place of "Fast Lane".

Dean Ambrose would win the Royal Rumble.

The Chamber comes down to Seth and Roman. Reigns beats Seth and becomes WWE Champion.

The next night, Seth cashs in his rematch clause at WM32. While Rollins and Reigns stare each other down, Dean Ambrose comes out, and as the winner of the Rumble, it means that he gets a title shot as well.

So it would be Champion Reigns v Rollins (using his rematch clause) v Ambrose (winner of the Rumble).

I'd have Dean Ambrose win the title in a WM moment, and down the track, Reigns would shockingly turn on Ambrose, saying that Ambrose took his title, and Ambrose v Reigns would build up to have them fight at Summerslam.
How I personally would book it:

Seth Rollins remains the champion through the Rumble.

Reigns or Ambrose win the Rumble. I'm more partial on Ambrose winning it since he's the most over member of the Shield. But Reigns and Ambrose are the final two. It can only work that way.

Assuming Ambrose wins, Reigns puts his career on the line for a chance to get added to the Wrestlemania main event. He wins a seemingly impossible match the Raw after the Rumble to earn his shot. During this Raw, however, Rollins beats down Ambrose for some reason.

On the next Raw, Ambrose cashes in his guaranteed Wrestlemania shot at Fast Lane instead (due to the beatdown on the previous Raw and saying he isn't waiting) and beats Rollins at Fast Lane and wins the title. Rollins cashes in his rematch clause the next night, but a DQ finish still leaves him with a shot, which he gets at Wrestlemania.

And there you have it. Ambrose (c) vs. Rollins vs. Reigns, WWEWHC triple threat at Wrestlemania.

But knowing WWE, they'll KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. WWE has no balls whatsoever to create anything interesting. So they'll do this:

Reigns/Ambrose become dual Rumble winners a la BretLex RR 94. Reigns vs. Ambrose at Fast Lane to determine who goes to Wrestlemania. No contest. Authority is in a bind as to what to do next night on Raw. Seth Rollins says somethin' about Triple H's mama and now Triple H makes it a triple threat. See, simple.

Okay, the Triple H's mama thing was exaggerating a little bit, but you get the point. And that's WWE's plan - Rollins (c) vs. Ambrose vs. Reigns.
Seth gets himself disqualified on purpose at Survivor Series to retain the Title. Roman comes out the next night on Raw and says I deserve a rematch, HHH makes Roman fight in a handicap match if Roman can win he gets a Title shot at TLC Roman wins.
At TLC Roman defeats Seth for the Title and is the new champion.
At Royal Rumble Dean wins the Rumble match, Seth wants his rematch and he and Roman are both counted out Roman is still champion. The next night on Raw Seth goes to HHH and says I deserve a rematch I was never pinned I should still have my rematch clause in tact HHH agrees.
At Fastlane Seth defeats Roman with outside help from the Authority.
There you have it Seth (C) vs. Dean (Rumble winner) vs. Roman (rematch clause), Roman Reigns wins at WM32,
First and foremost this is the most natural scenario and absolutely what should happen at WrestleMania 32. I don't even care if they close the show, the truth of the matter is that if those guys do indeed have a three way match, it will steal the show and nobody is even coming close. A lot of people talk about saving it for when they are bigger and I don't agree with that, mainly because now The Shield is still fucking hot and it would be natural that two years after they disbanded, they ended up making IT to the top together.

I would indeed give the title to Roman Reigns, not at Survivor Series but probably at The Royal Rumble event. Reigns wins it in January and Ambrose has got to be the winner of the Rumble Match. That's just pure storyline 101 - brothers, who have been the closest they can ever since DAY 1, are now headed for war at the Biggest Show of The Year. Now enter Seth Rollins, he's entitled to a rematch and he just cashes it in at WrestleMania and, both Reigns/Ambrose agree. It's that easy and that simple, seriously WWE writers don't even need to be original.

Don't care who wins, as long as after the match, the three of them just stand tall in the middle of the ring. The winner at the middle and all of them with their hands raised by each other. Bang, WrestleMania MOMENT!

If you're afraid that match isn't big enough for the show (WHICH IT IS) just give that damn Rock vs. Lesnar or Austin vs. Lesnar that will bring attention to the press. Seriously, it's that easy:

1. Brock Lesnar vs. WHOMEVER (Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Rock, Austin)
2. The Shield Three Way - WWE Title
3. The Undertaker v. Sting
4. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn or Daniel Bryan or Chris Jericho or Finn Balor
5. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte - Divas Title
6. US Title Match - Don't know about competitors.
7. Tag Match (inser random celebrity probably)
8. Andre's Rumble

And if you really do have to add Triple H into the mix, just think twice and don't. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins does not have the same appeal than The Shield Three Way. Seriously, what if HHH wins? Nobody wins. And what if he loses? It's not like Seth Rollins needs to fucking beat HHH, after beating Cena, Lesnar and Sting in his first WWE title reign or even being bigger than winning his first championship at a WrestleMania event.
Um, Seth retains at Survivor Series by getting DQed. Then, Seth retains at TLC in some sort of no DQ match, also, by weaseling out. Cage or something match at Royal Rumble, Roman wins, Sheamus cashes in. Dean Ambrose wins the Rumble.

At Fast Lane, Roman fights Sheamus for the belt, and wins, Seth demands his rematch, Dean gets his WrestleMania title match.
Seth Rollins is WWE Champion. Dean Ambrose wins the Royal Rumble. Roman Reigns wins the #1 Contender's Elimination Chamber at Fast Lane.

What other backstory do you need? It's the Shield! That alone is the story.

I'm not sure who should win the match itself, but it would be a great match.

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