How would you push John Morrison?


Dark Match Winner
I was unhappy at one point about the fact that John Morrison did not win the Royal Rumble but soon I realized, have I really forgotten what a good push is? A slow buildup to a huge payoff? With all of these botched main event pushes (Swagger etc.) happening in the WWE latley it seems like John Morrison could be the light at the end of the tunnel. He has been around the main event so much, making an impression felt but not winning the title that when he does win it, it will actually make sense and it will be a huge payoff.So how would you push him to his first title?

For me personally I would have him win the MITB match at Wrestlemania. From there I would have him carry the breifcase around while staying in high profile feuds until Summerslam. At Summerslam he would pull an RVD cash in where he would insert himself in the main event, facing a fresh champion. Here he would LOSE to the heel champion, getting screwed over in some way.

From there I would have him chase the title a bit, getting screwed over at every turn (the heel champion would have to have some kind of authority figure backing him. Maybe Vince Mchmahon and The Miz?). Maybe even have him get fired and go to Smackdown.

From there he would stay high profile until the Royal Rumble where he would pull the underdog victory. He would challenge the heel champion at Wrestlemania, win and cement himself has one of the top dogs of the company.

Now this kind of push would need a lot of time to go into it. Lets say the Miz is WWE champion. It would require him to be champion for Summerslam, maybe a could of months afterwards and for Wrestlemania. Another title run with Cena or Orton could be squeezed in the middle.

Or hell why not CM Punk as the champion and the Nexus pretty well having control of Raw for awhile. I would love to see something like this happen. What do you guys think?
I too was very dissapointed with John Morrison was booked at the Royal rumble. i hoped he would be in the last 4. My last 4 would have been Cena, Del Rio, Kane and John Morrison. I wanted John to come out later rather than early. They were doing that whole Nexus domination that they made Bryan and Morrison look bad.

He had some good fued going with Sheamus and I feel carried Sheamus. John is not green in the ring he is far from it. He is excitinga nd entertaining in the ring, if he could cut a good promo I feel he would be in Miz's position.

People say he should be heel, I think that is a bad idea. When watching Raw he along with Santino gets the biggest pops. Not Cena, not Orton... John Morrison gets the biggest pops.

If I could push Morrison I would put him in a match against Sheamus. Carry on their fued. Morrison is way too good to be 1/10 superstars comepting for the Money in the Bank briefcase. Anyway I think Barrett will win MITB. But back to my point, Morrison and Sheamus will put on a decent 15minute match. Have Morrison electrify the corwd with his ring work. Also make his enmterance memorable. Like Shawn Micheals. People need to remember John Morrison, I feel if booked properly a Legend will be born at Mania.

From here there are 2 ways I'd push John.


Move 2 Smackdown. He was great assett to the brand back in '09. Was top player, being pushed. I thought he'd be Wiorld Champion in 2010 if he remained on the brand.

Move him to Smackdown. Put him in a fued with Del Rio. Have him lose to Del Rio and then finally beat Del Rio. Keep booking him as a exciting in ring compitor.

Have him fued with Del Rio, Kane, Drew, Ziggler and Wade for the title.


Keep him on Raw.

After Mania have a tournament and the winner becomes No.1 cotender. Have finals at Extreme Rules. From there have him in a Triple Threat match at Over The Limit vs Cena and Miz and have him win World Title. Then do Orton vs Cena vs Morrison vs Miz at Fatal 4 Way. Build him from there.

Thats what I would do.
What i would do is somehow get himself involved in the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania. Not have him win, but have him get screwed by A-Ry or the miz somehow. And then after wrestlemania have him have the intensity that he had on raw before the Chamber when he beat the shit out of Mcguilcutty. Have the Miz and JoMo and Cena feud over the Title at Exteme rules and Miz winning and JoMo getting screwd again. Take Cena out of the picture and have a long feud where JoMo keeps coming up short, have some kind of a gimmick match like falls count anywhere at SummerSlam and have JoMo win.

I think that Morrison actually will take the WWE Title at SummerSlam(See my sig lol) but it prolly wont be like that. That would be how i woulld book it. I was actually thinking about it too. I wanted him to win the RUmble and at EC so bad, but i think it for the best. Pushing him to quick would prolly ruin him, but building him up slow is prolly the best way to go. But when he does win the Big one im gonna go abso-fuckin-lutly CRAZY!!!

Biggest John Morrison fan right here!!
I thought that they should have booked Morrison to win the chamber match, and face Miz at Wrestlemania, and it would have been a good feud going into Wrestlemania as well. Think about it 2 former partners, and great tag-team champions. Miz could say something like I also carried the team you were just the lackey or something like that.

Now, into reality, I think that Morrison should defiantly win the money in the bank match, and than from their slowly start pushing him a bit more into the main even picture. I say a feud with him and CM Punk plus the new nexus would be great, and just when their feud ends have him cash in the MITB on an "injured" Miz after like Cena or Orton or someone takes him out and keep the strap on Morrison for at least 2-3 months.

Yet, that's my point of view, you honestly don't know what the wwe creatice team is ever thinking.
I thought that they should have booked Morrison to win the chamber match, and face Miz at Wrestlemania, and it would have been a good feud going into Wrestlemania as well. Think about it 2 former partners, and great tag-team champions. Miz could say something like I also carried the team you were just the lackey or something like that.

Now, into reality, I think that Morrison should defiantly win the money in the bank match, and than from their slowly start pushing him a bit more into the main even picture. I say a feud with him and CM Punk plus the new nexus would be great, and just when their feud ends have him cash in the MITB on an "injured" Miz after like Cena or Orton or someone takes him out and keep the strap on Morrison for at least 2-3 months.

Yet, that's my point of view, you honestly don't know what the wwe creatice team is ever thinking.

Only they did that already. When Morrison first came over to Raw from Smackdown, they feuded briefly, while Miz was US champ, and the crowd just wasn't into it. The played up the whole Miz is shawn michaels to Morrison is the "jannety"

i doubt they would rehash it the same way down the road
well if it was up 2 me i would have had john morrison win the chamber and challenge miz at wrestlemania,i would have had him LOSE at mania cleanly to the miz (making miz look like a stronger champ and screwjob endings at wrestlemania are never good IMO) then i would have jomo become #1 contender on the raw after mania by beating cena,orton and sheamus in a fatal 4 way match,miz would retain the title again and i would end the fued for now,let someone else face miz then at summerslam i would have morrison back in the title picture like maybe a triple threat or fatal 4 way with a combo of cena,miz,orton, or sheamus in the match and i would have morrison WIN the title at summerslam as a huge underdog victory and have him carry the title for 3 to 4 monthes.

BUT sense cena won the chamber match sadly :)banghead:) instead at wrestlemania i would put morrison in money in the bank and have him WIN the match...whoever wins the wwe title match at mania carrys the belt until 2 or 3 ppvs later where they drop the belt to a heel champion who then carrys the title until either summerslam or survivor series (2 of the biggest ppvs for wwe) and have them issue a open challenge leading to morrison coming out and saying hes gonna accept the open challenge and cash in money in the bank like a honorable man basically pulling a RVD (which i think needs to happen again) OR before that ppv i would have morrison say theres no need to have a #1 contenders match for this pay-per-view because im cashing in money in the bank for my wwe title shot that night......bottom line is he SHOULD win money in the bank and when he cashes in have him cash in like RVD did it keeps him face no matter whos the champ at the time and it gives morrison time to improve on the mic...i like how morrison is slowly getting more intense in the ring though and WHEN he wins the WWE or WHW title ill be marking the fuck out!

PROUD John Morrison Mark right here :worship:
I would have to ask Paul Heyman. Morrison was booked so beautifully in ECW. I'd like to see him go back to that "I'm better than you" Heel Persona.
I really do see Morrison winning the WWE title this year. If he is face when he wins it it should be from either Miz or from Shamus. The MitB would be a great way to do it too. WWE doesn't need to get Morrison over fully, they just need to make him a credible champ. Which to me he is. He actually reminds me of Jeff Hardy before his first reign, except for the whole drug killing your ability thing.
I also think that this is the year for Morrison, and it will be as a face. At least at first. The way he's being used reminds me a lot of how WWE used Rob Van Dam for a long time. Upper-midcard/main event... a guy people WANT to see as champion, but just isn't getting there. Also amazing in the ring and good for crazy spots, but not a fantastic talker. If I had to guess something easy, I'd say he wins MITB either at Mania or the MITB PPV in July, and cashes in at some point to finally win it. He wins the title, gets his moment, and then turns heel shortly after losing the title (I don't see him having a long run with the belt). During his heel run after losing the WWE Championship, I'd have him feud with Cena or Orton for a while before making another push for the belt.
I was actually thinking about this, this past week and I’ve come up with this. It’s quite like yours actually. So you start by moving Morrison to SmackDown! Just so he can get away from the Raw group. Have him be a major contender for the mid-card title and be in the tag team title picture at least once more. Basically keep him relevant and elevated. With his move set you can’t not keep him as a face. So while this is going on, have him challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship but get screwed over every time (Disqualification, Interference, things of that nature). A build up of him winning the Royal Rumble and then challenging the Miz for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 30. Essentially I picture it this way because they have not had too many 1 vs 1 matches and also it will be a great “money” match if they both are able to stay relevant for Wrestlemania 30. I like this type of push because it does give the slow build you are talking about and it kind of reminds me of when Shawn Michaels first won the WWE Championship “The Boyhood Dream has come true.” There are many ways to actually get to this point; like have Morrison and his partner be tag team champions and they lose it because said partner accidently hits Morrison. Partner blames Morrison they feud for a bit, during the royal rumble his partner tries to sneak in and eliminate him, but being John Morrison he somehow stays alive. Morrison cuts a feud about how when tag teams break up people try to figure out who’s the Shawn Michaels and whose the Marty Jannetty, which he responds with “I’m always the Shawn Michaels.” He lists all the Tag Teams he’s been in to “prove” that he is. Out comes the Miz who of course does not agree, “I’ve been a 3 time WWE Champion and you have yet to win 1…” thusly building their fued.
Honestly? I wouldn't. I don't think he's main event material. I'd keep him as an upper mid-carder where I think he would be most beneficial.

But if I were to push him, I would avoid going the MitB route. It's been done just a little too often lately as a way of getting the title on somebody to bring them to the next level. It's an interesting ploy, sure, but it feels a little cheap after a while. Instead of a nice build, it's everything at once.

Given their history, I would use The Miz to work it out.

Step 1: Get the title off Miz. Doesn't really matter who gets it. Cena is as good as anyone.

Step 2: Miz loses a rematch thanks to Morrison.

Step 3: Miz and Morrison feud. Each man wins at subsequent PPVs.

Step 4: Screwjob ending between the two in determining a #1 contender.

Step 5: Triple Threat match for the title at the next PPV.

Step 6: Miz wins the title back at the triple threat.

Step 7: Morrison gets a decisive win over the former champ to become #1 contender.

Step 8: Miz beats Morrison due to something screwy (outside interference, roll up, ref bump, etc...). After the match, Morrison flips and brutalizes Miz.

Step 9: Raw GM demands a rematch. And due to the brutality, it's an I Quit match.

Step 10: Morrison makes The Miz say I Quit to win the title.

A strong, long buildup that makes Morrison fans *want* him to get the win badly. It's not an overnight success, but elevates both men along the way.

But like I said, I personally wouldn't do it. I don't think that either The Miz or Morrison should be main eventers.
With his current character, I honestly don't see Morrison moving up to main event status.

His character doesnt fit his personality. Wrestlers are at their best when their on screen characters are an exaggerated but natural extension of themselves. John may look a little bit like Jim Morrison from the doors, but he doesnt have a rock star personality. He's not Shawn Micheals. Morrison's too quiet to play a rocker. He needs a change.

Morrison SHOULD be playing a role similar to that of Sting or Edge in the late 90's. The quiet anti-hero. He doesnt have the mic skills to pull of the cocky 70's rocker. The whole Jim Morrison/Doors thing worked well enough when he was a heel in 07, but it doesnt fit a babyface.

Morrisons parkour style reminds me a lot of watching Brandon Lee jump from rooftop to rooftop in The Crow. Just remember, at one point Sting was a bleach blonde surfer dude with bright colored tights and facepaint, but he went through a little thing called "character development" until he got to a point where his character was more of a natural extension of his own personality.

In the movie The Crow, a rock star ala Jim Morrison, is killed but comes back from the dead as a superhero to seek revenge on his killers. Maybe have Nexus horribly injure or disfigure Morrison somehow, and allow his character to be written off TV for a while only to resurface with a new darker more mellow personality that better reflects John Hennigan's actual personality.
John Morrison is one of the only PURE wrestlers in the wwe right now.
Honestly Morrison should have gotten up to where he is now last year.

Wwe will put Morrison in the money in the bank hopefully he will win. Then I'm guessing a good way to feud him to the world title would be by making him cash in he loses the match and goes on those rampages when he gets angry which causes him to absoultly destroy whoever the world champ is at that time and win :).
In the movie The Crow, a rock star ala Jim Morrison, is killed but comes back from the dead as a superhero to seek revenge on his killers. Maybe have someone like Kane horribly injure Morrison and allow his character to be written off TV for a while only to resurface with a new darker more mellow personality that better reflects John Hennigan's actual personality.

How can someone being horribly injured make them mellower? Granted, the character in the movie is mellower than he is in the graphic novel, but it seems far too muddled to apply in this case.

As far as him moving back to Smackdown, I never thought he should have moved in the first place. He was improving back then but after moving to Raw seemed to get lost in the mix for a while but has done a good job in climbing the ladder again. The problem of course with him moving back now would be that less people (in the US) would be exposed to him, and I don't feel he's at the level where he will draw that many more new viewers in by himself so his success if he were to move would be dependent on who else was on the show.

I wouldn't mind him not getting the title for a while yet because I think he's over enough with the fans not to need the belt to stay relevant, and the reaction if/when he does get it by truly earning it will be immense. There have been some suggestions for him winning MITB, which could work, but it seems to suit the heels more for when they cash it in (RVD excepted). So if Morrison wins MITB, a heel turn could be on the cards.
First of all, is it confirmed they will have a Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania? They after all now have the PPV for money in the bank.

If not at Wrestlemania, then he could win one during that PPV. It also depends who the champion is and how long you want him to hold the briefcase. If Cena is champion, Morrison would have it for a while.
Honestly? I wouldnt push him to main event, im sorry i just dont see him as a main eventer despite the fact he can jump around is not impressive to me anyone can climb a EC chamber and im just speaking my thoughts like everyone else so dont jump down my throat since alot of people like JoMo, i would keep him as a mid card going for US Belt now if tag-teams were still alive i would say throw him back there but the tagteam divison is dead so i would just keep him at midcard until he changes his gimmick cause what is his gimmick really? A Shaman of sexy? A Rockstar who can jump around like a monkey? Change his gimmick and turn him heel and maybe he can work on main event.
i also desperately wanted him to win at the rumble AND the chamber, but that is only because im a huge morrison mark. i think him getting the same build up that HBK did is the right way, i think theyre making him wait to see how loyal to the company he is, because A LOT if big players have left over the years. hbk never had the best mic skills, he just adapted because he kept on getting the chance. morrison just needs that same chance to finally cement himself in the ME, not like sheamus, barrett or del rio where WWE somehow 'knew' that they will be there forever.

as for when i think he's going to win it, over the limit 2012
I agree with most that he has to go heel, because his best mic work has been as a heel, but I think he needs to turn on someone the WWE audience really likes. First R-truth, for no other reason that they push this friendship thing on and off and he can claim he's just trimming the fat or some such.

A good start to break the face ties. Likely a feud with Bryan could help both of them and further distance him from the faces. Next would have to be someone like Orton who he also has a sort of friendship with and this can turn into a feud that can work through the year. A Morrison/ Orton title match would go over pretty well and going over Orton would push him like he hasn't been pushed.

But regardless of the details, the basic idea is that he starts turning on all the faces until he runs into someone like an Orton or Cena where he could put on a great match and get over as a credible champion. The Miz and Sheamus matches have helped a lot, but Morrison will need to topple a really big face to make a true heel turn work and get him a belt.
I keep seeing that everyone thinks he should turn heel but I disagree. His moveset is so exciting it would be hard for the fans not to cheer for him. I would like him to be a laid back slacker type badass character. Look at Spike from Cowboy Bebop as an example. Actually Morrison should just completley copy Spike. That would work for him.
The WORST thing you could do would be to turn him heel. This guy has BABYFACE written all over him. His finishing move, his high flying style, people naturally want to pop and cheer for him. He's one of the few truly OVER faces they have right now.

His only problem is his character. It's not a natural extension of his own personality. It's forced. Like I said before, he'd be much better of in a role similar to the Sting Crow/ Early Edge type character. He's a superhero, not a rock star.
^ I agree. Nomatter what he does when Morrison does his high flying moves people will want to cheer for him. I think we also agree on the type of character. Watch this video:

I think John Morrison would be great as a laid back kind of guy that could also kick your ass.
My problem with that is that it hasn't really worked for other easygoing faces easily. It took Van Dam a long time in the WWE to get where we got with 2 world titles, but I think that had more to do with the emerging Vince run ECW promotion. It also took them a very long time before they let him do promos that were't just that monosyllabic cool guy. There was the run against HHH that seemed promising but that fell through.

Similar things can be said for Rey Mysterio who is a career face and I don't think would have become champion without the sympathy the world had for Eddie's death. But as a character he's pretty easygoing, albeit not in a Cowboy Bebop fashion.

Now both of these guys were certainly deserving performers, but like Morrison lacked really strong mic work. And both ran with the ball well, RVD in feuds with Cena and Edge, and Rey with Orton and Angle. So I don't doubt it could happen as a face. I just think it will take longer to happen that way, and I'd hate to see him stall the same way Swagger, Sheamus, and Kofi have.

But Evan Bourne, Kofi (other than his Orton feud), and a few others have this sort of easygoing demeanor and haven't moved much. Mind you that's not the only likely reason for the others and Morrison does have a lot more of the tools, has had more main event rub and has held numerous titles before. There's just a missing ingredient in the babyface Morrison formula.

To be fair it occured to me that uber face Jeff Hardy in the WWE was actually pretty easygoing too. It took a very long time for him but he made it as well. So it's possible but it's going to take a bit more for it to work for Morrison. Raw needs to faces aside from Cena and Morrison is the only other person with that sort of Baby face reaction outside of R-truth and Bryan. And definitely more over than either.

There has to be some way to make something from Morrison's heel work be advantageous for him as a face if they stay with that. But I stick to the heel idea, because he's done it well in the past. I wouldn't mind him staying face if he could get over this hurdle, but it's not happening right now.
If it was me i would have him face Miz if he beats Cena at mania and have Morrison defeat Sheamus on Raw one night to become #1 Contender and than have Morrison face Miz at Extreme Rules in a Extreme Rules match and win the title that way. For this to work though the wwe needs to work quickly to build him up in the next couple weeks and then build it til extreme rules.:)
I would let John Morrison be who he is now.

Keep him as a face and use his looks to appeal to the female audience.

I'd have him go on a winning streak but he NEVER gets a title shot. Finally he earns a #1 contender match, but there's a catch, he doesn't get a 1vs1 title shot if he wins. He wins this match setting up the ME at Fatal 4 Way. Finally during a fatal-4-way match...Morrison hits the Flash Kick on one opponent..we will say Miz for the sake of argument. And at the same time Punk puts R-Truth in the Anaconda Vice...Truth taps with keeps Morrison from becoming champion. This leads to Morrison feuding with Punk. I'd have him down all of the nexus members in 1on1 matches as Punk finds ways to avoid facing him. Finally the GM makes a 1 on 1 match, Punk vs Morrison at Hell in a Cell. in this match; they get some freedom to actually use the cell for spots (no need to blade, just be acrobats)...let them have 30-35 minutes in the ring...JoMo wins this match...and is champion
I would have The Miz drop the title to someone, maybe CM Punk post WM.

Then have Morrison feud with The Miz for a while. Then maybe he gets the US Title from Bryan or Seamus. And then in about 2 years, if he learns to cut a promo and a new finisher, you actually consider giving him the world title.

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