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How would you like to see Ziggler cash in his Money In The Bank?


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I'm sure this has been done and if so i apologize....but I was just wondering what your dream scenario for Dolph cashing in would be. I've heard lots of talk of it happening at the Rumble but I think that would go against current booking. If he were to do it, it would be before the Rumble match starts so why would they be playing up him starting first or second if he is already the champ. I'd like to see him last until the final four and break the record for longest Rumble appearance only to be eliminated by Sheamus in a shady kind of way. Ziggler begins freaking out screaming how Sheamus screwed him out of Wrestlemania. As the camera remains on him he begins to smile and laugh as Cole and Lawler question what just happened. The next night on Raw Ziggler cuts a promo in the middle of the ring about him breaking the record and the stealing the show at the Rumble but that Sheamus stole something even more important than that....his Wrestlemania moment. He then says that he realized that he he is Dolph Ziggler, Mr. Money in the Bank, and that he is bigger than the Royal Rumble and announces his intention to cash in his briefcase on the grandest stage of them all. Then at Elimination Chamber it comes down to Del Rio and Sheamus. Dolph gets his payback costing Sheamus the match. Booker T announces that Dolph will have the distinction of being the first man to try to cash in the Money in the Bank on two men and we have a triple threat between Ziggler, Sheamus, and Del Rio at Mania with Dolph finally winning his championship.
Indeed, I can certainly see that as a possibility, among others. Thinking through the plethora of best case scenarios, (and this isn't likely and assumes Punk wins the Royal Rumble), I would have Punk surrendering the Title to The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29, to only have the celeripedean Ziggler run into the ring in the final seconds to pin a fatigued 'Taker. I don't think that would officially end the WM streak, but I suppose to the IWC it might be technically taken that way.

If Ziggler wins the Title, he should enjoy a relatively long reign as Champion. Not over a year like Punk, but I suppose at least 5-6 months. So long as the route WWE takes isn't overly predictable, I'll greet the cashing in with great felicity.
I'd prefer something along the lines of Dolph winning the RR, and announcing he will fight the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania. Then, on the biggest stage of them all, cash in on whoever is World Heavyweight Champion after they finish their match, then walk into the main event of Wrestlemania as WHC before defeating the WWE champion to become the first person in like10 years to hold both titles at once.
Hey posters above me, do you know what the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT MITB briefcase means? It means he challenges for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Now that I got that out of the way, I think your idea is a good one. Having Ziggler announce when he is cashing in would certainly suit his character of being that good, but I don't see it happening in that way. That is because I believe that they are gearing towards an Orton-Sheamus match at Mania and I don't see a way to fit Orton on the card otherwise. I could see Del Rio winning the Elimination Chamber, only for Dolph to run in and hit him with the Zig-zag. He could do this to tease cashing in and announce that he will cash in at Mania, setting up a feud between Del Rio and Ziggler.
Personally I think the best way would be for him to "steal Rock's show", so assuming Rock wins at EC rather than the Royal Rumble, Ziggler cashes in immediately after to stop Rock "going to Wrestlemania" as champion.

I am not in favor of Ziggler holding both belts, he doesn't rate that level of push, especially over someone like Punk.
I would have Ziggler Vs Del Rio for the WHC at Mania (RR win, EC win, #1 contenders battle royal... whatever), he loses to Del Rio then he and Big E Langston give him a vicious beat down afterwards only for him to cash in his briefcase and win the WHC then and there.
I'd like Ziggler to win the Royal Rumble, fight the WHC at Mania then proceed to cash in on himself where he takes killer bumps for the next 20 minutes.
What I would personally like to see is firstly, CM Punk retain the title at Royal Rumble, then THe Rock enters the RR match at number 30, Rock wins the RR then goes on to challenge CM Punk again at WMania. Maybe throw in Cena for a Triple Threat. The Rock wins the Championship then Celebrates with the "Milllions" then out come The Shield and attack The Rock. He is left unconcious in the ring then Dolph Ziggler comes out and the ref starts the match and in a matter of minutes we have yet another New WWE World Champion, Dolph Ziggler.... What better way for Ziggler to make his mark than steal the belt off one of the most popular Superstars in WWE history on the grandest stage of them all.
According to reports, Sheamus vs Orton was a possible WHC match at Wrestlemania. I think this would be the perfect time for Ziggler to cash in. The Orton and Sheamus feud could be great, as they could really put ove how the two of them are the most intense, and dangerous fighters in the WWE, how they dominated Smackdown, and how their match could be one for the ages. However you could include Ziggler just a little. Have him seem desperate to cash in at mania. However Orton and Sheamus could almost dare him to even try it, if Ziggler wants to cash in he will have to go through both men (they're faces so they respect and stick up for each other).

Then at Wrestlemania have Ziggler stay at ringside with the hope of cashing in after the match. I would have Sheamus retain after Orton had Sheamus down, went for the punt but had second thoughts before getting hit by a Brogue kick. Then Ziggler could go to cash in immediately but Sheamus could get up and stare him down, forcing Dolph to retreat. Then Big E could come in a take down Sheamus, prompting Dolph to crawl back iunto the ring... but then Orton could get up and RKO Langston, again causing Dolph to retreat. Orton would help Sheamus up to his feet while Dolph is on the outside panicking as he's running out of time. All of a sudden Orton hits the RKO on Sheamus and leaves, allowing Ziggler to cash in.

This means that Orton is heel, with a motive that he wasn't vicious enough (next time he won't hesitate before using the punt), and more importantly Ziggler cashed in in an impressive manner. Then after feuding with and eventually going over Sheamus as a heel, Ziggler could maybe turn face as he goes on to feud with Orton.

I know that was very long thought out (and pretty sad) idea but I just thought I'd share it anyway.
Have Ziggler look strong in the Rumble then get eliminated around 25 to a returning Jack Swagger.

Have Ziggler announce on SD that he is going to do the right thing by cashing in the case the following week in the main event of SD.

The next week have Del Rio cut the opening promo. Ziggler appears on the top of the stage without the case. He can talk about how easy it would be to simply take Del Rio out and run down and but he will wait for the main event. Typical boring Ziggler promo with some corny main event set up back and forth until AJ appears from under the apron and low blows Ricardo then Big E comes from the other side and knocks out Del Rio with the case. Ziggler grabs a ref from the backstage area and runs down to the ring.

Just as the bell rings Sheamus' music hits and the camera focuses on him doing his sprint to the ring we've seen many times before. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp out of no where Big E takes Sheamus down with monster clothes line. Ziggler pins Del Rio for an easy 1-2-3.

Later in the show Booker T approaches Ziggler to congratulate him. He further announces that he still has to fight in the announced main event of the show against Del Rio for the title. Ziggler argues, "Card subject to change Booker, card subject to change!". Ziggler and an "injured" Del Rio put on a long back and forth main event. The end of the match is a clusterfuck with interference from Big E but Jack Swagger comes to make the save which ultimately help give Del Rio the win and the title back.

Ziggler has his second title reign that lasts less then a day. He is humiliated and spends the rest of WM season looking weak. Losing in the EC and then losing to Swagger at EC. He spends the next couple months falling apart. Once he hits rock bottom, Ziggler starts a building toward a face turn that is built around "redemption". He ultimately wins the WHC as a face at Summerslam. The rest of his title reign is built around him feuding with every guy that AJ and/or Vicky can throw at him.
My ideal scenario would be to have Ziggler win the Rumble, challenge Del Rio at WM, ultimately lose that match but then cash in his MITB briefcase after Big E jumps Del Rio. Ziggler cashes in and scores the win, thereby being the only star in WWE history to have two consecutive World Championship matches at WM. It would also make him the only star to be both RR winner and MITB winner simultaneously. Even if Ziggler wins the Rumble, he'll still have his MITB briefcase to cash in at some point whenever he feels like it.

It's something that's never been done before, it'd generate a good deal of buzz and would ultimately put more heat on Ziggler while making Del Rio the sympathetic babyface that got screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship at the biggest show of the year.
I wish he would have stopped carrying the case around months ago, never mentioning it either. Come Royal Rumble he wins as the #1 entrant. Goes on to win the WHC in an earlier match at WrestleMania.

Cena-Rock II for the WWE title is the show closer at WM, after a 30 min match, The Rock's hand is raised, the crowd chanting "Rocky Rocky Rocky"... ♫♫I'm Here to Show The World♫♫

Ziggler comes down with a ref and a briefcase. a 5-10 min match goes on The Rock vs Dolph Ziggler. Then after a counter of Rock Bottom, ZIG ZAG!! 1...2...3!!!

Ziggler ends the show at the ramp holding both titles up, as Triple H did at WM 18.
I think that Dolph Ziggler cashing in at Elimination Chamber would be a good idea. Firstly, if Alberto Del Rio defeats The Big Show at Royal Rumble, which I believe he will, he can go in to Elimination Chamber, potentially winning the Elimination Chamber Match, only to have Dolph Ziggler cash in. But, this is where the word "dream" comes into play. If Daniel Bryan won the Royal Rumble Match, he could go on to face Ziggler for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 29. It would be much deserved for both guys to have a good outing at WrestleMania 29 after being disappointed two years in a row at WrestleMania. They would have a brilliant match, a great way to get Ziggler going with his reign, as well as giving Bryan the match he should have had last year.

Just my opinion.
I wish he would have stopped carrying the case around months ago, never mentioning it either. Come Royal Rumble he wins as the #1 entrant. Goes on to win the WHC in an earlier match at WrestleMania.

Cena-Rock II for the WWE title is the show closer at WM, after a 30 min match, The Rock's hand is raised, the crowd chanting "Rocky Rocky Rocky"... ♫♫I'm Here to Show The World♫♫

Ziggler comes down with a ref and a briefcase. a 5-10 min match goes on The Rock vs Dolph Ziggler. Then after a counter of Rock Bottom, ZIG ZAG!! 1...2...3!!!

Ziggler ends the show at the ramp holding both titles up, as Triple H did at WM 18.

I love the morons who think this is possible. :disappointed:

Piggybacking on the fact that he can only cash in on the WHC...

My ideal scenario would be to have Ziggler win the Rumble, challenge Del Rio at WM, ultimately lose that match but then cash in his MITB briefcase after Big E jumps Del Rio. Ziggler cashes in and scores the win, thereby being the only star in WWE history to have two consecutive World Championship matches at WM. It would also make him the only star to be both RR winner and MITB winner simultaneously. Even if Ziggler wins the Rumble, he'll still have his MITB briefcase to cash in at some point whenever he feels like it.

While that's an interesting scenario, Jack, it makes Ziggler seem as if he has no confidence in his own abilities. Why challenge for the title he can just cash in on? If he wins the Rumble, the smarter, confident man goes after the WWE Title, knowing he can beat the WWE Champion and also get the WHC with the briefcase.

Personally, I think it'd be best if he just cashed in at WM29. It's never been done before and will start a good storyline just as the part-timers go away.
Here is one that I am sure people aren't going to like but I could see Dolph cashing it in at RR and winning while Cena wins the RR and spot at WM. Obviously with the feud with Dolph he would pick him instead of The Rock potentially setting a chance for Punk/Rock at WM where the loser of RR wins at WM instead of setting up Rock/Cena II which seems to lose steam by the second.
I would like Ziggler to win the rumble, or by other means, wind up facing the WHC at WM. I want him to lose the match and then cash in and win the title.
I was hoping to see him cash-in on the 20 Year Anniversary episode of RAW but that didn't happen of course. I remember somebody mentioning an idea about Ziggler competing for the WHC in the Elimination Chamber but he gets eliminated in the match, and then after Del Rio retains the title and is exhausted like hell, Ziggler runs back out with Big E and they take out Del Rio and he cashes-in on him and finally wins the belt. I can't remember whose idea was that, but I like that one. I'd like to see Ziggler walk into Mania as the champion, defeat Del Rio, and walk back out still the champ, it would add some credibility to his title reign if he retains at the big one.

I think somebody on this thread answered with Ziggler announcing that he's cashing-in on the champion at the next pay-per-view, that's kind of a babyface move. It's been reported that there are plans to turn Ziggler face, so that could be the first step to him turning face. Come match time, him and the champion could have a good, respectable match with each other which ends with Ziggler beating the champ, clean, then after the match the former champ, exhausted, extends his hand out to Ziggler, letting him know that he's earned his respect, Dolph hesitates for about a minute before he finally accepts his offer for a handshake, which would be the second step to him turning face. He could officially turn face the next night by alligning himself with Ric Flair or something.

Either one of those scenarios is good with me, I think I prefer the latter more than the former though.
I was hoping to see him cash-in on the 20 Year Anniversary episode of RAW but that didn't happen of course. I remember somebody mentioning an idea about Ziggler competing for the WHC in the Elimination Chamber but he gets eliminated in the match, and then after Del Rio retains the title and is exhausted like hell, Ziggler runs back out with Big E and they take out Del Rio and he cashes-in on him and finally wins the belt. I can't remember whose idea was that, but I like that one. I'd like to see Ziggler walk into Mania as the champion, defeat Del Rio, and walk back out still the champ, it would add some credibility to his title reign if he retains at the big one.

I think somebody on this thread answered with Ziggler announcing that he's cashing-in on the champion at the next pay-per-view, that's kind of a babyface move. It's been reported that there are plans to turn Ziggler face, so that could be the first step to him turning face. Come match time, him and the champion could have a good, respectable match with each other which ends with Ziggler beating the champ, clean, then after the match the former champ, exhausted, extends his hand out to Ziggler, letting him know that he's earned his respect, Dolph hesitates for about a minute before he finally accepts his offer for a handshake, which would be the second step to him turning face. He could officially turn face the next night by alligning himself with Ric Flair or something.

Either one of those scenarios is good with me, I think I prefer the latter more than the former though.

I just don't see how that makes sense with the feud DZ has started with Cena. As I said earlier, it makes more sense that Ziggler cashes in after Show loses to ADR and Show hits him with the WMD. Then Cena wins the Rumble while coming out the next night and declaring he is coming for Dolph at WM.

That way if Punk loses they can hold steam with Rock/Punk at Mania where Punk would possibly win it back getting his "respect".
I would like to see Dolph Ziggler cash in his Money In the Bank briefcase for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. We have yet to see a cash-in at the biggest show of the year, so why not give it a try this year? I've predicted that Ziggler wins the Royal Rumble so he can potentially challenge for both world titles, but if he does not win the Rumble then he can still hold onto the briefcase long enough to still make it onto the Wrestlemania card to try to win a world title. He should get his Wrestlemania moment that way, as long as he wins.

If he doesn't cash-in at Wrestlemania, he could always hold it until this year's Money In the Bank PPV event. He has an entire year to use his title shot, so in theory he could wait as long as this summer if he (kayfabe) wanted to. We haven't seen someone wait the entire year after winning a MITB briefcase either. I'd rather see him cash in at Wrestlemania personally, but this is the next best option. Cashing in at either the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber might not be bad ideas either. As long as it's not the way RVD did it in 2006 or a loss like Cena earlier this year.
I just don't see how that makes sense with the feud DZ has started with Cena. As I said earlier, it makes more sense that Ziggler cashes in after Show loses to ADR and Show hits him with the WMD. Then Cena wins the Rumble while coming out the next night and declaring he is coming for Dolph at WM.

That way if Punk loses they can hold steam with Rock/Punk at Mania where Punk would possibly win it back getting his "respect".

Started? The feud between Ziggler & Cena is over now, their Steel Cage match on the 20 year episode of RAW was pretty much the end of their feud. They haven't had anything to do with each other since. They'll probably do something together in the Royal Rumble match but that's about it. I think Ziggler will be moving on now to ADR & the World Heavyweight Title scene whether he cashes-in at Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber. They teased a feud between the two on the Smackdown after the 20 yr RAW.
Ziggler winning the Rumble, challenging for the WWE title and then, after winning it, cashing in on the WHC and winning that as well. That would be awesome, but admittedly, it won't happen.
I would actually like to see him lose once he cashes in. I don't think he is as damn good as he thinks he is. Solid midcard guy, but not main event material. Flopping around like a catfish on a riverbank to sell moves just doesn't make a dude a main event superstar to me. I would like him to cash in preferably on the Big Show and lose his match faster than Daniel Bryan lost to Sheamus. Then have Big Show call him Billy Gunn on "accident," that would be great.
HE needs to win the royal rumble for it all to work if you ask me. Dolph has been the ,most underated, underutilize talent on the roster and I don't wanna hear your ZACK RYDER is that person because he is not. But Dolph Ziggler needs to win the Rumble as I was saying and then continue with the winning and challenge for the WWE title at wrestlemania and then soon as the WHC is crowned at wrestlemania and continue riding that wave into a tsunami and Capture the WWE title at the end of the night and steal the show. you could think I am crazy, but Ziggles is going to need that big push not just for him but because you hear the crowd calling for it. You can even give him a big losing streak again after the rumble knowning he crontols his own destiny the losing streak would be a way for him to get the champion without any heel ties or attachments. its sound crazy far fetched but it is a good valid plan
My personal opinion for Dolph Ziggler cashing in his MITB briefcase lies with the tactics. He has in no way been positioned for a face-turn and therefore, he needs to cash it in using some kind of slimy tactic (cashing in the briefcase for anything other than a straightforward match is inherently a heel-tactic in and of itself). Del Rio is working well as the Latino champion right now and CM Punk is tied up with the biggest star in wrestling. Those two points of reference are working against Ziggles at the moment, so all predictions of him cashing in at the RR seem like the same old wishful thinking. Ziggler stands to gain a lot from enduring over an hour of Rumble-wrestling, but strapping him with a Rumble victory would seem like overkill for a guy the company is hesitant to put over in clean fashion over made guys in the first place. I don't like being asked to buy him as the Rumble winner when he couldn't defeat John Cena in a steel cage with outside help and his entire arsenal.

Anyway, I digress. Back to my vision for Dolph. I believe a cash-in at the Elimination Chamber would suffice. Dolph will almost certainly be involved in the WHC/SD chamber match, so why not shake things up at the middle-child PPV (EC) and set-up a multi-man match-up at WM29? A cash-in at the end of a brutal chamber match that sees Del Rio once again defying the odds to win would surely piss the crowd off and set-up a good revenge feud for Del Rio and anyone else who wants to get their hands on DZ.

Multi-man matches are largely frowned upon by hardcore fans, but a triple-threat or a fatal four-way to open the show in NJ between Ziggler, Del Rio, Sheamus, and Randy Orton would surely be a hot preview of what's to come. Unless Orton and Sheamus quickly find a way into the strap to prepare for the rumored match-up, I think the WWE should go the former route.
I don't wanna see him cash it in.
I think it would bring around a good way of him becoming a face.
Have him forget that it only lasts for a year. He explains that AJ had been telling him that back at MITB. The contracts had been made to run indefinitely. So he held onto it too long and has it taken off of him. Where he fights for a chance to have a shot at the title.
And as it turns out. AJ and Big E had this plan all along. To screw dolph over and leave him with nothing as big E wins this years MITB.

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