How would you have booked Goldberg's WWE run?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Since Goldberg was in the company for the better part of a year from 2003-04 how would you have booked Goldberg's run in WWE during the Ruthless Aggression Era?

Personally speaking I would not have had Goldberg been on a brand but have him be the only superstar that shows up on both brands RAW and Smackdown basically he would be like how Brock is now but with a few differences

I would have debuted Goldberg as a heel but transitions into a babyface or even have him as a badass tweener who goes undefeated and work him on limited dates but as for the superstars that he would encounter on his run would be:

1- The Rock (Backlash 2003)
2- Chris Jericho (Bad Blood 2003)
3- Shawn Michaels (SummerSlam 2003)
4- Brock Lesnar (Survivor Series 2003)
5- Kurt Angle (Royal Rumble 2004)
6- The Undertaker (Dead Man return gimmick) as final opponent (WrestleMania 20) (Streak vs Streak)
Bring in him only for summerslam and wrtestlemaina. It seems to me that is all the WWE universe smarks only care about, stupid pointless talent that wrestles once or twice a year.

Forget all the real talent like Balor, Rollins, Owens, Ambrose...nah those Lesnar's, Takers, batistas, blah blah boring. So Goldberg would be no different. Just a quiet horrible promo doing big man....woot woot.
I had no problem with Goldberg's WWE run. I don't see why he complains about it endlessly. He whines because WWE didn't book him as invincible the way WCW did. Goldberg was boring as all fuck in WCW. WWE had him work a little harder for his wins, and they actually meant something. In the year he was back, he didn't take one clean loss, unless you count the Elimination Chamber, where a sledgehammer is perfectly legal. They also had him completely squash Triple H, not once but twice.

So, I'd have booked his run pretty much exactly the same.
Goldberg should have known why he was hired in the first place, guys like Kevin Nash, Goldberg & Scott Steiner were signed to at some stage, put over Triple H.

There isn't really much more you could change about his WWE run.
I would've started him a new streak in WWE which would've culminated in a match with either Brock (a much better one) or the returning Undertaker at WM 20.

I would've started it out with someone big coming out, either the Rock or someone with a big name, and exclaiming how Goldberg's streak in WCW was bullshit and that if he had of been in WWE, he would've gotten his ass beat on his first night. I would have that going on for weeks and weeks until finally, Goldberg comes out and challenges the person. I would keep his streak going until WM 20 where he loses to either Brock or 'Taker, then I would have him booked somewhat normally after that.

When he came in and instantly started losing routinely to Triple H, it hurt his character IMO. So I would spend time to build him some new mystique and then I would start booking him normally. I mean, he wouldn't lose week in and week out. I would just make sure that it meant something when someone beat him. That's where WCW wasted his streak. Sure Nash beat him and that one victory should have given Nash enough heat to go for 6 months to a year easily. He should've came out night after night and bragged about it and talked about it. Instead, he instantly drops the title back to Hogan with the 'Finger Poke of Doom'. You don't kill that kind of program that the company spent over a year building with a scenario that you and your friends find funny. Nash was a shit booker and the initial Goldberg defeat was wasted by him.
He should've been on Smackdown, then he could've just trudged along and faced guys that would've complemented his style more. Big Show initially, Benoit, Undertaker and it could've ended the same with him facing Lesnar.
Have Brock and Heyman continued to do what they do and that is disrespect the wwe, Steph and Mick Foley, maybe a F5 to a few referees and than let Stephanie have no choice but to hire Goldberg (spearing Mick Foley, might get a few pop) Goldberg isn't a face or a heel, he's there to market the WWE, and cut his promos short, saying and bragging he owns a victory of Brock (which he does) have them cost each other matches, interference's, losing title matches, and end it and Wrestlemania, one of the biggest PPV's
its very simple, Goldberg comes in, has his Rock feud, has his Jericho feud, wins the belt from HHH at Summerslam and loses it clean to an up and comer at Wrestlemania. Boom. Simple. Thats his year in WWE; book him uber dominant a la WCW and propel somebody to the stratosphere with a Wrestlemania win over Goldberg.

At that time you have Benoit, Guerrero, Angle, RVD, Booker T, Brock, Cena, Batista, Orton, Undertaker as viable contenders to choose from.
its very simple, Goldberg comes in, has his Rock feud, has his Jericho feud, wins the belt from HHH at Summerslam and loses it clean to an up and comer at Wrestlemania. Boom. Simple. Thats his year in WWE; book him uber dominant a la WCW and propel somebody to the stratosphere with a Wrestlemania win over Goldberg.

At that time you have Benoit, Guerrero, Angle, RVD, Booker T, Brock, Cena, Batista, Orton, Undertaker as viable contenders to choose from.

I think the plan was for Lesnar to beat Goldberg. And that what the big match, too. And it was already in motion since the Rumble. So in hindsight, they couldn't have known that Lesnar was gonna leave.

The only problem Goldberg's run had was that he had taken a pin. He should have been unpinned going into WrestleMania. Simple as that. He should have won the belt. Then having to vacate it due to injury caused by Lesnar. Boom, Lesnar vs Goldberg at WrestleMania.

Say whatever you want, Lesnar vs Goldberg was the big match. They didn't know it was going to be shit and they didn't know Lesnar was gonna walk.
Would have simply built him for a year to lose to Brock at Wrestlemania. This is of course without knowing that Lesnar would walk out that same Wrestlemania but that would have been the plan. I'd have made some changes to his PPV schedule though.

Backlash - v The Rock (same as), Goldberg disappears from TV after he wins though
Bad Blood - He doesn't fight Jericho and instead just runs in at the end of Nash v Triple H to spear HHH, this marks the return of Goldberg to TV
Summerslam - Same Elimination Chamber, goes the same way but Goldberg wins the title in the end
Unforgiven - v Triple H, Goldberg wins
Survivor Series - Goldberg captains Team Austin to victory over a Triple H captained Team Bischoff
Armageddon - v Kane, Goldberg wins but Triple H attacks with a sledgehammer at the end
Royal Rumble - v Triple H, Goldberg wins, at this event Brock and Goldberg bump shoulders backstage
No Way Out - Runs in to cost Brock the match against Eddie after Brock spends weeks running him down on Smackdown.
Raw after No Way Out - Brock attacks Goldberg, costs Goldberg the title to Triple H
Wrestlemania - Brock beats Goldberg
His run was ok. The only change really should have been with a win in the Chamber match as SummerSlam 03 giving him a longer WHC run.

What were those awful black and white shorts he wore through this run after his match with The Rock? He should have maintained his WCW gear, presentation is important in wrestling.

Another improvement might have been offering him a cash bonus at WrestleMania 20 to look and act like he gave a crap. Maybe then Brock vs Berg wouldn't have been so bad.

If we really want to fantasize, a way bigger move would have been bringing him in for the invasion, but that's been talked about to death.

Goldberg's run was too short to really matter. Bill didn't give a damn about wrestling and wasn't willing to stay on longer. If he had it would have been far more interesting. Would he have gone to Smackdown? We could have seen matches with Angle, JBL, Undertaker, Eddie and others. If he stayed on Raw there were plenty like Benoit and Michaels to face. Orton was debuting soon as well as John Cena.
Or another way I would book Goldberg's run would be:

Backlash 2003- Goldberg vs Scott Steiner (Win)

Bad Blood 2003- Goldberg vs Jericho & Christian (Handicap Match) (Win)

SummerSlam 2003- Elimination Chamber Match; Goldberg wins the World Heavyweight Championship last eliminating Triple H in the Chamber (Win)

Unforgiven 2003- Goldberg vs Triple H (Win); Goldberg successfully retains the World Heavyweight Championship on an assist from HBK who costs Triple H the match reigniting the HHH/HBK feud (Win)

Survivor Series 2003- Goldberg vs Unmasked Kane (Win)

Armageddon 2003- Goldberg vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H (Triple Threat Match World Heavyweight Championship; Triple H pins HBK to win back the title; Goldberg is never pinned) (Loss)

Royal Rumble 2004- Goldberg vs Triple H II (Last Man Standing Match World Heavyweight Championship; if Goldberg loses he can't get another title shot as long as HHH is champion) (Win)

RAW episode 2004- Night after Royal Rumble 2004 (Goldberg vs Triple H III) (Final Encounter) (Goldberg gets beaten down by Batista, Flair and Orton but also Lesnar shows up on this RAW costing Goldberg the title in the same match) (Loss)

WrestleMania 20- Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar (Win)

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