How Would You Get Over?

As a big dude and a huge fan of Tazz, I would basically be a suplex machine.

As far as the gimmick goes, I would start off with run-ins of lower midcard matches and destroy both competitors. Keep this up for about 3 weeks without saying a word, announcers are trying to find out who I am.

Seperately at the next PPV I interupt whatever Intercontinental Championship match and once again clear the ring. At this point, 4 weeks in, I've taken out 8 guys...maybe 10 if I left some random people destroyed backstage.

Next night on RAW, I hit the music(old school Bundy style), take the mic from Justin Roberts then nail him with a clothesline. Then this...

"I'm sure you're wondering who I am. I know you're asking why am I here. (Random WWE Champion), you have what I desire. You hold in your possesion the WWE Championship. What you carry around like a prize, I covet. The WWE Championship means you are the best wrestler in this company, in this world. And you (random WWE Champ) are not worthy to carry it.

Now, I'm aware that I am new here. I understand that there is a process to how things are done around here. I know that I would need to prove myself to the people in power in the back and the people in power sitting pretty in WWE Headquarters; that I am the ONLY one worthy of carrying that WWE Title. But who I don't need to prove myself YOU. The "WWE Universe". See I don't need to prove anything to you because you will never accept me. I'm not your typical pretty boy, I don't flip around like I have no sense in this ring to entertain you. I'm not some master of a million holds.

I just hurt people. And so far without having a match I have single-handedly taken out 10 of your beloved 'Superstars'. And I will keep taking them out until there is only one person left. And that's you (Random WWE Champ). See it's simple, process of elimination...I will end the careers of everyone here until I take the Intercontinental Tilte, and then the WWE Title. Because I don't kiss ass, I won't play any political games, I will just hurt people until there is literally NOBODY LEFT. Will it take time? Yes, but I have nothing else to do...but erase everybody off this roster. A virtual...GENOCIDE."

You'll later learn tha Genocide is the name. I will then go on the most impressive losing streak possible by getting DQ'd or my wins being reversed for the amount of violence a dish out. But the midcard face champion (IC) challenges me by the PPV and he gets it.

After that it really writes itself. Hopefully when I cut that promo a heel is the WWE Champ, but he loses it to a 'Cena/Punk/Orton' face by the time I challenge for it.
Height: 6'4.5"
Weight: 170
Bench Max: 165
Flexibility: Sucks
Athleticism: Well, I got chosen as Outstanding Male Athlete in High School
Attitude: I can be a tool if I want, but also polite
Show Name: Vander Kolk (last name split up)

Now, looking at all of that I have the height and athleticism, but my weight, strength and flexibility are all things I would need to work on. But after I get that out of the way here's what I would hope to be:

A good guy is in dire need of a tag partner for a championship match. He says I'm an old friend and brings me out to be his partner. After sitting in the corner letting him take a beating, I tag myself in just as he hits his finisher. I hit my finisher, which I want to be the Killswitch/Unprettier but will think of something else if I get big. We have it locked up and tag champs for sure! Then, after getting to my feet, I give a big-boot to my partner's face, lay down and put my knocked out opponent's arm over me for a three count. I roll out of the ring, throw my partner back in the ring, hit the Killswitch on him. Grab the mic and talk about how he doesn't deserve to be my partner. He goes on to find another guy to be his partner and wins the belts. I then go on to search for a tag partner, but find out none are worth my time. Since I want the tag titles so bad, I opt to challenge them to a handicapped match for the titles. I win at the next PPV and become the first ever solo tag champion.

I have never seen anyone pin themselves, I'm sure it's happened somewhere at some time but I've never seen it. I have never even heard of anyone winning tag belts as a singles wrestler. Both could put me over as a heel, especially pinning myself and turning on the guy who brought me in the business the day of my debut. I would then work my way with the belts, probably by cheating, to get more heat
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Build: Stocky and strong.
Character: Ginger

First and foremost, I would let VKM know that I have never, and will never use any form of anabolic steroid. :)

As for my character, I am a real life ginger and have been on the wrong end of "Kick a ginger day." There will be vignettes of me getting beat on in school and left a bloody mess. The years have passed, the ginger is all grown up and HE WANTS HIS REVENGE!!!! He will get it by dominating the WWE and have people pay for the arduous sins of my past.

I would come out to "Run To The Hills" by Iron Maiden. I won't be the most technical guy, but a freight train looking to run over everyone in my path, and more often than not i'd get DQ'ed. After many weeks of being DQ'ed i'd start turning to the refs and accuse them of being participants in my previous beatings and go on a tear, getting 'fined' in the process. This would turn to a whole 'the world is against me and the gingers' storyline and i'd start showing more psychopathic tendencies, accusing other wrestlers of looking like someone from my 'past' and jumping anyone I could, heel or face whenever I got the chance.

My first PPV would be after this where I get a shot with Zack Ryder who would be the current US champ in a tag team titles match . I would accuse him of beating me in the past where he'd come back with "Are you serious bro?" then attempt to make me one of his broski's of the week. Since I'd finally get someone who liked me for who I am, I'd accept, start watching his back and tag with him for a few weeks. As far as the PPV match goes, an inadvertant slip up with Ryder knocking me off the apron would lead to my psychopathic self re-emerging and nailing him with every shot I could. Of course the tag champs would retain and that would set up Ryder vs. Ginger at Summerslam in a no dq match for the US title.

After giving the Long Island Douchebag the beating of his life, I gain the US title and then we go from there, possibly as an understudy of Sheamus.
Love this topic.

To answer the main question, I'll ask one of my own - why is Zack Ryder so over? Because he's a dork who listens to pop music and says cheesy funny things. Zack Ryder is a persona we can all relate to in our own ways. There's a bit of Zack Ryder in all of his fans (this could go further with why little kids like Rey Mysterio, why Canadians love Bret Hart, why so many loved Austin & HBK, why we all hate Vince, etc.)

So that brought me to my character. It has to be something that a lot of people can relate to but hasn't been touched upon yet, something new and different than the norm. As nerdy as it may sound, I would be a heel anti-globalization protestor (bear with me, I can explain lol).

The WWE would start me off with various promos at protests, me holding a placard and spewing anti-corporate nonsense, slow build from week to week, eventually I would be protesting the WWE / at WWE events, particularly Vince McMahon (or a upper midcarder who's over at the time). I would be getting signatures for petitions and telling the viewers how WWE is contributing to globalization and is ruining America. Heel announcer (Michael Cole, I guess) would sympathize with my struggle, saying that I have a point yada yada yada.

Eventually the upper midcarder would cut a John Cena-like in-ring promo about how this is the greatest company in the world, the building block for the wrestling industry, how everyone is here because of how great this company is, all that BS (basically a promo about my character without referring to my character). Same episode, they would do another promo with that wrestler walking to his car in the parking lot, and we bump into each other - I try to get him to sign my petition and he punches me. They end the promo with me on the ground, sitting up, staring at him with my blood boiling as the babyface walks off.

Insert the babyface in an IC / US title match. Ref takes a bump, babyface is about to do his finishing move and win the title. Out I come from the stands and give him my deadly finishing move (what it is and name to be determined). Security drags me away from the ring to the backstage area as I stomp on him, close up on how angry I am. Heel wins match and title, ref never sees a thing.

Next Raw, face does another in-ring promo, talking about how he got jumped from behind and the title was so close he could almost taste it, and also thanking the fans for trying to point out to the ref what happened. He loves the fans of the WWE and he's out there to perform for them every single night. Except one fan. There's one fan he hates. There's one fan he despises. The WWE Universe knows that one guy has been railing against the WWE and its fans for weeks now. And the babyface has a score to settle. I interrupt him mid-promo and stand on the stage to introduce myself (as of yet, nobody knows what my name is, gives me a bit more mystery and mystique). I will cut the best promo of my life - talking about how I attacked the babyface because he represents whats wrong with the WWE and the WWE represents whats wrong with America. I would cut down any fans cheering me by saying those fans who are cheering me are part of the problem, because they don't care about starving Ethiopians or child workers in China. Babyface would defend the fans saying that they're hard working Americans who come to the WWE shows because they love wrestling, they love entertainment and because they love America, but I'm just an asshole. Cue *Ass-Hole* chant. I would get increasingly angry and start working the fans by telling them they're wrong, they're part of the problem, WWE is part of the problem and the babyface is part of the problem. Babyface would get a closing shot in at me and then I close the promo by saying after I'm done kicking your ass, I'm going to kick everyone's ass in Bumfuck, Oklahoma (or whatever town we're in). I run down to the ring and we trade punches with the face getting the better of me and *almost* hitting me with his finisher as I escape the ring.

From here, every week I would either cut a backstage promo or while I'm walking to the ring, I would have a microphone talking about how bad the American economy is and how its the fans' own fault that they don't have jobs because they're fat and lazy and American (no music, yet). I would go over the enhancement talents and openers to build my momentum as a wrestler. While the feuding babyface is wrestling his matches, I would come on the stage mid-match in the first week or two then the big screen and rant about what I've already been going on about - costing the face his matches. The payoff would be at a PPV where I get a tainted win over the face, maintaining his credibility while giving me more heat.

I can totally continue for hours, but suffice it to say, I would continue that feud for a couple months, and then start feuding with the US champ (must be babyface). Win the US title, then go on for 4 or 5 months cutting promos about the US while the US champ. Over 9-10 months, I hope to drop it, win it back a couple times (so I can call myself a 3-time US champ) and then move on to bigger feuds with main eventers as my character evolves into hating other things but always having an anti-American, anti-WWE bend to it.

After a couple of years, when my character starts becoming stale and people forget my original promo, I can start talking about how I'm fighting for the people and I've always been fighting for the people. I would do a face turn by saving a babyface from a mutual hated enemy (perhaps someone who screwed me in the Royal Rumble). Tag match at WrestleMania, I go over on the heel team, I fight the same heel in follow-up PPVs, move up to main event heels, and hopefully win the title by Summerslam.
I would ask "what's my character?" and put 100% of my energy into that character. Hopefully I'm technically sound and confident enough in the ring and on the mic to not look like I'm trying to remember what I'm supposed to do. Then I'd go home and look in the mirror and try to find a way to personalize every single action I do. How I walk, how I talk, etc.

The MOST important thing a pro wrestler can do (beyond not fucking up and killing someone in the ring) is being so good at your character that people believe in you. Once they believe you are the character and not some guy pretending, everything else is easy. I'd have mannerisms, a speaking tone, a walk, certain facial expressions. I'd really focus on how I sell moves such as "when" in the match "who" I'm selling for and "why" I'm selling that way. How a guy sells goes a long way in making a match believable. If you aren't selling realistically, it's like seeing the effects in a movie. A guy takes a top rope piledriver and then does a shitty "FIGHTING SPIRIT" spot and gets right back up, it takes the mainstream american audience out of it because they go "fuckin bullshit fake ass wrestling that didn't hurt if he's already up".

That's an extreme example, but look at all the guys who have gotten really really over. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and a variety of movesets. The TWO things they all do well is sell and carry a character. With those two things people will buy into your story and care about you whether you're telling a simple Hulk Hogan story "good vs evil, bad guy beats up good guy, good guys fights back and wins" or whether you're John Cena being the anti-hero to the anti-hero generation fighting for what you believe in, telling complex stories in the ring.

No storyline can get you over, no amount of impressive wins can get you over, if you aren't selling well and aren't believable as your character. I should be able to say anything in a tone and you know who I'm immitating. If I said "I like apples" in Hogan's voice, you'd know who i was immitating, same thing with Rhodes or Austin or rock. I should also be able to silhouette (spelling?) a move or walk and you know, based on the mannerisms, who it is. THAT is carrying a believable character. Not believable as in "people are actually like Ultimate Warrior" but believable as in outside of wrestling, you believe Ultimate Warrior is batshit crazy.

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