How Would You Feel If Angle Left TNA?

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I would prefer if he left TNA, but not to help TNA, to help WWE. If he went to the WWE, it would be great because it feels like he has been gone forever. He seems out of place to in TNA, like he did on the ECW brand when he was there. It would probably hurt TNA for the short term because they lost one of their major names, but could help in the longer run because they would give someone else the spot. I think if Sting left it would hurt more, why because I feel he is the reason many wrestlers jump ship to TNA.
he does what's best for him and his family??????????????what the hell his wife has been banging AJ, for the past few months.

You do understand that wrestling is not real and that was part of a storyline?

Moving on. People need to understand this is a business. I would not feel "betrayed" if he left. Also, of course he badmouthed WWE! For a number of reasons; I'm sure he was angry at them for one, it's an easy way to get TNA fans on your side, and it also attempts to make it look like TNA is a better choice. It's a business and it's what people do. If TNA could become a true competitor like WCW was at one point I guarantee you would see tons of names jumping back and forth all the time. That's what used to happen and the only reason it doesn't happen that much now is because TNA is smaller.

Personally I would like Angle to stay in TNA because I would like TNA to grow. I'm sure if he went to WWE he could be featured in a bunch of interesting feuds but I think the industry is better off with him in TNA.

Let's forget this is wrestling for a second and look at this like any other business. Let's assume the following:
Mr Angle works at company A for a ton of money but gets no time off. He then leaves for company B because it still pays well and offers a lot of time off, of course he is angry at company A for "mistreating' him in his eyes and talks about that (especially since it will be beneficial to his current company). After a few years of working in company B he gets divorced which certainly will cost him some cash, but he's also been able to rest more in the few years. Company A calls and offers him 5x or more his current salary plus a reduced schedule plus the opportunity to be one of the top management guys (i.e. main event guys). At this point Mr. Angle decides he will only be working for a few more years and it would be in his best interest to make as much money as he can right now and thus rejoins company A.

Does it look a little different that way? The view is a little skewed due to the fact that he is public and provides (or not) entertainment for a large amount of people take his decisions personally.
TNA doesnt need angle at all, neither does the WWE, the fact that TNA marks keep saying hat TNA would be nothing without angle is silly, think about it, TNA came to prominence before they hired angle, and have garnered the highest ratings due to Foley and Sting not Angle, the fact is that Angle leaving TNA wouldnt mean anything or Hurt TNA in any way, the only thing it would do is destroy any credibility that Angle has, because he bashed WWE alot.
put it this way what match do you want to see more
angle vs taker - angle vs sting (again)
angle vs cena - angle vs joe (again)
angle vs jeff - angle vs AJ (again)

though i like tna and think angle along with aj and samoa and the xdivision are the best parts i think he should go back to wwe and finish up. christian did it and i think he should too.
I would actually be glad. Dont get me wrong Angle is great and has been great for TNA but they really should focus on their homegrown talent, styles, lethal, sabin etc (yes i know there not just frm tna). Angle leaving could be a blessing in disguise. Have some of the younger talent be pushed up.- side note - for some reason i can see angle showing up in ROH or MMA
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