How would you destroy the WWE?


Lovable Curmudgeon
Let's say you are an evil spirit and you hate wrestling, especially the WWE. You take possession of the mind of Vincent Kennedy McMahon and your plan is to drive his company out of business. But since you have a twisted sense of humor you want to do it through booking storylines and hiring and firing of talents, not by, say, airing PPVS for free or giving away free tickets...

You have maybe 5 months time before the people surrounding Vince will conclude that something is wrong with him and get an exorcist (or shove him down a flight of stairs).

How would you do it?
Fire Cena, Mysterio, HHH and the guys who bring in the most income

Have Taker lose at WM to Jay Uso after no build up feud. Have Uso challenge in at the PPV.

Bring back the midget wrestlers

Give the Muppets the permenant GM spot on Raw.

Have Kharma do a strip tease on her first appearance back after her pregnancy.

Put the Divas title on Mae Young.

Resign the Godwinns, Gymini, The Dicks and the Mean Street Posse to form the new tag-team division.

Make CM Punk the 21st century "Fat Chick Thriller".

Bring back the Million Dollar Giveaway.

Push Hacksaw Jim Duggan into the world title picture.

Give Big Dick Johnson his own talk show on Smackdown.

Create their own version of a womens tag-team title

Cancel The Rock's appearances at Survivor Series and WM28.

Rehire Virgil

Bring back Vince Russo as head booker

Change Stone Cold's gimmick to an anti-alcohol campaigner

Make Mike Adamle and The Honky Tonk Man the lead announcers on Raw.

Bring back Hornswoggle as the Cruiserweight champion.

Ban the DDT, Suplex, clothesline and body slam

Headline Summerslam with Stephanie McMahon vs Linda McMahon

Promote Linda's political campaign at the end of every Raw show.

Have all wrestlers hug after the end of a match.

No entrance music

Hire Scott Hall
Fire all the active wrestlers wrestlers and give them a generous severance package. Hire a bunch of interns and a few sloppy yard tards. Tell the interns to wrestle the sloppy shitbags and wait for the lawsuits and bad press when they inevitably get injured.
Let us book the shows, design the posters and write the dialogue.

If that doesn't work Vince could molest a kid. Then it would be revealed that Vince's desire to molest kids is the whole reason for the PG Era.
Sell the company and it's production house for pennies to TNA and then announce later that WWE is dead and WCW returns. Fire 90% of the roster and "talent" and re-brand all things WWE with TNA/WCW.
Yup IDR got it spot on, let TNA do the booking.
Make Katie Vick someones manager

Let them all do steroids again

Vince to open every Raw with him singing and dancing

Go back to the employment based gimmicks- Miz can become "Mike The Mechanic", R-Truth can be "Ronnie the black electrician", Kane can go back to Isaac Yankem the Dentist and Jack Swagger can be "Jack the friendly neighbourhood postman".

K-Fed and David Arquette to form a tag-team

John Cena to team up with Justin Bieber at the next PPV

Officially announce that WRESTLING will no longer be mentioned on WWE shows

Make a new gimmick PPV "WWE INNANIMATE OBJECT ON A FORKLIFT TRUCK" for every October
First thing, fire Cena, Orton, HHH, Sheamus, Christian, Henry, and every other top name. Second thing I would do is push Santino, Hornswoggle, The Sign Guy, Elli Cottonwood, Primo, Rosa Mendes, and Michael Cole to the top. Making them all main eventers and making them all fight for the richest prize in the compay.. The "WTF?!" Championship.

Royal Rumble Winner : Michael Cole.

Wrestlemania Card :

Hornswoggle Vs Primo.

Triple Threat Winner Gets A Mustache : Eli Cottonwood Vs Santino Marella Vs The Sign Guy.

WTF?! Championship Match : Michael Cole Vs Rosa Mendes(c) in a barfing contest with special guest referee Peter Griffin(rehire Big Dick Johnson to play him).
There are a number of steps I would take to destroy and disassemble the WWE. Here's how I would do it:

1. Hire Hogan, Flair, and Sting and put them in the main event of Wrestlemania. I would build my biggest PPV of the year around these three guys, with of course a healthy dose of Bischoff thrown in there as well.

2. Push nostalgia to the nth degree. I would go totally away from young, exciting, interesting talent, but instead would rehash 80's and 90's stars.

3. Promise the world, but continuously fail to back it up. On a monthly basis, I would promise an event or an announcement which would change the world of professional wrestling forever, then not only would I not deliver, but I would backtrack from my statements at the last minute. I would promise that they are coming, only to reveal St the last minute that they are already there.

4. I would produce convoluted storylines which rarely make sense, which would of course involve random and idiotic turns from face to heel and back to face again. I would never explain the rationale of it all, I would throw it all out there in a random clusterf**k.

5. I would only hire writers from a decade or more ago, and I would give them free reign to do whatever storylines they wanted.

6. I would only do weekly shows and PPV's in one location, and I would ensure this location was inadequate and full of smarks. Of course most of these shows would be prerecorded and thus subject to constant spoilers.

7. I would assemble an impressive roster of younger talented superstars, then I would force them to languish in the midcard and below. I would put them in meaningless random feuds, choosing to focus instead on nostalgia.

8. The focal point of my company would be guys with significant baggage, the more the better. DWI, drugs, whatever, I would build my company and my main events on them. Then when they are unable to perform, I'd scratch my head and look confused and wing it spontaneously. I would never discipline them for their transgressions, in fact I'd reward them with renewed pushes and new contracts, leapfrogging them over the more loyal and more deserving guys.

9. I'd build a strong CW division, tag team division, and female division, them I'd neglect it and let it all fall apart, again deferring to nostalgia.

This is how I would destroy the WWE. Sounds crazy I know, I cannot imagine anyone actually running a company in this haphazard and disorganized manner. I am sure, though, that even if I did this, ruining the company in the process, I would still have my diehard loyal supporters who would follow my company anyway and try to convince others that my company was doing just great.
Book the first ever "loser gives BJ" match between Cena and Orton.

Have Mae Young have sex in the middle of the ring Uncensored.

Perform a ritual killing at Wrestlemania. After the ritual killing is performed lock the arena and put about 6 pipe bombs around the stadium all to go off at the same time.

I'm pretty sure all of those would do it.
Wow, so many would immediately fire Cena. Not me. Quite the contrary.

In fact I would have John Cena vow on the next RAW that he's never going to lose a match ever again! Not even by DQ or count out.
And that's exactly what will happen.
Within 8 weeks he will have won every single title there is... And never lose them again.
Orton, Sheamus, Christian, Henry, Rhodes, Punk, Del Rio and everyone else will face Cena... and lose decisively. Sometimes in 3 or 4 on 1 handicap matches.
And then, after winning the Royal Rumble, Cena says he wants to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. But COO Triple H has a problem with that because Cena already faces the Rock for the WWE title and he needs to defend the World title, IC title, US title, Internet title, Tag Team title (which he holds by himself), Internet title and Diva's title in separate matches and makes the condition that only if Cena can win every single one of those matches can he also face the Undertaker on that night (so yeah, every match at Wrestlemania will be a Cena match. Cena will, of course, also win the WM battle royal and should the company last that long both Money in the Bank briefcases).
But of course Cena does win every match at WM. And so it comes that Taker's streak gets ended when he taps out to the STF.

That should do the trick.
I'd also book a show in Somalia. I'd make sure that the wrestlers all travelled there with the ring on a large, slow moving boat.
I would fire all the WWE writers and offer all the money they make to Vince Russo. Have him be in charge of everything. I would drop the drug testing policy and hire in Matt Hardy and give him the WWE title and I'd hire Flair to make him a 17 time WHC champion WOOO!!!
Form a tag-team of Rock and Austin and make them the new Billy-Chuck.

Have Hornswaggle unite the WWE and WHC titles.

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