How would YOU debut?


Over the years, we've seen some debuts which have been better then others. Some of which have absolutly blown us away! Y2J's mulienium man debut (I may not have spelled that right), Carlito's US Championship win on his first match (this caused a great rivalry between Cena and Calito in my opinion), Santino's fan transformed into superstar debut (I know it was kayfabe, but I don't think anyone saw that coming)...
Anyway, I was wondering. If you guys debuted in the WWE how would you want to do it? Now you can be as imaginitive as you want, simple match? Huge match? Run into the ring with Vicky Guerreo's head on a pike?
For me, I'd want to have a promo build up to the week, but nothing special... Then one week, when my GM is really pissed off about something, being a asshole, I just walk into the office at the wrong time and be like "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm (INSERT NAME HERE), so what've you got for my first match?" Then the GM will turn around, yell at me for interubting and stuff. Then they'd put me in a match with someone like Triple H, or Undertaker or something. Of that match they would be dominating and stuff, but then all of a sudden, INSIDE CRADLE! 1... 2... 3... WIN! I'd then run out the ring as far away as the person as possible. They'd be all angry in the ring, and I'd taunt them as I walked away...
So give it a go, what would you debut be like?
I actually do think of my debut WAY more than I should...

I think I would have some sort of attachment to a current superstar. Maybe like a fan of MArk Henry's weighlifting accompliments leading to me being his complete lackey or a lucky fan picked out of the crowd at a London taping or something.

My favourite scenario is to be a long lost family member of a current wrestler. But seeing as there isn't a current wrestler that looks like me in the WWE, I'll have to give you my TNA example...

Jay Lethal in a 1 on 1 match with Doug Williams... Pre match he gives a shout out to his Cousin sat in the crowd who has travelled 1000s of miles to see his cousin Jay Lethal wrestle live for the 1st time *crowd pops, camera picks me out in the crowd*. Lethal wins and comes to embrace me in the crowd, but gets attached by the British Invasion, giving an accidental bump to me in the crowd. Creed comes out to make the save but gets an ass kicking too. just as Brutus Magnus is about to smash Lethal with a chair, I jump the barrier to a massive pop, then to everyone's suprise, punch Lethal square in the jaw and instruct Magnus to give him the chair. I then take a mic whilst the crowd boo vehemently and rip off my shirt to reveal a tshirt bearing the union jack, cut a badass promo on why I despise my cousin, his gimmick etc and why I've aligned myself with the Invasion...

meh not perfect but it could be booked a lot worse!
I would debut in a Steve Blackman type of way, except my vader will be helping evan against the new hart foundation. Except I will take it to the next level and will take it terry funk style and come out with hidden wepons and a shopping cart full of wepons to my first match and be the wepons threat opposite a great air threat like evan and will come out to the events with a heel diva that was "kabefaced" fired as my "kabeface" girlfriend, for example I would choose jillian hall and comming back in to make admends will actually bring back the old hall when she first debuted giving 3 strong against a good young hart foundation. Nice way for a young guy to debut with other young guns that are highly respected in the buisness ether by indie legend status or by legacy
It's simple, I'd debut as the 'Second Generation Superstar'. Worked for The Rock, Orton, and others. Being the son of a legend can have instant cred. It's a matter of having the look and talent to get you through that next level.

I'd debut as the son of Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen. Come out and beat the hell out of people...maybe someone like Kofi and The Brian Kendrick...give them Lariats across the ring, then take the mic, and give a promo...

"You have no idea who I am. And that's fine. But by the time I'm World Champion, you'll know me. You bloodlines are to beat people up, leave them laying in a pool of their own blood, and considering a new career path. I'm a second generation wrestler."

Then I'd give my name, then say I'm the son of this man, then I'd have a vignette of Stan Hansen beating people up. It's a way to make an impact. Name recognition and you get some cred by laying out a few up and comers, even getting a debut match against Kofi, who'd I go over in my debut.

Good times.
The character would cut promos every week via vignettes. For a couple of weeks these promos will come on to put the character over. On night of champions a heel mid card champion (like a Jack Swagger) will not have a scheduled match.

He will come out and cut a promo about how awesome he is and that there is no competition. He tells the bell ringer to "Ring the bell!" and start the match and it is an open match to anyone who has the guts to come down and beat him.

The match has now officially started but there is no opponent in the ring. The heel still cuts a promo about being the best, and then says the match will be no DQ. He still talks his shit in the camera and gets a good close up promo, and then BOOM the camera man clocks him with the camera. The camera man is in fact the face who has been running vignettes for weeks. He knocks out the champ, 1...2...3!

Awesome debut, and no one would see that coming.
Well me honestly i would first have a mask and be somewhat of a mystery type superstar with that old WCW Raven/Sting type persona. Me being a smaller build guy only 5'8" i would have the ambush black out with the superstart being laid out for a few weeks type thing with vingettes following each attack saying "Renegade"(a name i would use) is coming for you no one is safe type thing...Also i would hope too form a stable somewhat kind of like ravens flock except we would be CLEAN haha
I've debated this from time to time. I've already got an intro routine and music picked out! (I have free time to think about this stuff every now and then).

I'd debut as an up-and-comer face, having been groomed over the previous month or two by a mid- or high-tier face. Then, he has a title match at a PPV and gets taken out before the match by the heel. A heel GM, most likely aligned with the heel champ, decides to put me in the match instead, thinking it would be an easy loss. But it wouldn't. I come from out of nowhere to win the match and become the champion, but the GM voids the win because it wasn't the signature on the contract who actually won the match.

The face mentor is out selling the injury, which leaves me to work a program with the heel champ in his stead. We go back and forth over a few weeks trading off wins or attacks until I do win the title at a PPV. When the face mentor returns, he turns on me for winning his title and starts a program.
I would debut as an "all business type" on Smackdown. I debut without much fanfare against a mid tier heel like Dolph Ziggler, or Paul Burchill or someone like that The announce crew want to know who this new guy is and hits the ring for an interview. I basically say I have nothing to say and the WWE will know what I'm all about soon. The next week Chris Jericho in the ring once again droning about respect and all that crap. My music hits and I walk out with a mic. I tell Jericho respect is earned, that I'm sick of the whining and the cheating, and the crap that people like him spew and tonight I earn my respect by beating you. I get the victory and a stellar career begins.
I would debut has a heel that would not even try to win matches, I would just try to hurt people like Vader but worst. But then i have a manger that is able to keep me under control and focus on the matches. Then I get tired of him and I turn on him and but him in the hospital.
I actually do think of my debut WAY more than I should...

I think I would have some sort of attachment to a current superstar. Maybe like a fan of MArk Henry's weighlifting accompliments leading to me being his complete lackey or a lucky fan picked out of the crowd at a London taping or something.

My favourite scenario is to be a long lost family member of a current wrestler. But seeing as there isn't a current wrestler that looks like me in the WWE, I'll have to give you my TNA example...

Jay Lethal in a 1 on 1 match with Doug Williams... Pre match he gives a shout out to his Cousin sat in the crowd who has travelled 1000s of miles to see his cousin Jay Lethal wrestle live for the 1st time *crowd pops, camera picks me out in the crowd*. Lethal wins and comes to embrace me in the crowd, but gets attached by the British Invasion, giving an accidental bump to me in the crowd. Creed comes out to make the save but gets an ass kicking too. just as Brutus Magnus is about to smash Lethal with a chair, I jump the barrier to a massive pop, then to everyone's suprise, punch Lethal square in the jaw and instruct Magnus to give him the chair. I then take a mic whilst the crowd boo vehemently and rip off my shirt to reveal a tshirt bearing the union jack, cut a badass promo on why I despise my cousin, his gimmick etc and why I've aligned myself with the Invasion...

meh not perfect but it could be booked a lot worse!

The funniest thing about mine is... which I guess is what got me thinking along this track is when I met Jay Lethal, he even said we look like brothers...


how did eveyone come about theirs then?
Well for me it would have to be through interupting heel promos with vignettes for a few weeks until the said heel has a match with a high profile face, during the match the heel and others start a beatdown on the face and are going for a spot that will take him out for a long time, at this point, out comes the man behind the interuptions to help the face, i clear the ring leaving only me and the face, huge cheers from the fans quickly turns into major heat as i then turn on the face and beat the crap out of him and take him out for months.
I would run down the ramp at WrestleMania, climb the ladder and unhook the briefcase. Then scarper without answering any questions. I would then have my first promo the next night on RAW, and claim my first match would be a world title fight. I ask for one right here, right now. The champion, John Cena, walks down, looks at me and gives me the good old Attitude Adjustment and pins me. I woud then spend my time on Smackdown having major, major, major feuds with Jimmy Wang Yang and Funaki.
I would actually do it in a similar fashion to how John Cena debuted (don't get me wrong, I don't like him but when he debuted i thought it was amazing how he went toe to toe with Kurt Angle and nearly got a win.) I would have a top heel superstar with a world title belt (for example here, Triple H) saying theres no-one on the roster who could beat him, and to prove this, issue an open challenge each week to any unknown star who thinks they have what it takes to be 'The Man'. say, 4-6 weeks go by, and he squashes unknown skinny guys in tights (Colin Delany-esque, if you will) so the fans know the drill every time H comes out (Promo on how good he is, down to business, if an unknown guy beats him then they'll get a title shot). On around the 6th week, he asks for someone to come out and 'Shock the System'. I would then come out to the ring and stand in front of HHH. Hunter would then state that he will always be The Game, The best in the business, then ask what do I have to say bout that? Rather than reply, I'd punch him straight in the face, and take it to him for the entire match. It would be back and forth and back and forth until HHH takes a turnbuckle cover off. He would then go for a pedigree, however i would throw him into the exposed turnbuckle, then roll him up for the shock win. In theory, as long as the rookie looks right, they should be thrown up into mid-card immediately as they have a world title shot and a pinfall victory over the world champion already. A couple of singles matches to get the fans used to him, to showcase his ability and to define a finisher and signature moves, followed by the title match at a PPV (obviously the rookie would lose this, but he would be established in the WWE as a young hungry lion).

I'd probably debut as a jobber. I am honest, I am not big enough to deserve a proper debut with confetti or anything. I've got charisma apparently, but apparently Scotty Goldman had that as well.

Truth be told the life of a jobber looks like a wonderful thing indeed.
I'd probably debut as a jobber. I am honest, I am not big enough to deserve a proper debut with confetti or anything. I've got charisma apparently, but apparently Scotty Goldman had that as well.

Truth be told the life of a jobber looks like a wonderful thing indeed.

Wow, calm down...
hmmm, I always like the way Jericho has debuted (both times) I like the countdown to the millenium thing, and the save_us videos, because they lead to suspense and people trying to figure it out. And also I liked the Tazz' debuted, but beforehand the Tazz 13 logo will just flash before or after matches etc, again with the suspense thing. Even have the lights go out in the middle of the match and red lights flashing like the Brood had for blood baths, anything like that would be cool, and would be the way id WANT to do it, but the sad thing is when it comes down to being ready to debut, nobody is gonna know who the hell I am lol. But watch Jericho's original debut, when his name hits the titantron, the roar he gets is amazing!! But again he was well known already.

But also if I couldnt do that, id like to debut as a heel. Helping heels win matches and nobody knows who I am. just randomly interefe then eventually getting caught and beating up by the face. Not even the heel would know who I was, Just a random dude showing up from time to time from the stands
i would debut on ecw after christian wins a match i come out beat him down and power bomb him through a flaming table off the top rope and cut a promo about how vince watered down ecw and that i am putting the extreme back into ecw take the ecw title and leave the arena setting up a program with christian lasting until the next ppv
hmm I'd cut promos wondering the lonely streets of Toronto... uhh and after a couple of weeks I'd make my debut challenging the IC champ and winning the title and my ring name would have to be Rein and my themse song would be PhsychoSocial by Slipknot my finisher would be the spear and sharpshooter. I'd eventually work my way up and become a main eventer and yeah... I'd be billed as 228 lbs and I'd b build from Toronto,Ontario,Canada :D
My Gimmick would be like a stonecold gimmick first debut as a wrestler like austin was in wm 12 then win a title and become a badass the reson i want the stonecold gimmick because my last name is austin it could work they could make me as stonecold's cousin or nephew i would have the same gimmick as steve but a diffrent look cause i dont wear those black trunks i would wear like a black jean shorts with skulls on the side my name would be Keith "The rage Austin". and that is my real name i would start a rivalry with legacy me as the leader i would have carlito and primo on my team and if he come to the wwe i would have joe henning in my team my team would be called the next generation.
i would start of by just running into random matches and attacking whoever was in my sight. After a month or two of doing that i would become a hired gun for heels (sort of like Tomko). then have one person hire me just for them, i help them out for about 6-8 months then slowly show signs of turning face, then right when i looked like turning face, i help my "boss" win the world title. After he wins the world title he cuts a promo saying how he did all by himself, i looked at him weird then out of know where just lay him out, grab the mic and say " i helped you win that title, just because it would be a lot easier taking it from you then the prevous champ". we go on to have a major feud and i guess just go from there
My debut would be connected to Chris Jericho. He would be the top dog on Raw, WWE champ & getting ready take a hiatus to go on a world tour with Fozzy after Wrestlemania! It would preceded by promos that would air starting the Monday after No Way Out whenever Jericho is anywhere near the ring during, or after his matches along with flashing lights. The promo would be a vid of Chris Jericho highlights from during his first run in the company when the crowd would lose it every time his music hit! It would just be a vid of highlights to his song at first, but in the following weeks, it would be accompanied by a digitized voice(the deep one) saying "Break the Walls Down and Welcome to RAW IS JERICHO". Then, about three weeks before Mania, the voice would say, "Remember me Jericho?" while showing old pics of with the long hair posing with fans, & doing the old Jericho pose in the entrance way! On the Monday before the PPV, he would be pissed & they would show after the first commercial threatening the guys in the truck about what would happen if they played that video on more time! That night the vid wouldn't play at all, but it would during his match in Mania main event.
After about 25 minutes, Jericho would be this close to hooking the Walls of Jericho on the Undertaker when the old school Y2J countdown starts causing him to get pissed enough to let go of Takers legs. The count down ends & the lights go out for a few seconds & when the come back on, Taker is on his feet standing behind Jericho. He hits the tombstone & wins the title!
The next night Raw, Jericho comes down to the ring pissed off with no music and looking disheveled! He convinced that the Undertaker was behind the vids. That he was using them to play mind games with him and demands a rematch and demands that Taker come down to the ring & give him his rematch RIGHT NOW! But, instead of the Undertaker's music, the old school Y2J countdown starts. When it ends and the lights go out, Jericho says that he's had enough of the mind games, but before he can finish, that loud ass old school Jericho explosion of pyro hits causing the crowd to bonkers, the video plays & there I am, standing in the entrance way doing the old Jericho pose. I turn around & go: "Welcome to RAW IS JERICHO...or should I say, welcome to Raw used to be Jericho! Remember this Chris? Remember this entrance? Remember the night you debuted on Raw? Remember how these people used to love you? Remember all the fun you used to have...all the fun they had watching you? What the hell happened?"
Jericho: "I don't know who you think you... Me: "SHUT the HELLLL UPPPP....junior!" Look at you Jericho, you stand out here every week calling the fans hypocrites. The same fans who grew up as Jericho-holics, bought your merchandise, and supported week in and week out! You return that support by turning your back on them, call them hypocrites and get pissed because they don't like the way you talk AT them and not to them. Just like when you bashed the legends who paved the way for you and everyone else in that locker room. Your the hypocrite Jericho! And now look at, you're standing out here blaming your loss of the WWE title on the Undertaker playing mind games. Mind games didn't cost you the title, your need to get back in touch with the old you, the real you, the REAL CHRIS JERICHO...cost you your title! A rematch? No what you need to do is go away. Go away and find the real Chris Jericho. Do us all a favor...most important do yourself a favor...find Y2J and bring him home!" After that I leave the stage and Jericho stands in the ring with a confused look on his face. After the commercial they show Jericho walk out of the building, jump into a car & drive off! The next week I'm hosting an in-ring interview segment while Jericho is on his world tour!

The end!
I honestly plan out my debut just waiting for a thread like this!!!

Because I'm on the skinny side, I would actually try to be a manager and try to have some grand debut to get other wrestlers on my side.

So there would be commercials about how I had made other stars in smaller promotions champions (FCW, OVW, whatever WWE owns) for about three weeks. Then I come on to SD! (cause SD! needs a manager like me to push young talent) and I cut a promo about how there are no good managers in this business and that I wanna become the next great manager and my search for the first WWE associate of mister_b1LL Enterprises begins tonight. That same night I scout out potential new associates for mister_b1LL Enterprises. I would do promos with both faces and heels for another couple weeks so that audiences still wouldn't know whether I'm a face manager or heel manager. I tell the potentials that I would get them a lot of money and it starts to attract the attention of some superstars, namely Shelton Benjamin, whom I tell, "I may not know a lot about gold, but I know something about green, and I can get you a lot of it." Other superstars I try to manage would be Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and Umaga. Because I can't pick who to be my first associate, I put them in a Fatal 4-Way at Unforgiven (name kinda fits what's gonna happen here) with the winner to become my first associate.

CM Punk hits the GTS on Shelton Benjamin. Umaga attacks Punk from behind, throws him to the turnbuckle, and does that weird butt attack thing. As Umaga turns around he gets hit with a Twist Of Fate by Jeff Hardy. As Hardy jumps for a Swanton Bomb on Shelton Benjamin to finish him off, I slip under the bottom rope and slide Shelton out of the way. Jeff sells the pain of missing the Swanton while I try to wake Shelton up. He gets up and as Jeff stands, Shelton hits Paydirt and pins Jeff for the win. Shelton Benjamin is the first associate of mister_b1LL Enterprises.

That's my debut.
I'd rather be a manager or GM that occasionally wrestles in hardcore matches, but if I were a wrestler, I want my debut to be after someone wins the Royal Rumble or an Elimination Chamber, I'd run up out of the crowd or under the ring with a chair and smack it into the winner.
Next night, or on Friday or Tuesday, depending on who won, I'd give my reasons. I'd like for it to be on ECW, and I'd use a load of weapons in matches and not care if I got DQ'd or not.
my debut would be simple like y2j's save_us type of things going on with interruptions when matches are occuring and so on, and for about 3 months ide have people guessing who the f*** is this, then, it's a ppv like unforgiven and then we have technical diffucties going on all over the place, then at one point lights go out and, bam lights are back up and threw a mid card match they go apperently there has been an accident backstage and cm punk is lieing in a pool of blood and the MITB brief case is missing, main event time.

Cena vs Batista last man standing match main event (ofcourse) after a double countout my final promo is shown and lights go out again, i'm in the ring with the brief case and it's cashed in and i pin Cena and take the wwe title becoming the first ever superstar to win the WWE title on there debut match.

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