How would you book WM27?

Honestly, I love the idea of a one-night tournament to crown the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Wrestlemania IV is one of my absolute favorite Mania's, and I have been hoping for years they would go that route one more time. And with a possible unification looming, this could be the perfect year to do so.

However, a few things stand in the way. But everything has a solution:

Taker's Streak- If you're not going to have Taker win the title that night, he can't be involved in the tournament, obviously. His streak is too important to end now, and it would be borderline retarted to do so. I have no problem with Taker winning the one-night tournament, but I'm not sure WWE would want to go that route. So either Taker wins it, or just doesn't participate (has a grudge match instead).

Personal Feuds- With a tournament like this, it's much harder to build personal feuds. It's nowhere near impossible to do so, but it would take a lot of creativity.

Royal Rumble Winner- The Rumble winner is guaranteed a title how does the tournament work? The winner of the Royal Rumble before Mania 4 didn't have a title shot due to his victory, so it wasn't a problem. I say the best way to handle this problem is for the Rumble winner to cash his Rumble victory clause in early, and have that match end in a ton of controversy. That man should (non-kayfabe) be written into the Finals match, to make up for an underwhelming Rumble-match-win outcome.

The biggest problem I see is how do you justify not just having the two champions (WWE and WCH) duke it out to see who takes the unified title. Both titles will have to be held up, or vacated, before Mania. Both titles will have to be vacated in controversial fashion, and I'm not sure how you go about doing that in a creative, credible way. Maybe both title matches at Elimination Chamber go bad?

I just know that it's high time the WWE had another WWE Heavyweight title tournament at Mania. Who ends up in the finals? If Taker is in the tournament, he's going to win it. I don't have a problem with that, but I see where some would. It takes away from the surprise element of things a bit.

I would say the finals can feature just about anyone you want. You aren't advertising two actual wrestlers, you are advertising a tournament, and a tournament will draw just as well as your two biggest names would. I hope they go this route, I really do.
Undertaker vs. HHH

Even though it will be obvious that Taker retains his streak and even though I think Cena vs. Taker might be better to book just to distract us from thinking Taker will win, I also have another good idea involving Cena, so I've picked HHH instead to face Taker for obviously ending HBK's retirement last year and because this is a long time coming.

Winner: Undertaker

Cena vs. Christian - World & WWE Championship Unification Match

Well you're gonna need one guy who's already been champ especially as he's the posterboy to make fans believe Christian wont win and to make the match big whereas it were Miz vs. Christian or Edge vs. Miz, it wouldnt and Cena vs. Edge we've seen millions of times but it wouldnt suprise me if WWE did book that again. I think Christian should walk out the winner and Undisputed Champion. Christian becoming Undisputed Champion will do wonders for his career, it will be his ultimate push into the main event especially as it would be his first World Title win. I do know Vince is not high on Christian though but he may not have no choice but to make him champ as WM needs a new star every year. Miz is becoming Champ soon, JoMo is not ready yet, Christian is the only other man I see fitting the bill.

Winner: Christian

Cena vs. Miz - WWE Championship (First Round Of Unification Match)

Heard rumors about it happening at WM and personally I like the match. The last time these two faced off, it was just a squash match which I didnt like but now that Miz will become a main eventer soon, it will be a proper match between the two. Knowing WWE though, they will have Cena win the match. Originally I would've said Miz should win but I believe he will be WWE Champ at the HIAC PPV, so he wont the need win here.

Winner: Cena

Edge vs. Christian - World Championship (First Round Of Unification Match)

Long time coming also. WWE hinted it earlier this year after the Draft. I think a good way to start up this rivalry would be for both men to be the last two men in the Royal Rumble and they end up eliminating each other at the same time. Officials restart the match like two times after but they eliminate each other yet again leading to Vince coming out and both men being declared winners via 1994 Royal Rumble. Then at the Elimination Chamber PPV, in the Smackdown EC match or after it. Edge cashes in his half of the the RR winners clause and wins the World Title, going to Smackdown. Then after Christian cashes in his clause for WM making Edge vs. Christian for the World Title at WM, official.

Winner: Christian

Wade Barrett vs. Big Show

Big man vs. big man and it would just be a filler, nothing else to really say.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Rey Mysterio vs. Kaval - IC Championship

A highflying fan's dream match. Added in the IC Championship cause that's the only way I see these two getting together

Winner: Kaval

Randy Orton vs. Kane

We've never seen this match on PPV before and a Viper vs. a Big Red Monster. Both men have evil gimmicks anyway and are highly pushed nowadays, so it's a match to me.

Winner: Randy Orton

Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho

Would be a great technical matchup and I dont really see Daniel with anyone else. Originally I was gonna say Jericho vs. Orton but it would be too obvious as to the winner as Jericho is treated like a bit of a jobber these days and they're having Orton face Jericho on Raw. They could work Shawn Michaels as the reason for this storyline as HBK was Daniel's teacher and HBK did face Jericho at WM 19. So maybe they could have Jericho throw insults at HBK then Daniel Bryan interrupts and defends his honor leading to an attack by Jericho & a feud.

Winner: Chris Jericho

R-Truth vs. John Morrison - US Championship

Like Kaval vs. Mysterio, I guess you could see this another highflying fan's dream match. Morrison is a white R-Truth and R-Truth is a black Morrison, would be a great match up. US Championship is the only way I could bring em together.

Winner: John Morrison

CM Punk vs. Kofi Kingston

I honestly cant see CM Punk facing anyone else. Plus they were former tag team partners and I dont think we've seen a match between em, so yeah.

Winner: CM Punk

Sheamus vs. Goldberg or Booker T

With WM 27 taking place in Atlanta, GA, the former home of WCW. I think WWE will pay tribute to it by having a WCW HOF and having one of it's former WCW stars competing on the grand stage. And since Sheamus is WWE's new ruffian, I see him being the one to throw out a challenge to one of it's former stars for a match at WM. Personally I would like to see Sheamus vs. Goldberg cause they match more than Sheamus do with the other guys. But Goldberg has problems with coming back to WWE, dunno if he would for just one night only though. Booker T is a free agent and unlike Goldberg, I'm sure he can easily come to a deal with WWE.

Winner: Goldberg/Booker T

Melina vs. Gail Kim - Divas Championship

A dream match for the Divas division and a refreshing change from seeing Beth Phoenix or Michelle McCool in the picture all the time, well we see Melina in it all the time too but this is a dream match. Melina should turn heel for this match to happen BTW.

Winner: Gail Kim

Diva Battle Royal - Miss Wrestlemania & Winner is new No. 1 Contender


Winner: AJ Lee

Preliminary Match

Tag Team Battle Royal - Undisputed Tag Team Championship

Winners: Matt Hardy & Evan Bourne

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